r . ' > , ' 1 , . . ' ' " - ' - - - . . . I j : IHOUSAN ; DS 5 - HAVE - - KIDNEY TROUBlE AND DON'T KNOW IT j Li :1 , . : , I " t , " 01 : : . ! . . J I 1 ! j ; II ' IIi \1 1 Ii\ $ \ //4 : -zzz- c : ? H"/f I . IH' IH'n pi . . 11 l ) I'I I : nt 'I\i : I 'rl \1\1 I Ire Im\ \ t lUf iCPi6it1RJ1f1.CRHIt4t4rt6C0. : :4 , , „ l. .I p' .r 9 ' j It. . a' I , ' J II' ' 11 I i \ \ \II \ To Prove what Swamp - Root , the Great Kidney Remedy , IloQ 1 Will Do for YOU , Every Reader of this paper May fen , Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall. C'CiG Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more im 8lelcnes mu1 suffering than any other dIsease , therefore , when cull . , . . through neglect or other causes , lridnoy trouble is permitte to poi continue , 1iltal results are sure to follow. I tur Your other organs ntay need atf'ontioJl-lmt your kidneys most , I ' i because they (10 most awL neeel attention 1irst. ! If you are sick or "feel badly , " begin taking Dr. IrUmer's the i Swamp-Hoot , the great kidney , liver and bladder remedy , because miff chi I as soon as your kidneys begin t.o get better they will help all the t\ \ : d other organs to health. A trial will convince a. . . ( ) lle. , \ , [ The mild and immediate effect of ' SwamlrRoot the great kidney awl bladder remedy is soon realized it h ; stands the highest for its wonderful t h 1 cures of the most , distressing cases. In. I Swamp-Root will set your whole system tsl I right , and the best proof of this is n trinl. t Ii 53 : COT'rAm S'r. , tEL'toRn , M \SR ' DEAn SIR : . .I.11th , HlOI , J' "Evor since \\'a'lln the Army : . I had moro or , . less kidney trouble , and within the last year It re became 110 severe and complicated ! that 1 i' antlered everything and eons much alarmed-my strength and power wa fast ! leaving 11I0. 1 saw h1 un advertisement of Swamp-Hoot std wrote e4 asking for Illh'lco. I begun the use of tile _ q medicine and noted decided improvement 11 litter taking SWUlup-Itoot only II short tllno. . I continued use and IUI1 thankful to Ray " that I urn entirely cured and HtrOUI In order to be very sure BI > OUt this , L had : u doctor examine - 1 Ino homo of my water t.ll1YIlIl hu pronounced It nil right and tn IIplCllllhl condition bt know that your Swamp - ltoot li ! purely vegetable . . table and does ! not contain any harmful drul'I 1" Thanking Sou for may COlllllllltu recovery and 01 recommending Swamp . hoot . to all sufferers . 1 um , " Vary truly your . , ) lyt . I. C. mClIARDSON' I1j SWI\'np-Root is not recommended for ti everything but it pt'omptlJ'cures kidney , I I , EDITORIAL NOTE.-Tn order to ' . ' " prove the wonderful . of SWl\mp- , . . .1 1" Boot you limy have n sample bottle antI -.1\ \ u. book of valuable information , both ; , li sent absolutely free by mail. Time hook contains Ulanyof the thousands upon : : ' many ' : ! 't' ' ' " " ' " thousands of testimonial letter re- . , " l.d from mon and women cured. : : i . , O , ; " 'l'ho'valuo and success of Swunp-Itoot " " , ! : are . so well known that our rcndcrs ( are , ; . advised . to , cud for a sample hottlc. Ill' ' , . (1. : sending your address to 1)r ) Kilmer .C ! I , , . - . . p " . Co. , llinghunton , N. Y. , bo sure to say - 9 . you read this generous offer in this I f. . . ' 1. ' Better Than Oil fOr f1o:1ds. . t . : A writer In an English automobile \ , , paper claims that roads coulll he l\OlIt ' A ' permanently damp hy the I\plIlC'\tlon ( : . . : I . ' 1 of strong solutions of ealt'luUchlor - , ; . ' tde or magnesium chloride , and that , \ . . : ' 'I this would be cheaper than oils \ and l . : 'f without their ohjt''t1onah'e allot' -s4i - - f' ; , , ; Many a 111\ll ; thn1\8 ! ho ii : betting a . . . 1 . . ' corner lot in glory when hu puts a dime in the collecU011 that ho couldn't ' . , pass 011 the street cn.r.-Chicn 'i ' ri- bun . . I . . , - - , 1 . . - liver and bladder troubles , the symp' toms of which I\re-ohligcd to pass your water frequently night antI tiny , smarting . ing or irritation in passing , hricltdust 01' sediment in the urine , headache , ' . backache , lame back , dizziness , poor digestion , sleeplessness , nervousness , heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble , skin eruptions from bad blood , neuralgia , 1'11lJUutILtism , diabetes , bloating - ing , irritability , wOI'nout feeling , lack of ambition , loss of flesh , sallow complexion . plcxion , 01' Bright's disease. If your water , when allowed to remain . main undisturbed in a glass 01' bottle for twellt.y-four honrs , forms a sediment 01' settling or has a cloudy I\ppea1'aneeit. is evidence that your kidneys and bladder . del' need immediate attcntion. Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to take nUll is.Jor sale at drug stores the world over in bottles or two sizes and two priecs- fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the nl\l11c. . Swamp-Hoot , Dt' Kilmcr' Swamp-Hoot. and the address , Bing hamton , N. Y. , on every bottlc. plpC1' : The genuineness of this off Of is gua ran tced. COUPON. 1'lca"o write or till In this coupon with . . your numu anti ltlhh'o.'ii ! mud D. "lIrnnr . . . Cn . will send you U Free Sumpk Bottle u' bwamp-Root the Ureat iidney Remedy. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. and No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City or Town , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lientlothl , pal'cr. 'l'JIO very latest thing In furnishing Is to have the walls of rooms covered . ed with n coarse , dend.hlael canvas Mother Cr:1V's sweet o.wdars for Chil'i irgn. . used ' 'lathor < . . ' ' I . Sl\ccoHlfullr oy Uray . tlUI'SO In the ChUlirclI g 11011I0 In Now York . cute , Colllltlpa' , 'n . I i'nvurlII's' ! . B d Stomach , ' 1 Hllttll.- iIsorders ) . move and I'e ulato tt:1I Unwt'1Intlll Destroy \\01'111'1 O\'c1'BOlJOte. ( ) ' tllll'ulals ( At all I h'III'I 1.S , : _ 3c. : SaUlpln I' IOiK : Address A HOlll1stcd , LeIoyN Y. It is better to bo envied than el1l1' cut yd. . . . ' - ' . . . ' - . ' , , . - ' - ' - . . " . . . . . . . . - - fails City Tribune . - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - BV TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. FALLS CITY . . NItBRASKA . - . . . . ' - . - . . - . . . . - . It is learned with surprise that th : SmIthsonian Institution has thought It necessary to send a JUltII all the way to South American lo discover thE microbe of lazinesss. A polIceman who called 1\ man a lIar has been restored to duty in an eastern city. In some parts or the I country the use of that term pats a man beyond restomtlon. Alfred Austin has written 0. . ; oem about the Husslan.Japancso wnr. Wo take it from the swIng of his verses that vodka and caviar do not set well on Alfred's laurollted stomach. With aU his money and superIor In. telligence the English Astor could not marry off his daughter without blun. del's to mar the ceremony. They do things ns well even in America. : I In addition to the fact that wo have grown older and more dignified , so that wo no longer do it ourselves , we fInd It is just about as much fun to watch somebody else twist the lion's tail. A thrifty Buffalo man wouldn't sue the city : because if warded anything ho would have to pay back n part of it in taxes. So ho thought , but ho is not a financier , and suffers from con. eclenciUs. A seven.inch hatpin was removed from the esophagus of a New York woml\n's 15 . inch terrIer the other day. Which reminds us that there really are occasions when it's better to have dogs than bnbies. The strongest argument yet heard against vegetarianism is the case ot the young theatrical man who won a bride with a ham sandwich during too great washout. Now can you possibly . hly imagine a beautiful damsel flying to the aims of a man on the offer of a proteid cutlet or a nuUne stew ? A Brooklyn horse has the habit ot starling on a run for the stable the instant of the first tap of the big bell at the entrance to Greenwood cemetery - tery at G o'cloclc every night. Apparently . ently he knows I\S much as some mono Lou Dillon's mile in 2:01 : % is evidence . dence that she has fully recovered from her attack of thumps , but the betting men who backed her against Major Delmar at the rate of 100 to 40 and saw their money vanish haven't ret got over theirs. When it was predicted many years ago that the time would come when steam cars would run at the rate of thirty miles an hour the wise men declared - clared it impossible for human beings to travel at that speed and live. Make no rash predictions as to the future or baUooning. Earl Grey , the new governor general of Canada , will sail for Montreal , Dec. I , to assume the duties of his ofce.l i . having read Rtldyard Kipling's poem. "Our Lady of the Snows , " he will , of course , tale his fur overcoat along. The petrified body discovered in Vermont and said by scientific authority . tr to date back to the time of a people . plo that inhabited America before the Indians arrived , Is that of a woman lu 1wa ' this is a reminder of the remark - mark made by Daniel Webster , that In New Hnmpshire God made men but , that he made women in Vermont. A London : man was ejected from hIs lodgings recently for eating cat meat , which he claimed was just as clean and just as good as rnbbit. But perhaps . haps the landlord had cats. " , - _ . _ . _ ' . . . . . . . . ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. - Mrs. G. W. Fooks , of Salisbury , Md. , wife of G. W. FooltB , Sheriff of Wico mice County , _ I says : "I Buf. I fered with kld ney complaint . . t4 for eight years. I ( It came on me' gradul\lly. t felt tired and. . ; \ . , weals , was. . short of breath , . and was , trou- bled with ' bloating after " eating , and my limbs were badly swollen. One doctor tolll me It would finally turn to Urlt.ht'H di3ease. I was laId up at one Umo for three weelts. I had not tl\l\on Doan's Kidney Pills more than three days when the distressing ach- lug across my back disappeared and I waR soon entirely cured. " For sale by all dcalors. Price 50 . - , tf eents. 1"ostor.1\1lIbUl'n Co. , BuffaloN.Y Better Late Than Never. After kissing 0. . pretty girl for the first time 0. . young man always regrets . grats the opportunities he has wastod' $100 Reward , $100. The renders of thld rarer will be plc Bcd to team that there Is at least one dreaded dlsease that science ha been able to cure In nil its stages and that 11 Clllarrb. 11all's Catarrh Cure 18 the only positive cure now known lu the medical frnlcrnlt- Catarrh being a cOllollllltional disease requIres n constltu tlonal trentmellt lIal1's Catarrh Cure IB taken Internally - tornally acting directly upon the blood and mucous \ surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the dleclllle , and glvln the patient I Itrenlltb by blllldlnit lip the cunHltllllon and asstat- lag nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have 10 much faith 111 Its ellrat\'e power that they offer One hundred Dotlllrs fur any Cllle that It falls k cure. Send forlletof lImonlnls , Address F. .J. CHENEY : d ; CO . Toledo , 0. Sold by ali Lrugglete . 75e. Take lJaU'8 l'BWlly fills for eonRtlpnt1on. Small Farms In Japan. Only 14,995,272 acres , or 15.7 per cent of the whole area of Japan , exclusive . clusive of Formosa , consists of ara1 > le land , and 55 per cent of the agricultural - tural families cultivate less than two acres each j 30 per cent cultivate two acres or more up to one and one.halt cho , or 0. . little less than three and . three.qunrter acres , leaving 15 per I cent of the farmers who cultivate farms of three and three-qul\rter acres ' ' or more.-wndon Engin\ . 'I' Between Wind and Water. Not only wlll nIl the inhabitants of Chicago be crazy In 750 years , but In. somewhat more than 3,000 rears , according - cording to a geological expert the site of the present western metropolis wlll be covered with water. Let the I Windy City begin now to prepare for Its watery gravo-Boston Transcript. Gorgeous Tlbebtan Pheasants. Two of the most prized denizens of our avinres comes from Tibet. These are the gorgeous golden and Amherst pheasants. The latter ; it is suggested , could profitably bo introaueed into our coverts. An Honest Opinion. Mineral , Idaho , Nov. 14th.-Spo. cial. ) = chat n sure cure has been discovered for those sciatic pains that make so many lives miserable , Is the firm opinIon of Mr. D. S. Colson , a well known resident of this place , . j4 and he does not hesitate to say that . cure Is Dodd's Kidney Pills. The I reason Mr. Colson is so firm In his opinIon Is that lIe had those terrIble pains and Is cured. Speaking of the- matter ho says : ; "I am only too happy to say Dodd's KIdney Pills have done mo lots or good. I had awful . pains in my hIp so I could hardly walk. Dodd's Kidney . Dey Pllls stopped it entirely. I think they are 0. . grand medicIne. " All sciatic and Rheumatic pains are caused by Uric Acid in the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys , and healthy KIdneys strain all the Uric Acid out of the blood. With the cause removed there can bono no Rheumatism or Sciatica. Since the discovery of America the amount of gold produced hI the world Xmas been less than eleven billion dol- , Inrs.