The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 20, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. II FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 2 ( ) , 1905. Whole No. 93
Baby Found Dead.
The six montlis child ( if Mr.
and Mrs. Chnrles Larnbee who
reside near Humboldt was found
dead in its bed Tuesday morn
ing' . The little one had been in
good health and seems to , have
died in the night without a
struggle. No caus-e can be
assigned for its death.
Mrs. Walter Dowell died at her
home west of Salem Oct. , 13
after a lingering illness of con
sumption , age sO years.
The funeral services were held
from the Gospel Union Church
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Rev. Garberson conducted the
Mrs. Dowell has only been in
Salem since 1902 having lived
most of her life in Kentucky.
She had made many friends dur
ing this time who extend their
deepest symapathy to the hus
band and little daughter who
mourn her loss.
Thomas H. Cain was born near
Arago in Richardson county , Ne
braska , February 15 , 1862 and
died al New Orleans , Louisiana ,
Oct. 12 , 1905 aged forty-six'years
seven months and twenty-seven
days. The deceased remained on
the farm teaching school in the
winter until he reached his major
ity. Later he studied dentistry
with Dr. Yutzy and attended the
dental college at NashvilleTenn.
Dr. Cain practiced his profes
sion at Stella , Nebraska for
about two years. He located at
Atlanta , Georgia about 1890
where he engaged in business.
In March 1894 be was united in
marriage to Miss Alice Lewis at
Burnswick , Georgia. Their home
was in Alabama for a time , bul
later they located in New Or
leans where they resided until
the 12th day of October when he
departed this life. He leaves a
wife , three brothers , two sisters ,
relatives and friends to moun
his departure.
The funeral services were heU
from the home of his brother , J
R. Cain in this city Sunday a1
2:30 : p. m. in charge of Rev. W
T. Cline. The interment tool
place in Steele cemetery in tin
presence of quite a number o
Some Street Improvements.
Street Commissioner McFar
land has been doing some ver
creditable work on the streets o
Falls City. In all parts of tin
town the ! results of his efforts arc
apparent , but are perhaps mos
notable in the vicinity of Fonr
teenth and | Stone streets. A bit
slice is beiun cut from the Mis
souri Pacific hill and the dir
used to fill in the low place 01
Stone street from Twelfth stree
south In bad weather this lov
place becomes almost impassabl
and those who have occasion ti
travel over the lower part o
Stone street will appreciate th
filling in of this hollow. The hi !
leading toward the Burlingtoi
depot is also being graded dowi
and the dirt used to fill the lo\
place at the west approach of th
Fourteenth street bridge. Tin
also will be a great improvement
These improvements are ver
noticable to people arriving a
either depot and walking u
town. There are many othe
improvements that are noticeabl
especially the permanent walk
that have been laid this summt
and the new houses.
To Prospect For Oil
It has long been the opinio
of many citizens that oil an
probably natural gas exists i
the vicinity of Falls City an
plans re now under way bty
which exhaustive tests will be
made and the matter settled
An experienced oil and gas
prospector and one who has
been very successful in Ins line
of work , has been in the city
this'week and the first steps
have been taken toward secur
ing leasen and making pr limi.
miry arrangements for prospect ,
ing on a large scale.
A meeting of the citizens was
held Tuesday evening and the
prospector outlined his plans.
He stated that from his experi
ence , he was confident that oil
and gas exist in this vicinity
and was so certain that such i ?
the case that he would be will
ing to make exten-ivc tests if
given the proper assistance and
encouragement. It will be nec
essary to secure leases on from
anywhere ftom six to ten thousand -
and acres of ground to enable
the necessary shafts to be sunk ,
In event of the discovery ol
either oil or gas , the owner oi
the land upon which the discov
cry is made will receive ten pei
cent of all profits arising there
rom. If no test is made on an >
tract of leased land within twc
years the lease will become nul
and void. The prospector asks
for no cash bonus , but merelj
that the citizens secure the nee
essary leases. If all the lease ?
are secured at once a well \\il
be sunk this fall and we wil
soon know whether or not oi
and gas exist in this vicinity it
paying quantities. The mattei
was referred to a committee o :
citizens with a view to seeinj.
what can be done in the mattei
of getting the leases. San
Kimmel and Henry C. Smitl
compose the committee ii
charge of securing the leases.
Miss Margaret Wicks and GUI
M. Lewis were united by the ties
of marriage on Monday Octobei
the sixteenth. The wedding wai
a very quiet affair , the ceremony
being preformed in the presenc <
of a few immediadtc relatives a
Palisade , Nebraska. Miss Wick
has resided in Falls Citv sinc <
childhood and is a young lady ol
the highest principles and a gen
era ! favorate of all. She ha
been cashier for Johntson & Son
since their opening in this city
Guy M. Lewis was in the em
ploy of Davies & Owens abou
five years ago and will be remem
bered as a young man of excel
lent qualities. Mr. and Mrs
Lewis will be at home to thei
friends after November twentietl
at their future home in Kendricl
Idaho. May the young coupl
enjo } ' a life of unclouded happi
ness and prosperity.
On the evening of October 17
at the home of Air. and Mrs. C
A Jennings in Salem , occure
the wedding of their daughtei
Minnie Idalia , to Mr. Jesse 1
Shrimpton. At 7:80 : p. m. th
bride and groom entered th
beautifully decorated parlor t
the strains of Mendelsohn'
wedding inarch played by Mis
Florence Jones , where in th
paesence of about fifty friends
the Rev. Garberson performe
a beautiful and impressive cert
mony. After hearty cor
gratulations , an elegant tw
course supper was served in th
dining room. The bride wa
one of Richardson county's raoj
successful school teacher1
while the groom enjoys th
highest esteem of everyone ,
ij Mr. and Mrs. Shrimpton wi
1 [ reside in Salem , and have til
i heartiest cungratulatians of
1 host of friends.
Democratic Caucus
A democratic or "Citizens' '
caucus was held at the court
muse Tuesday evening for the
mrpose of nominating a city
icktn. Not ver } * many of the
aithful were present , but those
vho were there started out by
tutors in ljf John" IIIiU6n''life , re
mblican candidate for super-
isor. This endorsement is a
rery Mattering tribute to Mr.
linton. It is a splendid en-
orsement of his record as a
upervisor. As one prominent
lemocrat said the next day ,
'John Hinton is a republican ,
but as a supervisor he is a citi-
en. " This remark is the whole
ruth. As a member of the
: ounty board he has been a care
ul , painstaking and efficient
ollicer. and as the chairman of
he board , his official acts have
been characterized by an abso-
ute freedom from political bias.
LMie poor and unfortunate of
\ills City look upon Mr. Ilinton
as a .sort of lather. No needy
jerson ever applied to Mr. 11 in-
on for aid in Ins official capac-
ty without receiving all that
lie law allows. He is one of
he most kind hearted of men
ind there are many who can
lever forget the acts of kind-
less that he has done. It is
gratifying1 indeed to know that
.he elemocrats have recognized
us < ; oed qualities and have en-
lorsed his candidacy.
For constables the caucus
lomimiled Jerry Richnrds and
Fohn Parlier. For Justices of
the Peace they chose George
? allsteael and John \Viltse.
But Mr. Wiltse is a republican
ind MS soon as lie learned of his
lominatioh by the democrats he
filed a written refusal to accept.
He was not present at the cau
cus and the tact that the meet-
ng took advantage of his
absence and nominated him was
not only unfair , but decidedly
dishonorable. The attempt to
all his republicanism into ques
tion and hold him up to ridicule
was a fiat failure and every fair
minded democrat in town will
be glad that it was.
Johh Parlier who has always
been a staunch republican , also
filed a resiunation and "protest.
He was a victim of a deception
and his friends justly resent it.
Mock Wedding.
Mr. Harry White and Miss
Alice Dream were married at the
home of the brides parents , Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. McNall Friday
evening. The bride and groom
were attended by Miss Thelma
White and Mr. Therlo Harding.
To the strains of the wedding
march played by Miss Leah Po-
teet the bridal party descended
the artistticly decorated stair way
and thence to the altar where
they were united in holy matri
mony by Rev. N. T. Lee. The
ring was carried in a beautiful
rose by little Blanch Dream sis
ter of the bride. '
The bride was tastefully at
tired in a beautiful gown of
CheinedeLeis over white silk and
carried a handsome bouquet of
white carnations. The groom
wore the conventional black.
The ceremony way A'itnessed by
relatives and close friends.
After congratulations the
guest partook of a bounteous wed
ding supper , The remainder ol
the evening- was spent in danc-
Mr. and Mrs. White left on i\ \
late train for Dreamland Las
kovitz and will be at home t <
their many friends after Nov.
35th on east Olive street.
A Guest.
Mr. O'Connell of Dawson spen
Thursday in this city.
Society News.
The Ladies of the St. Thomas
Church gave a 10 cent tea at the
home of George Dietsch on Wed
nesday evening. It was a decided
success being one of the most
pleasant of the season.
Anita Wilson was hostess at
' '
tlie regular meeting 'of the II. S.
M. club on Saturday evening. A
line program was rendered and
the hospitality of Miss Wilson
imide the social features of the
evening very enjoyable.
The regular meeting of the
Woman's club was held Tuesday
afternoon in the council rooms.
After response to roll-call with
extracts from favorite authors ,
comprehensive and interesting
reports of the State Federation
meeting were given by the pres
ident , Mrs. Wm. Wilson and by
Mrs. Clyde Johnson , the club
Mrs. Will Price entertained a
number of young lady friends on
Tuesday evening at a farewell
reception in honor of her ( laugh
ter , Lulu , who left Wednesday
for Iluntington , Ind. Dainty
refreshments were served. Those
present enjoyed a most pleasant
evening , and are indebted to
tlieir hostess for her delightful
manner of entertainment.
Monday evening was the occa
sion of a vciy pleasant surprise
at the home of Mrs. Sue DeWahl ,
on W. O. Price , the event being
in celebration of his forty-eigth
birthday. A six o'clock dinner
was served by the hostess. The
guests en joyed a royal jood time
and one and all wished Mr. Price
many more such pleasant events.
On last Friday afternoon Mrs.
B. Sinianton entertained a com
pany of ladies at Sunnyside.
Those who have ever enjoyed the
hospitality that prevails at this
charming suburban home will
realize the nature of the good
fortune shared by the guests on
this particular occasion. Mrs.
Sinianton completed the di'oy *
ment of her guests by serving a
dainty luncheon.
Mrs. Simon Davies gave a fare
well reception for her mother ,
Mrs. David Jones , and her sister ,
Maud , on Tuesday afternoon
from two till five o'clock. Quite
a number of Mrs. Jones' friemU
and neighbors were present and
enjoyed the two course lunchcor
served by the hostess. Mrs
Jones and daughter left Wednes
day for Cheyenne , Wyo. , theii
future home , and will be greatlj
missed by their many friends.
Sunday , October 15th , was tin
occasion of a very pleasant re
union at the home of James Me
Dowell and wife. Relatives fron
far and near met once more a
the fraternal board and did honoi
to a dinner eloquent of old time
skill and bounteousness. Those
who thus revived old tics and
associations were : Mrs. I. Mer
chant , daughters and son ol
Wahl Lake , la. ; Mrs. B. P. Grin-
stead and children of Havelock ;
J. K. McDowell and wife of Tecumseh -
cumseh , C. H. and G. W. McDow
ell and families and T. II. Elson
and wife of Falls City.
The regular meeting of the L-
B. T. club was held on Wednes.
day afternoon and Mrs. J. L ,
Slocum was the hostess. The
members were delightfully enter
tained , Mrs. Slocum leaving
nothing undone that could add te
their comfort or pleasure. The
social features proved to be up t (
that high standard which always
characterizes the meetings of thii
club and on this occasion a spec
ial feature was the dainty repas
wtiich was served.
W C T U Convention.
The Annual Convention of the
Women's Christian Temperance
Jnion of Richardson County was
icld at the M. 1Cchuroh in this
city commencing Thursday even-
October 19th , and continuing'un-
il October 21st.
'An earnest and enthusiastic
ittendance was present and every
ncmber took an active interest in
he meeting. The official pro
gram , as follows , was one to
vhich nothing need be added to
be complete in merit and instruc-
Thursday evening , October 19th.
\ddrcss of Welcome from the
church . . .Rev. Cline
Vddress of Welcome from the
union Mrs. Manger.
Mrs. Calvert , Ilumboldt
\ddress Col. Holt
"Women's Sacrifice , or
the Ilerrism of Love. "
Announcement of Committees.
Friday , Oct. , 20 , 8:30 : a. in.
Jevotionals Mrs. Edie
White Ribbon Love Feast
Conducted by
. . . .Mrs. Ada llcim , Dawson
Roll Call and Reading of the
Reports of Local Presidents.
Suggestions of County Presi
Report of County Superin
tendent of Departments.
Why have I not accomplished
more PS County Superin
tendent ?
Report of County President. .
ilow I make mother's meet
ings of interest
Mrs. Robertson , Verdon
Noontide hour of pra ; cr. . . .
1:30 : p. in.
Devotionals Mrs. Leibhart
Reading of minutes of morn
ing session
Report of "Willard Y. " of
The relation of young girls
to the saloon
. . .Mrs. Edie , Ilumboldt
Some points on "Y" work. . .
Col. Holt
Report of L. T. L. work. . . .
"The importance of L. T. L.
work" . . . . Mrs. Agnes Calver
4:05 : p. m.
Children's address
Col. Chas. J. Hoi
5:00 : p. in.
Executive meeting : .
7:30 : p. m.
Devotionals Mrs. Calver
"Why boys become drunk
ards. " Col. C. J. Hoi
Saturday , Oclober 21 , H:3U : am
Devotionals Mis. Robertsoi
Report of county correspond
ing secretary
Report of county treasurer. .
Suggestions as to county
finance for ensuing year
Report of auditing committee
Report of committee on plan
of work
Report of committee on reso
Where shall we meet in 190f ?
oi'i'icKKs :
Mrs. Carrie Paige Boyle , Dawson -
son , county president.
Mrs J. M. Robertsoni Verdon ,
vice president.
Mrs. Minnie W. Judd , Dawson ,
corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Laura Maddox , Falls
City , recording secretary.
Mrs. Helen E. Sterns , Hum
boldt , treasurer.
Rev Smith was a B. and M
passenger for Lincoln on Wed
ncsday afternoon.
H. W. Shubrrt returned toShu-
jert on Monday.
Mrs. G. S. Albright is on the
sick list this week
Neal Mulligan left Tuesday for
iverton , Nebraska.
Mrs. Shed Turner is on the
sickvlist <
Col. Marion drove to Hiawatha
on Thursday morning.
F. E. Lehman of Bern , Kansas
visited our city on Monday.
The Weaver orchard apple
crop was sold as > it stands.
Fred Harris spent several days
of this week in White Cloud ,
John L , Scott of Table Rock
was a Falls City visitor Monday.
J. L. Gentry of Salem was a
guest at the City Hotel Saturday.
E. Hayes of ol Hiawatha regis
tered at the National Saturday.
Garnet Wilson left Monday
evening for his home in Preston.
Frank Snethcn down from
Ilumboldt the first of the week.
Clarence Smith is suffering
from a severely sprained ankle.
Mrs. Lyford visited with Hia
watha friends during the week.
Lulu Price left Wednesday
ifternoon for Iluntington , In
G. T. Lehman of Bern , Kansas
was a visitor in ourcity last Mon-
W. C. Singer came up from
Reserve and spent Monday in this
Tarry Martin of Shubcrt was a
guest at The National last Sun-
J. Gibbscame over from Hia
watha and spent Saturday in this
D. P. Gentry of Salem > vas in
our city the latter part ot last
Allen T. Slagleof Shubert was
in our city on Wednesday of this
R. B. Thomas came down from
Verdon and spent Tuesday in
this city.
Mrs. Carrie Shaw of Hiawatha
visited with friends in this city
Dr. Lem Shaw came up from
Hiawatha and spent Sunday in
this city.
Walter Shaw and wife of St.
Joseph spent Sunday with Falls.
City friends.
If you haven't read Wahl's ad
do it now it will be to your ad
W. II. Morrow , Shuberts At
torney spent Friday of last week
in this city.
A. J. Grccnwalt came up fron/
Ilamlin and transacted business !
in this city Saturday last.
Sam Bucher after a short visit
at his home , returned to Stella
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Schiable
returned on Sunday of this week
from Kansas City.
W. H. Mulligan came up from
S. Joe and spent a few days with
his parents in this citv.
Lou Dixpn left yesterday for
Holton after spending a few
weeks with relatives here ,
A steam heating plant is being
installed in the building occupied
by the Maddox Grocery.
Mrs. George Strother who has
been visiting relatives at Verdcn
returned to this city Wednesday.
Charley Rickards will sell you
Coal to warm up by after the
the day's work. Order now.