The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 5

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, -December 16 , 1901 , f THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE .
- - -
Their House Decorated.
'When Mr. and1\lrs. U. I I. eavis
. .
returned to their house Wednesday -
day from their wedding' tour they
found that sonic 11lischeivous
' friends had decorated the exterior
} _ "
I uf their house with old shoes ,
slippers and boots. Large1)lacar(1s
' as May all of our troubles belittle
" ' Behold the bride-
little ones"-----,13ehohl )
' g'rool11 cometh" -'I'his is the
1' opcn Reason for g'00-g'00 cye "and
. kindred pleasantries were laded :
I to every available space on the
sides of the house. It is neeelless
. to add that Burt made a scatter-
inn in short order.
A formal reception given to
: Mr. and Mrs . B. T. Rcavis hy the
immediate relatives of l'.Ir. Eca\'is
\ will be held tonight at the home
of 1\11' . and 1\1rs. 1\ J. Gist.
1'here are about one hundred
and lift ) invited guests. The invitations -
vitations arc con lined to the .
, young social set.
t Burned With Acid.
Mrs C. 1\1. Wilson just escaped
, a fatal accident last Saturday
nig'ht. After retiring she got ui >
' . With-
to take somccoug'h syrup. -
out lighting a lamp , she drank
from a bottle which was standing
where she usually kept the l11eeli-
w dne. It contained carbolic acid
and Mrs. Wilson was badly burn-
µ ul in her throat and mouth.
Fortunately she discovered her
mistake in time to keep from
swallowing the liquid and to that
she probably owes her life Be-
yond suffering ! ' severely I rom
' . ; shock and the painful
. nervous ;
" . ,
\i \ ,
' , burn there has been no bad effect
from , the accident.
_ .
- , . - , - - -
. F " ' . . . Mercy I-lospitaI.
I Dr. Houston was called to Stain - '
. , berry , 1\10. , the early part of this
: ' week to assist in an operation and
i V . } is expected back today. Everything -
. thing at the hospital is going
. ' " Mont smoothly and all of the
f'l patients arc seemingly on the
, ' , : road to recovery.
Money und Lund.
1\Ioncy to Joan. Annual Inter-
est. Optional Paymen
160 Acres Nuclwlls County , Nebraska -
braska , $5,000.
220 Acres liO Acres cultivated ,
tine spring watcr , all fenced
Hichardson Count ) ' , Nebraska.
$ ' 15.00 per acre.
HO Acres Johnson County . Nebraska -
braslw , will take 40 or SO as part
' 150 Acres Good terms Farm
near to ' vii. ,
20 Farms In Creek Nation ,
Indian 'ferritory.
40 Acres Near Verdon Ncbr. ,
32S' Acres Stanton County ,
Kansas. $2.50 per acre.
Carmel and 14'arms. Do you :
want One ? henry C. Smith ,
Falls City , Nebr.
Mts Jessie P. Cobb of Pitts-
burg , Pa. , is in the city visiting
with her father , 1)r. Geo. lJ.Par-
sell , She expects to remain un-
til after Chri ttnas.
See Coupe & 'Phomlon for your
Christmas dinner mcats.
George ; I Loll was in 81. Joe
\Vec1ncscla\ ; ' . ,
V. G. Lyford was a HumhoeH )
visItor Satu.rday.
Dr. A. Gaiser , dentist over
Richardson county hank.
. . . . . -
- - - - - - - -
Face to Face
. . . _
- - - - -
Look your watch square in thc
face and ask yotu , " elf if you arc
treating this old friend right ill allowing -
lowing it to tick its life away for
need of timely attcntion.
Perchance a drop of oil now , a
little grit or dust hnlsl1ed away will
prolong Its period of tiluelines for
ma n ) ' days
. \Ve clean , repair and put in order
tuners of all kinds , from thc costli-
est chrollolllc'.C\'s to tc chcahpest
\ Roberts ) , The Jeweler
_ . . . . _ . . _ . . . .w. . . . _ _ _ _ _ - . . . . - . . , _
. '
. Dinnis dear , have YC heard the bad news that's come over ?
\ Dear Ireland is facing could winther and woe.
, " - 'I'hey tell iiid the praty crop failed thin ag"in , dear :
" It's mcsclf that don't know what the poor sowls will do. ' .
, : "Pis had enough here in America , Dennis ,
" When you're out of work and the grub's runnin' low ;
, Jut ] there's folks here mc darlin' unite able to help us ,
. if we but to them for assistance will go.
Sure Dinnis , 111 datIiii' " T know you're rell1emberin'
I 'rh' sad year : behind us , about ' 411 .
. \Vhen th' praty crop failed ; I know well me darlin' ,
{ 'I' "rwi11 nc'cr effaced . from \ 'our . 111oi11d or moine.
-'I' ' ITow the 1111dhren , poor darI1t1's , begged for a pmty ,
t / \Vhen. ' Dennis , there wasn't a one to be found ;
And how when we watched them so slowly astar\ ' n'
, And then laid our first-born to sleep in the ground.
' Sure Dinl1is , me heart i- ! jist ac11 n' with sadness
, For 1 know well the misery tl1at's now at their door :
' I God help poor old Irclalid , for today she is helpless
' ' ' with thc ' and . '
. Because she's oe'r1'11n hungry poor.
E ! , Ail , Dinnis , America's a very foine counthry ;
'rhere's plenty fur all in this land of the free.
, But somenow or other , my heart fills with sadness ,
I When I think now of Ireland , swate cushla machree.
How many poor sow15 on the Isle , Dinnis darlin , .
i Arc . turning their eyes to America's shore ,
With hopes for assistance ; ah , thig'hen thu g'arcn ?
a , -J ven now comes the call at America's door.
\ So Dinnis , we'll hope for r ; : bright prosperous future
' ' cd at ould Ireland's door
1'0 stand bright arrayed ;
And pray that thc future will have naught but plenty ,
So that Ireland , dear Irclar.d , will want ncvermore.
, . . .
. "s . . y C8ax _
' Y
' ' i'11 -
; r ; r
, . . ,
'r ; ' 4 d r ) ; '
' .a . a ; . , r ' ' i :
Ce1uf , l'J. + mpold Etca : + , ? !
. .
. - --or - - - - ' - - -
: Peters Shoe Co 's. "Diamond Brand" '
lias I been awarded the 'Grand Prize at che St. Louis
1XpOSition. The award of the Crand Prize was made
by International .1 jury composed of expcrts from the
United States and foreign countries and , was won in
I competition with the whole world. 1Vc sell tthem. .
Come in and get a pair. t ,
: . F. W. ClCCkZfld f
. Falls City , Jibe b rasla
. : . . .a.r . - . . . . . : ! - .If e
. r "P.:1'1.7j" : " " . . . . . . - - , . . .it : . . - .
fL ' : l.I < :3 :
. 'iVe have a full Line of Pop-
. ul&.r. Price. Call and See
i Them at
® . _ HARDWARJ 1
Dr.R.P. Rohel.tsdentist
over Kings PharnUlCY.
1\11' and Mrs. Lewis McPherson -
son have 11100'cd 'Into the Crush
house on south Chase street hav-
ing' purchased the property.
Call on \V. 1-1. Crook and Co.
for guns and ammunition.
' ' ' ' ' ' at City
Toys , 'roys , 1'0)'s
Mrs. J. J. Tanner was a B. & :
1\1. passenger to Humbodt ) Satur-
Fresh bulk oysters direct from
Baltimore ot Coupe & Thorntons.
- - - - -
Oui' ciiI' ; I '
Out Sale
of OVf ! 'coats
Is still going on and will
continue until thc prcsent
stock is ex.hausted. 'I'lley'l l
are going- fast and you
had better come in rig'ht 1
away if you wallt to take
advantage of } the extremely
ly I low prices we are mak-
ing" as they won't' last
long- Come ill now
while there is 11 good ! as- \
sortlwnt ) to select from.
- - - - . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Eat Sowles Candy.
J. R. Cain jr-of Stella was in
the cIty on business 'l'uesday and
\\Tedncsc1ay. Rob has been fav- ,
Drably Ilentionlect as a candidate
for congress but says that hc is
in [ favor of Judge Jessen as Bur-
kett's successor.
For Salc-Mule colt , enquire at
Heck's feed store.
. DR. , v. T4. KgNNY of St. I
Joseph EYE , EAR , NOSE and ; ,
1'HROA'l' SPECIAI4IS'1' will be
at Mercy Hospital January 10.
Santa Claus headquarters at
City Pharmacy.