The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 14, 1904, Image 13

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" "
The Twin Falls Land and Water
Company , located , all the Snake river ,
twenty-tour miles south of Shoshone
station , the largest IrrIgation cnter-
prise In America , involving rl : expen-
diture of over two million dollars und
reclaiming two hundred and seventy
' ( , five thousand acres of the richest
valley lands In the state of Idaho , Is
now practically completed and will be
delivering water on the lands within
- the next sixty to ninety da 's. The
main canal , sixty-nino mlles IQng , Is
eighty feet wide at the bottom , one
hundred and t'entfo1l' feet al the
top and carries ten fool of water. The
project Is being constructed under the
Carey act , and comes under the 1m
mediate supervision of the Idaho
State Land Bonrd Last fall the Lund
Board authorized the opening of 30.-
000 acres of this land to public entry ,
and notwithstanding the fact that no
water would bo delivered this year ,
all of this land has been absorhed
The State Laud Board now authorizes
the opening of IlU additional ,100,000
acres at noon , October 20th , Ilt Twin
Falls ! City , and a great rush Is eXIJec -
ed. Mr. Masqueray , chief of designs /
ot buildings and grounds at the
( , 'Vorld's hair , St. Louis has designed
- a hotel and townslto known as Twin
' " Falls City , In the heart of these lands ,
and n $ OOOO hotel Is now under con
struction , besides numerous business
blocks and resldcnces Over $60.000
worth of town lots have been sold
, within the past sixty days. The Oregon -
gen Short Line , Ilt an early date , ' , till
begin the construction of a branch
line from l\lInldola through the heart
, at these lands to the now town of
Twin Falls C1t ' .
, ,
It seems to bo the general opinion
, that charily should begin at some-
. : . body elso's homo.
" It Is unusual that single institution in a
" , . , city of 8,000 people will overshadow in importance -
s . . : \ portanco ovary other interest , but such Is
the case witli the American School of
Osteopathy and A. 1' Still Infirmary at
_ Klrklvillo ! : , MO.
A stranger in Kirksville Is immediately
impressed with the idea that the town is
sustained by this institution , in fact ,
Kirksville has been remade what It if
by Dr. Still and his famous School allli
Infirmary It is the largest patronized uu-
endowed institution of its le1nd ill the
United States.
Dr. Still's school enrolls over 700 students
yearly and each student is required to at-
tend four terms of five months each before
completing the coup eof study Toro are
over 21000 graquatcs allli they are practicing -
ticing in every slate and territory oil the
Union. About two.thirds of the states
have passed special laws legalizing time
This school teaches every branch taught
in medical colleges- except "drugs" and
osteopathy is substitute for that. Ho
thorough is the teaching iu anatomy that
, . over one hundred human bodies arc dissected -
o 9cted ! yearly by the students
) ; ' - - At the Infirmary , patients from every
, , ' , part ot the country anti with almost every
form 01 disease are constantly under treat-
, ment For the past fifteen years almost
. every train coming to Klrksvillo has
- ' trot : ght some new sufferer hoping to find re-
, . lief by the science or Ostcolmthv By the
. thousands who have left the Institution
- ' . benefited by the treatment , time science hag
_ been heralded to the world as a safe and
rational method or cure Several years ago
: " Do free clinic was estabiisiied in connection
with the practice department of the school
: - and this is still in operation Hundreds of
: ! . , the worthy poor , who are unable to pay for
i' , , treatment , are treated every afternoon by
' , the senior students free of chargo.
x { { : , , A man may have but one character ,
* ; . , but he has as many reputations as he
0' : - : " has friends and enemies
t , $100 Reward , $100.
, 'I" The readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn
; that there 18 at least one dreaded dlcauJ that science
" J has been able to cure In all Its stages , and that \I
' 1 Catarrh. Jlall' Catarrh Cure III the only positive
't % ' cure now known to the medical fraternlly. Catarrh
. being II constitutional disease , requires n CUIl.tItU'
' . ' tlonal treatment l1all'8 Catarrh Cure h taken Internally '
ternally , acting dIrectly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces ot the system , thereby destroying the
foundation ot the ' licaOlJ , and giving the patient
" : " strength by building up the constitution and asrist-
" ; - JIlj nature In doing its \Vork. The l'rol'rleIOralu1\'e
' much faith lu its that offer
. 10 powers they
. . .
I , , . . , ODe Hundred Dollars for any case that It lulls to
, ' : : ' cure Bend , for list of ! eijtmon.'ala ' ,
j " t Address F. J. Cllf.lO' ds CO" , Toledo , O.
1"- " Sold by all Druggists ( , j 5c.
I " a . Take lIaU's Family } ' 1I\1I \ for cODstlpatlon.
I y\ Three thousand marriages are per-
I ' 5 3 : " formed every day all over time world
I ; '
° ' Hundreds or deniers say the extra
i . . . . , quantity and , superior quality or Dc- ,
I -e' fiance Starch Is fast taking place err
r i : ' all other brands Others say they can
r ; } not sell any other starch.
How to Test n Diamond.
To test n diamond rub vogorously I
with n bit of sllle for n moment , anti
the stone , If n diamond , will attract
bits of wool , colton or paper. Expose
time stone to the direct rays of the sun
for n few moments nnd rer . . eve to n
darkened room If Il 18 diamond it
will glow An imitation diamond
shows It number of Images when ono
looks throl1gh It. The diamond shows
but one
: Murino Lye Remedy cures sore eye : ! ,
makes weak eyes strollg' All druggists , Mo
Value of Pride.
Yo mortals amen and women , devour -
\0\11' many n dlsllilpolntmcnt between
breakfast and dinner time , keep back
time teats antI look n little palo about
the lips , and In answer to inquiries
say : "Olt , nothing ! " Pride helps U8 ,
aud pride Is not it bad thing when it
only urges 118 to hide our own hurl8-
nol to hurt othOl's.-Goorgo liJllot.
- - - -
1110 not believe l'bo's Cure for ConsulIl11t'on
has un equal for cO\lhs : IIIllt coltl ( , -J01IY It ,
BU\'IU : , Trinity Springs , hut. , Feb 15 , IW(1 (
Chinese Abolish Torture.
Chinas crlminlll coda has been re-
, ' ' ' of
\lsOI1. 'I'ho barbarous punishment
"slicing to ploceH" has heGn abolished ,
and it is believed that all torture will
be nholishell soon
Lew ! ! . ' II Single BhHlm' " Ht might rccifrIU'
Price to deniers : : aH.OO per 1\1. 'I'hey cost
SOIllO ' than outer ht'juulR hut '
more , uo more
thallll good fie cigar should cost. Lewis'
Factor , Peoria Ill ,
Church of Solid Coral.
A church or solid coral is a curiosity
of the Isle of Mllhe : This Island , risIng -
lug 3.000 feet , is the highest of the
Seychelles group In the Indian ocean ,
find Its buildings are all from square
blocks hewn from massive coral anti
glistening like white marble.
"nr Da\ ' ld JClIII1l'I1y'R ! 'a\'urltu Aomedw
'TCII soy it ret t I had .I I > s I""I..II\ ns1A < kid tscy dtcaao. '
EY Senator Albert Icrrttt , fart Plnc" , N. T , till Lottlc
Expert Testimony
'rhero at'O fifteen symptoms : of
drunkenness , " said a medical witness !
in an English police conrt. The judge
hastily fined the defendant \ $5 and
called for the next case
Ilrll : : 'Inlllnw'ti Soothing Syrnp.
For children , softens the gums , reduces in-
1l1lI UllitlOU , 1I1111)'w puin , cures windcullu . 2fenbuttie .
Dates a Staple In Africa
In some ptrIJ of Africa dates form
the main food of the natives , their
hats are composed chiefly of the
leaves , time fibre of the leafstalks Is
employed ! In rope making anti from
the sap is obtained an Intoxicating
Dealers say that as soon as n customer -
tomeI' tries Reliance Starch It 18 Impossible -
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch It can be used cold 01'
Not one man In ten UI U81l11l1 leaves
his Impress upon his fellows , which
probably is fortunate for his fellows.
Many Children Are SIckly.
Moth em- Gl'uy't Sweet Powders for Children ,
used by Mother Gray , ahlurso ill Children's
Homo , Now York , CII1'O SmmnCl'Complalnt ,
F evertsanossIlcadaeheStoumch } Troubles .
Teething Disorders and Destroy Wat'ms At
nIl Druggists' , 2jc Sample mailed PRm
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Roy N. Y.
If you lon'l get the biggest and best
Il's your own fault. Defiance Starch
Is for sale everywhere and there k
positively nothing to equal It in qual-
ity at' qUHntlty.
A "hang-dog" look Is not always
horn of conscious guilt ; sometimes it
the Index of n life or abuse
World's Fair Visitors.
Persons attending the great Exposition
nt SI Louis shoulll secure n room close to
the Fair and In II safe brick building 110-
tel Epworlh : ns all the conveniences ot a.
flrsl-class modern hotel within four lOin-
ulf'S' walk of Convention and Administration -
tion entrance Hates 11,00 per day and up
for lodging , Meals at reasonable prices
From Union Station , HO to Olive street
take Delmar Garden car. going west to
tf00. : Our boys meet all cars.
- . . . . + . . . . -s . . . . -.M wn w.n.wuwisM.w T NS1M1.A.
- ,
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Many women are denied the happiness of I
children through derangement of the generative -
tive organs. IV1 rs. Beyer advises women to use
Lydia E. Pinkhamt Vegetable Compound.
t f U DEAn ? ! [ ns. PINriTAM-I : suffered with stomach complaint for
years. I got so hacllhat I could not carry my children hut five months ,
then woull have It miscarriage. 1'he last time I became } } pregnant ; lilY
husband got 1110 to take LytJia E. inlchnm's Ycg-cnhlo ( CUIIlIWIIIUl.
After takilig time first bottle I was relieved of the sickness of stolllach ,
and begari to feel better in every way. I continued its use amI was
enabled t.o carry lilY baby to maturity I now have a nice baby girl ,
and can work better than I ever could hefore I lUll like a now wo-
lUan. . " - i'Ins. II'ItANIC ! 13nYEIt , 22 S. Second St : Meriden , Conn.
Another case which proves that no other medicine
- in the world accomplishes the same results as
, Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable ; Compound.
DEAR 11IIts. PINKII.\ : -1 was married
I ' for five years and gave birth to two pre-
, i. ti ' : y. ' mature children. After that I took
. I.J'din E. I-JnJcha.m'g -
s ; ) ( ; Vegetable Compound -
i Nw i fit ; i ; pound , and it changed me frollllL weak ,
% ! nervous wOlllan to It strong , happy ilium
f f -2' ' healthy wife within seven months 'Yith-
' . , " - ' in two years It lovely little girl was born ,
-r-- who is the pride und joy of my houschold.
' L r- ' " If every woman who is cured feels as
grateful and happy as I do , you must
/ bave a host of friends , for every day I
bless you for the light , health and hllppi-
ness Lydia T. PlnJchnm's Vegetable
Compound has brought to my home Sincerely yours ) 1\Ins \ : MAJA
'VIIAUny , Flat 31 , The Norman , Milwaukee , , , Vis , " .
Actual sterility woman li : very l'au'c. If any WOllllln thinirll
she is sterile let her wl'ltQ to lUl's. Piulduuu ut Lynn , 1Unss. , whoso
advice is given free to all would-llo and expectant IIldthcl'fi.
FORFEIT If \\0 cannot forthwith produce the original letters signatures of
$5000 FORFEIT , which will prose their nbPoltite IICIIUlllfJlIOSR ,
Lydia E. } 'Jlll luuu10" , < :0.,1111111&11I. : : ; .
In sheets of PURE At-JUIUE 1 BLUE. No bottles. No peddles. No waste. Gives the sauna
mount of blueing water ( melt wash , duy. Able your grocer for I tor send las for a. book 012. i JeI1VCs.
The Handy Blueng ! Book Coa , 87 E. Lake St. , Chicago , III.
When A . I Advertisements I l'ortullcsllI1I1lIegnrd ,
Answering semen s . . ' :
GINSENG en. Easily grown
Kindly I Mention This I I Paper. I c\'erywllcre American market Hens In at
I S7 to 81'2 : per Ib ; costs to grow lens than II. 1111
demand roots and seed fur sale ; booklet \ : tree' write
W N . U. Omaha. No 41-1904 trcct'
m. a. -
" I to day . OZARK QUfBENO CO. , Vept. B , Jophe , No
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dre One IDe package colors silk , wool and cotton equally well and Is Quaranteed to give perfect results
Ask dealer or wo will send post paid at IDe a package , Write for IreD booklel-Iow ! to DIe , Bleach and Mix Colors . JlUNIWE lJUUi cu. , Uulout7lUo , Mlnoll"