The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 18, 1904, Image 6

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    . , . November 1& 1904 unu' THE FALLS CIty TRIBUNE
, . ' . . ' Local and Personal.
. ,
- - -
Books of all kinds at A. G.
Rc\ Smith was an Omaha visitor -
. ' itor last Monday.
Chas Bacon of Lincoln was in
the city Tuesday :
, New goods received every week
} at Bon Toil Millinery.
" Rev. Bcx left on thc Missouri
Pacific for Auburn Tuesday.
Baby hoods sold at reduced
prices.-Bon Ton l\1il1illery.
' Mrs. Maude Wheeler is thc
guest of Bessie Da\ ' s.
Mrs. Scott Jenkins returned to
Rule thc first of thc week.
Mrs Philip Hermes visiting
in Forest City , Mo. this wcek.
Go to A. G. \Vanner for all
kinds of school supplies.
Dr.R.P. Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharnlacy.
S Harry Shepherd of Rule ; made
' a business trip to this city Mon-
_ , day..A. .
. A. G. \Vanncr sells everything
needed in thc school room.
Mrs. nave Branum went to
I . , , , . . . Omaha Tuesday to have her
eyes treatcd.
Gertrude Bell of Kansas City
is visiting with her cousin , 1\1bs
Helen Fowler .
' School children buy yourtahlets
" ' " - , . at Iing"s , and get a lead pencil
free with each tablet.
. p John Burke of Rule was a call-
. . .
er at this office white in this city
For sale good Bridge and Beach
wood heating stove nearly new
cheap-\Vhitaker Bros.
. "
W. H. Morrow of Shubcrt was
. ' " and made
- in the city Tuesday
this office a pleasant cal1. '
. Do you want a good lead pen-
cil with rubber ? Buy a 5 cent
school tablet at King's.
' -
- 'W- Mr. and Mrs. Will Rcsterer of
St. Joseph sited with A. . Restcr-
cr and family the first of the
Robert Cain and wife of Stella
visited at the home of the for-
mers parents in this city 'rues-
a . .
, 1\1rs. John Joseph and sister
f Mrs. Beck left Monday for an ex-
t tcnded visit with relatives in
Atchison and St. Joseph.
, . , Remember the meeting at the
, Court House Monday night.
.tri : Come out and see what our pros-
. peets arc for gas and oil.
1\11' and 1\1rs. D. D. Reayis saw
"Babies in 'foyland" at the Boyd
r" opera house in Omaha \Vedncs-
das night.
. t Claude Albright left Monday !
for Auburn where she has accepted -
ed the position of compositor on
'l'he Nem.1ha County Republican.
Bc it said to the credit of Falls
City that no fool election bets
were made by any of its citizens.
The press has been full of accounts -
counts of men wheeling each
other about in a wheel barrow ,
and rolling peanuts about the
streets to thc accompanment of a
snare drum , but so far as we arc
informed no such ridiculous
performances have been pulled
off here.
There will be special services
at the Baptist church all day
Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45 :
a Bible class will bc organized
under the leadership of 1\Irs. Sel-
inger , Subject for 10:45 : "l\'Iis-
sion of the Church. " Junior lal-
Icy at 2:30. : Evangelistic rally
Special music , short sermon by
the pastor and possibly an ad-
dress by 1\11'8. Selinger. All are
Prof. 1. G. Wilson and wife of
Stella attended tlie meeting of
the Richardson County Teachers
association Saturday and made
this office a pleasant call while
in the city.
: Mrs. Laura lowland head of
tile Christian Science institution
of Spokane , Washington visited
with Mr. and 1\lrs. B. F. Morgan
and Mrs. R. B. Wills Monday
< (
and 'l'uesday.
Gus Kaiser is back at the Mercy
hospital suffering from his old
malady. The continued illness
of Mr. Kaiser is a source of great
regret to his many fricnds.
A peculiar bet was made in
Falls City on the election. One
man bet that president Roose-
velt would not be re-elected.
\Vas he re-elected or just elected ?
A baby girl made its advent in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clegg Sunday. Allconcerned are
doing well and Frank is doing
the generous with his friends.
Everything new at the cider
building four blocks north of the
Douglas mill. We guarantee all
the cider from your apples.
Mrs. Martin Kanaly returned
Sunday from a four months t
at Denver , Colorado Springs and
Every week swell new hats
made at the Bon Ton Millinery
Store at the lowest living Vrices.
'l'here was a young lady from Lynn ,
Who was so exceedingly thin ,
'l'hat when she essayed
1'0 drink lemonade ,
She slipped through thc straw and fell Rille. , .
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
Michigan celery at Coupe . and
Thorn tons.
Mrs. Es burn Wheeler of Stella
attended the play at The Gehling
Tuesday evening.
Chas. G. Humphrey , editor of
the Verdon Vedette was a pleas-
ant caller . at this office : Monday .
.1arw . .
Ar ]
l .hn I
" 9
f , ( { I,0 !
That we have the Largest and Most Complete
Line of Clothing , Shoes and Gent's Furnishings ever
shown in the county , and our prices are the cheapest ,
quality considered. Let us show you.
p a
F. W. Cleveland
Falls City IJKeb ras1a
The Best Liniment.
" ! Chamberlain's Pain Balm is
considered the best liniment on
market , " write Post & Bliss , of
Georgia , Vt. No other liniment
will heal acct or bruise so prompt-
ly. No other affords such quick
relief ' from rheumatic pains. No
other is so valuable for epseat-
cd pains like lame back and pains
in the chest. Give this liniment
a trial and you will never wish
to be without it. Sold by A. G.
\Vanncr. .
It don't pay ! Don't send
away for Nursery Stock !
The best trees , the finest
fruits , hc best results arc
obtained by purchasing trees
SERY. A large stock of
choice home grown trees to
select from Low prices for
High Grade Trecs.
WM. MOHLER [ , Proprietor
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
Money ! to loon
Telephone 18
'ClosingOut : 'Sale
OF . . . .
\Ve have Zoo , high grade
Overcoats wheel we will close
out at cost.
Clearing Sale.Shirts :
vVe have a fine line of Madras -
ras Shirts which we sold at
$ J. 25 , but to close them out wc
have reduced' them to 75c. Now
is the time to buy as these are
Genuine 13argains. . .
- -
Face to Face
- -
Look your watch square in the
face and ask yourself if you arc
treating this old friend right in allowing -
lowing it to tick its life away for
need of timely attcntion.
Perchance a drop of oil now , a
little grit or dust brushed away will
prolong Its period of timeliness for
many days
'Ve clean , repair and put in order
timers of all kinds , from the costli-
est chronometers to tc cheahpcst
Roberts , The Jeweler \ )
Cha.mberhun's Cough Remedy i.
Pleasant to Take.
The finest quality ofo.granulat- ;
cd loaf sugar is used in the manu-
facture of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy , and the roots used in its .
preparation give it a flavor similar - -
ar to , maple syrup , making it
quite pleasant to take. Mr. W.
L. Roderick , of Poolesville , 1\ld. ,
in speaking of this remedy , says :
"I have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy wi tli my children
for several years and can truth-
fully say it is the best prepara- \
tion of the kind I know of. The
children like to take , it and it has 1
no injurious after effect. For
sale by A. G. Wanner.
# i