December 2 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - . - - . _ _ _ _ _ n. . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . .rTW.Sf ! - 11 _ _ . _ DOI1't Forget Wllital Bros. ' Land Excursion next Tuesday , i December 6tll. Come go with us to Kansas on Tuesday next and . ' WP " ; : ; ll- ! how you the finest land that can be had for the ) : . m jig ' , ' lt' ; ? : : . : f you don't say so alter seeing it we will ' . set em up to the crowd. . ' \ \ ' c will sell you a fine 160 for 3000. $ 1,000 . I . ' down , balance 5 years at 6 per cent , in.Kan. . . , that will t : Ji grow bIg corn , wheat , alfalfa , clover , tImothy and big red apples , if you will go with us next 1'uesclay. For rent-A fine 80 near Falls City cheap. [ ; If you have a loan coming chic or want a new one ' see us , we have plenty of cheap money. ' . There is in Falls that 6 for . ' a man City paid $6,500 ' " 3 80'S in Kan. last yetir , could sell for $ J , 500 more , than he paid , his crop will net hi m : : ; . 2 , 200 , snaking a i 1 clear profit of S3 , 700 this yenr. You can do thc same ) if you will go to Kan with us next Tuesday . Here is one of the best bargains in Richardson Co. No. 37 K-1s a good farm of 160a , well improved good [ 4 room house , barn , 32X32 , hog house 2X26 with shin- gic roof , 2 granaries Sx 16 and 12x14 , chicken house * 8X22 shingle roof , 2 good wells with windmill and tanks ; 1 This is all upland , 130a in cultivation , not over J sa un- ' t lit for cultivation , all fenced with posts and wire , Sa t. clover and timothy , 9a all good alfalfa , 2a orchard , 4 { . mi. of school , R. F. D. , phone in house , only 3 mi of Salem , all good smooth land except about r sa for only. ) ' tl $48 per acre part cash balance on time , owner must sell ' . on account of poor health , let us show you this farm. ' / . \Vhtaker Brose ) _ _ rz..J1 J'I ' : ' 1'lJ- ' ' ' : ! Z ! : ' ; Y. ' ? l : : : : : : . . : ] 'f aIiil : . . - Court I-louse Ne\vs. Treasurer Zook and his assistants - tanh have been very busy men 1 ; . all week. Taxes are being paid to the extent of $2,500 a day and the office force has been compell- erl to labor night and day to ' . keep up with the wotIc 'f , l'he : Hock Island and . Mo. Pac. raIlroads have paId theIr taxes in full though a portion of their tax . , was paid under protest. 1'he Burlington tendered Sl1.400.30 in fuJI pa'ment of their tax which Ii this year has been increased to about S17,500. 'l'he County Treasurer has refused to accept the tlnder. roll' tl'iinner , County Clerk has been taking it easy this week as - the tax books arc complete and \ there is nothing but routine busi- . ' j t"1 ness to require his attention. His office however , is a scene of activity i\Iessrs Hin ton , 1\1 cCra r and Glosser special committee of the county board arc 1001lig up I all delinquent personal tax since lSJ1. This con\l'llittce \ has been hard at work a1cl $ will probably be engaged the greater part of next week. "very little of this delinquent tax will be < collected but as the state has the county charged ' with its portion of the tax , the county will reeivc credit - it from the state for alll1l1collect- ' ed taxes. This will materially I t i < reduce the count v's debt to tIle " . . . . state and is the purpose \ ; for which \.1t the committee wa appl i tc ' 1. f But Oil" ' : ' - " , ' " c : ' : c , Jacob Mack ' . Jas. Graham , has bcr \'s. . 11 commenced - menced in Chas. Loree's office in the last week. Charlie says the tales of wealth that were report- . cd as a part of the district clerl\'s I office arc a delusion and a sllare. Judge 'Vilheit and Williams J ehrer have been engaged in the { a routine work of their oflices. I . . L ( f , - - , . . f - " I ( . 1L i - 01111 Bowers , Harada _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ 1 ! ) Lulu west , I'airfaxi1o-------------- 19 John Henry lIug-hcR , Hiawatha.28 Maric 1.'aliscil liawkins , 1.'a118 City _ 23 Jesse \111n'on , Shul1crL.2/ .Anna Cox B < ' . - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - . . . _ _ _ Will pay the following prices for poultry delivered tv the Poul- try 1-louse. Hens and Pullets . . . 7c per lb. Young \ ' . . . . . .7c per lb Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c per Jb Turkey all kind . . . . .12l peril ) Ducks full feathered . .6c per lb I Geese full feathered..6c ocr lb - Cra ws must be empty. Sick poultry not wantcrT : The [ above prices good cncluding' Dec. 31' < 1.- Falls City Poultry Butter & .lg-g- ! ; Co. . Call for Mass \ ff1eeting. 1'he committee appointed by the Falls City Commcrcial Club to look after the good roads question have deckled to call a mass meeting the Court house in this city on 'l'uesdav December 13 at 2 p. 11. at which ' all people in the county interested in the " Good Ponds question are urged to be present. 'l'hc purpose of this meeting' is to discuss this . question and if possible . to devise some means of securing the good roads for the entire county. It' has also b en suggeslcd that such a gathering [ 'ht fraJ11c it hill on this subject and have our mneumbers of the Legislature introduce - troduce it at the session of that body nest winter. Judge \lunger of the U. S. district - trict court has on application of the Burlington railroad issued a temporary restraining order enjoining - joining all county treasurers from declaring the Burlington's tax delinquent - lilHluent gr from ; attempting in any manner to collect the tax UtI- .tit the case can be heard. This is a new attack on the revenue I - . BIG CLOSiNG _ - 011' SALE ; ' . I-laving' decided to go out of business 1 am going to sell Wholesale my complete stock of goods consisting - sisting of : . Diamonds . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - - . , . . . . . . . \Vntchcs . . . - . . . - - _ . _ , . . . Clocks . . . - . _ . _ - , - - . . .Jc\\'choy . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . , Silver- Wnre , Cut . _ Glass . _ . . , . . . Silk . . . . . " ' _ Urrfbi _ - . . . . . . . . - ellas . . . _ - . . Ms Silver LYJ - - . . Novelties . - - . . - - - . . . - , . . - Toilet - - . . WIMY Sets , Etc . . . . . . . . . . . , . - Etco " " - - - And in fact includes everything to be found in a first class Jewelry store. . . . This Sate \vili continue uiiLi1 ! thc Entire Stock is gone. COllle early while our assorL- t11ent is yet c0i11pletc. Now is your chance to Buy Christrnas presents 'Vholesnlc p3'ices. - , IO \ A r 1 ΒΌ T CZ A D ( * P 1T IF' 1 ! J 1l. tJ . " \\1 \ . . .Ji n-4 1 ' 1 Ji Jeweile ) and Optic } ar - - I : ( i ; : ? , ! ) ! - Stggestion ) I , 1 Now is the time when ' rf . . I you arc daily pondering' . over , the thought ' "I want to fret 1\'lother ' or Father , ' , . Sister or Brother , Sweetheart : or Friend , a Christmas i Present. \\That shall it be ? ' : H\l : ; : : : Let HaH & Greenwald help you . , ! A nice pair of House Slippers , a fine pair Df Shoes . . or a half dozen pairs of I-Iose is something for your . . I considcratiou. 11'Iany , many people arc wishing for a ' nice pair of I-louse Slippers ; a few pairs of extra hose . j l is ! something which come 1n . very handy and convenient - to most everyone at some tune or other. A few extra ' " pair on hand arc never tivastccl or thrown away. i\ ; t pair of Shoes to the needy is very sensiblc. Thee : are j far better than some foolish luxurA serviceable ar- r' :1 : . tide is just j as much appreciated by all and much more needed iw I many. \Vc have a fine line of Slippers , l-losicryand Shocs. \Ve can please you and thc one who gets the present. . , Yours : Respectfully , t . [ HALL & UREENWALDJ : ? ; f " law coming from those corpora- tions who \\ere able to evade this proposition of tax under the old law..and not intend to pay the tax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - , - - _ . _ tinder the new law / if they can void ; doing so.I I , 'l'he order of Judge l\lunlJcr was served 011 Treasurer 'Zook yesterday. j