9 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 25 , 1907 L xx > s < xs * > oc x > o * i We will sell at TECUMSEH , NEBRASKA , i 1 4 A i 56 HEAD \T \ of .the Cows will have calves at foot , mostly sired by the unequalecl BARON SURMISE , who is the sire of a larger number of great milk ers than any other Pure Scotch Shorthorn Bull. We will sell descendants of : AirHripthM'T" < J best Shorthorn milk cow on rec- /\iiui iu ULII i on | 48.85lbs. , butter record. nrHir ! < r = 'l ne Champion Kansas Cow , taking the $100 I pHxc for best milk cow in Kansas 1.10 butter fat. We will sell the following cows and their descendants : IM l eiliu QprrmrlmoWilli . alig butter record , and holding first place .n the Slar Ljst of 5horthorns , a record of milking Shorthorns kept by the American Shorthorn Breeders Association. miss / = With i record of 130 pounds of butter in 87 days We have the only herd of Shorthorns with an of ficial milk record made at the State University of Nebraska. Come and attend this great sale. I Send for Catalogue. Tecumseh , Nebraska. Hon. AV. B. Reese Hon. M. U. Jioteo was born iti Mncoupin ocunty , Illinois.in US ! ! ' . ) , 11 fnnnor hey , mill donbtless would still bf a farmer with n much 100 miles bqiiinv for a workshop some- wlier < ? in wt'Bteru Nubiiiskii , had he not injured an arm about the time lie was readj to orauch out , and thin turned hie attention to another profession , for in those days a farmer didn't et to u&e a riding plow or cut oornsialku by proxy as they do now While he was living on the farm Jud e Reese completed the course pie- scribed by the country schools , and then worked his way through a seminary near his home. He was admitted to pi notice and removed to Oaceola , Tu. , Illinois having become entirely too eastern I for him. Tie lived in Iowa from IHJo to IbTl , when he heard tht call of the prairies and removed tt Plnttbinoutb , where he ngain hun < j out hi shingle Practically tlu entire life ol Judge Reese in Nebraska has beer spent under the limelight T\v was i member of the constitutional con vention in 1S73 ; district attorney of the Fourth judicial district fo three terms ; supreme judge , am denn of the IH\T department of tin state university All positions o the greatest importance. llov ' well ho has done his duty anil ho\ | faithful he has been to the trim reposed in him , is answered by th endorsement given him by hi party nt the late primary election ' Judge Reese \\as Blow to ask for thiH endoisement , and only allowed - ed the ueo of liiH name after many newspapers and many people had called upon him to again assume leadership. The republican candidate is a maguilicient specimen of physical manhood , about six feet tall and bioiul in proportion , lie. has snow white hair and lots of it , and a long \\hite mustache , lie is a good specimen of the man who is strong enough to bla/.e n trail in a new country or lead an old country - try out of a rut. And he is even tempered , good natured , a \\it and an orator. He catches on audience with his humor and he holds them while he clinches his arguments. Tn 1SS7 he served as gtand muster of the M'lsons , mill ho has always taken great interest in the lodge. In 1SSD ho received votes for Un ited States senator though he was not nu active candidate for the position. Speaking of Judge Reese , Governor - ernor Sheldon said : "The republi cans have nominated a candidate in whom the people have every confidence. Judge Reese has a spotless record , both public and , private , lie is a student.a scholar and a tireless worker. I have been his admirer for years , lie has always stood for the best interests of the people regaidless of the consequences to himself. He has been opposed to machine rule in politics and has fought for years that the government and the pen- pie might be hi ought closer and closer together. In the early dajb back in Wahoo he encountered the hostility of ring rule , and he has always had the enmity of those who prefer machine control in politics ratlrer than have the majority - jority of the people in control. He should receive the entire republi can vote and doubtless will receive 'v many of the votes of the opposi- V tion parties becaiu-e he stands fur II j the very best in state government. 01 He is one of Nebraska's best men 81 and will make a splendid record i on the bench. " Water Bonds Lose at Auburn A special election was held in Auburn last week to vote for 01 against water bonds , the bomb losing by a vote ofo2l to 172. The enterprising element wunt the improvement provoment but under the two thuds rule were beaten by tin "knocking minority , " so the towi will contiue to do business witl the old watering tank. To chuck u cold quickly , get ftoir your driirlst some llttlo Gundy Colt TuhltiU culled I'ruvcntics. UrumjNt everywhere are now disponslnir Pro vcntli : ? , for they are not only stifc , bin decidedly curtain and prompt. Pro vcntlca contain no Quinine , no lu.Mitui nothitip twrsh nor sickening. Takei at tno "siicc/o stujru" Prcvcntlcs wll prevent Pnuumoniit , Bronchitis , Li Grippe , etc. Ilenco the nnmo Pro ventlcr. Good for feverish children 48 Provontlcs 2. > cents , Trial boxes i cents. Sold by all dealers. Success To work stedfastly with an upwan aim , To conquer wisely trials met ; With little use for anger or blnme The highest good from life to get t To gather wealth , not for its sak alone , But for the good it helps to dc To strike each morn a richer men ' .ttl tone , And onward press with courag now ; To hold in other hearts a sacre place , To glodly helping hands extent To grow in spirit beauty , spir grace , As thru this busy world we wen To win the power to leadto chee to blets Our brother man this const tutes success. -Sarah E. Howard in The Gird Henry K.Jouo * of Tarn pa , Flu. , write " 1 can thank God for my presto ! health , duo to Folay's Kidney Cure , tried doctors und till kinds of kidi cures , but nothing dona me much poi till I took Foloy's Kidney Cure. To buttles on red me , und I have no mo puln in my back uud shoulders. I u ti- yours old , and suffered long , b ' t him Us to Foley's Kldnej Cure. I n | well uud can walk and on joy myself. is u pte sure to rocommund U to the naodinjj a kidney medicine. " Ken Pharmacy. Now is the time for you to look for your > - : WE HAVE : Garland Base Burners the stove that has no equal. Garland'Oak Stoves the best on earth. Coles' Hot Blast . " $ , , Best air titflit coal heater made. German Gem Heater one that burns hard coal , soft coal , wood , and does it well. This stove is a base heater. Gem Oaks the best oldjreliable Oak for the money in use today. Come in and pick yourself a range.We can give you a Garland Malleable Range , Garland Cast Range , Quick Muni Malleable Range , Quick Meal Steel Range. Gem City Cast.Stoves of all kinds. Our prices are right. General W a He V Hardware S LIQUOR FMPORIUM BOM I > & Vrw Vui I B rnran I V I B \af 1 1 I 'tamff I V i AH Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at ' your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED3 PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY iKX jcJ-c NEBRASKA * * * ! A new lot just in all kinds , all sizes. They will be displayed in our south window. FLOWER POTS all sues at : . WiLSO Come to M'KRNER , MOSL\fAX \ & CO. for anything in the IMPLEMENT line Be sure and see us before buying a LUM BER WAGON. We handle the Newton , Weber , Mandt , Bettendorff and Avery makes. See us for special prices on GRAIN ; DRILLS , also MANURE SPREADERS If you need a WIND A1ILL or GAS ENGINE we have engines in stock from 2 to 8 horse power. We have the most complete line of SURREYS , BUGGIES AND ROAD WAGONS ever carried in the city. dit CALL AND SEE US when in town , one block- north of court house. Yours for business , u r ti Werner , IP. Ps ' FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA 1U , line no , uir ire ilect lo iroi i illli | I'l s ! iTKeUiYioix Mouse Recently rc-dccorated and j > re-furnished t h r o u ghout. | Everything first class. Spec ial attention given to tran- I sicnt. Kate , $2.00 per day. . < > ! Wm. McPherson , Prop. i .s'y > i > 'y i ! 'Phone 59 Falls Cily , Neb. 'yI DR. 0. N. ALLISON 1'honn'.US OvcrKtfhurd-on County Bank. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA W. S. FAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ( Kes' ' enco IfiO ljhone = . - ( omcu5 PALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. H. T. HftHN VETERINARIAN Oflice nml residence finst door north of city park. Phone 2(53. ( FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA EDGAR R. MATHERS 3D R KIT T © T Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAHL BUILDING J , For Good Sales , flood Service,0-j Returns Ship Your Stock to > i Geo. R. Barse i < * > . LIVE STOCK COAIMI55ION ; rn . . , ! C > > P National Stock Yards , III. r | Kansas CHj.Mo. . , ' 5 ( $ WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS > i > < s > X5- ' > ' x5Jvy5 \ ? , < ' * AiJ' " vJ Sv Xv * * " " * * ' It's Your Own Fault | If you don't get your i : CV. money's worth.Come to my Shop and buy your Mens and Boys * < Shoes. J * - * ROBERT F. T. PREUSSE 1 RIcharcNon County Hunk liulliln ! < ; J t V t if V Clarinda Poultry Co. We have opened a branch office in Falls City , one block went of the First National Bai k , and will pay the highest market price for Poultry , Butter und Eu'gBat the dooi. dooi.We We HBO ! want \oiu Civam at the highest miuket pi ice. Call and yet our puces on Pro duce. We buy eggs rvitt out , Clarinda Poultry , Butler and Egg Co. Polls CUv. Neb. Phone 205 Cough Caution Never , vosltlvclrneverroUonyonrlungs. Hyou cough even from a siraplo cold only you should nlttoys heal , soothe , ana rnw the irritated Iron , chlal tubes. Don't blindly suppress It with a stupcfjlng poison. U'g strange how mm * thlngi final1 yconie about. For twenty yeari Dr. Snoop hn > constantly warned pioplonotto tnke cough mixtures or prescription ? containing Opium , Chloroform , or similar pobons. And now a llttla latothousii CougreM says "Put It on the label , if poUona nro In jour Cough Mixture" Goo < Jl Verj Btxxl' ! JIereaiterJorthise'yreasonmothers. . nnd others , should insist on having Dr. Snoop § Cough Cure. No poUon innrks on Dr. fchoop'i hibe' and none in the medlclno , else it must by law be on the label. .And It's not only safe , but It ij said to bo by those- that knowit best. truly re- jnarVnUe couch romedj. Tjiko no chance then , uarticu'.arly with your children. Insist on having l > r. ! hoop's Cough Cure Compare carelully tha Dr. bhoop pat-ace with others and i.ota tha diff-renco. No p"'son ' luarks there ! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Stioop's Cure ( ALL DEALERS )