November 4 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE t LOCAL AND PERSONAL . , l , . "Te g-ua'l11tec our paints. City I : > , . 1 1 ' hlrmaCj : . ' . 9 . _ \ , , " ' ' " 'r. , Lawyer Barnes went to Rube Monday. . E. E. Bell was a St. Joseph rr : " . . . t\ : ' " visitor rlc1ay. ' . ; : / . I yc ' ; . \ . . : t : > Rue Gates went to St. Joseph , . , ' : . , ' Suiday aftcrnoon. y' ' ' "l \V. H. -\Vylie \ registered at thc Union house londar. r. " \Vall paper at reduced prices. " , , ; , : < . City Pharmacy. 'j. . : : , . . t , Mrs. A. Roberts returned from St. Louis Friday. f ' ; ' . . , ; " y. : " ' : ' J. 1-1. Miles was a Rube visitor . , ' thc first of thc wcek. t , ' J. H. Morehcad : was a Hum- boldt visitor Thursday. \ James Jcllison spent Sunday t with his family in this city. r . John' Jcllison left for Dallas , r . Texas the first of the week. John Towle and wife of Omaha - ' ha spent ' Stutday in this city. f . New goods received every week lcc.c : , ' , . . : . at Bon 1'011 l\It lIt nery. _ Lead pencils given away at . ' < , . King's . with each 5 cent tnblet. , ' ; > J. E. Dickinson of Beatrice was r ; i. . : ' ( ; { , . \ , . in the city .Monday. ; ' , . . . : , Ncl1ie Weaver returned to Ver- : . . . . .f. < " " . , \ I . , , ' don 1 Friday 1 a f ternoon. ; , : Mildred 'Whipple left Monday " , " afternoon for Dawson , 1/ A. G. \\Tanner sells everything needed in thc school room. _ _ ' Joe Varner and wife were Kan- " ' . : . ' . sas City visitors Sunday. Books of all kinds at A. O. . . . "Tanncrs. Mary Don : returned from At- chison Friday afternoon. Go to A. G : 'Wanncr for all kinds of school supplies. Mt. : Froehlick of Nebraska City drove to Rule Monday. . . . . . Dr. A. Gaiser , dentist over . Richardson county bank. Mrs. Jane Shoup is visiting relatives - atives in Forest City , Mo. Frank Simon of Rule was in ' ' ' thc city 011 business 'ruesday. 1 Baby hoods sold at reduced priccs.- Don Ton Millinery. Hugh Boyd came down from Humboldt Tuesday. ! Mrs. Will Lord returned to Sal- cm Tuesday morning. Frank Simmons of Rule was in this city 'ruesday. J. Davis of Hum1oldt was a Falls City visitor 'l'uesday. I : \Vanncr is the place to buy your peps , ink , pencils and tab- lcts. . ' 1 Dan Sullivan of Cheyenne , . . " Wyoming is visiting with rela- tives in this city. ' r Louie Worth , Ward Knight , Peter Frederick , George , -Peitsch , and Will Mowery ret' rn' d from the lake vicinity Sunday ' 1ight. . I : I : . " . I , . Do not forget thc services at thc Christian church next Sunday , morning and cvcning. 1'hc attention - tcntion of parents is called to thc fact that ' the presence of their children is requested ilt thc Junior - or Endeavor meeting Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. Poug-con will interest the child- rcn with chalk talks. Anna ' 1lionias of Columbus , Ohio , teacher of ng-1ish literature - ture in thc high school at that city , Mr. and Mrs.Gilyard ' 1'hom- as of St. Joe and Miss Katherine 1'homas , teacher in Browncll hall of Omaha are in the city being called here to attend thc funeral of l\Irs. John Hail. Rcv. Pougcon went to Nims City Thursday and Friday of this wcck. He dclivcrd two lectures } in thc Opera house therc. He is at thc prcsel1t time , making arrangements - rangcmen to deliver a series of lectures in the win Kansas Ci ty's. These lectures will be under thc supervision of the local Christian Endeavor societies of those citie Mrs. A. E. Hill was elected vice president of thc 80rosis to fill thc . vacancy created by thc resignation of Mrs. Oeo. Shoc ] , . 1\1rs. Hill will preside during the absence of thc president , Mrs. Jennie EwaH. Mesdames Harris of Washington - ton Territory were here visiting their aunt , 1\11's. George Story last weck. They were on their way home from St. Louis they also visited relatives in Kansas and Oldahoma. 1\1rs. I-linnic Kenton and child- rcn , who have been visiting relatives - ativcs in this city and Shubert for the past five weeks , returned to their home in Haddal11 , Kans. , Saturday. Everything new at thc cider mill at the creamery building building four blocks north of the Douglas mi11. \Vc . guarantee all thc cider from your applcs. Mrs. Hearst and daughter Mar- garet Holbrook are in the city for a wcck. l\Irs. Hearst is here to sell her residence property on Lane strect. Oliver Stoughlcn who has been in the employ of thc Campbell Bros show thc past season , returned - turned to his home in this city Frid ay. McKcnny of Chicago . , Hoes of Omaha , Bochhart of St. Joseph and J as. Spears of this city en- joycd a days sport hunting Tues- day. Orville S1.ocnheit'wenl to Hara- da after a load of wood last Tuesday - day , Informants Messrs. Klein and Williams. Mrs. Della Stumbo and daugh- tcr Jennie Pearl , were visitors in St. Joe the first of thc wcek. o O. Dishaw of Nebraska City . ' : { . . 1 . ' 1 \ J" : ' < . . . . - . . , . . - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - " Mercy Hospital Opened to the patients of all Legally Qualified Physicians. Equipped throughout wit 11 all the modern conveniences. Steam heat , Electric lights , City walel' , I-lot and cold baths I-lot air X Sur- t:1 : , . appliances , Rays , - I gical and Electrical 1 appliances of all kinds. l . . , . . ' ' ' ' ' . . . ; ' . : : a x trrtij" ; lr 1 , . S : \ S'j : , - -rw . „ + 4n + The Hospital is especially fitted up for the treat- ; ment of surgical cases , Diseases of Women and Chronic - - . ic diseases. It is the place par excellent for the treat- . s ment of fevers. Trained nurses in constant attendance Terms reasonable. Call 01' address ll fleecy Hospital , Falls Ciiy , Nebraska _ - = . i transacted business in this city Tucsday. A complete line of fresh and cured meats at Coupe & ; 'l horn- tons Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martz left for their home in \Vymorc Mon- da ) ' . Miss Pearl Prater visited with friends in St. Joe Saturday and S'unday. Fred Cleveland made a busi- ness trip to St. Joseph Tuesday morning' , Mrs. E\valt and daughter Mag- nolia left for Columbus , Ohio last 'l h ursdr ) ' . Carrie Slocum and Mina Alexander - andcr left for 14incolri thc latter part of last weck. Judge Kcllig'ar of Auburn registered - gistcrcd at thc Union House . the first of thc week. H. \1. Stewart of cre10n was in the city yesterday and madc us a pleasant call. May Startzcl who has been vis- iting with relatives in Atchison returned biome Friday. Mrs. Fred li'oehlinger lcft Mon- 1 r + , . . - - day afternoon for Smith Center , Kas. , via thc B. & ; 1\1. \\Thcn you need a tablet call at A. G , Wanncrs. Fred Cleveland , Jake Norris and Harry Cain were Salem vis- itors Sunday. A. D. May and wife who have been visiting in this city returned to Humboldt Monday. : Frank Norris Lincoln visit- ed with his parents in this city thc first of thc week. Every week swell new hats ti made , at the Bdn Ton Millinery Store at thc lowest living priccs. Husscl Keill1 returned from thc exposition at St. Louis thc first of thc weck. Ray Peterson of Preston , Iowa rcg-isterca at the National the . first of the wcck ' . ' . ' , Mrs. Wentworth returned , 'Mon- , day from Oregon , Mo. , where she has beets visiting for the ; past c S wcck. Bring your apples to thc ncw. cider mill at the creamery build- ing , four blocks north of thc Douglas mi11. . . . . " { 4 .