The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1911, Image 1

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    Tribune Readers "^L { t-%, I l d3 . £ [ 444 g4 Weather forecast of Nebraska
Patronize the advertiser who || jil p 11 Tl I I U j ll J|| Iw Pair Thursday, except showers in
uses space in The Daily Tribune. ▼ ^^ l'-\P/%!#■ southwest portion, Friday fair.
Madero Has Demanded Surrender
of Juarez.
The Revolutionists Have Juarez Prac
ticaiiy Surrounded and Will Use
Artillery if Attack is
El Paso, April 20.—The residents of
this city are figuratively speaking
looking directly into the muzzles ol
the insurrecto artilletry, with the
knowledge that within 24 hours it will
open upon Juarez and incidentally
upon ,.hem. After moving north dur
ing the day Madero and his army, pro
tected by Arroyas have surrounded
Juarez in a semi-circle from south
west to northwest.
Should the battle begin 1C1 Paso will
be swept by a storm of steel and lead
many more times destructive than the
storm that killed and maimed the
residents of Douglas two days ago.
El Paso's only hope lies in the
chance that Gen. Navarro commanu
ing the federal troops will surrender.
A demand that Navarro should sur
render was made upon him by Gen.
Gonzales Garza, secretary general of
the insurrecto party, in charge of the
El Paso junta.
A Formal Demand.
The formal demand for the sur
render of Juarez was transmitted
from Garza to Navarro by United
States consul Edwards. Navarro, was
not at headquarters at the time but
received it upon his return. As yet
Navarro has made no reply.
The insurrectos cannot be seen
from El Paso although thousands of
anxious spectators armed with field
glasses and located on the tops of the
tallest buildings have searched the
Mexican frontier for them all day.
Nevertheless they are there hidden in
arroyas and mountains that stretch
south from the international line.
Gonzoles Garza secretary general
of the Insurrectos, received passports
during the day, he declared to cross
the line to visit Francisco I. Madero
and lay before him the plans of Dr.
Gomez at Washington for an arm
istice to discuss peace terms.
Garza declared that he did not
know whether he would go or not, as
he did not know exactly where Ma
dero was located, although he knew
he was near Juarez.
He said that Gomez’s message had
been delivered to Madero but that no
orders so for had been received from
Madero to stop fighting.
A Poll of Congress Shows Unanimous
Desire to Let Executive Have
Free Hand.
Washington, April 20.—Congress
will leave the matter of Intervention
in Mexico in the hands of President
A poll of the two bodies clearly in
dicates that there is no disposition to
interfere with the president in the
matter; but instead to allow him a
free hand. In both houses members
voted almost solidly against any <;.m
gresslonal action at this time.
Paris Still the Third City.
Paris, April 20.—Paris retains its
position as third largest city in the
world. The census was taken last
month, showing a population of 2,846,
986, an increase of 124,255 over the
figures of 1906.
Find Coal Near Salina.
Kalina, Kan., April 20.—CoaJ was
discovered on the W. H. Knout farm
near Hill City. Two veins, each live
feet thick, were found and a third is
in sight. Tests show a good quality
found at a depth of 225 feet.
A Nevada Forest Reserve.
Washington, April 20.—The crea
tion ot a national forest reserve in
Nevada was announced by the forest
service. President Taft signed the
proclamation eliminating from the
public domain 301,360 acres in Hum
boldt county.
Explorers Reach Buenos Ayres.
Buenos Ayres, April 20.—The ex
ploration ship, Fram, of Cape. Amund
sen’s Antarctic expedition has arrived
Death in Drinking Cups.
Chicago, April 20.—One of the
guinea pigs inoculated with scrapings
taken from public drinking cups died
In the municipal laboratory,
The Fact of the Shortage Did Not
Make Depositors Nervous—All
Paid Back..
Beloit, Kan., April 20.'—Because he
needed money to build, a house and
pay for a motor car, IE. F. Burns is
alleged to have taken $10,357 from
the Home State Bank of Tipton, of
which he was. cashier. Tipton is a
small town in the southwest part of
Mitchell county.
It was not the first intention of the
bank officials to prosecute Burns, as
the money has been restored. Notice
has been received, however, from J.
Holley, state bank commissioner,
that a warrant should be issued for
The krst repou't was that Burns was
short $20,000 in his accounts. A.
Bueche, president of the bank, says,
however, that the shortage is $10,357.
The depositors of the bank knew of
the defalcation soon after it was dis
covered, but they showed confidence
in the stockholders and made no run.
Mr. Beuche said that the entire
amount of the shortage had been
made up by the defaulting cashier’s
relatives and by a deed to his per
sonal property, which he made out to
Mr. Beuche as president of the bank.
Burns’ father, who lives in Horton,
sent a check for $3,000; his father-in
law, Joseph Fischer, who is a stock
holder of the bank, deposited $2,000,
and Michael Fischer paid in $1,000.
This, with the cashier’s property,
more than made up the amount need
ed to balance the accounts. The
stockholders are wealthy farmers.
Burns is now in Tipton and the di
rectors of the bank have decided not
to prosecute him. He went to Tipton
la«t fall.
It is expected to Reduce the Reve
nues $10,016,495 Based on
Present Importations.
Washington, April 20.—The major
ity report of the ways and means
committee uu the so-called Farmers’
Kree List bill, submitted to t'he house
by Chairman Underwood, is a merger
of Dcmocreatie political argument
and an analysis of the proposed duty
The report shows that the bill
would reduce the tariff revenue $10,
016,495, based on the importations for
the last fiscal year, an amount de
scribed as "inconsiderable in compar
ison with the great saving and ad
vantages to all of our people from the
additions to the froe list provided
New Railroad for Kansas.
Wellington, Kan., April 20.—A sur
veying party began to survey a route
for the proposed Arkansas City,
Wellington & Northern railroad. The
llrst of several lines will be run from
this city southeast to Arkansas City
by way of Geuda Springs, following
the valley of Slate Creek for most or
the distance.
Furniture Workers on Strike.
Grand Rapids, Mich., April 20.—The
long expected strike of the furniture
workers of Grand Rapids, which has
been hanging fire several weeks, has
been officially declared. Between
6,000 and 7,000 men are affected.
Trouble grew out of shorter day and
increased wages.
Rate Increase Suspended.
Washington, April 20.—The inter
state commerce commission suspend
ed until August. 15 the proposed ad
vances in rail rates on cotton over
the Missouri Pacific and the St. L/Ouls,
Iron Mountain & Southern roads. The
rates were to have become effective
The New Ambassador Told President
Taft the Revolution Would
Soon End.
Washington, April 20.—Peace in
Mexico soon will be restored, accord
ing to Senor Manuel de Zamacona,
the new ambassador of Mexico to the
United States, who was presented to
President Taft.
The ambassador made this predic
tion in a formal speech to the presi
dent. In reply President Taft said
that the people of the United States
hoped fervently that harmony would
soon prevail.
Breaks Neck on Bathtub.
Oklahoma City, April 20.—Mrs. U
C. Kone, prominent Oklahoma City
woman, fainted in a bath room at her
home ahd broke her neck falling
against a tub. She was killed instftpt
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None Are to Be Found Surrounding
Agua Prieta,
Americans Who Were Left Alone in
the Ditches Are Not Such
Enthusiastic Revolution
ists Now.,
Douglas, Ariz., April 20.—Mexico oft
beyond Agua Prieta to the south and
in the great semi-amphitheater where
the recent conflicts have been staged]
presents a stretch of upward sloping I
desert and corrugated mountains en j
tirely innocent of insurrectos. They i
have utterly disappeared, vamoosed
beyond pen or report and possibly dis j
Col. Diaz fresh from the barber
smiling and affable stated that he!
does not fear any attack.
"The rebels have fled into the
mountains’’ he said. But not as an
organization. They are in many
bands; they have been routed, broken
up. What semblance of the military
they had been forsaken. I have 1,200
men here, all well equipped. We do
not fear, we are ready at all times.
"Possibly the many separate bands
of rebels will again join together at
tempt reorganization and advance to
attack us. Even so, we are prepared.’’ I
The reason for the surprising evacu- i
ation is very largely a subject ol I
speculation. Here exhaustion of am
munition is the principal explanation
and the one that contains the balm
for the insurrectos. Yet this does aot
altogether explain according to the
clearer light that is being shed on
happenings. The federals captured
enough rebel ammunition to have ]
justified a very formidable defense by j
the besieged. And another count,
most important perhaps of all is that
the Mexican rebels left their Ameri
can comrades in the trenches while
they disappeared under nocturnal
protection, some like Carcia and
Mendina to seek the ways of peace in
Douglas and others to flee to the
The American rebels and American
sympathizers are not feeling kindly
about this desertion and Angk'-*-hxon
hearts have not warmed up to the
"Viva Resolution" program in conse
quence. However there are enough
American soldiers of fortune in
Itougl&s, including those who left
both the trenches and their rebel co
combatants night before last to Jump
across the line and light against the
federals should there again be the
hint of an occasion for so doing.
It seems doubtful, however, that
the rebellion leaders will develop a
force in the near future of strength
and daring sufficient to take Agua
Prieta again.
The Man Accused of Distributing
Lorimer Corruption Fund Thinks
He Has Grievance.
Springfield, 111., April 20.—Lee
O'Neill'Browne, who twice was tried
on a charge of having distributed the
corruption fund which is alleged to
have elected William Ixuimer to the
United States senate, made an irppas
eioged anneal to the legislator to:
the passage of a libel law which pro
poses to muzzle the press of the state
ns effectually as does the English law
muzzle English newspapers.
The papers control everything," he
declared. 'Everybody is afraid of
them. It used to be that they would
tell the truth, but that time has
"Cases are not tried in the courts
nowadays. They are tried in the
newspapers. The trial in court is
only a circumstance.”
After attacking several editors in
personal terms, llrowne declared:
“The only way we can get back al
such fellows under the present law\
is by physical violence."
Stole Mail From a Kansas Depot.
Kiowa, Kan., April 20.—The Santa
b’e depot here was raided by several
robbers and five mail pouches were
stolen. The pouches were carried oft
about 100 yards, where four of them
were ripped open and their contents
searched. The robbers failed to find
any money, however, and left all the
pounches behind. They fled across
the prairie northward.
Wireless for River Steamer.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 20.—A test ol
wireless telegraphic service, tho first
to be attempted on river steamers In
the United States, will be made on
the big packet Queen City on the trip
between this city and New Orleans.
Stations are to be erected along the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers and a
thorough test made.
Danville Grand Jury Quits.
Danville, 111., April 20—The Ver
million county grand jury formally
charged last January to investigate
[ the corruption and vote buying, has
formally and finally given up the
light. They adjourned and were for
mally discharged before Judge Kim
hrough without comment.
The Former Speaker Thinks the Ca
nadian Bill Most Important Leg
islation Since Spanish War.
Washington, April 20.—Ex-Speaker
Cannon spoke in opposition to the
Canadian reciprocity agreement. He
characterized it as the most impor- i
tart legislation before congress since j
the act authorizing the war with
Spain and slid it should be carefully |
considered. He said he would vote
against it because he considered it
opposed to the interests of his con
stituents. He criticized the presi
dent for sending the bill to congress
without consulting any members of
the house.
After the Danville Sheriff.
Danville, 111., April 20.—Foreman
Woodyard and Mr. Good wine, ox-fore
man of the grand jury, went into
court and obtained an attachment for
Sheriff Shepard who had been sub
poenaed but who had failed to appear
before the body. The sheriff could
not be found.
To Look for Extravagance.
Washington, April 20— Investlga-'
lion of alleged extravagance in the
government departments was in
dorsed by the house committee on
rules. The resolution will be called
up to-day as a matter of privilege.
The Democratic leaders expect to
pass it at once.
A Chinese Town is Lost.
Hongkong, April 20.—All communi
cation with the Chinese town of Liu
Chow in the interior or Kwang Tuug
has been cut ofT. it is feared that the
entire population has been wiped out
by the plague, which is j-ftvisljlng the
More Request* Come to the Secretary
of State for Them Than for
# Any Other.
Topeka, April 20.—There Is more
Interest in tho good roads legislation
of the 1911 session of the Kansas
legislature thah In any other meas
ure* or set of measures enacted In t he
CO days the session continued.
Moro requests have come to tho
secretary of state for the copies or
the good roads and bridge law than
for any other bill pas" d last winter.
The compensation law Is second and
the drainage law is third. There was
a good deal of comment about tho
public utilities bill, but (here Is not
nearly so much Interest In It, judging
from the requests for copies, as iu
the good roads bill.
Charles Session, secretary of state
has had printed several thousand
copies of the bill and Iheso are being
sent out free. Many requests come to
the different state officers for a
synopsis of the law. The bill as
passed contains more than GO sec
tions and covers some 2,0 pages of
printed matter.
Kansas people are taking more in
terest in good roads now than ever
before. The 1911 legislature simply
wiped out all previous good roads
legislation and revised the old laws,
put all of Ihe 200 separate and dis
tinct sections In the old statutes into
a new law containing all tho realty
good legislation on roads that Kan
sas has ever had, added some new
points and made a complete road law.
No Consumptives Tor Kansans.
Topeka, April 19.—The slate board
of control has announced that no ap
plications have been received from
towns which desire to have the new
state tuberculosis hospital provided
for at the recent session of the legls
lature. The bill appropriates $50,001
for the hospital, but provides that it
must be located in the western sec
tion of the state.
National League.
At, Chicago — Pittsburg--Chicago no
game; day off.
At Cincinnati—St. Louis-Cincinnati
game postponed; rain.
At New York—Brooklyn, 3-6-1; New
York, 4-9-2.
At Boston—Philadelphia. 7-9-2; Bos
ton, 6-9-1.
American League.
At St. Louis—Chicago, G-8-3; St. Louis
All other games postponed on account
of rain.
American Association.
At Ivoulsville—Minneapolis, 6-10-1;
Louisville, 5-10-3.
All other games postponed on account
of rain.
Showing the Progress Made in the
Several Leagues in Annual Race
for the Penants.
National League.
l'lilla'phia. 6 1 ,857IChlcugo- 2 2 .606
New York .4 2 .687 Pittsburg ..2 3 .406
St. Louis ..2 1 .667(Brooklyn... 2 5.286
Cincinnati. 2 2 .600|Boston. 2 6 .256
American League,
Letrolt _5 0 1,000Boston .2 2 .500
New York .4 1 ,800|Clevcland ..2 4 .333
Wash’ton. .3 2 .600|St. Louis... 2 0 .286
IChicago- 3 3 .600jphiia’phla.. 1 4 .206
American Association.
Minne'olls. 6 2 ,750|Toledo .3 3 .506
Kan. City. 3 2 ,600|Mllwaukee .3 4 .426
Ixjulsville ..3 3 .500 Columbus.. 1 3 .256
Indiana’olis. 4 3 671 |St. Paul ,.„0 3 .000
Kansas City, April 20.—Cattle—Com
mon steers, $5,2506.10; heifers, $4,260)
6 26; stockers on peers, $4.6506.00.
Hogs—Bulk of sales, $6.10 0 5.90. Sheep
Lambs, $6.0008.00; good to choice weth
ers, $4.6004.85; ewes, $2.8505.00.
Chicago, April 20.—Beef—Steers, $5.15
0 8.70: cows and heifers, $2.7005.80;
stockers and feeders, $4.0005.76, Hogs—
Bulk of Bales, $6.2506.40. Sheep—$2,000
4.70; lambs, $4.500 6.16.
St. Louis, April 20.— Beef—Steers, $6.00
06.50; stockers and feeders, $4.0005.75;
cows and heifers, $4.25 0 6.25; Texas
steers, $4.3505.66. Hogs Pigs and lights.
$5.5006.45. Sheep—Natives, $3.75 0 5.00;
Iambs, $5.7506.40.
Kansas City, April 20. Close: Wheat
May, 83%c; July, 81%c; Sept., 8174c. Corn
—May, 47%c; July, 4874c; Sept., 4974c.
Chicago, April 20.—Close: Wheat—May,
88%c; July, 86..c; Sept., 85Y4c. Corn
May, 4874c; July, 51c; Sept., 52c. Oats—
May. 3174c; July, 31%c; Sept.. 3174c.
St. Louis, April 20.—Cash: Wheat
Steady; track No. 2 red, 880 93c; No. 2
hard, 87 0 98c. Corn—Higher; track No.
2, 6074051c; No. 2 white, 51c. Oats—
Higher; track No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white. 35c.
Kye—Unchanged, 94c. Close: Futures—
Wheat higher; May, 87..e; July. 8374c.
Corn—Higher; May, 4S-740 4S7*c; July,
4974050c. Oats—Steady. May, 31 Tie;
July, 31%c.
Kansas City, April 20.— Uggs. lti’-ic dos.
Poultry—Hens, 12, spring, 15c; turkeys,
1574c; butter, creamery, extra, 20c; pack
ing stock, 1277c Potatoes, Northern 79
The Capital City Puts Faith in the
Much Depends Upon the Position to
Be Taken by Madero Who Has
Not Yet Been Heard
Mexico •City, April 20.—Senor DeLa
Barra, minister of foreign relations,
expressed his belief that the arm
istice proposal might result in an un
derstanding with the revolutionists.
The administration is embarrassed,
somewhat by the publication in cer
tain journals and by ill advised cor
respondents that I ho rebels had hum
bly sued for the cessation of fighting.
This Is not the case. The proposal
emanted from tho conference held by
Senor DeLaBarra with Senor Gome/,
in Washington and results as much
from the wishes of one side as tho
There seems to be somo foundation
that, the peace negotiations have
reached a basis at least. Minister
Cosio is quoted as saying that tho
1'nited States had given notice of in
tervention in three days time unless
some such step was taken. It W’as
on this conversation that the ter
rorized condition of tho American
colony here was based. The talk from
tho members of the minister's family
spread until it grew to the proportions
of an Immediate belief that a plau
had been laid for the massacre of the
Americans and tho call of the deputa
tions of Americans on our ambassa
dor followed. It is out of such thin,
gosslppy material that half the scare
stories sent out from here develop.
Llmantour Sanguine.
Minister Llmantour seemed more
sanguine thau ho has been for some
days and a feeling of reassurment is
perceptible throughout, the city. From
Kwo cabinet ministers it was learn
ed that all depends now upon the
position taken by Francisco Madero
regarding the step taken by Dr.
Oomez. The rebel failure to hold
Agua I’rieta auguers for a feeling of
receptiveness of negotiations on the
part of Maderistas In the Held. Still
with the supiclons that exist regard
ing each other on both sides, anything
is liable to upset, the trying pan and.
project the bacon into tbo coals.
From the reliable reports receiv
ed from Americans in various interior
places, it is evident that the Mexican
army will soon ho in possession of
plenty of men and particularly or
elllcicnt cavalry which is the most es
sential branch of the service. Vaquer
as aro enlisting in great, numbers, as
they receive 75 pesos a month and
those who can read and write are im
mediately given positions as non-com
missioned officers
Government Will Promulgate a De
cree by Which Catholic Will no
Longer Be State Religion.
Lisbon, April I’O.—Before tbe end
of the present week the government
will promulgate (be decree separating
tbe church from tlie state. The cabi
net has concluded Us consideration of
what the edict shall contain.
The paramount point of the decree
is that the Catholic religion ceases to
be the religion of the state and all
religious faiths are placed on the
same footing. All creeds are toler
ated. As the Catholic will no longer
he the state religion, priests are al
lowed to marry.
Constitution ‘‘Out of Date.’’
Washington, April L’O.—Representa
tive Berger, Socialist, wants congress
to have power to call a constitutional
convention, lie introduced a resolu
tion proposing an amendment to the
constitution granting that authority
and characterized the constitution as
"antiquated and obsolete."
Vetoes the Phelps Fate Bill.
Jefferson Oity, April 20.—Among
(lie bills vetoed by Gov. Hadley was
the measure introduced in the house
by Col. William H. Phelps of Carthage
anil which was Intended to prevent
discrimination by. railroads in passen
ger rates.
Will Settle Their Own Troubles.
Berlin, April 20.—The long stand
ing dispute between Germany and
American potash interests has been
taken out of the hands of diplomats
and will be cohducted hereafter b;,
representatives of the business inter
l ests involved,