t , , . . . . - ' - r"D. " ' ' + di4'y'an " , . , . " I' , " r a a : ; J November ' THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 25. 1904 _ _ _ . _ _ n _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : . - ; , Fargo. ! I . HaMa and Coon Danncckcr sent : ( , for one clown duck decoys some ' , time ago.tl'hc ) ' iutend to kill t. every duck that comes down thc J , Missouri valle ) ' . , ' Jack Brincgar and Julia Cronin I 1 . attended thc dance at Conrad s. " l' , Smith's Monday c\'cning" , J - " . . James Randolph is doing flue ) , . work on thc harmers telephone , .1l1c. \ J Barney \Ylssman and Rosa k. j' Ernst attended thc dance at Conrad - , rad Smith l\Ionday. , The Farmers ] Mutual telephone , will soon bc complctcd. The new restaurant at FargoiH I " running in full blast. I ! " Many of thc farmers have fin- i ishcd husking corn in this ncigh- I borhood. j . Shu bert. , e r Misses : Etta CutUcr and Bar- J , ' . : nctte came up from halls City to : : : : " i visit friends and relatives for a , . : , , ' few days. : ' , , I : : ' ; , A social was given at thc homc , 'Jy" of 1'1r8. Dr. Shook for thc benefit : , ; ' ' ' . - " . : ' \ . 'C of the Christian c 1 lurc I 1. They I . " ' _ : - . . _ I . . ; ' , , , . ' clcarcd atout S5. , " - \ ; , " Carl Swan gave up his job here ; _ \ > ' as "Hc1lo" boy and expects to go : /'r : to school ill Omaha soon. I ' : , \1r.s. Carrie Quigglc left for \ ; New York Saturday night where she expects to visit her sister : sp'cra1mo'nths. / ! ' ' ! \ Joy Jamcson and Hcrbcrt Hays , I of Stella cattle o"er Saturday eve to attend the social. . 1 ' r.Ir. : Davenport was a Nebraska . City visitor Sunda \ ' . ' j' Guy Hutchins came up from ' Falls City to visit friends for a I' , + few . duys. I ! . ( r.Ir. : and 1\1 \ ' rs. Snow and children - . : rcn and 1r5. Handley came clown ' . 'I froth . Auburn to visit friends and " ' relatives 1 over S unay. 1 l' „ , l\I. McGcchic who has been , . very sick for the pst ; month is I , ; I , . reported no bet ter. I Miss \lablc Wilson was down to Fans City \londay. I , Dr. Stewart came down from ; , Auburn Tuesday called here by S , the . serious illness of Mr. McGcch- , , IC. . r Irs. Cora IandaJl came clown Y from Stella Sundar. Quite a crowd of thc Shubcrt . " - girls and bays spent the evening with Mr and rrs. Oscar Pcar- l son's north of town. I Mrs. Jim Wcddle was a Stella , : visitor 1.iday. . i Rulo. ' Till Frederick and Ida Bau- man of Arago attended < church in Rule Sunday. The little daughtets of Mr and r.lrs. : Chas. Frederick arc on thc sick list. Mrs. Lovclady of Falls City - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ - I A COMPLETE MARKEt . ( ' "i , , ! \7tiEN we say a Conplete I Market we . \ ; ; mean that wekeep on hand at all times everything found in a Complete i F Meat Market and can supply you with the , . best in season In addition to our cone ; plete stock of meats we have the celebrated r in Heinz I Pickles , flustard , Etc. If you. have ; not been trading with us , try us once and f r 3 . : rOll are sure to come again. JU . . . . " . u. . . . . I \ ; Tlle City Meat art ; WESLEY MILLER , Proprietor. icza _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ was a Rule visitor Sunda y. The littl e laughter of 1\lr. and Mrs. 'J'homa Aikman is on thc sick list. John Bauclnnan from the Is- land visited in town Sunday. Grandma Smith , of Falls City was visitor at this place Sun- day. Rcv. Sproll made a business trip to St. \Vcdncsday. . lIr and \Irs. Cronin also 1\r. 1ndl\Irs. John Kanaly attended thc funeral of their uncle at Stella - - la last Friday. Ida Davis returned Sunday from Mound City after a short visit at that place. Local and Personal. Ed King was in thc city the first of thc wcek. \V. D. Alexander came down from Dawson 'l\tcsday. E. KaulTman of the Sycamore Springs was in town ? \Ionday.- \Ve arc still selling wall-paper at reduced prices.-City Pharm- acy. acy.r R. 13. Richison of Hamlin tran- sacted business in this city Sat- urday. r B. B. Belles of Omaha was a guest at thc Union house 1\1on- (1 a } ' . clay.Rc Rc\ Reed of Molten , Kansas occupied the pulpit at thc Christian - tial1 church last Sunday e\'ening. He delivered an excellent sermon to a large congregation. George A. Martin attended the basket ball game in Auburn Sat- unlay afternoon. J. A. Hossack who has becn visiting with his pal'cnts the past two weeks left S.tturday" for Milford - ford , Ncbr. 11rs. Chas. Athcy and daught. Cl' of Shubert visited friends in this city several days the first of the wcek. \Vc are opening a large line of holiday goods. Call and see thcm.-City Pharmacy. Lester ; Stewart , the' Inachelor Girol" cigar man of St. Joe was in this city 'l'ucsday. \V. E. DeButts , thc famous coach for thc Yale eleven of ' 96 , was seriously ill - at the Union house Sunday. At this writing he is able to give his usual amount of apron talk. The St. Agnes guild will hold a bazaar in George T1 oH's win- dow commencing Dccember 7th. The St. Agnes guild will serve a chicken dinner Wednesday evening , November 30th from 5 to 8 o'clock at the home of Major Keeling. The small stun of 2Sc will be charged and il cordial invitation - vitation is extended to all. The Lucky Thirteen whist club met Tuesday evening with Emma - ma Kcllcr. Allic Keeling cap- tured first prize and Emma Thomson - son was awarded thc booby prc- mi tull. Mart Stewart of Verdon was in town 'Wednes ay. I - - - . . - - . . . k \Vc carry a. . . . i COMPLETE LINE OF I I I I . Building Material1 k \1 \ i And all kinds of I I COAL WE SOLICIT YOUIl PATRONAGE { j Chicago Lumber r&l Coal Co. I TELEPHONE 58. 1 I - , COLLECTIONS ® GIVEN ii - a PROMPT ATTENTION I i - . LII John L. Cleaver I JUSTICE othc PEACE i FALLS CITY . NEB For sale good Bridge and Beach wood heating stove nearly new cheap-\Vhitalcer Bros. tJ . i