The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 11, 1907, Image 1

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Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER n , 1907. Whole No194
Society News.
Mrs. John Holt entertained u
few friends in honor of her guest
Mrs. Able of Sterling Thursday
afternoon Oct. 3rd.
The afternoon was spent in a
very enjoyable social manner
and anelegant two coure
luncheon was served at its close.
Those present were Mcsdnms
Able , Hill , May , Barrett , Mcttz.
Jennings , Abbey , Ewalt , Bohrer ,
Maddox , Holt and Miss Gillespic.
Misses Maud Graham and
Nell Snycler entertained the mem
bers of the Kaffee Klautch club
at the home of Miss Graham on
Tuesday afternoon. Refresh-
'iientsere served and a most
enjoyaple time is reported by all.
The State Federation of
Woman's clubs was in session in
Hastings this week , convening
on Tuesday and closing Thurs
day. The various clubs of this
city were represented as follows :
The Shakespear club by Mrs. T.
J. Gist , Sorosis bv Mrs. Charlie
Banks and Mrs. M. Giannini ,
while Miss Lillian Banks was
sent as a representative of both
the Friends in Council and the
Woman's club. That the differ
ent societies were well represent
ed goes without saying , and the
members may expect some very
interesting reports at their next
The W. C. T. U. will meet at
the home of Mrs. Jaquet , Wed
nesday , October 10.
The Friends in Council were
very pleasantly entertained at
the home of the Misses Cleaver ,
east of town , last Friday even-
ing. Roll call was responded to
by favorite plots from Scott's
works , followed by selections
from the "Lay of the Last Min
strel" by Miss McDonald. " Miss
Lum of Verdon , gave an _ inter
esting review of "The Talis
man. " Aside from the regular
program , the guests were fa
vored with a number of instru
mental selections by the Misses
Cleaver , Miss Cade and Miss
Banks , while Miss Helen Mar
tin rendered a vocal solo. A
watermelon feast was a fitting
finale to a most enjoyable even
ing. _
Mrs. Harry Pence was hostess
to the Married Ladies' Kensing
ton club yesterday afternoon.
The usual routine of needle
work and social intercourse was
the program , with dainty re
freshments at the close.
Sorosis met Wednesday after.
noon with Mrs. Maud Davies as
hostess. Mrs. W. W. Jenne read
an exceptionally tine paper on
"Forestry of the Northeast , "
which showed that she had de
voted much time and thought
in its preparation. Mrs. P. S.
Heacock read a short paper on
Thomas B. Aldrich , his rank as
a native poet. Mrs. Morris read
a few extracts from FoVest Re
serves , or National Forests.
During the social half hour ,
elegant refreshments were
served by the hostess assisted
by , her daughter , Miss Helen.
"The club adjourned to meet
with Mrs. J. J. Morris , October
The chicken pie supper at the
home of Judge Wilhite , Wednes
day evening , given by the ladies
of the Episcopal church , was a
decided success , there being a
big crowd and plenty to eat.
The ladies realized S19 by their
The Shakespeare club will
meet with Mrs. Lyford Friday ,
Oct. 18. It is earnestly requested -
I ed that all members be present
as the ladies wish to decide
upon the play to be taken up
for the winter.
A Love Feast.
How well pleased all will be
to knoiv that the Reavis-Martin
fend is at last settled. It is
hard to believe but we konw it
to be the truth , as Judge Isham
lleavis and family and IIou.
Francis Martin and family were
seen dining together at the
same table , the lamily table , at
the National Hotel last Sunday ,
.ind from the animated con.
versation and their illuminated
countenances , everyone was
convinced that peace had been
restored. It is rumored that J.
H. Miles had tipped the waiter
with a dollar to bring about this
state of affairs though we can
hardly believe that , but how
ever , the tragedy is over , the
curtains drawn , and they "will
live happy ever after. " Surely
the "lion and the lamb shall lie
down together. " We wonder ,
is the lamb on the inside ?
The Count Goes On.
Another of young Martin's rec
ords has been counted and again
he I has made an estimate , and
again is the mistake ( ? ) in his fa
vor. In the case of Shnmpton vs
Gist the reformer represented
that he had copied 83,000 words
and received payment for that
number. The record contains
but 72,453 words. So far but
four of these records have been
counted and the record to date is
as follows :
Words in Record Words paid for
Wilsie case 95,952 1-15,000
Miles case 25,167 32,000
Brcniger 10,120 36,000
Gist case 72,453 83,000
Making ; an overcharge of 76-
308 words.
More confidence would be had
for the young man if in his esti
mates he had ever made a mis
take against himself.
If a man would sell you a load
of corn , charging you for fifty
bushels when m it contained but
thirty , would you call the
fellow who sold it ?
Won Medal.
The Richardson county conven
tion of the W. 0. T. U. con
vened in Dawson last Wednes
day and conducted a very inter
esting meeting.
A special feature of the even
ing session was an oratorical
contest between six contest
ants , among the number being
Louise Rule of this city , uho
wpn first place , the prize being
a beautiful silver medal. This
entitles her to the privilege of
competing for the gold medal in
the state contest. This is the
first attempt made by Louise ,
and she should feel proud , as
all her friends do , ol her suc
Concert A Success.
The concert given at the Ger
man hall last Monday evening.
br the blind born brother and
sister , Louis and Barbara Trem-
mel , proved very enjoyable to the
large crowd present. The flute
and zither music was especially
fine , and proved them masters of
these instruments.
After the concert a general
good time was the order and
when all left for their homes it
was with the feeling that they
had spent a verj pleasant even
Glad They Are Alive
D.W. Reid and wife of tins city
were passengers on theM.P. train
from Omnha , which was wrecked
near Union lust Thursday. While
they were not injured , aside from
a good shaking up , they have not
yet recovered from their fright.
After viewing the wreck they came
to the conclusion that this is a
pretty good old world after nlnnd )
are mighty glad they are alive.
Grandma Dunn Injured.
Word was received this week
that Grandma Dunn of Barada ,
had been quite eriously Injured.
Last Sunday she was visiting at
the home of her son , -Ira Dunn ,
and in attempting to descend
the porch steps , slipped and fell
in such a manner as to break
her leg.
At last report she was get
ting along nicely , but owing to
her extreme old age it is feared
it will be a long time before she
fully .recovers.
Poland-China Hop Sale.
The Tribune this week , turned
out a neat catalogue advertising
a public sale ot Poland-China
hogs in this city Saturday , Oct. ,
19 , 1907 , at Chapman's sale
pavilion , by Messrs II. 0. Witt-
rock , II. E. Wyatt and W. F.
Rieschick. These gentleman
have some of the finest hogs to
offer that can be found any where.
Their herds are headed by such
stock as First Quality No.29251 ,
and Grand Chief , Jr. , No.42039 ,
and many others equally as good ,
whose breeding qualities entitle
them to stand in the front ranks
of Poland Chinas.
Anyone desiring stock of this
kind will miss the opportunity of
their lives if the3'fail to patronize
this sale.
Travel Talks.
Since Wednesday evening El
der \V. R Miller of Chicago has
been at the German Baptist
church giving interesting Bible
talks. Beginning next Monday
evening he will give six Travel
Talks illustrated with the best
stereoptic slides. Rey. Miller
has traveled ; 17000 miles the
past year. He has also visited
Babylon , where he secured a
brick from the ruins of Nebu
chadnezzar's palace , bearing
his inscription , which will be
displayed by him at the church
some evening. Elder Miller is
a man of rare ability , and our
people should take advantage
of this opportunity of hearing
Everybody welcome. Church
located 5 miles north of Falls
City and 0 miles south of
Barada. Doors open at 7:30. :
Wertz Bros. Win Prize
The following from the St. Joe
News and Press tells of the prize
won by Wertz Bros , on their ex
hibit of fine cattle nt the St. Joe
stock show. The top price nt the
auction wns pnid to Wertz Bros ,
of Almn. Neb , for their cnrload of
fifteen Shorthorns. Their load
took first prize in the cnr lot ex
hibits of Shorthorns and then WHS
selected ns the grnnd clmmpion
lend of all classes. The loud wns
hid in by the United Dressed Beef
Company of New York nt $8.50.
Salem Index.
Basket Ball.
The lovers of Basket ball will
have an opportunity next Satur
day afternoon to see a double
header on the High school
grounds , when the Auburn High
School boy's team vs. the local
High school boys team , and the
Auburn girls team and the Falls
City girls team will battle for
supremacy. It promises to be
an interesting contest. Turn
out and encourage the young
people. The game will be called
at 3 p. m. %
At M. 1C- parsonage on Thurs
day , Oct. 3. at 4 p. m. , Mr. Ora
C. Snyder and Miss Lexa Ilouck
were united in marriage by Rev.
W. T. Cline.
These young people reside at
Salem but intend to locate at
CheyenneIWyo. Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. Crush were present as wit
After Twenty Years
A. N. Dodge , uoltor known lethe
the old timers hero na Art Dodge ,
dropped tntn town foru Hhorl lime
the first of tluweek. . This is the
first visit Art htia mndo to his old
homo for twenty years , and while
ho found ninny elwngofvind ninny
ofjiin old friendH none , still ho enjoyed -
joyod every minute of hisatiiy , mid
pays ho will not lei another twenty
yenrs pass before ho comes ngnin.
Art is now located in Ohicngo-
Children Found a Home.
Daniel Sousman arrived from
Lincoln the latter part of the
week , accompained by two child
ren brother and sister , aged 9 and
7 years which he took from the
Home of the Friendless and in
tends to give them a good home
at his farm west of town.
Humane Officer Hershcv , through
whose efforts these children arc
provided for , informs us that
there are other children at the
orphanage desiring good homes.
Farewell Sermon.
That Rev. Cline is leaving
many warm friends in Falls City
was evidenced by the crowd that
filled the M. E. church Sunday to
listen to the farewell sermon of
this able man. It was a
scholarly address , but through it
all was a vein of sadness caused
by-the thought of the separation
to come.
It is seldom one finds , a min
ister so universally liked , both in
and out of his church , and all re
gret to see him go , yet the good
that he has done in our midst
will remain as a monumint to his
mejnory. Good luck go with
him.L .
L . L
- To the Public.
In leaving Falls City lor my
new iield of labor , permit me to
express my thanks to the people
ple of this city for their kind
ness and co-operation in my
I desire further to commend
my'successor. Rev. U. A. Mas-
tin , D. D. , to this community as
a Christian minister of high
standing and a good preacher of
the gospel of Christ.
Also to personally thank the
Tribune for courtesies extended
during the past three years.
Republican Caucus.
The republican voters ot Falls
City are hereby called to meet
in caucus at the court house ,
Saturday , Oct. 12 , 1)07 ! ) , at 8
o'clock p. m. , tor the purpose of
nominating (2) ( ) two justices of
the peace and (2) ( ) two constables.
H. T. HAHN ,
Remember the Poor.
Humane Oflicer Hershey in
forms us that as cold weather
approaches he will be in need
of clothing to supply the de
mands made upon him , and aslcs
all who can do so todonate any
thing they have that can be
used in making the poor of our
city comfortable during the win
ter. Send all clothing to the
humane headquarters or inform
Mr. Hershey and he will call
for it.
Are hereby notified that the
building committee of the
Catholic Church of Falls City ,
Nebn , will receive bids on a
contract for a basement and
foundation of a new church from
this date until the 31st. day of
December 1907 ( > o'clock p. m.
A copy of the plans and
specifications of this work is ex
posed to inspection at the hard
ware store of Messers Wirth A
Winterbottom and at the Catholic
Parsonage of this town.
Fvrinm BKX.
Mrs. Charles Coe of Omnha , is
the guest of Ejl. Jones and fami
ly this week.
. Superintendent Oliver made n
business trip to Shuburt , Tuesday
of this week.
Mrs. John Southerland of Kan
sas City , is visiting her sister ,
Mrs. 1C. O. Reed.
Mrs. Frank llinkle of Stella ,
was the guest of Falls City
friends this week.
Mrf. Peter Frederick , Sr. left
Tuesday to visit their son , John.
at Calaway , Neb.
Mrs. 1C. II. Towlc andf little
daughter , Mary , are visiting in
Kansas City and Topeka.
Mrs , P. J. O'Brian of Wymore ,
is the guest of her sister , Mrs.
Morris Shcchan this week.
Mrs. T. r. Oliver who has been
visiting her parents at Lincoln ,
returned to her home in this city
Wednesday. *
Mrs- George Story returned
from Craig , Mo. , Sunday where
she had been called by the illness
of her sister. ,
Frank Simms whose home is in
Craig , Mo. , visited a few hours
on Tuesday with his aunt , Mrs.
George Story.
The Musical at the Christian
church Tuesday evening , was
quite a success. The evening re
ceipts were near $11.
Dock Jones and family of Om
aha , visited relatives her3 over
Sunday. Mr. Jones will soon
move to Seattle , Wash.
McPherhon has returned
from his California trip , where
he went some time ago in charge
of a car load of chickens.
Mrs. Ray Gist of Ilumboldt , is
spending the week in this city
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green-
wald and other relatives.
Rev. Teeter will preach at the
Brethren church next Sunday
morning upon the subject "Sy-
mony. " The subject of his even
ing sermon will be "Gossip or
Slander. " The public is invited.
Mrs. Kd. Fisher of Leuvui-
worth , is visiting in this city at
the home of her father , W. 13.
Dorrington. Mrs. Fisher is suf
fering from a dislocated shoulder ,
caused by beating a small rug.
Dr. Crafts of Washington , D.
C- , the famous reformer , is again
booked for a free lecture in this
city. He will be at the court
house October 23. at night. People
ple who heard him two years ago ,
will no doubt want to hear him
II. C. Davis , Pete Frederick ,
Jr. and Less Leeds returned Wed
nesday from their hunting trip.
They report the time of their
lives and from the way they have
been distributing prairie chickens
among their friends , one would
judge that they brought back all
the game that was there.
Republican Caucus.
The republican voters of
Falls City precinct are requested
to meet at the town hall on Sat
urday Oct. 12th. 1907 , at 2 p. m ,
for the purpose of nominating a
precinct ticket and transacting
such other business as shall legal
ly come before said body.
Marriage Record.
Dean Veal , Ilumboldt . 25.
Margaret Hopper , Ilumboldt. . 18 ,
Wm. Foster , Reserve , Kas . 21.
Maude Walters Severance , Kas. 18
F. W. Pierce , Verdon . 25 ,
Anna Xorn , Verdon . 20
John Trigus of Dawson , was
in tlie citv Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Hinkle of Stella , 13
visiting friends in this city.
J. II. Miles made a business
trip to Kansas City , Wednesday.
Harlow carries fresh stock of
Ralston and Forest City pW-cnkc
V. G. Lyford was a business
visitor to Lincoln during the
Dr. Gaudy of Ilumboldt , tran
sacted business in our city Wed
John Holt ami son , George ,
were campaigning in Dawson ,
Mrs. John Stitzcrvcit to
Superior. Saturday for a short
yisit with friends.
II. 0. Zoellers of Preston ,
called yesterday and renewed
his faitli in this family neces
Mrs. Chas. 1C. Banks and Miss
Lillian went to Hastings Satur
day , to attend the Nebraska
State Baptist convention.
G. D. Griffiths of Verdon , was
a visitor in our city yesterday ,
and while here called and or
dered the Tribune sent to his
son , who is attending school at
Miss Gertrude Lum came down
from Verdon last Friday to' at
tend a meeting of the Friends in
Council that evening. She was
the guest of the Misses Cleaver
while in the city.
News has been received from
Miss Grace Maddox saying that
she arrived -at her destination
safely , and that she is much
pleased with her new 'home ' at
Missoula , Mont. She also states
that her brother and family are
well and think they have landed
in one of the best places on
Miss Lois Spencer went to
Omaha , Tuesday , to attend a
meeting of the Nebraska Library
association , before which body
she read a very interesting paper
on "Traveling Libraries.1' Miss
Spencer is gaining quite a reputa
tion as a librarian , and no pro
gram rendered at the library
meetings is now considered com
plete without her name appears
thereon. Falls City people are
justly proud of their librarian.
Will Build Labor Temple ,
Will Maupin will file articles
of incorporation with the secre
tary of state of a company
which proposes to erect a labor
temple in Lincoln. The com
pany will be incorporated for
350,000 and no person will be
permitted to own more than
51,000 of stock. It is the inten
tion to secure a good location
and erect a building large
enough for an auditorium , bath
and rooms for the various un
Peru Normal News.
A boys glee club has been
organized by Prof. Aller , the
musical director.
The boys and girls megaphone
clubs were organized last night.
The Athletic Association had
their first meeting Monday even
ing Oct. , 7 ' 07. The following
officer * were elected for the coin
ing year. O. W. James , of the
senior class was elected president.
Ed Collins vice president , Miss
Sheely secretary , Jim Philips
treasure. Miss Cornell and Mr.
Carlson were elected members of
the board of athletic. Mr. Hill
representative , to the Normal
paper , of the Athletic association
After practising the normal yells
the meeting adjourned.