I _ I TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE I , Published Every Friday at - FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA . Dy : TRIBUNE PUBLTSHING CO. t I Entered as second-class mattci' , January - : \1'y 13 : , 1IO-Jat the post ell ceat 'alls . . . City , Ncb" , under the Act of Congress ' of March 3 , 1879 _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - : ONE IOIJ4AR PER YEAH 1 ' [ ' 1 No. ' : _ " ) " ) . - . , ! .L eleplionc 1 1'10 226. ' - . - - I IN THE INTEREST OF I ' ECONOMY. 'I At the organization ! of thc house of tepresentatives of thc state legislature , Representative \ . Casebier mo\'cd that the supplies ' of the members be issued on their I I personal requisition. This should n. t have prcvailed. A similar custom r is required in cvcry business l' . . _ houseal1d there is no good reason 1 I , . I why business methods should not ? prevail - in thc expenditure of thc f I pcoplc's moncy. , " A personal re'quisition would . make : the issuance of supplies a I matter of record , while under thc I present system no record is kept as it is a sort of "hcl p your self , plenty more where these conic I from. " Casl'bicr had no sooner A suggested the adoption ! of thc ; i , requisition methcd when Joe I Burns , representative from Lan- II < caster county , was on .his feet : protesting that thc motion was I \ . ) . _ ( an insult to the members and an . ' - , . imputation on their honcsty. \Ye t " - are all honest mcn" said Joseph. 1 ' ) . - ' --t Sure , but why not act the part ? I It is my experience that men who ! feel it i ncccssary to constantly as- sert their honesty , will hear watch- i ng. r.lcla : whose condnct is hon- cst seldom feel it necessary to notify thc public that they arc honcst. If a woman should start at the head of a street and pro- claim to e\'cry man she met that slit was virtuous , it is quite likely that sonic one would observe , 'rhc lady protests too much , mc thinl\s. : " . \Vc arc not going to debate thc r question of honesty with Burns or any other man ; but we arc t going to say that Jim Cascbicr is , six feet three of man-all man. The ncxt time hc starts any- 4 thing looking to thc welfare of ; J thc people and a business like :1 : administration of their affairs wc j want him to stay with it and 5 . push it through not withstanding - - it may wound thc finer sensibili- tics of even Joe Burns. 1If1" PORT ARTHUR. - , Port Arthur has fallen , and the _ . " ' seige is pronounced the greatest . { r . 'r i 1 in history. Military : experts had I ' pronounced it utterly impreg- noble. English army officers had i said tIlL t it was the equal of Gib- / raltcr. But to the little brown . , . men of the orient all things arc . . possible , . even . Port Arthur. General Stocsscl is regarded as a hero and the press is full of his praiscs. One incident in proof of _ I , . M - - - . - - , - - - - - - - - - his right to the title is related about the commilltder of a fort ' . whose 1 men m were being \ slaughtered - cd by a murderous fire and who after hc saw nothing but absol- ute almnilation for his : garrison , sent word to Stoesscl that he , could hold the fort no longer , to which thc' General returned the reply ' you can lie , can you not ? " Did you ever hear of anything more heroic , this giving away time other fellows life ? Artcmis Ward once said that hc was in favor of a principle so strongly that he would give thc lives of all his relatives to battle for it. Thus wa a Jokc. The valuable lives l sacrificed by the utterly useless - less resistance of the Japanese invasion during thc last six weeks of thc scige is not a joke , it is a trag'edy. There arc heroes and hcrocs. One kind died upon thc cross for others ; another kind ordered thc destruction of thous- ; ands to no other purpose than I thc gratification of his personal \'anity. - - - Start the new year right-sub- scribe for The 'rribune. 'Vhat's thc matter with a straight republican city ticket in thc spring ? Why not have a discussion of thc telephone question at thc farmers institute ? A good many owe us on suh- scription. Are you one of them ? 'Ve need thc moncy. The Tribune has added forly- one new names to its subscrilJtion list since January 1st. - The Dawson Newsboy without thc \Vayside notc : , " would belike like Hamlet with Hamlet left out. Time love of peace has alighted upon thc capitol of Dcn\'cr. Gov. Adams has been declared elected and Ex.GoPCtlbody names thc supreme court judgcs. Senator Cady made a very scn- sible suggestion the other day when he observed that thc senate should permit the committce appointed - pointed to attend the live stock convention at Denver to pay its own cxpcnse. 1'hc Frcmont Tribune of Sat- urday was a twenty page paper. The Tribune is one of thc really good papers of Nebraska and their Saturday's issue was an achievement of which the man- agcmcnt may justly bc proud. Governor Douglas of Massa- chetts is one of the worlds most extensive vertiscrs. A story of him is related by a prominent Boston man who states that at one time a New Yorker was visit- ing at his h0111e. The visitor picked - cd up one paper after another and after a glance laid each oncdown. Hc then went through thc maga- zincs in thc same planner after which hc took thc bible and sct- . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , - - - _ ; < --v _ . _ - _ . . . . . . . _ i - . y ; Fotttldatioll of Fortune The habit of saving , formed in early life , , is the foundation of many a fortune. YOU R FINANCIAL FUTURE is likely to be ex- actl what . von . make it.Vhat von do now - - in the waof ' ' r\ther will determine way _ saving may or r \ - mine what the future will bring you. The Palls City State Bank Is interested in the success of its patrons and the community of which they are a part , and invites every man , woman and child to call . . and talk their "Saving" Plan" over \ \ ith them. I " . - . . ' " 1:0. : . " - - - - - - - - - - - - tied himself comfortably to rcad. The host who had been watclllng him said 'Iwhy old mmiit. 1 didn't know you cared particularly for the hihle. " III don't , " replied tile visitor I'hut I wanted to lind some publication that (11dn't contain the picture of your shoe man Doug'laR. " One Douglas County man who was an applicant for a position in the legislature t committecd suicide upon failing to land thc job. These disappointed office seekers should not entirely despair , they might try the hog powder husi- ncss. Farmers appreciate the value of advertising as l11uch as any class of business mcn. The Hiawatha World runs several full page advertisements - vertisements of t sales every wcck. If you arc contemplating having a sale , call at this office atHl let us show you how many of your neighbors you can reach with an advertisement in this paper. It won't cost you anything to in- vcstig-atc. and it will not cost you a great deal to advertise your sale with us. Let us talk it ovcr. No man of late years has contributed - tributcd more to thc advancement of his people than Theodore Thomas who lied in Chicago last week. He was among the world greatest musical directors , and I one who kept to his ideals with a ! tenacity that resulted in thc musi- cal education of Chicago. A ! magnificieut i lllusica 1 temple cost- ing nearly a lllillion dollars was just completed in Chicago , built through his efforts , when his life carne to its closc. Mr. Bryan in a speech before thc Missouri legislature Monday said : "I wish to say I was glati I fled when Mr. Roosevelt said that ' he would not bc a candidate again. I think nothing has so pleased democrats in a long while as thaL" In view of thc result of thc rcccnt election one can easily understand thc democratic joy created by this announccmcnt. In the saute address Mr. Bryan , speaking of thc reforms the prcsi- . . . ( cnt I was inaugurating , sail 1 : " 1 'f hc goes about it camcstly. J shall he glad to help where J can. " 'he president will no doubt wcl- comc the assistance of Mr. Bryan or any other citizen , but it seems that the life and character of the president would j usti fy Mr. Bryan in being fair enough to eliminate any doubt as to earnestness and to cut out the HiL" 'I he current issue of r.lcClurcs : magazine contains a story entitled u'l'he Sculptor's funeral" by 'Villa Cathcr formcrly of Nebraska. hiss : Cather has-.dsen : rapidly in thc world of literature and in this story is at her best. The real hero of thc story ( Jim Laird ) is doubtless the late Jamcs Laird of this statc. 1'0 those who believe that money is thc sum total of life and its labors wc would especially - I pcciall comend this story. 'rhe . old friends of poor unfortunate Jamcs Laird will not bc disap- pointcd in reading 'l'hc Sculptors : ) - tors funeral. " Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NORTH No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln Express , . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . A 2:25 : a m No. 53 Omaha and Lincoln passenger ! . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . A 1:00 : p m No. 233 Local Freight , Au- mini . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : p 111 SOUTH No. 52 : Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . , . . . . . A 3:10 : a m No. 58 Kansas City aid St. Louis and DCllver . . . . . . . A 1:40 : l' 111 No. 232 Local , tchisoll. . . 10:30 : a m No 320 : Stock r"reightIIi- ilwatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 p m A. Daily. n. Daily except Sun ay. J. B. AHNJtRAgcnt. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale Money to IO , .n Telephone 178