The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 27, 1907, Image 1

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    Historical Soclotj
Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 , 1907. Whole No. 192
Still Alore Of It
Once upon a time , and not so
very long ago at that , John
Copass and Uncle Dave Brmegar
got into a law suit. John Mar
tin reported the case. Yon know
whom we mean John Martin ,
the reformer.
lie represented to the parties
that he had copied 80,000 words
and demanded and received
payment for that amount. A
careful count shows that he
copied but 20.120 words. In
other words , he demanded and
received payment for copying
nearly ten thousand words more
than the record contained.
Up to dale only three records
made by this young man have
been counted , and the count
shows the following result.
Words in record Words paid for
Wiltse case . . . ! I5,0" > 2 14 > " ) ,000
Miles case 25,167 32,000
Hrincgarcase. . 26,120 30,000
Totals 147,239 213,000
Making a total of On,701 words
in three cases for which he de
manded nnd received payment
more than the records contained.
Johnny says he received this
money on an estimate. In the
language of President Roose-
velt"it , might be called a short
er and harsher name. "
For every seven hundred
words this young man copied
he represented to the litigants
that be had copied one thousand
words and received payment for
one thousand.
These are but three cases and
Martin has been reporting for
ten years.
Suppose , for instance , that
the Gilligan Company had built
a bridge and filed a bill for one
thousand feet of lumber , and
lhat investigation should show
that but seven hundred feet had
been used. Suppose the com
pany should say , "We never
measured the lumber yet , only
estimated it. " The Journal
would say'the Gilligan Company
has deen stealing , and the Jour
nal would be right.
Notwithstanding this expos
ure the young man is still work
ing for re-appointment as court
Notwithstanding he changed
from a democrat to ti republican
to get appointed under Judge
Stull , a republican judge.
Notwithstanding , when Judge
Stull failed of re-nomination ,
the young man 1 ought the re
publican candidate and , as a re.
ward Was appointed by Judge
Kelligar , a democratic judjpe , he
now switches again and seeks
appointment under a republican
What the republicans of this
county think of this young
man's candidacy is shown by
the following letter received
last week from one of the
county's 'most ' honorable mer
and a 'faithful ' republican ol
.forty years of unselfish labor :
"At the committee meeting
'the other day there was a gooc
deal of talk about John Martir
wanting a job with Judge Reese
Now i don't know if a supreme
court has a reporter , but Judge
Reese ought to know what the
republicans think about it. ' .
believe every republican in this
precinct would sign a petitiot
against Martin and most of then
will write personal letters i
necessary. We think something
ought to be done about it , fo
.Judge Reese may not knov
abnut him. "
The republicans of this count ]
are entitled to a republicar
court reporter and not to om
whose political opinions are de
pendent ( in the chance for a job
The litigants of this distric
are entitled to a reporter wit !
less ability as an estimator.
Dcligates to Farmers National
Our good friend Cass Jones
was up from Rule Tuesday and
brought with him an appoint
ment as deligate to the Farmers
National Congress which he1 lias
recently received from Govenor
Sheldon. The congress meets
in Oklahoma City Oct. J7lh.
P. 0. A very of Porter precinct
is the other deligate from this
county and both gentleman are
quite proud of the favor the
Govenor has conferreel upon
them. It would be hard to find
two men in the county better
qualified to represent us than
these gentlemen.
Band Concerts Ended
It was with general repret tlie people
ple learned that lust Tuesday
night's band concert wrs the lust
of the. season. Prof , ( . { amuck
will oe with the Hiawatha band at
Ft. Riley the most of two weeks
and it is thought by the time lie
returns it will be too late to re
sume the eonerrfs. Th > band
concerts have been one of the
greatest pleasures of our people
this summer and we feel called up
on to express the public feeling of
appreciation to thti leader and
members of the band for the many
[ ileasant evenings they have made1
possible for thia city and vicinity.
The Situation.
THIUUNK : The f o 11 o wing
questions have been propounded
to us by the Falls City Journal :
Are you in favor of Richard ,
son county bujlding its own
bridges ?
If you are elected will you
vote and work for this county
to build its own bridges and not
let the contract to a bridge com.
pany ?
Do you believe in the county
building its own bridges if it
can be done for less money lhan
it can be contracted for- }
fn answer to the above ques
tions will say that not being in
a position to know at this time ,
what would be to Uie best inter
est of the county , I am not able
to make a positive answer to
these questions. If the voters
see lit to elect me to the of lieu of
supervisor of my district , I will
endeavor to do that which is
for the best interest of thccoun-
ty and till the oflice to the best
of my ability , and shut out any
gVaft attempted by a bridge
company or from any other
source. 1 will to tlie best of my
ability look after the interest
of the tax payers of the county.
If the county bridge work car
be done , in any way , more econ.
omically tVi'an by contract , 1
shall certainly be in favor of it ,
Respectfully ,
In sizing up the state conven
tion held at Lincoln this week
the Star has this to say : "The
Conventions which gathered it
the state capitol were composed
of the leading men of the state
Each county seemed to believe
its prestige rested on the selec
tion of a representative delegatt
to this first convention undei
the new primary law. Senatoi
Norris Brown of Kearney , rep
resents Buffalo county ; Govern
or Sheldon holJs credential ;
from Cass county George C
Junkin is the man from Gosper
Judge Paul Jessen comes fron
Otoe county , Senator C. A. Aid
rich , of Butler county ; Congress
man Neirris , of Red Willow ; P
\Yeayer , of Richardson coun
ty ; S. II. Sedgwick , of Yorl
county , are honored delegates.
Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Smith an
at home after a visit to Nebrask ;
City relatives.
Just a Visit.
When seiine twenty-six mom.
bers oC Hie order of Otlel Fellows
ol this city turned themselves
loose upon the order at Hum-
boldl last Mmulay , we imagine
thai Hie neighboring brothers
were somewhat surprised. Tlu'y
had been 'noliliod thai a visit
would be nude at that time and
Dr. W. P. Garvur , an old vet-
ran in the order , had been se-
lecU-d to receive and entertain
the visitors during Hie after ,
noon. They certainly knew the
right man fe > r the place and he
did royal work along thai line
until supper time.
At the proper hour Hie visit
ors look possession eif the din
ing room at the Park He > tel ,
which , under Hie management
of Will Kentner. lias become the
most popular hotel along the
line , and the visitors sat down
If ) a 'repast fit for kings. An
hour was well spent lien- and
all left with praise for the man
agement of this splendid public
At 7 : . ' > 0 the lodge room was
well titled \\itliioyal members
of the oreler ami ; i motion was
made thai the chairs b tilled
by the v'siling ' officers , which
seemed to voice the sentiment
of our neighbors to a unit. Rou
tine business was trauacled after -
tor which talks on topics pertain -
tain ing to,0elel Fellowship was
participated in \ > y both mem
bers of the home lodge and vis
iting brothers and we heard no
regrets or disappointments be
cause the step had been made
lhat entitled them to a seat in
Unit circle.
After adjournment and a hall
hour of social chat the visitors
were escorted to a restaurant
where an oyster supper had
been prepared and to which all
did ample justice. As the train
was reported tale the Humboldt
brothers invited ft return to the
hall where they were appear
antly prepared for any immor
gency , and games were broughl
out to while away the time thai
would otherwise have hunt
In fact a more loyal crovel
never mingled than on this oc
casion and not until the tr.iii :
was boarded by the visitors ,
which was early in the morning
were they left by members p :
Humboldt lodge.
These fricndly'calls that have
been in progress for sever a
weeks have been very beneticia
to the members here in man ]
ways and we hope that the seec
of true Oddfellowship has beet
sown among our neighbors.
Prompt Payment.
Mrs. Isabell McPherson re
ceived'a check for SlOUO in lieu
of a policy carried by her husbane
the late William McPherson car
tied in the Knights and Laelie
of Security. Mr. McPhersoi
passed away the 12th. am
within a few elas the company'
agent was here for confirmatioi
and adjustment of claims will
the- result thai the check came t
Mrs. McPherson this week. Tin
I prompt settlement on the part o
[ the fraternal orders is highl
i Republican Caucus
I There will be a republica
j caucus of Arago precinct held i
i the town hall at Arago on Tues
i day , Oct. S , at 2 o'clock p. m
i Important. All the republican
i in the precinct attend. By or
'dor ' of the chairman.
J Louis Suess.
The improvements continue a
jthe library , the plastering bein
pushed as fast as possible. I
will be at least two weeks befor
the library will be in use.
Society News.
Miss Gertrude Lum of Vereloii
entertained The Friends in
Council at her home last Friday
night. Th club members from
here drove up , leaving quite
early in the evening. The drive
proved one of the pleasures of
the evening. Owing to the
absence of some of the members
part of the program was omitted.
Biographical sketches of Scott
by Miss Bowers and Editions and
Illustrations of Scotts' Works , by
Miss Spencer were interesting
and instructive. Dainty refresh
ments were served before the
club started on the jolly homeward
drive after a most pleasant and
profitable club meeting.
One of the most pleasing affairs
sociallv of this season was the
dinner given for the members of
the Married Ladies Kensington
and their husbands last Thurs
day evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Miles. The large din
ing room in the J II. Miles
resielcnce was used and was
beautifully decorated.
The menu was most elaborate ,
each course proving more tempi
ng than the preccceling one , con
sisting of all the delicacies and
laiutics of the culinary art.
After dinner the guests return-
eel with Mr. ami Mrs. Stephen
Miles to their home where the
evening was spent playing whist-
During the evening iceel water
melon was served.
The affair was most enjoyable
as all the members of the clul
are royal entertainers and the
guests were all elelighteel with
the cordial hospitality of Mr. ami
Mrs. Miles.
The M. E.Kensington unel :
large number of their friends
were entertained at the home ol
Etta Riechcr assisted by Mrs. A.
1C. Wolf and Miss Maude Madelox.
( Vu elaborate two course luncheon
was served.
The Shakespear Club met
Tuesday afternoon of this weel <
with Mrs. P. S. Heacock. The
study was as usual , very inter
cstiiig. Macbeth being still unelei
review. Many interesting point *
in the history of the play and o
the characters represented were
brought up , making the afternoor
stuely profitable and interesting
Superentendent a n el Mrs.
Tobie entertained at their home
on North Morton street last
Tuesday evening for the teacher
of the various schools. The
evening was made especially
pleasant with music and games
Dainty refreshments were ser
ved by the hostess during the
evening. The occasion was pro
nounced most enjoyable by al !
the guests present.
Sorosis met Wednesday after
noon with M'rs. Varner as hostess
Mrs. Charles Wilson read ar
interesting paper on the pim
forests of the Rockies. Mrs
John Gilligan read a very enter
taining paper on Walt Whitmai
as a poet ami also gave a fe\
selections which were very mucl
enjojed by the club. Mrs. C. V.
Banks read an interesting pape
"On a painter. "
The hostess assisted by Mrs
Hargrave served excellent re
freshments eluring the social hnl
The club will meet with Mrs
Maud Da vies October 'Jth.
Fred Friedly , the well know
breeder of Poland China hogs , i
making big preparations for hi
annual hog sale which will b
held Wednesday October 23rei
These sales always attract buy
t ers from all parts of the country
and this promises to be an ur
usually large one.
I 1C. Doty was up from Preston
I GF. . Hansen was u Stella vis
itor to this city Sunday.
Clyde Haskens was down from
Stella to spend Sunday.
Jesse Nicholson was on the
sick list several elays this week.
I. Nance of Salem was a busi-
less visitor to this city Wednes-
Mrs. Louis McPherson was
shopping in St. Joe Thursday of
his week.
Mrs. John Syster was over
rom Reserve Tuesday of this
veek shopping.
Bert Ncttleback and Irviu
lasim drove to near Fargo Sun-
lay haxel nutting.
Mrs. Cora Schraeler , went to
\tchison , Kan. , this week for a
'ew days visit with relatives.
Ruth Kanaly , who is attend-
ng the convent here , spent Sun-
lay with her parents in .Rulo.
Mrs- Bert Moody returned
Sunday from a months visit with
ler parents near Forest City , Mo.
Freel ami Mable Truka of
Tobias. Nebr. , are in the city
the guests of Phil Hermes and
Mrs. Wade who has been visit
ing Wymore relatives for several
weeks past returneel to her home
in this city Sunday.
D. W. Rieel and wife returneel
Wednesday from Iowa where Mr.
Ricel has been working special
advertising contracts for some
Mrs. VauValkenljerr , Mrs.
Frank VanValkenberg and their
guest Mrs. Fee of Chicago were
up from Rule Tuesday visiting
George Hall was down from
Verelon Tuesday. George looks
wonderfully important since he
is wearing the elignificel title of
"papa. "
Mrs. Louts Plegc who under
went a very serious operation
las-t week is improving rapidly
and will be well and strong in a
short time.
Rev. W. T. Cline is in Lincoln
this week attending the S. K.
Nebraska Conference. The
many friends of Rev. Cline earn
estly deserve his return to this
city- _ _ _ _ _ _
Dave Sellers of Richardson
county , Neb. , had in today a car
load of shortfed steers and :
carload of hogs , and will take
back a carload of stackers. K.C.
Miss Mary Wyatt of Reserve ,
Kansas spent Saturday and Sun
day with Mrs. Logan Bcancha.iif
in our city. Miss Wyatt expedi
te locate in Falls City in the near
Dr. Boose reports the birth of
a fine baby girl at the home o
Mr. and Mrs. Gotleib Waechtei
east of this city last Saturdaj
and both mother and baby -ire
doing nicely
"John Reischick of Verelon is
making big preperations for hi ;
big Poland China hog sale to be
held October 7th. He holds these
sales anually and the people o
the surrounding country lool
forward to them.
Henry Meyers and daughter
Anna left Wednesday for Cali
fornia. Miss Anna will enter ;
young ladies finishing schoo
which opens Oct. 2nd. in Lei
Angeles. Mr. Meyers has taken ;
house there and Mrs. Meyen
with Ray and Wilma will go ou
about the middle of October.
Ben Parker was elown from
Auburn Tuesday.
Col. I'M Stock spent a few days
it home this week.
Mrs. George Buyer went to
Jcatrice Tuesday to visit friends.
A. T. Sherman of Table Rock
vas in our city on business Tucs-
J. It. Thorp of Nebraska City
was transacting business here
Ur. and Mrs. Griffith of Ver
elon drove elown Wednesday to do
some shopping here.
Mrs- Fred Nettleback returned
Sunday from a weeks visit to her
sister Mrs. Bcyette in Nebraska
Misses Helen Dicktnau and
Blanch Armbrnster visilcd the
latter's relatives in Verelon last
Mrs. Bracclin of Omaha has re
turned to her home after a visit
to her mother Mrs. John King
in this city.
J. E. Stcphenson and wife of
Barada visited over Sunday with
Mrs. Stephcnson's ' parents Supt.
Oliver and wife.
T. J. Whitakersolel his properly
on S. Morton street this week to
Mrs. John Rocsch and will give
posession at once.
Neil Thorton returns today to
his home in Muskogee. I. T.
after a visit with his mother and
friends in this city.
Lela Powell went to Kansas
City this morning to visit over
Sunday with her aunt Mrs.
Frank McDermond.
Eel May came elown from Salem
on businc.-s Wednesday morning.
Mrs. May drove elown in the
afternoon to accompany him
By kind invitation from II. C.
Smith we spent Tuesday after
noon on his fine farm in Nemaha
county , nearly due north of t bis-
city. We were driven out by R
3. Williams of Sabetha , Kas. , in
a double seated Holsmaii Auto in
a trille more than one hour.
This machine is of the high
wheel make and we were in no
fear of a punctured tire. We
certainly spent a pleasant after
noon and saw one of the finest
countries the sun ever shown on.
With the" city Council
Last Monday nights session
of the city council proved a
rather stormy one. After the
city expressed by its vote the
desire for beUer water and light
service , there seems to be some
who for reasons unaccountable
wish to prevent the sale of the
bonds and fight their going
Ihrough. These things are nee-
essary for the city's good and
just why the will of the city
should not prevail is a question.
The park bonds were sold Mon
day night to W. A. Greenwald
at par. This was about all the
actual business done by the ses
sion. Adjourned to meet Mon
day. Sept. 'M in the council
An American Actress on her Art.
I think 1 love and reverence
all arts equally' , only putting
my own just above the others :
because in it I recognize the
union and culmination of them
all. To me it seems as if when
God conceived the world , that
was Poetry : He formed it , and
that was Sculpture ; He colored
it , and that was Painting ; He
peopled it with living beings ,
and that was the grand , divine ,
eternal Drama. Charlotte. :
Cushman (181(5) ( ( ) (1870) ( ) .