The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 18, 1904, Image 19

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. . I Thanksgiving Linens
MANY will be preparing for the 1'hanksgiving'1'urkey during the
next few days One of our most notable stocks is our Linens.
vVe do not cater exclusively to anyone class of customers , but aim
to meet the leeds of everybody. Table-Damask at 20C to $2 a yard ;
Napkins 75c to $7 per dozen. For Thanksaiving purpose we especially -
iJ pecial1y recommend our Mercerized Damasks at hoc and Soc with
Napkins 1 to match at $ I. 60 and $ 2 , 25 and special values in cached I
1 Linen Damasks , 72 inches wide at Soc , $ I. la , S I. 35 , $ I. 50 and $ ' 2 ,
all having Napkins in full sizes to match , at corresponding v.alues.
I 234 yd. cloths in most beautiful designs at $ S. 75 , 3 yd . cloths at
$4,50 are of unusual interest to women desiring a complete harmony
in their table decorations. Napkins to match all these cloths.
Special for Next Week
All Crashes reduced as follows : IOC Crashes for S:1'Cj : ; 1234c
Crashes 10C ; 16c Crashes , I3C.
.I . . . .
- - . . .
. -
1' '
Towels 1 4
r (
FOR presentation purposes , we , have
just received Towels in very Spe-
cial qualities that are so much prized ; s
by housekeepers. Price ranging from
25ctoI. E
- . - - - . -v. _ - . .
. 1J
Clo&ts } Skirts S\J ts
& . , { ! , \
i ! (
\Ve are headquarters for 11ft , ,
Women's Ready to Wca a :
Garmen '
Do not buy anything in this line until i
4 .
you have visited our cle lrtmcnt. : I
, . . . , - - - - - - - - =
. - - - - -
- - -
V e G. LYFORDi1 NA ;
- %
- - - - - - - -
Local and Personal.
- - - -
\Vanncr sells ink
Eat Sowlcs Candy.
\V. 1\ladclox was a I.4incoln
visitor \ V cd ncsday.
Best kerosene at the Cit ) Phar-
mac ) ' .
Zulu McCool of Salem visited
in this city ' 1'uesday.
City Pliarutacy paper and tab-
1\1rs. \ Vilson'isitcd in Lincoln
the latter part of thc wcek.
I When you need a tablet call at
A. \Vanncrs. .
Vcsta Van Valkcnburg- came
up from Rub 1'ucsday.
_ , Henry icg'cr and wife attended -
- - cd Shore Acres Tuesday c\'cning"
Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over
Richardson county bank.
y' \Ve have experienced plumbers
and will do your work reasonable
! - Crook and Co.
1\11' . and 1\1rs. Gray left for
Kansas City the : first of the weck.
\Vilson Shock was a HumbohH
visitor thc first of this weck.
A complete line of fresh and
cured meats at Coupe & ' 1'horn-
I Norman Mussclman is enjoying -
ing Muskogee , I. ' 1' . atmosphcrc.
'Vanner is thc place , to buy
your pens , ink , pencils and tab-
lcts. '
. _ . _ . . , .A. . .
. . . _ ' . _ - - _ . . . . .
11rs.V. . C. Sloan and little son
Neal spent Monday in this city
visiting with Mrs. Sloan's par-
ents , Mr. and 1\1rs. John Hossack.
George Cleveland , accompanied
by his daughter Mrs. Chester
Fishier and Fred Cleveland jr.
went to St. Joseph \Vc { nesday.
Bring your ripples to thc new
cider mill at thc creamery build-
ing' , four blocks north of thc
Douglas mill.
Don't fail to consult thc astro-
log-ist and palmist for she will bc
here only a few ( lays longcr.-
National hotcl.
J. E. Lcyda and family returned -
cd Tuesday from Weeping Water
where they have been visiting
with relatives
Hess Stock food good for every
animal. Price only S5.00 per hun-
dred. Why pay more ? For
sale at A. G. Wanner's.
Mrs. C O. Barnard and child-
ren came down from DuBois Sat-
urday and visited with friends in
thus city.
Mrs. Margery Grant visited in
Preston several days thc latter
part of last week returning biome
Monda ) ' . _
Moorcs Flog Remedy guaran-
teed to kill lice cure mange scales.
For sale at A. G. 'Vanncr.
Chris Shelly and wife came up
from Preston Tuesday evening to
attend the play at thc Gehling
City Pharmacy for drugs.
Sweet cider and pure cider vinegar -
cg-ar 20c a gallon at Hcck's feed
Ray Kenton of Haddam , Kas. .
was in this city \Vedncsday for a
visit with rclat \'es.
Perry Hart and wife of Reserve
witnessed Shore Acres in this
city Tuesday night.
New cider mill at thc creamery
building four blocks north of thc
Douglas 1111.
Crook and Co" , have the bcst
line of fencing in town. Call
and sec it.
Mrs. Thomas Sare' of Mound
City is visiting with relatives in
this city.
J. H. Miles was a B. & 1'.1. '
passenger Monday for Los I
Angeles , California
'l'he school chi drcn arc invited
to call at \Vanncrs for their
school supplies , .
Cider and pure apple butter at
thc new cider mill at the creamery -
cry building. .
Mrs. \Y. 1. Ross drove down
from Verdon and spent Monday
visiting relatives in this city.
\Varren Schaiblc was down from
Auburn and spent Sunday with
his parents at this place.
John Gilligan is transacting
business in Oklaho' City haying -
ing left for that place Tuesday.
- - . - - - -p-- - . . . . . . -
Joseph Glasser of Humboldt I
transacted business 111 this city
' 1'h ursd ay. '
French McDonald came over
from Hiawatha 'L'uesday.
A Good Collection ,
\Vhitaker Bros. have on display
in their real estate office in the 1
State Bank buildingsotnesamples ;
of products of Dickinson county , t
Kansas. The collection consists J
of apples of all varieties , quinces , 6
Irish potatoes , sweet potatocs. T j
oats , corn , kaffir corn and canc.
They arc all first class and will .
compare very favorable with
Richardson county products in
fact their fruit is of a better variety
icty this year than ours. '
\IVe carry a. . . . '
Building Material
And all kinds of
Lumber (1 Coal Co :
- - - - - - -