The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 13, 1905, Image 11

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    ' '
, . -
Only $8,000,000 Less Than for Calen
dar Year of 1903-Among Increases
/ In Expenditures Are Navy $23 , . .
000,000 and War $9 000,000.
WASHINGTON-The treasury department -
partment issued a review ot treasury
. operations for the calendar year 190.1.
The treasury receipts for the calendar
year 1904 were $540,000,000 and the
. _ expenditures ( Including the Panama
, , * - . Imymenl ) $502,000,000 , a deficit for
p the year of $22,000,000. As compared
with the previous calendar ; year , the !
receipts show It ralllng off of $8"
000,000 and the expenditures an Increase -
. crease of $ OOOOOOO. The 'decrease
rl. . . . . . . . . . . in customs recciltS' was $9,000,000.
Civil and miscellaneous expenditures
increased lGOOOOOO ; war depart-
ment , $23,000,000 ; pensions , $2,000-
000 , and interest , $1,000,000.
, The increase in interest is due to
_ the fact that a portion of the inter- .
est of 1903 was anticipated in 1902.
The figures do not.-include the postal
receipts' and expenditures , except .
that the postal deficit is included in
the civil and miscellaneous expend
Imports for the first eleven months
of 1904 were $939OUO,000 , an increase
over the corresponding period of 1903
of $22,000,000. . .
Imports free of duty for the same
period increased $42,000.000 , while
dutiable Imports decreased $20,000-
' , " 000.
1t ; In 1903 43th per cent of the imports -
: ports were free of duty , while in 1904
, _ . 47 per cent were free of duty. Practically -
I } . . . . . . ' . tlcallY the entire increase In free Imports -
. ' ports was in three articles-coffec ,
india rubber and raw S'llk. Although
I dutiable imports decreased $20,000- i
000 , raw sugar and wool chow Increases . :
: creases aggregating $28,000,000. All
other dutiable imports decreased near-
I Jy $50,00UOOO. Of this decrease $20 ,
. 000,000 was In iron and steel.
f Other noteworthy features of the
. treasury transactions In 1104 ! were the
payment out of accumulated surplus
I of $50OUO,000 for the rlght-of-war for
. . . . the Panama canal , the redemption of
' the outstanding 6 ( j per cent bonds , due
February I , 1904 and the various calls
on the national bank depositories for
the return of a portion of their public -
Hc deposits. The redemption of 58 i ;
during the calendar year was approxl- .
mate.y $6,000,000. Public funds on
' . . ; . . . . . . deposit with the banks were reduced
. from Hi6.000OOO January 1 , 1904 , to
. : " , . $113UOO,000 at the close of year. Tae
( \ 4 calls on the banks to mature early In
. . . . .
, ; , . 1895 will further reduce these deposits
, .
I >
: : . ( . . , and replenish the cash m the genera I
, ' ; : : ' ; : . . , fund of the treasury to the extent of
" . ' $2JOUO,000. :
The cash In the treasury , exclusive
. 01 .the gold reserve and gold and silver
coin held against outstanding certificates -
.J. , JJ _ cates , was $320OUOOOO on January ,
904. At the close of the year it was
: ! - $240 000,000 , a..decrease of $80OOOUOO
for the venr.
. . . . . ' Prominent Nebraska Lands a Place
in MexIco.
' " . ' , , 1 AStlINGTON-Neuraska Is to receive .
celve one of the best paying appoint-
. . ments in the diplomatic service.
. : . It was announced at the White
house Friday that David E. Thompson
, , . ; of Nebraska , now United States minister .
Ister to Brazil , will be transferred to
the appointment of ambassadorship to
Mexico. According to the plan of arrangements -
rangements , Edwin H. Conger , now
minister to China , will soon be trans-
terretl to the Mexican ambassadorship
to succeed Powell Clayton , who der
sires to resign at an earl ' time and
I' enter private business pursults in his I
' home st.te. .
- -
. ' . . J .
Colorado Republicans Not Agreed
Upon Plan to Reseat Peabody.
DENVER-Yery few members of
the legislature have yet arrived in the
city and whether the plans of WIlliam
C. Evans and other republican leaders . '
ers to reseat Governor .TamC Pea-
body will be advised hy a majority ofI I
the republican members 18 still In
doubt. The republicans can carrr
any measure 011 which they are
agreed. There are at least hair a
dozen candidates for the swalcership.
Some republican members known as
followers of former United States
Senator Edward O. 'VoJcott have decided .
clded that while they do not contemplate -
late a union with the democrats under
any consideration , they will oppose
vigorouslY any plan for counting out
Adams. The Wolcott republicans say
they will go Into u party ) caucus and
will agree to abide by the decision of
: the caucus up ( to a point where it con-
filcts with their conscience. They Insist .
sist that they have always strictly observed -
served party regularity , but when a
course Is commended that is , moray ] ]
wrong they will not follow it and they
wlll not consider ' their decision in
that regard as "irregular. " The plan
to seat Governor Peabody , some or
them declared , is wrong and no cau-
cus action will bring them to support
such action.
The canvass or the votes for state
officers is made by the legislature and
Is not subject to review In the courts.
. .
Governor-Elect of Colorado Flies Petition .
tition in Supreme Court.
DENYER-Attorne Charles S.
Thomas and Samuel W. Helforll filed
a petition In the supreme Court
Wednesday on behalf of Alva Adams ,
the democratic govemor.elect , asking
that either the court 01' a commission
to be appointed by the court shaH
open all of the 204 ballot. boxes used
In Denver at the late election and
make a thorough examination of their .
contents. The court decided to hear
arguments on the petition later in the
"I have no question about my election .
tlon by substantially the majority represented - .
resented on the face of the returns , " !
said Governor Adams. "I believe If
the frauds In outside counties could
be unearthed my honest majority
would amount to 20,000. Hut 1 want :
no tainted seat. It is of far greater :
Importance that the extensive election iI i
frauds should be unearthed and punished . '
Ished titan that I 01' any other particular '
lar Individual should be sworn in as
govemor. I don't know who committed .
mitted the alleged frauds In Denver.
I know nearly thirty men are In jail , I
ostensibly for contempt of court but !
really ] ] charged with election crimes
If they are of the character represented -
ed , i feel assured that there are men
at liberty far more deserving of jail
than those who are incarcerated.
China Will Try to Hold Russian War
Vessels in Port.
SHA GHAI-1'he tatotal has Issued
strict orders to the commanders of
the Chinese warships in the harbors
of 'Woosung and Shanghai to prevent
any attempt to escape by the Rus-
sian war vessels the cruiser Aslold
and the torpedo boat destroyer Groz-
More Chinese cruisers arg on the
way to Shanghai.
The Askold and the Grozoxol succeeded .
ceeded in reaching Shanghai after the
battle between the Russian and Jap-
anese fleets off Port Arthur August
10 , and since that time their officers
and crew have been interned at
4 A rumor from Shanghai reached
London December 9 that the Askold
was coaling and replacing its machinery .
en' preparatory to tin effort to escape
and join the Russian second Pacific
squadron. _
. . . . - - - - . - - - . . - - . , - - - " - . . .
Confirmation of the Report That Gem
Kondrachenko Has Been Killed-
The Work of Dynamiting and Paral
leling Continues.
' ' the
TOKIO-'l'ho .Japanese occupied
entire fort on Hlhhmg mountain nt
7:30 : o'clockVednesdav. : . ,
Trustworthy advices from Iort , Ar-
thur confirm the report that General
KondrachenJw has beou killed and
that General Stoessol has been injured
by falllng froDi his horse. General
Sml110ff Is also reported wounded.
The advices further say that the
stern of the battJeshlll Sevastallol has
slink In shallow water. Its how Is
damaged in two places and the 51 cer-
lug room gear is also damagel !
The garrison Is reported to be confident .
fident In the belief that relief will ill" i -
rive before March 1. Despite Its
heavy losses November 26 and suhse-
quently the garrison Is said to be
cheerful and resolved to continue the
struggle as long as a single soldier
remains. The army claims to have
sufilcient provisions to last until Feb
ruar . . The navy possesses about one
month's storos. The price of food in
the beleagured fortress is high. Beef
Is 14 roubles per pound , horse meat
6 cOlols } , turkeys lGO roubJes each ,
eggs 160 roubJe8 per h\11uired. But
a few junks bearing supplies reached
the garrison the past month.
It Is expected that the capture or
the heights of Pigeon bar will fur
timer curtail the landing of supplles.
The emperor today received In 1\11
thence and decorated Captain 'lurbon .
zen of the steamer Willehad , which
had brought home the Japanese ref
uges from Russia.
The Japanese dynamiting and paral
holing against the eastern section ot
the main circle of forts ' around Port
Arthur Is progressing favorably. The
right wing of the besiegers continues
a heavy and effective shelling of the
new town preparatory to operations
which are nearing completion. It Is
probable that the next attack will be
simultaneously directed against ! the
east and west forces of hc t fortress
in an endeavor to divide and weaken
the resistance of the defenders.
The New Year season has begun
and aU Japan Is enjoying a holiday ,
consequently 'rogo's journey from
Kure to Toklo will be n continuous
popular ovation.
Members of Congressional Committee
Consider Question
ASHINGTON.-l\Icmbers of the
congressional committee which will
formulate the Isthmian canlll legislation '
tlon have been considering the various
questions relating to the regulation
of the canal zone. A bill for the pur-
pose passed the senate last session ,
but was rejected hy the t house , and n i
measure finalJ ' . was agreed upon
placing the whole government of the
zone In the power of the president un ,
til ] the end of the present session of
congress. Before the close of this
congress it will be necessary to renew
that power for a term of years , or to
enact a new law. Opinion differs as
to the nest method of handling the
subject , although it Is believed that a
strong government will be necessary
In order to provide for the care and
health of the men engaged in canal
work. It is expected that Representative .
tlve Mann ( I1l. ) will Introduce a bill
relating to canal work soon after conS
gross reconvenes.
LONDON-Vice Admiral Lord Chas
Ueresford has been appointed to suc
teed Admiral Domvl11e in' . command
of the Mediterranean squadron OJ
May 1.
. -
' .
UNDO IA hair Tonic will lend to'
your hair that soft flurry appearance
appreciated by people of good tnato
anti I'efinemenl. . .
Ask Your Barber ' I
Send us your name for free treat-
' 1'II UNDOl\IA COMPANY , Omaha.
To ndmtl'o a virtue without seeking I
to emulate it Is to enervate the soul
A OVA nANT" Ir.1) CURE 'on l'U.ER
Itcltln / c , Jill ut , IlIclllllnK fir Prutrn.lhlK PUnA. Tour
drulmht will rcrllllli tnuucy It J'A7.0 UIN1'MENT
fade to cure you 111 IIIUIICr. 'thI1' , 6OC. ) _ _
Some men will miffs heaven because
they sit so long by the wayside dissecting .
Rocting theil' guide ( ] hoolcs.
1110 not believe Pico ! Cure for Consllmpt' on
has lln CIIlIlIl for coughs and ( : oh' , - . .Tonl .
BOYJtt : , 'J'rillity SJlrhl , 11111" , I'cb. Hi , 1000.
'rhe chaste : mind , like u pollRhed i
plane , may admit foul thoughts wlth
out receiving their tlnotlll'e.-Storne.
The people who wear fficond.haJui
clothes have sonic I.Hmcnlty In believ
lug In the eternal fitness of things.
I have no patience ! with a man who
would rather have /1 lot. of ancestors
than make n name for himself.
A friend of mine who has the grip
informs mo hat t II frieze on the wall
Is worth two colds In the head.
The longest way round may he the
shortest way home because there are
no saloons on the longest way.
The devil ] never worries over the
man who saves all his smiles for time
stranger : Ramn's Horn.
The man who Insists that business
is only business Is apt to prove that
religion Is only humhug.
The homes of a nation are the bulwarks .
wal'lts of personal and national safety
and thrlfl.-.T. G. Hol1and.
The most agreeable people In the
world are those who never have any
opinions or their own.
The lowly place of service may ho
the mountain top of communion.
The rich man cannot have a helter
banlt than the poor man's coJar. ]
- - 1
Certain Habits Unconsciously Formed
and Hard to Break.
An Inget.lous philosopher estimates
that t the amount of will power necessary .
sary t. . break 9. 1lfe.long habit would
if It could ho transformed , lIt a
weight of man ) ' tons.
It sometimes requires a higher degree .
gree of heroism to break the chains
of tl pernicious habit than to lead a
forlorn hnpn In s bloody battle A
lady writes from an Indiana town :
"From my earliest childhood I waR
a lover ! of coffee. Before I was out
of U1y teens I was a miserable dyspeptic '
peptic , suffering terribly ) at tunes with
my stomach.
"I was convinced that It was coffee
that was causing the trouble and yet
I could ! not deny myself a cup for
hreal < far-t. At the age or 36 I was
in very poor ) health , Inlleed. My sister .
tel' told 1M' I was In danger or becomIng -
Ing n coffee drunkard.
"But I never could give up drink-
Ing coffee for breakfast although It
kept JrO : constant ) Ill , until I tried
PostlJ1l1. I learned to make It properly '
erly according to directions , and now
we can hardly do without Postum for
breakfast , and care nothing at all for
"I am no longer troubled with dya ,
persia , 1'0 not have spells of suffering
\ t Ith my stomach that used to trouble
mo : ; c when I drank coffee. " Name
given br PostUlU Co" , Battle Creek ,
Lrok ; in each pkl for the famous
"tllo look , "The Road to 'VeIJvill "