The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 24, 1908, Image 8

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    2-10 acres well improved , 1 } miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
Henry C. Smith 200 acres \,4 miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will
. take -10 or 80 acres as part payment.
ICO acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. S 12,0(30. (
ICO acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska.
80 acres # -mile from Falls City high school.
LANDS & LOANS 010 acres , $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Muncy to loan.
The County in General
The "Doings" of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Ben Frederick U building u now
band stand.
George Davis went to Duwson the
last of the week.
IJnrry Hubcr was u Fulls City visitor
one day last week.
C. J. Thompaod and daughter wuro
Rule visitors recently.
Mrs. Weaver roturnud to her homo
In Maon City Thursday.
Grace Croiilu of Falls City spent
Sunday with homo folks ,
Mrs. Mary Wh.ilen visited her daugh
ter at I'reston Saturday.
Mr , Ramsey of Fortescuo was n Uulo
visitor line day lust week.
Rlly Simmons of tno Reservation
was a Uulo visitor recently.
Essie Marsh returned Saturday from
u two weeks visit In Stella.
Mrs. Picreo wont to St. Joseph for a
visit with relatives Tuesday.
John Mujurls and family visited his
parents In Fulls City Sunday.
Mrs. McCarthy of Falls City \a \ visit-
log friends In this vicinity.
Max Gcssor has rebuilt his eoal shed
that burned a few weeks ago.
Wm.WlnterboUom and two children
visited relatives here recently.
Mamie Ryan of Auburn visited with
relatives In this vicinity several days
last week.
Ira Phillips of Wymoro , was a busl
ness visitor In this city tlio latter part
of the week.
Rob Kunaly and wife of Falls City
spent Sunday with John Kanaly's fami
ly In this city.
Cecil. Agnes , Florence and Margaret
Canuly returned home from Fulls City
Friday morning.
.losle Marphy visited friends In lUilo
and attended the band concert here
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Bessie Dolphin and daughter ,
Ruth , returned to their homo In Kan
sas City , Sunday.
Edith and Amy Brlucgur returned
last week from u visit with their grand
parents at Salem
Huttlo Hart returned to her work in
St. Joseph Sunday , after two weeks
spent with homo folks.
Ella Carpenter returned Saturday
from a three week's visit with friends
at St. Joe and Wuthena.
Mrs. Roy Hart and two children ar
rived from St. Joseph Saturday , for a
visit with Rule friends.
Henry Smith , who Is working at Bo-
atrlee , spent u day or two with homo
folks the last of the week.
Will Craig and wlfo of North Bar
row , lown , arrived Saturday to visit
friends hero and In Kansas.
Wyllo Vastino came down from
Dawson the last of the week to spend a
couple of days with his mother.
Mrs. Norm Kormodo , and Mrs. Car
rie Derveau drove to Falls City Friday
to vtloud the funeral of Mrs. Stewart.
Bessie Story , Ida Meyers and Carrie
Neilzel of Preston made friends In
Rule a short visit the last of the week.
Mcrrlo Osbun , has been on the sick
list with chicken pox. It Is In a very
mild form and ho Is getting along
Frank Robison and wife , Bessie
Brlnegar and Forest Kirk spent Sun
day with Fred Browns family near
Falls City.
George Cclcy and family visited In
Rule several days this week. They
were on their way to White Cloud ,
where they expect to live.
Mrs. Burk and daughter Maud , re
turned last week from a visit with re
latives In the western part of the state.
Mrs. Burk's health was much benefited
by the trip.
James Ford , night operator here , was
called to Louisville , Nob. , last week ,
on account of the death of u brother ,
who was killed while braking on a
train at thatplace.
Wayne Richardson gave a party to
about thirty of bis young friends Mon
day night. Games and music furnish
ed amusement for the evening. Dainty
refreshments were served and all re
port a pleasant evening ,
Clara Aikman , who Is working In i
Knnsus , spent Sunday with home folks
in Uulo ,
Mrs. Walter Coo loft for her home at
iong Pine , Nob. , Sunday , uftcr u few
luy's visit with her sister , Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. Henry Smith and little daugh
ter loft Sunday fora visit with her par-
nts at DCS Molnes , lowu.
Amelia returned to Atchlson
Saturday morning after u few day's
visit with home folks.
Jamcu Tangncy and wlfo attended u
aoclal given by the Knights of Colum
bus at Fulls City.
Mngglo Pierce returned the first of
the week from a few days visit with St.
Joseph friends.
Tom Kunuly of Falls City returned
to his home uftcr a short visit with
Rule friends.
Henry Rolgcr and family of Preston ,
visited with Rule friends the first of
the week.
Harry Bradford came down from
Humboldt Sunday to visit with Rule
C. Stickrod of Rockport , Mo. , visited
relatives In this city the first of the
Mrs. Cuvcrzaglo and daughter Lena ,
were Fulls City visitors one day last
Mrs. Emma Wallace and Ilvu True ,
wont to the circus at Falls City Thurs
Mrs. H. Harrison and daughter
Lena were Falls City visitors Wednes
Mrs. C. J. Iluber and son Curl at
tended the circus at FallsClty lust week.
Dodo Anderson and family visited
with his parents on the Reservtitlon ,
Mary Blair of Highland , Kansas , Is
visiting relatives In Rule this week.
Mrs. Addle Uowker returned Monday
from u visit with Fulls City friends.
Gertrude Kanuly look teachers ex
aminatlon at Fulls City Saturday.
Leonard Simon and family visited
Rule friends u fowduys this week.
Wm. Curlco und wlfo spent Sunduy
ut the homo of Mrs. Emma Kern.
Lydln , the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Cuulkim , Is quite sick.
Leslie Inks returned Monday from u
few days visit with Salem friends.
Sam Hall spent a few days with Sa
lem friends the first of the week.
David Wiggins of King City , Mo. ,
was visiting old friends In Rulo.
Chas. MeVulns family moved to
Fulls City the lust of the week.
Mrs. Belpler and family were Falls
01 ty visitors one day last week.
Alice and Lonoro Gilbert were Falls
City visitors one day last week.
Jim Meudenhull of Beatrice was a
business visitor hero this week.
Molllo Wlnterbottom attended the
clrous at Fulls City last week.
Charlie Cavorzagle and wife were
Falls City visitors circus day.
John Gustafson of Wymoro was a
business visitor hero recently.
Prof. Shaffer of Buradu preached at
the Holiness church Sunday.
Mr. Fonton of Dawson was looking
after business hero Friday.
Less Croaln visited his sister , Mrs ,
Less Leeds in Falls City.
Mrs. Blndlo was a business visitor in
Rule one day last week.
Floyd Thompson of Fargo was a
Rule visitor recently.
Mrs. Lenox and children returned to
their homo In St. Joe.
Annie Hill went to Kansas last week
for a few weeks stay.
BUI Illnton of Omaha spent a day In
this city last week.
Chris Shelly of Preston was a Rule
visitor last week.
Ches Ocarab anil family spent Sun
day at this place.
George E Ward was a St. Joseph vis
itor a few days.
Mrs. A. G. Graves u-ent to Lincoln
last week.
Al Burk visited Fulls City friends
last week.
Ike Adklns of Fortescuo w s In Rule
Mr. Graham is building a new ferry
J boat.
Elmer Marts went to Dawson on
business last week.
E. M. Shubcrt vlglted friends In the
country Sunday.
J. C. Imler spent Sunday with his
parents In Shubcrt.
II. L. Hayes of Shubert was a busi
ness visitor hero Saturday.
Postmaster Evans of Shubert visited
with fi lends he.-o Sunday.
The Stale Bank purchased a new
Burroughs adding machine.
Oscar Holland left Saturday noon
for St. Louis where he > vill resume his
J. G. ' McBride Is remodeling his
town property by adding some now
MM. Cora A. Andrews and Edith
Clark drove to their farms near llowo
E. Wheeler und wife went to Falls
City Wednesday to visit relatives und
ittond the circus.
Elmer Rcimers arrived Friday from
North Dakotu where he has been an
issistaut operator.
W. J. McCray was called to the bed
side of his brother who resides in N ,
Dak. Monday night.
1201th M. Clark arrived from Kansas
City Saturday to look after farm Inter
ests ncur this place.
P. U. Relmers arrived from Long
Beach , California , Wednesday for a
visit with his children.
D. C. Palmer und wife came over
from Shubert Friday to look after
some business Interests.
Art King of Table Rock was over to
this place Monday delivering some
postcards and photographs.
Richard Morris who is farming the
Mrs. Slack place we-jt of town bus ex
ceptionally fine crops this season.
E. O. Lewis of Falls City came up to
Stella Thursday for a visit with old
time friends. EIc drove toShuberllu
the evening.
Mr. und Mrs. Harry Foster of Kan
sas City , arrived Saturday for u visit
with the hitter's parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. C , Moore.
Miss Martin who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. Richurd Morris west
of town for some weeks , returned to
her homo Friday.
J. P. Austin and J. C. Peney of Au
burn came down to this place on busi
ness Monday. Mr. Poney bought a
horse from \V. Mowcry while here.
D. A. Walker and W. J. McCruy re
turned from Denver Thursday uftcr a
two weeks stay. They both attended
the convention one day. They also
visited some other points while there.
J. M. Goodloo took Rurul Currier F.
L. Gilbert and Post Master Overman
on a Hying trip around the route on
Thursday morning. They made the
trip In an uutomobllo in less than two
hours and n hiilf.
John R. Simpson und Edith Clark
both young people of near Auburn
arrived hero Monday and were married
at the Lutheran parsonage by Roy
Shlrck. The groom Is a farmer In the
vicinity of Auburn.
Threshing has begun properly this
week In this section In almo t every
direction. T. C. Cunningham und F.
H. Johnson threshed some wheat the
last of the week and It did very well ,
The yield Is from 25 to 110 bushels.
J. R. Brockman has made a number
of trips to town this summer and wo
are always glad to see him come. Ho
Is past the 70 mark but is yet very spry
Mrs. Brockman accompanied him Fri
day for the first time In many months ,
the wire tenco going directly through
It. Both horses are badly cut about
the fore legs Wnon Mr. Harris found
the team one horse was down and both
were badly tangled and could not tra
\cl. Ho phoned for the liveryman and
together they led them In It Is thought
that perhaps both horses are ruined for
roud driving. Outside of a few bruises
Mr. Harris was not hurt.
Monday morning about 10:30 : u blaze
started in the kitchen of the Mrs. M.
E. Wood property on main street.
Seuuie Wood wre getting ready to can
black berries anp had filled the gaso
line steve and while generating It too
much gasoline tlowed out and filled the
room with gas , when she lighted the
match an Immediate explosion follow
ed which sot the kitchen on fire.
When the gas exploded It blow the
north window panes out , Miss Jenno
was burned about the bands and face
but not seriously.
Another runaway occurred Thursday
afternoon southwest of town. I. W.
Harris of this place secured a livery
team from the burn just after dinner
and started for the farm. Ho went past
the place where John L , Suyer resides
to look over some new pasture land.
He drove Into the pasture and saw sev
eral bunches of cockle burrs und get
ting out to pull them the team started
ip. When he started to get Into the
buggy Mr. Harris wus thrown back
onto the ground. They drugged him a
short distance until he had to let go of
the lines. Then the team ran on south
through the pasture until they came to
Three young men of Stella took it
nto their heads to get some property
one day last week and proceeded to take
the rings oil of the harness and take
whips and luprobes as they came to
them. After they had gotten a good
supply they sold them to a farmer near
Stella , who displayed them and when
he marshal started to arrest him he
told where ho got them and the young
men were Immcdlately urrostnd and
tried which resulted In them getting a
heavy fine. Their parents and relatives
paid their fines and they were released
It may not bo well for such as this to
happen again.
The Commercial club met Monday
evening in Judge Baldwins ollico and
talked the picnic business over and In
the out coins , committees were ap
pointed and the work of the plcnln Is
In full force.
J. Mi'Evans and wife and Vera Mc
Dowell came over to this place Tuesday
evening. Mr Evans attended the Te
lephone meeting during his stay.
W. C. Grconelsh who has been In
Auburn for some time working at the
barber trade came down to this place
Sunday night.
Chas. Shafer and wife also J. W.
Vaught went down on the morning
train Thursday to attend the circus at
Falls City.
I. W. Harris shipped three cur loads
of cattle to Kansas City the first of the
week. His cattle topped the market
ut $7.y3.
C. H. Thomas and N. H. Gardner of
Lincoln are here this week looking af
ter some insurance business.
W. E. GrIMlt'.i shipped a car of hogs
to Nebraska City last Tuesday evening
and struck a good market.
Mr. Neal of Auburn and sons will
run the Florence hotel at this place
after this week.
E , M- Mason of near Howe , drove to
this place Monday afternoon on busl
Hazel Clark of Kansas City arrived
here Tuesday for luahort visit.
Blanche und Nellie Brlggs spent
Sunduy with Viola Jenkins.
Kuto Roberts of Omaha Is visiting at
the home of J. R. Bateuiun.
A Yates returned from Peru Tues-
duy noon.
VERDON. Vouch was a Falls City visitor
Dr. Miner was up from Falls City on
Tuesday. -
Mrs.Ella Meyers returned from Fulls
City Friday.
Ethel Saylor returned from her visit
at Peru Monday.
Mrs. H. J. Kiel returned from Lin
coln Wednesday.
E. O. Stout was down from Avburn
Friday on business.
Mrs. Daisy Goolsby was a county
seat visitor Tuesday.
Claud Saylor and Ethel Cook drove
to Falls City Thursday.
Clare Colcman and wife were Falls
City visitors Thursday.
Mrs. King arrived from Peru Mon
day on a visit to friends.
Mrs. G. D , Knapp spent last week
with her parents at Salem.
B. H. Llndsoy of Letcher , S. Dak
visited friends here Monday.
W. D. Corn and wife visited rela
tives near Reserve Saturday.
Verna Wilkinson returned from her
visit at Nebraska City , Monday.
B , F. Veach and W. S. Bycrly were
Nebraska City visitors Tuesday.
Mcsdamcs Clark and Stcdham re
turned from their visit in Missouri.
Sarah Cook visited her sister , Mrs
Dallas Yoder at Fulls City this week.
Pearl Clemcntc came down from
Stella Tuesday on a visit to relatives.
C. G. Humphrey and wife returned
from their visit at Falls City Monday.
W. H. Moran and wife drove down
to Falls City Sunday and spout the
Milliard Goodloe and family came
down from Stella Sunday in their new
auto and speut the day with Mrs. A.
Tom Cain accompanied by Miss
Annbrustcr drove to Falls City Wed
nesday : night.
Mrs. W. S. Byerly and daughter
Maymic visited friends at Howe dur
ing the week.
Lnn Yantiss arrived from Long
Island , Kansas Monday on a visit to
Chloc Wilkinson returned Sunday
from Stella where she was visiting
Mrs. Sarah Goolsoy and Ainrct Hart
made a business trip to Falls City
Otto Ruegge visited at Ed Klmmels
Born , to August Zorn and wife July
18 , 1903 a daughter.
Epli. Puck aud wife visited with
Clny Peek and wife Sunday.
Guy Prlne and family spent Sunday
near Barada with his mother.
Sylvia Prine visited a few days with
with her brother and family.
Donna Shatter spent Monday after
noon with Mrs. E D. Shatter.
Anson Kntsely and wife were guests
of Mrs. N. Peck and children Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Lebon and friend visited
with her friend Mrs. Prlne Saturday.
Mrs. Clay Peck was the cuest of Mrs
Henry Gerdes In Falls City Saturday
Jennie Burk anil Dorothy Redford
were guests of Ethel Peck Wednesday
Daisy Peek returned home from
Waterloo , Iowa last week after an ex
tended visit.
Mrs. Thomas Naylor of Falls City
wus a guest of Mrs , F. M , Shaffer Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. Wes Ncdrow und children were
guests at the home of Mrs. F. Shaffer
Monday afternoon.
Lucy Smith and DeLes Splckler and
wife of Barada spent Monday at the
homo of Gco. Prichard.
Dorothy Redford went to her homo
Saturday near Peru after two weeks
visit with her sister , Mrs. L. Knlsoly.
Gal Flleklngers of Morrlll , Kansas
came up In their new auto Sunday and
spent the day with Ed Kimmel and
family. >
Bertha and Jennie Brim went to
their home at Sabothu Kansas Friday
after a weeks visit with their sister and
other friends.
O. B. Prichard and wlfo entertained
at their home Sunday Joe Cully and
wife , Wallace Cully und sister Rebec
ca and Blanche Lewis.
H : J. Prlchnrd and wife entertained
Sunday at their home , Coon Prichard
and wife , Nat Auxier and wife and
Gco. Prichard and family.
A great many of our people took u
day off from their farm duties and
went to town Thursday to see the
elephant and do their shopping.
Mrs. Jepsou and children spent a
portion of last week with her brother
Guy Prlno and family. On Sunday
she went to Barada to spend some time
with her mother.
Frank Lichty and family , Guy Llch-
ty and wife , Mrs. O. A. Gulnn , Mrs.
Chester Stump and children and the
Misses Glldensleere of Kansas City
spent Sunday In Falls City with John
Lichty and wife.
Mrs. Chester Stump entertained at
her homo Wednesday afternoon. Those
present were Mesdames John Lichty ,
Guy LIchtv" , Frank LlchtyCleon Peck ,
Franklin , O , A. Gulnn , Geo. Prichard ,
and the Misses Glldcnsleeve of Kan
sas City Marie Lichty. Ice cream and
cake were served. A glorious time is
Blytho Shaffer entertained from 2 to
G o'clock Monday afternoon in honor
of her twelfth birthday. Refreshments
of Ice cream and cake were served.
Those present were Margaret and
Ncrle Naylor , Ruth , Helen and Ber
nice Holnouian , Jennie Burk , Grace
McCann , Eunice Braden , Ferrll Dra
goo , Merl Stump , Allie Prlcbard and
Gladys Kimmel.
ROM. I. W. Williams Testifies.
Rev. I. W. Williams , Huntlngton , W ,
Va. testifies follows ' 'This is
, as : to cer
tify that I used Fo'.cy's Kidney Remedy
for nervous exhaustion and kidney
trouble , and am free to say that Foley's
Kidney Remedy will del \ that you
claim for it. " Kerr's pharmacy.
Chas. Crawford wus a Sunday visitor
In Table Rock.
Daisy Morris visited a bister in Daw-
fen a part of the week.
Dora Drake Is spending the week
with Burchard Irlcnds.
Frank Porter and wife of Dawson ,
were in town Monday.
L. M. Sterns was n Lincoln visitor
the fore part of the week.
Nlnah Snow returned Saturday from
a week's visit in Tecumseh
Frank Porak returned the last of the
week from a business trip to Lincoln.
Will Jacobs of Lincoln , was a guest
over Sunday at the home of M. C. Lee.
Henry Seely left Sunday night for a
visit with friends at Wahoo aud Nor
M. C. Shurteff , Jr. , went to MeCook
Monday to look alter interests on his
Charlton Hall Is spending the week
with his daughter , Mrs. John Gird In
Ella Bean , of Arapaboe , Neb. , Is in
the city visiting her friend , Mrs. R. R.
Tom Smith and family returned Mon
day from a two week's visit with rela
tives at Tonkawa. Okla.
Mrs. E. L. Crane entertained the
Presbyterian kenslngton at her home
on Tuesday afternoon.
Lillian Butterfield returned Monday
from a month's visit with relatives at
Nebraska City and Lincoln.
George Boiler of Chicago Is being
entertained this week at the home uf
the Parr boys south of town.
Ethel Brockway came down from
Lincoln the first of the week for a visit
with relatives south of town.
Lloyd Reid ccme- down from Lincoln
the lust of the week and will spend a
few weeks with his parents here.
V-erd Games , who has been spending
some time with his parents here , left
the past week for Santa Barbara , Call.
Fred Noble and wife were down
from Lincoln this week visiting Dr. J.
L. Gandy and wife and other relatives.
H. V. Dorland and bride returned
Friday from LIncofn and are now dom
iciled in their new home on Central
Pearl Sells and Wana Zimmerman
have returned from Peru , where they
had been in attendance til Ihe state
J. L. Carpenter was hero from Kan
sas City a part of the week visiting
friends and'looklng after some business
Ray Gist and family left the past
week for a visit with Mrs. Glsl's par
ent ? , E. A. Tucker and wife at Los An
geles , Call.
Lillith Waggoner enterlaincd a com
pany of youug ladles at her home , Mon
day evening , complimenlary lo her
friend , Helen Bonner , of Crele.
Mills Lauderback Is now employed
as night operator at the local station.
H. S. Grimes , who formerly held this
position has been Iransferred to Table
Elmer Rousek left the last of the
week for Kansas City , where ho was Eli
joined by a party of friends , who were
enrouto for a few week's outing In the
Ozark mountains.
George Thompson , a former Hum
boldt boy , but for several years has bad
employment In Chicago , arrived In the
city Saturday to spend a two week's
vacation with friends here.
C. S. Williams , who has been en
gaged in the photography business in
the city for a number of years , expects
to take up bis permanent residency in
Los Angeles , Call. , in a few weeks.
Lulu Hummel entertained a party of
fifteen young ladies at her home Friday
evening , the entertainment being in the
form of a "kid party" each gueft being
required to coineatllred in Ihe coslume
of a lillle girl. Hazel Allng of Lin
coln was guesl of honor of Ihls occasion.
Friends of Gerlrudo Gird In this city
have recently received the announce
ment of her marriage to J. Gaylord Ir-
yln , the event having taken place in
Denver Mr. Irvln Is employed as tra
veling agent for a jewelry firm of Lin
coln. The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Lyman Wbltcomb of this city and for > i
five years past has been engaged in the
millinery business In Lincoln.
Foley's Orlno Laxative , the now lax
ative , stimulates , but does not irritate
It is the best
laxative. Guaranteed o
your money back. Kerr's pharmacy.