The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 02, 1904, Image 24

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December 2 , 904 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE .j ,
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I Whitaker 6ros. Land Excursion December 6 , t 9041
If you want a good safe investment that will pay
you from 10 to 20 per cent or if you arc renting and
paying $ 500 to $600 for a } per year , come go with
us on the above date and we will put you in a position
to make the above stated interest , or if you are a ten-
nant and can raise $ 1,000 i to $ i , 500 we can sell you a
fine 160a farm with fair improvements for from $3,000
to $3 , 500 , balance 5 years at 6 per cent with privilege
to pay any or all any time. Why will you pay such
enormous rent and be kicked and cuffed around bv a
landlord when you can own your own farm and pay'for
it with the amount you are paying as' rent ? Did you
ever stop and think that if you never make a start to
get a farm of your own you will always be kicked and
cuffed around by landlords. vVe are selling thousands
of acres of this land in Dickinson , Saline and Lincoln
Cos. , 1as. , to the best business men and farmers of
this city and county. As a sample of what we can sell
you in Dickinson Co. we give you description of the
. following tracts. -
No. 31 r 1-4Soa with fair improvements consisting
of a small cottage , fine new corn crib for 4 , ooo bu. ,
machine shed , stable and other improvements , plenty
of good water , 20a hog tight , 200 under plow , 160 in
wheat which goes with the farm , small patch of young
timber. balance pasture at only $ IS.50 per a , part cash ,
bal. 5 yrs at 6 per cent. If this wheat makes 20 bu. to
the a would be 3,200 1)11. , say at 75c per bu. would be
2,400 , and this is putting it low , say nothing of the
pasture and 40a of corn.That is true of this one is
true of all the others we have for sale.
No. 304 is a good So only 4 miles from Abilene ,
the Co. seat , good 6-room house , fine cellar , two good
wells of fine soft water , small outbuildings , 30a in pas-
ture and mow land , balance under plow , price $2 , ooo ,
$800 cash balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Tenant why
pay rent , this is no desert but a fine settled country with
good schools and churches and fine people , good markets
No. 289 is a good farm of 160a , I i mi from Abilene
good 7-room house , cellar , cistern , fine well of water
with windmill , small barn , some other outbuildIngs , 35a
in good grass , balance under plow , price s3 , 500. These
2 So's lie opposite each other across the road , would sell
the improved 80 for $2,000 and the other for $ 1,500 I , all
on good easy terms.
The following is a description of one or two bar-
gains in Saline Co. , joining Dickinson on the west.
Salina is the Co. seat , one of the finest enterprising
towns of S , 000 people in the west , has 6 large whole
sale houses , $6o , ooo Catholic church , $50,000 Episcopal
church , fine park , electric light and gas plant , 3 fine
flouring ( mills with 2 500 bbl ? capacity , but we haven't
I II . . . . - - .a A-t , . . _ . . . . . . . .
. " - " . . . . . . . . . . - " , . , . . . . . . . .
l Shubert.
Mr. Davenport left for Nebraska -
I ka City Saturday where he expects -
a pects ' to visit a few day ! ' .
Will McGechie came up from
the territory Sunday , called by
the serious illness of his mother.
The negro minstrell given at
the opera house Saturday evening -
ing- was well attended.
Gertrude 'Vcddle and Ella Berg
went to Nebraska City Thursday
returning home Saturday.
Bessie Henderson and Florence
Culp who were attending school
at Peru came down to -spcnd
Thanksgiving with their parents.
Rob 'l'ownlcy came over from
Stella Thursday for a few days.
' * T0t " " " " "rrr - - wwv'w'w'y."V y
8im 'Vcddle came down from
Nebraska City to spend a few
days with fricnds.
Ethel Mitchell came up from
Falls City to spend a few days
with rclati vcs.
l\Irs. King of Peru came down
Wednesday e'cningand spent
Thanksgiving with her brothers ,
Joe and Chub. Hcnderson.
Secretary of State George
Marsh and two sons of Lincoln
were Shubert visitors the last of
the week.
l\Ir. and Mrs. Skinner of St.
Louis arc visiting with relatives
here this week.
The mush and milk social giv-
cn at the Taylor hall uy the
the space to tell you of 7a of the great buildings of this
No. 423 Y. R. is one of the finest farms of 160a in : .
Saline Co" 5 mi from Salina , all l fine second bottom i
land , all under cultivation , no house , but has a fine
large barn and granary , chicken house , good bearing , \ :
orchard , 2 good wells and windmill , 16a in alfalfa , 60a I < < ,
in fall wheat which goes with the place if sold soon ,
balance for spring crops. ' [ ' 'his is an extra fine farm and
is a bargain at $40 per a , part cash , bal l on good easy .
terms. ]
. .
No. 360 B. Y. is a good farm of 240a close to Sa- . .
lina on fvlulberry creek , i Goa in cultivation , part of this
is fine bottom , never overflows , bal nice rolling rich
land , 70a pasture all fenced and cross fenced , 5-room
house , good barn and granary , plenty of good water , '
looa in fall wheat , / goes with the place , 60a left for
spring crops. This is one of the best bargains in Saline
Co. , in fact the best of the Saline Co. list. If you see \t
this farm you can't help but admire it. Price only ; $2 5
per a for a short time , $3 , ooo cash , bal at 6 per cent to ' ' :
suit purchaser.
The following is one or two sample bargains in .
Lincoln Co. , which joins Saline on the west. A good
160 with fair buildings , fine neighborhood , German ' ; "
church on the corner of this farm , fine smooth land , part I
in wheat , the owners goes with the land , only 2 34
miles from Lincoln , the co , seat , price only $3 , ooo , ' :
part cash , bal. at 6 per cent on time to suit purchaser. .
Here is one of the best 160a farms in Lincoln Co. ,
only 4 miles from Lincoln , 150a in cultivation and all
in fall wheat , 34 of 52a and / of bal goes with farm , I \ . '
no buildings , all fenced , at only $23 per a. This is a ,
fine bargain.
A good farm of boa , ' 476' miles from Lincoln , I I -2 : .r
story house , stable and other outbuilding , Sea cultiva-
ted , bal in pasture , 4Sa in fall wheat. all goes with the
farm , plenty good soft water , price $3 , 500 , part cash , .
bal at 6 per cent 5 years. , Vle have large lists in all of
these counties that run similar to these in price and lo-
cation. These farms will not only advance in price as
they are advancing every day , but will make you from 3
10 to 20 per cent on the price paid for them. Call and
see samples 'of the products of these lands and get list
with state map in back. If you want to know about
this country see Martin Zook , Frank Ramel , Christ ,
I-lorn lVIahlon ' Beachy , G. VV. Fisher , Clarence Vliltse , a " -
August Miller and Herman VV olf. Don't forget the '
date , DECElvIBER 6th. R. R. fare only $ i r.65 for 'J
round trip. . . -
ItalkC1' LP1'OS. OFFICE IN ' \ z
. ' 1 a. er rose STATE BANK BLDG. I
. . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ . .
" . . - - - A' ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VWiw - . . . . . . . - v' . . . . .y. . . . .
Methodist church was well at-
C. A. Lord has moved his store
into 'Villard Shubert's new build-
ing and has one of the best look-
lug stores in the county. _
Jessie Kinton who has been
visiting here for a few days returned -
turned thc last of the week to her
school at Nebraska City. ,
Quite a crowd of young people
went to Stella to Tuesday even-
ing to "bowl" , the following are
their respective names : Mr. and
1\1rs. Fred Colglazier. Mr. and
Mrs. Jim 'Veddle , Mr. and l\Irs.
George Brisby , Pearl Pearson ,
Ella Berg , Mr' and Mrs. Verne
Taylor , Gertrude 'Veddle , Etlie
Ham , Lillie Pearson , Sim 'Veddle ,
John Sawyers , Fred Kinton , Sam
Harris , Clyde Harper and Ray
W J1 , . WWW. , ,
, , , .
, 'I.- ' f
"Her Only Sin. " , ' .
Some dramas die in infancy for , n .
lack of the clements of success.
No matter how elaborately "
sen ted they may be they fail to J
appeal to the public and soon go
on the shelf. But a melodrama
like "Her Only Sin , " holds its =
original charm. It has been seen '
throughout the country for the .
past two years , yet there is no \ I' t
decrease in public interest in this .
delightful'play. It contains all
clements of success-pathos , vil- . \
lain ) ' and comedy. Besides , the (
scenic surrounds make a picture-
squc stage producion and that attracts - j
tracts attention. ' { , !
Julia Gray has the stellar role , , \
and is supported by a metropolit- . I
an cast. '
; . . . . . . . . f :
. . . ' - , I'
' " " '
. - ,