The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 14, 1904, Image 21

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< ' ' ; ' 'It E.Grinste , don
' ' . . " . . . Matters
: Driai1age
, . . : . . .
; . '
- . ; At Humboldt this week we
. , , " ' , .
t. * . , \ - : , _ , found a mil n who has been tole .
and who believes thc story , that
. , . thc Mo. River has been known to
-i i > . back the waters in thc Ncmaha
; . . River up to Dawson. Hc is , an.
" , " excellent and ' intelligent
, . ' a'cry
'r " gcntcl11an , but lilac : many of us
; ; - : , " arc , 'on l11any bjccts , doesn't
; , : , . stop to think what absurd pro-
.r . . . ' , pusttions arc sometimes belicv-
. how water mark just below
Dawson'stinill and at thc mouth
. : . \ . . : .1 : - , , of thc Mo. River i each has an elevation -
' { vation whose difference is not
, , less than 100 ft , ; according thc
- United States Geodetic survey
, . ,
Ir , the 10 , river has 1 an annual 1
- 111lxium raise of fifteen feet. It
has in forty years a maXH1111
' raise of twenty feet , this happcn-
) . '
i , " cd last in 1881. Thc banks of
. . thc Ncma.ha , a little above thc
, ' . : , ' : ' mouth , have an clevation , above
" low water mark , of about 20 fect
: ; / ' . Hence , thc greatest probable
. raise that may conic in thc : Mo.
j' _ _ ' river will not disastrously affect
i the J'icmaha : ' bottoms of thc same
, down at thc mouth , and , when
thc channel is Made straight
there will bc a swift current not
, ' " \ only down at the mouth of thc
Ncmaha but out into and beyond
thc ccntrc of the Mo. river. The
_ fact that thc .1\0. river and thc
. Nemaha River may each have a
. . . . ' maximum raise at thc same time
' will not snake an inundation of
, the Ncmaha bottoms
. Occasionally we find a good
careful citizen who thinks that
possibly by some kind of legislature -
; laturc lpg'crc1emain 1 the county
' may be madc to assume pay mcn t
. of drainage obligations.
. Two or three times wc have
r affronted thc sensibilities of men
. by asking pointedly "do you
think there is any such danger ? "
One mall replied "Do you think
, , I am a fooL" \Vc have it this
way now we say of course , YOU
11' " know bettcr. This i11icitcs a
t. chaste reply that docs n't grate
j' on our scnsibilities. As wc have
! written before , this matter had
. been . , settled for all time by a de-
cision of our state supreme court
I : llilc \ in 1879 and found in \01. 8
of supreme court rcports. The
- legislature had , in 1873 , enacted
1 l s , ' ' ) . . that Falls City precinct should
, John Hossack drove to SabC'tha
on Sunday.
. Dr. Rush and family will live
I . at thc National hotel this winter
, .Mrs. Daisy Rowe and Mrs.
. Alice Stanton returned to Omaha
this , week after a short visit with
, " - -
, .
iI iI i I I
issue and sell bonds to construct
a court house : this was clone and
Ilnler ! S. DUl1I\ , who ' contented
that thc law was unconstitutional -
al and that a tifx could not IJC
levied amI collected for such pur-
poses therefore hc refused ; to pay
taxes , the case was carried to thc
supreme court by hc bond hold-
ers , who had been defeated in the
lower court before Judge Weaver ,
thc supreme court affirming the
decision of thc lower court. Thc
court house never cost thc tax-
payers of thc county a cent , the
investors lost thick moncy. There
is no possible : way by which thc
county can be made to pay thc
obligations a drainage district
no more than that of any other
minor municipality of the county.
It is surprising that any citizen
could form such strange conclus-
, I
It is a 'wcll known fact that
wherever drainage has been undertaken -
dcrtallcn in other states the ' 'cng-
necr's report fi.'i.cS thc rate of
taxes to bc assessed against each
acre of land to be benefited within -
in thc contour line of thc drain-
age district and that is always
clone on thc basis of thc benefits
to be rccc \'cd.
Each owner of land has a given
time usually forty days after dui
and formal notice made and pro-
vided in such cases in which : o
appear before thc proper tribunal
in our case thc county board of
supervisors and show cause why
hc should not be so assesscd.
Docs any fair minded man believe -
lieve l that our county board or
their successors elected by the
So\'crign people of thc county , will
impose thc obligations of a drain-
age system of . thc county chargeable -
able to others than those that arc
bcncfitted contrary to an customs
and forms of law and reason ? I
have more faith in my fellow man
than to believe any such non-
Sell SC.
Forty thousand acres of thc
best lands in the world can bc
and will be permanently reclaimed -
ed , good roads can be made across
thc bottoms , the sanitary conditions -
tions of thc entire comity will be
greatly improved thcrcby. Future -
turc expenses for county bridges
and repairs for thc' same wm bc
greatly reduccd. Yours truly
R E. Grinstcad
their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ceo.
Miss Francis Morton , city librarian -
brarian iSln St. Louis where she
will sec thc sights for a week.
, .Mrs , Jno. Nulk is thc acting librarian -
brarian during her abscncc
The reporter saw an item about
an Atchison woman in thc Atchi-
G ; \ t. 'tg ? > $ 'trt 'f. "
Ted a 1Je.t Maifrec :
41JtI I
For health and comfort is a Felt l\faltrcss. Everybody -
body knows it . hence the extortionate prices asked
'iJ ' in every magazine you read ] .
( But if they only kncw that this $8.50 Sanitary
j ; Felt IVfattress iH positively unexcelled in any . point
I they would' ha'e no othel'
' ! ' It's made from guaranteed corded sanitary felt
' by the largest manufacturer in Cincinnatti , Ohio the '
great cotton market town. It. 1 weighs t\5 \ ; pounds , will
not absorb moisture , will make over like a hair mat-
tress and is as soft as clown.
, A F1DtnJer'y 1J d .of Ease.
Not half the people who read this add have a
bed worth sleeping on , yet they spend every week
for foolish things more than the price of a good beel.
J You spend one-third your time there. . Why deprive
yourself unconsciously one moment of comfort by
sleeping on a poor bed when " so great a portion of
+ your life is spent in that way. Of all friends a mat-
tress is the most personal. See to it that it is cleanly ,
sanitary and comfortable '
ft . : , . --.r _ " . . , .saaz.avz..ffl Z..rt.Rsr _ _ _ . . , . . ,
1Rea ) ir $ ( a 2 Abbey i
i Falls City , ja ra. ( a I
W : Mflt C AA5 tfAAff : 1.
son Globe which called to mind a
similar case here in halls City.
A crowd of youngsters were playing .
ing ball on Chase street thc other
evening and yelling at the top of
their voiccs. On thc sidewalk
near by sat a little fellow with
his hair in curl papers shyly
watching the gamc. Hc wasn't
playing ) because the boys called
him "sissy" and cvcry other
feminine name they could think
of , and it mad the child shy and
humliatce1. The mother of thc
child is an excellent lady but she
is foolish enough to believe that
her boy who wants to play ball
) . vith oilier boys must have long
curls to bc prctty Her vanity
causes the little fellow . to 5hffer
' J'
and to lose . thc " ' ' most ' precious
part ( of his lift , his boyhood. ) If
I can ever dd so , without being
impertinent I am going to tell
this lady that she is silly. In
any event I hope she will read this
Cause of Lockjaw
Lockjaw or tetanus , is caused
by a bacillus or germ which exists -
ists plentifully in street dirt. It
is inactive so long as exposed to
thc air , but when carried beneath
time skin , as in thc wounds caused
by percussion caps or hy rusty
halls , and when thc air is exclud-
cd thc germ is roused to activity
and produces thc most virulent
poison ! known 'l'hesc germs
may hc destroyed and all danger
of lockjaw avoided by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely
as soon as thc injury iR received.
Pain Dalm is all antiseptic and
causes cuts , bruises and like injuries -
juries to heal without maturation
and in onc-third the time rcquircd
by the usual treatmcnt. Sold by
A. G. 'Wanncr.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Tablc , Palls City , Neb . . .
. . . NOWI'II
No 51 Omaha and Lincoln
Express . . , . , . , , , . , , , , . . . A 2:25 : a 111
No. 9 Omaha amid Tiucoln8:35 : a 111
No. 58 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger , . . . . , . , , , . , , . , A 2:48 : p m
No. 233 T..ocall'reight , Au-
burn . . . . . . . . , . . . . : . . . . . . A 1:10 : p 111
No. 52 Kansas ity and St.
I..ouis anti Denver . . " . " . A 3:47 : a 111
No. 58 Kansas it"ralld St.
Louis and DCllvc . , . , . , . A 2:48 : P111
No.51) J""l.I" ; ' air spccia . 8:45 : JlII1
No. 232 Local I , Atchi601l. . . 10:30 : a 111
K c. : : ( tock Freight , TIi-
ilwatha. . . . " . , . " . . . . , . . i9:52 : JlII1
A. Dail ) ' , B. Daily except ullda ) ' ,
J. B. VAHNl , A cllt.