The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 22, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Counterfeit Money.
Lock out for i-muilrrfi'it iiiaiit-y.
Silver dollar lend eotinterfeilH iin-
plentiful. You nuisii't PMHB 0110
if you got one. It muni lie th p-
troji-d , nthpiwW ynu nuiyw \
prosecuted. The hid money ynu
yet is your los atid you muni not
allow otheiH In lm i .
May Attend Tournament.
The hiiskel hnll teiim of Falls
Cily have invited tht1 hnslM hall
tennis of this iMlv to no to Falls
City , Than Wivi in : ( lav , and
take p'irt in a basket bull tourna
ment to b < > plnjed by the I'awnoo
City , Hninboldt , Auburn and
Falls City lenme. It i planned
to liave eitflit biu u'anu'H and it ia
tii'iff ' than probable that the in-
viinlion will be jiccepled. An-
bum Rt'puhlienn ,
! ! o\v It Works.
In fixing the fares to inleretate
points tinder the 2 cent a mile re
quirement , the railroad adopted a
rule that tii'e price of a fare to
any point must end on either the
figure 0 or 5. For instance it in
Hi mileH to St. .Joseph , which at
li cents would be 80 centfi. Now
add 25 cints for bridge toll and wo
have SI.11 , that would end wrong ,
hence cents are added to make
the fare end on f > . So the pres
ent fare to St. Joseph from Hia
watha is $1.15. Hiawatha World.
Alay Abolish Paper Tariff.
The abolition of the tariff on
press paper , wood pulp and the
wood that noes into the man
ufacture of paper , will be recom
mended to congress by President
Koosevelt. This was indicated
to the committee on paper of the
American Newspaper Publishers'
Association , which called at the
White House. The committee ,
was also given to understand
that the President will make rec
ommendation to the department
of justice that it take immediate
steps to ascertain whether the
manufacturers of paper are dis-
obeviug the anti-trust laws.
Female Superintendents.
Nine women will supplant ue
many men as county superin
tendent in January and man }
women superintiMidt-ut.s will bite-
coed Ihi'inHi'lvcc.
The BUperiiitendonlH wh < > de
feated men for nomination and
flection this fall were Kli'/.abptli
M. Shnifor of lint let * county
Mary 13. Foster of Cass county
Emma R. Miller of Cuminjj
county ; Mary Quinn of Dnkotr
county ; Jessie Limit ) of Perkim
county ; Lily M Cole of Poll ;
county ; Eva Sherman of Yidlej
county : Ida Mao BoBsennan 01
uekollrt county and Alice Floroi
of York eouuty. Mrs. M. G
Doughs of Ban nor county wil
succeed a women in the position
while Margaret E. Brown of Hal
county , Mary E. 'Went of Hayoi
county , Florence Link of Hoi
county , Mrs. Genevieve Richmond
mend of Keith county , Frances E
Taylor of Nance county and Nel
Ho West Caster of Wayne count ;
have been re-elected.
Smooth Swindler.
A warning has been sent t
sheriffs throughout Nebraska t
be on the look out tor Ilarr.
Lewis , a professional check
Lewis' method of operating i
somewhat novel , lie calls on
business man after banking hour
and explains that he wishes t
send some money to a friend i
another city. As the banks ai
closed , he adds , he can not seem
a draft until the next day an
does not wish to wait , nor is li
willing to risk the mailing c
currency. He offers to pay tl
business man face value in cu
rcticy for a check made payab
to himself. He assures the ma
that he will endorse this check
the order of his friend and ma
it at once. As it seems to 1
merely a matter of accommod
lion the business man is usual
willing to issue a check for re
By this method the swindl
secures a check that is proper
signed by the depositor. Itiste ;
of sending it away he raises tl
figures and cashed it himself.
From G. J. Crook. ,
Tumi-NT A N i ) FKIKND.S1 :
Leaving Washington at 8Jn : )
over the Pennsylvania II R. wo
had an 8 hour ride to New York , i
This is one of the It nest roads in |
the United Statett being a j
fast train it stopped only at the1
largest cities , tt passes thru
the District of Columbia , the
north part o f Maryland and
Delaware up through NPW Jer
sey the terminus bein _ ' Jersey
City. We tooV the ferry across
to New York the greatest and
we think the finest city ol the
continent. We took a sight see
ing automobile and toured upp-r
New York for one half day.
Starting at the great Hat iron
building we passed the Barthol-
di hotel said by our guide to be
tin' stopping place of W. J.
Bryan when in the city , we
passed t h c Madison Square
Garden where the Thaw-White
tragedy occurred also the hotel
where the Thaws roomed.
Passing onto iHh avenue to
IL'd St. we passed the homes of
the millionairs on both sides of
the street until ( J2d St. is reach
ed which makes 0 blocks where
millionairs have their homes.
The Goulds , Vanderbilts , Levi
P. Morton , Senator Clark o f
Montana , t h e Rockefellers. ,
Rothchilds , Asters , Richard
Mansfield , , Julia Marlow , An
drew Carnegie and many others.
A plain white m.arble is the res
idence of Hetty Green the rich
est woman in the world. Pass
ing into Central Park we find a
place of great natural beauty
enhanced by works of art which
makes it the natural p 1 a y ,
ground of this great city. Grants
tomb is placed upon an emin
ence overlooking this part of
the city. It is a plain marble
structure beautiful t o behold
and the marble vault contains
the mortal remains of our loved
Gen. Grant and his wife. Com
ing to River Side Park we fol
lowed the beautilul Hudson for
miles. It was indeed a grand
thing lor that great city that
those parks were given to it as
they make the breathing places
for the multitudes. As1 all are
aware Now York City is on
Manhattan Island , 13J miles
long by two 2J miles wide , but
by following the meanderings
of the river it is much longer.
It has -I.OUO.OOO population or
nearly tine-twentieth of the pop
filiation of the United States.
Our guide'told us that it had
more Irish than Dublin and
more Germans than other city
f except Berlin , more Italians
than any one city and more
Chinese than San Francisco.
2,000 Japs and a few Americans ,
But it is a lovely clean city. It
has an army of street sweepers
in their white costumes. A
perfect sewerage system. Everj
street yard being paved , yoi
find no natural earth except h
the parks. The depots are al
near the wharfs and factories
Furnaces all have smoke con
sumers so that the houses arc
white and clean. Even in China
town we found very little inon
dirt than we have in some o
our streets. Then we took ;
trip over lower New York am
saw Chinatown on market day
he bridge of sighs and Tomb ;
prison where Harry Thaw nov
> oards and Little [ taly also th
skyscrapers business house
which are all the way from 1
to7 \ \ stories in height. Th
tallest inhabited building in th
world is 12 stories high an
there is one in course of cor
struction which \ \ - \ \ \ bei ;
1C Wall street famed in historj
rle with the great western Methc
le dist book concern at its heat
in Our guide said the only thin
to which got ahead a n d kej
ahead of Wall street. The la :
JC est savings bank in the worh
a- the old London theatre , statui
ly of Liberty , newspaper row , ca ;
al tie gardensalvation army hole
Equitable Life Insurance buil <
ing , Hetty Green's bank , S
; K Marks church and the buri ;
place o f Alexander Hami'.tc
and Robert Fulton ; Cooper Ui
ion , Paradise Park , Cotton Exchange - '
change , Merchants Exchange ,
Brooklyn Bridge , hoteljwlmre
Prince of Wales now King Ed-
\ \ iird was entertained and other
tilings which must be seen to be
appreciated. We took an elec
trie car over to 13r. 'klyn and i
crossed ihi ? great bridge , passed
the beautiful cemetery of Greenwood - i
wood and out to Coney Island ,
Luna Park and other points of
interest. Then back to the !
great city , as we know we must' '
soon turn our faces westward.
We left with regret this great
and beautiful city. W e took
the Lackawana R. H. for BulTa-i
lo and traveled nearly 12 hours
with very few stops.Vecross. .
ed the state of New Jersey ami
followed for miles the beautiful
Deleware river crossing into
Pennsylvania the largest city at
which we stopped was .Scranton
just in the heart of the great
anthracite coal regions. The
amount of coal ready to be ship
ped from that city alone seem
ed enough to keep the people of
ten states warm all winter and
the amount of work of. every
kind going in which takes coal
such as smelting iron and steel
and all such things are wonder
ful to behold. The buildings
as black as coal smoke can niake
them and the great piles of re
fuse coal in every direction
made it indeed a black dirty
city. But there seems to be
a use for everything in the
world , so now they are using
this as well as the sea sand in
making different kinds of ce
ments and asphalt The scen
ery had been beautiful and
mountainous beyond descrip
tion , but here also were small
farms , plenty of stock and thrift
on every hand and plenty of ap
ples which looked good to us.
We soon came to the beautiful
Susquehanna river , it is a broad
clear stream with the large
boulders a great deal like the
James. At S:30 : p. m. we arriv
ed in the beautiful city of Buffa
lo. It has many interesting and
historical landmarks but not
having long to stay we only saw
a few. The permanent build
ings of the exposition , McKin-
leys monument , home o f Ex-
President Cleveland , postoflice
and a few of the hotels and col-
leges. Our taces turned to the
greatjNiagara Palls one of the
world's wonders , we went to the
city of Niagara a distance of 30
miles from Buffalo then procur
ed round trip tickets for view
ing the falls. They took us in
cabs arounu to all the different
views of tlii. tails. They are so
awe inspiring that one fails in
the language to describe them.
We felt so overpowered with the
grandeur of the scenes that we
did not wish to converse. We
just seemed to feel the presence
i of Almighty God. We got out
i at the different places and walk.
[ ed and looked to our hearts eon-
tent. Horse Shoe fall from
Goat Island is grand in extreme ,
and the general view where the
water falls down a sheer preci
pice of 107 feet is magnificient.
f There it is called the maid of
the mist and we went as far tin.
tier it as possible and got a < jood
wetting. At this point there is
a building near the waters edge
and an inclined railway 22t > feet
in length so we decended and
5 staid about half an hour at ; i
certain place , we were transfer.
red to an electric ear crossed r
suspension bridge to the Cana.
dian side , riding for nearly 2 (
miles we viewed the river am
the towering cliffs on eithei
bank , the falls from differen
directions , the great whirlpoo
I rapids , the rapids above tin
, r falls , the three sister island ;
connected by rustic bridge will
raging waters beneath. For sev
1 , eral miles we noticed a very tal
monument and ere long came ti
the historic old town of Lewis
ton and the monument was ti
commemorate the memory am
death of Gen. Brock. Shortl ;
after crossing another bridge w
m looked back and saw theNiagar
11- river rolling tranquilly onwar
Fur and Fur Collar Overcoat
We Offer a Splendid Assortment of these Styles
In the Inexpensive Grades as Well as the Fine
Qualities of Cold Weather Garments
For men whose vocations keep them out of doors
to a great extent , there is nothing to equal a
good fur Overcoat , or one with a warm fur collar.
If you want something good , be careful what and
where you buy. We believe that the reputation
of the makers of our fur coats is a sufficient guar
anty of the fur quality.
For Magnaie or Workmgmai\
Fur Collar Coat in staple goods , excellent -
cellent quality of Astrakan
See our heavy Furlined Gloves and
Mitts at
Canvas Coat strong , heavy canvas , well provided (
with pockets , lined with fine quality of sheep skin. . .
Men's Fur and Plush Caps from = = 75c to $3.50
Call and examine our line of Gent's Furnishing
Qoods the finest line in
= = = town.
seemingly innocent of the
mighty cataract and the inter
minable fathomless raging gulf
which we had witnessed a short
while before. Taking tram
from Niagara back toBuffalo we
packed our belongings and me
mentos and took the Wabash
R. R. for Chicago. We travel
ed for sevaral hours in pouthern
Canada , a lovely peaceful coun-
ry but in coining into it the
ortors a n d conductor came
hru the cars and put tags upon
ill the baggage. Our curiosity
vas aroused and we found out it
vas costom clues , had we stop-
) ed off there they would liave
jone thru the custom house and
any thing dutiable taxed. On
coming to the Detroit river the
rain was taken in sections onto
L large boat and ferried across
he river. Then the tags were
emoved from our luggage and
ve were in the great state of
Michigan. We run a southerly
course enough to take in a cor
ner of Ohio then westward
across the northern part of In.
diana. Our tirst stop being at
Montpieler a beautiful thriving
city , thence onto Chicago. We
could get no lay off here for
which we were very sorry. As
our nephew Joe Crook an old
? alls City boy lives in this great
western metropolis , but having
a wait of 5 hours we made the
nest of it. We took electric
car and went to their residence.
They live in a beautiful part ol
the city where it is high ami
dry and healthy with beautilul
parks nearby. Then took a run
down in the city where he works
in the Great Western Electrica
building , where the hum of ma
chinery is constant. Then tc
some ot the great public build
ings and the great departmen
stores. A great restaurani
where they make and demon
strate every article o f foot
which could be mentioned. Tht
building covers a block and li
several stories high. We too !
supper with them in the res
taurant situated on the top iloo
of'Marshall Field it Co's. grea
store , the largest store in tin
world. But the time came al
to soon to bid our relatives goo <
byethey being the only familia
faces we had seen in all ou
trip , and we turned our face
homeward. We crossed t h i
great state of Illinois and the
father ot waters at the city of
Dubuque , Iowa , thence across
that grand old state where pros
perity abounds on every hand to
our o w n metropolis Omaha
thence to our own dear old
Falls City and our home. "Be
| it ever so humble there is no
place like home.1 Some ask us
what was the greatest or grandest -
est thing we saw. We have to
give a double an-wer to that
question. The grandest thing
which we saw , in nature was
Niagara Falls and the grandest
thing which we saw in art was
the congressional library build
ing \Vashingon , D. C. We
have traveled in eighteen states
besides our own and IheDistrict
of Columbia and the southern
part of the Dominion of Canada
and we found nice people and
kind Iriends wherever we went
and we also saw many lovely
| places to live , but none which
( seemed quite so good or prosperous -
perous or up-to-date as our own
home county.
Mu. AND Mus. G. J. CHOOK.
When the Stomach , Heart , or Kid
ney nerves get weak , then these or
gans always full. Uon't drug the
Stomach , cor stimulate the Heart or
Kidneys. This Is simply u makeshift.
Get a prescription known to druugists
everywhere us Dr. Snoop's Rettorntlve.
The Hestorutive Is prepared expressly
for these weuk inside nerves. Strength
en these nerves , build thetn up with
Or. Shoop's jU'Storutlve tablets or
liquid and see how quickly help will
come. Free sumplo toil sent on ro.
queet by Dr. Sheep , Hnoine. Wis.
Your health is surely worth this sini
pie test. Sold by all dealers.
Hen Lays Empty Shells
Win. Mellows of BedfordMd. ,
has a white Wyandotte hen that
lays empty egg shells. T h e
shells are large , well shaped
and resemble an ordinary eggs ,
but they contain neither yolk
nor white matter. One shell is
laid each day by the hen.
Don't worry about your kidneys
when you cun obtain ISO days' treatment
of I'ineules for 51.00. These little
iilobu'os ' bring relief In the Brat dose.
Haekauhf , Luinhiiso and llheuuiatism
jield quickly. If not satisfied your
money refunded. This is a fair olTer
you can't lose. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
Reaches ihe spot.
Slops pain. The
Great Pllo Rem
edy. Put up lr\
B f I M W 50
Was a Monster
One night last week , Kobert
Raines , who lives on the Tom
Bath farmsoutheast ol Auburn ,
heard a fearful commotion
among his clogs. On investiga
ting the cause of the disturbance
he discovered that the anix ca-
i nines li a d treed a gigantic
skunk , uhieh Mr. Raines pro
ceeded to dispatch. It was a
monster specimen of the forked
variety , so named from the fact
that it is completely black save
for a white strip which ftrks
from the nose and runs around
the body of the animal. The
skunl ; in question weighed 18
pounds and was as large as an
ordinary coon. M r . Raines
skinned the varmint and tacked
up the pelt to iHiu- . but some of
h s high jumper n.igs m.ule good
ami tearing duwn the hide , &oon \.iHi n , with loss to
the < > vner > ! .it Ka t Sl.uU. n II. 'i .tlii.
YumKin -noulu Of ch'itr uud bright
if your ti'vi-r l in nuruiiil condition.
Rirt' Little I.UviI'l'i. . act , on the
\ ; : tif-.tiliL'hf , cout-tipalion nod
bi'liwiMief * dirappLMi. ' . Price 25clints.
Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist.
New State in the Union
Washington , Nov. 10. Anew
star was added to the American
Hag today by the admission for
mally into the Union of the state
of Oklahoma. President Roosevelt
velt , a t exactly ten sixteen
o'clock this morning signed the
proclamation admitting the ter
ritories of Oklahoma and Indian
Territory jointly as one of the
American states. Little for
mality attended the ceremony
which meant so much to the
people of the two territories.
In appending hit > signature to
the proclamation , the President
i used a pen formed from a quill
I plucked trom the wing of an
American eagle. The pen will
be deposited with the Oklahoma
Ilistorial Society.
It ia claimed indigestion is the Xn-
lioirnl diea e. That' ? why the dem.iuU
for Kinsis Dyspepsia Tablets keeps in
creasing because they do the WOTK.
Stouu'.ch trouble , dyspepsia , inili-re--
lion , bloating , etc. , yield quickly Two
days treatment free. Ask your drug
gist aboiu them. Sold by A. G. Wanner
iff Rins
Little Liver Pills