The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 10, 1905, Image 1

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. . Vol. II. No. 10 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRI DAY , MARCH ' 10 , 1905. \\Thole . . . No. . 62
L - - ' - - - - - _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ - m - - - -
. , . . . .
- Herman Kloepfel and i\Iiss
Gertie Close were married at the
' , - home of the bride north of Rule
Wednesday afternoon. 1'hey will
go to housekeeping on the Kloep-
fcl farm at once Miss Close is
' . " " one of Ft , Ha el's popular girl
- ' ' and Mr. Kloepfel is a Richardson
county teacher of promincl1ce.
We extend congratulations.
- - - - -
Slot flachines Reilloved.
'l'hc religious zeal incident to
the revival mcptings resulted in
the removal of all slot machines
Tuesday morning. The order
was sweeping and all the peanut
gum and cigar contrivances were
also removed.Ve still insist
that thc tail g-o with the hide and
see that the News obeys the
. . . .y- Glennyn Kenneth Crook.
Glen nyu Kenneth Crook , infant
. . . . . 'Jon of i\Ir. and Mrs. John \V.
I Crook , born July 12 , 1904 and
I. died March 5 , PJ05 aged 7 months
, and 23 days.
The little one was a suffercl of
pneumonia and its illness covered
a period of three \ \ eeks. Every
thing was lone and all medical
skill could rut save its life. The
sorrow that has come to this
, young father and mother is
. ' a ; hared by their many friends and
- there arc no words to express the
depths or sincerity of sympathy
that goes out tu them.
The funeral service was held
_ fr9m thc residence 3 miles south.
east of this city at 2 pm.i\Ionday
March G , 1905. Rev. Cline oflici-
ating. Four young ladies were
pall bearcrs. The interment took
place in Steele cemctcry.
- - - - - -
High Price for Land.
The old Evans eighty situated :
" ' two miles out of Verdon was sold :
to Christ Fisher this week for
$100.50 an acre.
The reniarkable thing about
Otis price is , that thc farm is n..k- .
cd land not even being fully fenc-
ir. cd. If there is another county in
the state that can beat this wc
would be glad to hear from it.
. At the Gehling.
The Stain of Guilt as presented -
ed at the Gehling on Wednesday
evening of this week was as bill-
. ed , very scnational and of start-
ling climax.
' ' " ' '
'l'hc next attraction 'l'he
) Hoosier Girl" will appear on the
f local boards \Vedncsday evening ,
March 22nd.
Sphinx Club.
The Imperial Saxophonc Juin- (
tcttc as the sixth number of the
entertainments given by thc pop-
ular Sphinx club was another
musical treat for those present
last Monday evcning. Every
number was enthusiastically en-
cored , being rendered in thc mas-
terful manner of musical ability.
Owing to thc illness of Father
Nugent , and all his engagements
being canceled , the club will not
be able to present him once more
to the Falls City public , there-
fore th'c Monday night number
will be the last of the cntertain-
111 cn ts.
\Ye feel the people of Falls CIty
to bc indcbted to the Sphinx
club boys for their high class and
interesting lecture course presented -
sented this season.
Seving'Party. .
In as much as it pleased an all
wise Providence to bless the home
of Mr and : \ 1 rs. Andrew Cameron -
on by the gift of two little girls
this week , the friends of thc lat- ,
ter gathered \Vedncsday Ilt thc
home of \Irs. ! J. C. Martin to as-
sist in thc preparation for the unexpected -
expected little onc. Those pres-
ent were Mesdames Will and
George Holt , Bert SimantonJohn
Null , Will \Vighton. Harry Cus-
ter , Lama Spear , John Oswald ,
Harry Pence , sc Morton and
Misses Nellie Shock , Helen Martin -
tin , J.illian and Anna Donng-
ton. Besides accomplishing a
great deal for thc comfort and
convenience of the little girl , a
very enjoyable afternoon was
At the Court House.
County assessor Jorn and Clerk
J.C. Tanner are busy getting out
the assessors books. The meet-
iug' of all county assessors will beheld
held at the court house onIarch
31st for the purpose of conferring
together and securing their books
and blanks for the spring assess-
mcnt. A number of cimattl mortgages -
gages are being r ( leased prepara-
tory for thc assessor's visit.
In the County 'l'reasurer's office
things arc very Cluiet. Outside of
incurring the wrath of the lelin-
qucnt by serving distress warr-
ants Mr. Zook may be considered
as living the simple lifc.
Aside from routine work and
an occasional marriage by way of
variety , Judge 'Vilhite is taking
things casy.
Recorder Rieger and his force
arc working hard catching up
with the spring's record of trans-
No new cases have been filed
in the oflicc of the clerk of the
COUl.t. Chas. Loree being there-
fore employed principally in his
large abstracting business.
George Goolsby Injured.
George Goolsby who lives north
east of this city was chopping
down a tree Monday , which , in
falling broke the limb from all
adjacent tree , striking him on
the head. 't ' ime injured mttn was
rendered unconscious , in which
condition hc remained until \Ved-
nesda\ when Dr. Houston per-
formed the operatIon of trehine-
ing. 'rite patient recovered consciousness -
sciousness imcdiatcly aftertime
opera tion. \Vhilc the injury a
very serious one , the present indications -
dications point to recovcry.
Revival Meetings.
'l'he Revival meetings at the
? \ II. E. church still continuc. Good
audiences have attended these
serces. . 'l'he program for nex t
SUlh } ' , ( , :20 : a. m. prayer meeting -
ing- , 10-15 : sermon. 3 p. m. spec-
ial serce. . 7:20 : i.111. song service
and sermon All are cordially
inted.'V. Cline , pastor.
- - - - - -
flarriage Rec rd.
' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'II01l1as lo' . Hyall. Iatt ruu . . . . . .27
Nora n. J 1'auton. Iau wn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:1 :
Merman r , . Kiot pfel. Ruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Gertrude ! Cloo , ( ' . Itu1u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Joschh 1- . Hodallf : ! Ilutttluldl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2"
Nellie B. Kec. IIul1Iroldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Charles\\ Atwood , liuniUuldl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Ettt a\'ls. IIl1l11hollll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
frank " \\"alloll I , 1'al1s City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Emma : < : . Sliulcllhllnr. liarada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1M
Council fleets. !
City Council mct in regular
session Monday evening March :
6th. Mayor Holt presided and
all members were prcsen t. The
minutes of meeting held Feb. Mh
wcre lead by Clerk Brown and ap-
pr'ed. .
Claims wcae allowed to the
amount of S1201.02. A committee -
tee representing -J'he harmers
Mutual Telephone Co. , appeared
before thc council and Mcssrs
\Vea\'er and Morehead of the
Falls City Telephone Co. After
consideration of thc matter the
admittance of Farmers Mutual
was deferred until thc next coun-
bll meeting. Contract for a new
well at the water works was given -
en to J. F. Richarts , work to com-
mence at once.
Ed Burris was sworn in as
councilman from second ward to
fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Frank Clegg.
Council then adjourned to meet
on April 3rc1.
At a special meeting" held 'rues-
day evening of the council and
tln committee of ci tiiens appoint-
ed at a previous mass meeting ,
thc water supply was dcbated.
A few hours were spent in discussing -
cussing a probable location for
such a supply , some arguing ! to
locate within thc city limits and
others to have it outside. It was
I finally agreed to make three
; tests thc first one near Abbotts
I lakes on land belonging to 'V111.
: Maddox , the second on time \Vmil.
Holt land and he t third to be
somewhere on the Nemaha bottom -
tom between he t place of George
Hinton and George Dorrington.
Time work was to bc commenced
immediately so a final decision
could bc arrived at in about
thirty days time. 1\1r. Kurst ,
who installed our city plant about
seventeen years ago will be in
Falls City in a fcw days and will
bc able to give a few pointers.
Several plans were ( discus5e 1 but
no other business was transactcd.
Jacob Crabill III.
Jake Crabill who has been ill
with pneumonia for thc past six
weeks at Holdrig-e , Neb. , was
brought to thc home of . his par-
ents in this city Sunday. 'Vc
I arc glad hc has improved so far
as to he able to be rcmo\'ed to
his home and hope that hc will
continue to travel toward good
hcalth at a rapid rate
Mrs. JDh'a Brownlee of Adair ,
Iowa , a daughter of Spencer Fos-
tcr nd.a sister of Mrs. Jno.Crook
returned to her home \Vednesday.
She was called here by the death
of the son of John Crook and
A very pleas ant evening .vas
spent by the members of the H.
S. i\T. C. last Saturday evening
with Miss Florence \Vylie as
W. C. li'eliers of Table Hock
was ln the city Tuesday consult-
ing- a lawyer with reference to
some litigation with the Table
Hock brick company in which he
is one of the largest stock holders.
On Tuesday evening at thc
regular meeting of the Highlanders -
ers a good time was enjoyed by
all. Refreshments were served ;
and all enjoyed a most pleasant
evening dancing. The High-
landers arc sure of a good time
every time they meet.
'Vm. Hoppe and family left
last week for Bancroft , Ncbr. ,
which will be their future homc.
1t 1 t