. . . . . _ t . l . . ' - . ; " " " . , . ' - . - . ' . . . , . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . " ' _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . , - . - > . . . . . . . - . " . , - , . ' . . . , . . , ' - , . . ' , ' . . p , - , . - . , . . " ' . September 23 19u4 ' 11-J1 PALLS Cil Y :1 : KIts , U 1'J ' I ' I. . . .t - - - - - - - - - - I p checctiiona1 Conducted by County Superlni'cndent JJeparf Crocker r Dist. No. 63 will soon begin building a $1250 school house. 'l'he Sutherland school building is the model. 1)ist. No. H-JDthel Hummel , I teacher-\Ve have as yet only 10 pupils cnrm.ted and none of t11es above.the 6th g-radc. " Three teachers , took thc cx- amination last Saturday. 'l'hc third Saturday in each month is regular examination dn.y. Dist. No. 6 , Iva Lowe , teacher -Our enrollment is 13.Vc all attended thc circus. \Vcllave a full set of new books and it library of 60 vol tIIncs. ' Disl. 8(1 , Ne11Q Hanlla ; : teacher -Our enrollmcnt , is 22 , 8 boys and 14 girls. Wc have 6 in thc 8th grade I and only 3 below the 5th. The school is well graded. Missiaud : : Mohler who taught in district No. 21) last year start- ed last Tuesday for Lincoln , where she will attend thc State University during the coming ' .Y ea r. I . I D1st. No. 71 , O. O. Marsh , tcachcr.-School began Scpt. 5th with an enrollment of 35. All . . . 1 . the 1 larger pupils in d strict t en- r rolled ! t11c'--1irst day. . 'Vc have 1 , new geographies and rcadcrs. ij Dist. No. SO , Edna Lytic , tcach- cr- \Ve have 31) pupils. Ou school board have purchased ! ! new boots for us and have givch U thc teacher permission to get such additional books and supplies as arc nccdcd. 1)ist. 1)8. Alice l\lcCray , teacher -Out' enrollment is 8,7 boy ! and Two in thc first ' ' 1 girl. grade , two in thc second , three in the fifth and one in thc sixth. Our school house will bc painted this . fall and wc 'havc been promised ' " . new curtains. Our teacher was out of school two days last wceti- on account : of sickness. Last Friday ' was Educational . day at the County Fair , 't'he ex- hibi bf school work was not j large but it was good. The cx- hibitof native grasses was es- Ii IIC p&ially l Jntcrstiug'and . . . instruct n 1 h'c. In thc marching contes t n for country schools , district 8f1 , U Miss Nelle Hanna , teacher , took , , first Prize ; Dist. No. 35 , Pearl I Sncthcn , teacher second and Dist. No. 73 , Liz dc Morris , teacher - , , er , third. ( Salem was the only ' - ( I high school prcscnt. -'l'hc judges j J gave their marching a grade of J 93. ! narada--l : J. Dist. No. 19 , - Dunn , tcachcr.-Sd1001 opened d Sept. 5th with an enrollment of 62 , and is running as smoothly as if wc had been at work for a month. \Vc arc teaching a few r h .4 t , ninth grade branches in which thc pupils arc greatly intcrested. 'rite Harada division of Richardson - son , County 'rca : .hcrs' Reading Circle will ] } hold thC 'r first l11cct- in'g' l at the Harada school house , Tuesday evcning' , Scpt. 27th , at which timc ; the work will be out- Jincd l for thc coming year. For the first mccting' wc will discuss thc first two chapters of Common Sense Didactics and Current JDvcnts. All teachers and friends of education arc invitcd. SAJ.n : sciioo7 NO'I'HS. A new music course has bccn jlaccd in thc school. Only a few new test books has been ; purchas- cd to make up deficicncics. ( Anew Hew : ; ! apply ofletlial : writing books has ! been placed in thc grades to the 8th inclmivc. ; In the high school the 9th grade have civics , algebra , rh , t- eric and book lecping' 'rhc 10th it } hate Gcn. history , alg-c " 'a Phys. Gcog- . and 1st Latin. Both grades / have music and drills together not less than one period per clay. Prof. .Fcunstcin has sent out a circular letter to neighboring teachers inviting them to mcet with thc Salem teachers ilt the Salem ] high school room on Fri- day evening Sept. 30 at 7 : 15 p.m. for the pnrposc of organizing atll beginning tLcrcading'drclc work for the current ycar. The first two chai > ters of IIC0l111110n sense Didactics" by Sabin will be hand- led at the first 111e ting. A cordial welcome is extendcd. 'rhc Salcm school opened under favorable circumstances Scpt. 5. 'rotal enrollment ] ] to the present is 161 with etarolltnent by grades as follows : Florence Jones has .the primary room with 25 in thc 1st grade and 19 In 2nd g-radc. Minnie Jennings / has 20 in third grade and 14 in 4th g'radc. Orrie French has 5th grade with 15 and 6th grade with 13 pupiJs. AJ- vinla Allen has charge of Grammar - mar 1'00111'ith 21 pupils in 7th grade and 9 I in 8th. li' S. Fener- stein has charge- of the high school with a good enrollment 22 ' in 9th grade and 12 in 10th. . VHHDON SCHOOL NOTES. There are 12 members of thc senior c1aS y . The cnrol1J11cl1t is ns follows : primary 33 , in termC'(1 ate 2CJ grammar - . mar 24 and high school 25. , 'l'hc school grounds < , arc in nice condition and nIl ncccssary repairs - pairs to the building have been complct The basket ball team is getting in practice for some games with competing teams and they think they arc able to play a good gamc. Verdon has one of thc most progressive school boards in thc county. Men who arc ready , and willing to'do things for the interest - tercst of thc schoots. . _ The first meeting thc teach ers reading circle will be held at the school house in Verdon on Saturday afternoon , October 1 at 2 o'clock. All teachers that in- tend to meet with thc Vcrdon teachers arcs requested to be pros - . .JA ) .f ' . ' . . , 9PENiNG . ' ® ® hi X 1 . t , Corner 11. ilfi nery Store . ' ' : " , . . . . . . . . . , - - - - Beginning ! . . - - . . . . . . . . - . . - . - . . . ' : . Friday , September 23 , 1904 ; . h ' . I " Continuing through the following 'week. ' ' ' l ; . MiSS BARRY I t , , J I J .c- fiW. r : " " ! f7 ' 7 ? ; ; > ' ; : " :1' : ' ' s ' , ' ' . . , ' ' . ' ' . ' " . . . ' . . ' . . . - ' n ' " u'r : 'isc''r'a. @ s.rs ' 5"a tfiy .v 1.Cr .i' s'7rq'i' t r : OMAHA . NEBRASKA : . . _ . , , . EPP7e 28T0 OOT 8 ' . : i roc . cno. o.wnari . w . , . " . a..vzuc' e s + c t..a.aR.e.unseanrasssa----- " . . D - . . . . a. . es ! : : } ' ; :1 ' . For the above occasion the Missouri i Pacific . ' II ' . . ti , vBI make a rate of one fare plus 50 cents for J J the round trip. Tickets on sale October 3 , ' 4 , 5 , : . tl . . ' . 1 6 uid ? , with a return Einiit to October 4. ' - - . ; t 11 \FARNER ) \ 1 a .9 AGENT m ' ' I e ; ; : m ; ' . .3 3ijr fla $ ? ; cut at this mC'cting. 'Vc will' then arrange for our regutar meetings - ing's and discqss the first two chapters of IICommon . Sense Di- dactic " ' DAWSON SCHOOl. NO'I'ItS. School is going on nicely with lots of hard work in storc. 'l'hc enrollment of thc Dawson school is as follows : High school 56 , grammar 30 , intermediate 44 primary 51-total 181. Dawson school . now boasts of a large cluck which regulates thc time for all the 1'00111. It is locat- eel on the landing on thc second floor where all can see if. I.OOK AIl ] AD. 'Vcl1 begun is half done and well planned iR half manned. Last ) e lr every district in thc county was given a Special Day ProgTam. ' These programs were not given to the teachers and hence should have been left with the director at thc close of last years work. If YOU do not have a copy possibly your director has one for you. Ask him Now is thc tim to begin to plan to ob- serve the special clays set apart for us. What is the purpose of them and what is thc good de- rived ? This catt bc easily an- swcrcd. As to thc observance of these days , it need not always br elaborate ] ; indeed , it is usuall bctterif it be simple , something more easily preparcd. On thc . the most important days , it might be well to have more elaborate programs. But some simple pro- gram , with a clear idea of thc purpose of the clay set forth , is thc best way , and from it wc shall obtan thc best results. IPUJ.SORY ATTENDANCE LAW. Because the numerous queries . - - - - . . . . . . . . on the part of thc teachers , \ve . wish to enumerate again the more . . . . important articles of they new . compulsory attendance fa w. Brief- 1) it is this : rl'l1(1t all pupils between = twecn thc ages of seven and fif- teen shall attend school two thirds'I of thc time that school shall be I I in session in thc district of their ' . residence , such : attendance to be- _ ' gin with thc first opening / of be'j , 'j # school and continue cons 'cntivelr until such period is completed. The exceptions : granted arc ; for children \ vho live more than two ' . . I miles from the school , those that halve a certificate of graduation . ) , from thc 8th grade , those mentally . ' 1) unsound , those physically nn- _ I able to go U his would ] require a physicians certificate ) and a child ij of fourteen who is clepeuclent up- on his own effort for his supporter oj or who has others dependent - upon . on 1littt. tl'ite parent of any child I . \1 \ not attending school ) according to ; .f\ the terms set fourth above should ] have a notice from the director. II If this notice is not complied with , withLl one week , then it is the lj director to make complain before the justice and thc parent shall be fined no less ] than five nor wore i than twcnty-fivc dol1ars. In case j thc director fails to perform his 1 : duties hc Jays himself liable'to a 0 , , , , , . ' fine in thc same amount. It : is , hoped that each teacher will ag'i" ' t tate this matter to the utmost since it is so manifestly to the . in- ' tcrcsts of her school to have the . . children in attl'ndancc in thc beginning - ' ginning pf the term when thc classes arc being formed , it will " greatly aid this office also as even . with all thc report at our nom- . ' : _ gland , it is a sorry job to try to ' . . keep track of some six thousand , I children scattered over an area of \ - . 512 square milcs. . ' tI t . 1