The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 23, 1904, Image 16

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    ; \ .
Demoralizing Effects of Democratic Policies vs.
Beneficial Effect of Republican Policies.
Phenomenal Rise of the Industry Since 1894- I
, Accurate Barometer of General Trade
Conditions-Wages Increased.
Ithe Iron and steel industry Js often
referred to as tIIO "barometer o ! gen-
era ! business. " It reflects conditions or
depression ! or prosperity throughout the
eountry in a remarkably senaltive way
- for there is no husiness nor industry
fr1 : the country which does not share
closely in the various conditions which
make ! ! teel either 'king" ) or "pauper , "
and , as Andrew Carnegie once said ,
"steel Is always either king or pauper. "
When times were hard , as during the
period or the last Democratic administration -
tration ! , 181'13-89G , there was indeed an
open door into the palace or King Steel
for the wolf ot poverty ' to enter sad
. iake : Steel a Pauper.
It was shown then that when panic
and depression Tisit the country , steel
feels the effects the most sharply and
the most quickly of almost any com-
WAS ThEFTS In two years , from 1892
to lS91 , represented by the change from
Republican to Democratic rule , the pro-
actlon ot pig iron in the United States
cropped from 9,1.51,000 tons to 6,657,388
tons.The .
. The financial depression that : existed
through the Cleveland administration
mAde it difficult for railroads to float
the Issues ot bonds that were needed to
rain money for new rails , bridges , cars ,
Lad other equipment inTolving large
eon umption of iron and steel. The same
was true ot the building , trades , and
other industries which can use iron and
. steel only as their business can expand.
and , whose business instead ot expanding
during the last Democratic administra-
tion , was forced to contract.
; Rell1arknblc Change Occ1lr. .
V 'After the election or President Me-
K1nley the enormous gains bothLn ! our
o nsumption and our production jt. Iron
and steel , attracted the , attention of busi-
ness : interests throughout the world.
Steel , which vas Pauper under the
Democratic . administration , once again
" wa KIng , and like King Cotton and
King Corn , the growth ot his worldwide
AMOUNTED TO 5Ul,948,58G ,
During the last eight years the Brit-
ish newspapers have been forced to dole-
fully notice a continued succession of
. : \'merican industrial triumphs over Great
Britain. Now it is nn American firm
that gets the contract to build the great
Atbara bridge across the Nile in upper
B ; ; 'pt. Now it is nn American loco-
motive that supersedes the British loco
motive on a leading English railroad.
Now it is nn American electrical company -
pany that gets all the orders for the electrical -
trical equipment for the great new London -
don underground .railroad . s .stem. And
thus episodes or American commercial
conquest during the last eight rears ;
could be repl'atQd until they would grow
wearisome ! to read. The continued tri-
umpbs or the United States in the 8teel '
and iron trade , nt the flame time that
this industry in Great BritaIn has been
in process or decline , led to the creation
recently Qr a British Commission ot business -
ness experts to investigate the sit-
uation. This commission in its first re-
port on the iron and steel trade presents
information or the highest value from
firms emlJloying over 87 per cent of the I
labor in this combined trade-231OOO
out ot nn aggregate of 2G5OOO workers ;
and .it has ascertained that while this industry -
dustry has been advancing rapidly in
other countries it has remained almost
stationary in Great Britain. The im-
ports have increased 200 per cent and
the exports have declined 7Y.J per cent ,
and foreign competitors , protected in
their own borne markets , have made it
the basis for the conquest ot the British
market. The masters or the trade have
heen consulted , and only 5 per cent of
them -arc content with free trade and
apolicy ot inaction. The employers ot
87 per cent ot the labor are convinced
that neither masters nor men can expect
equality ot conditions unless the home
I _ Percent
. ; Incrense.
. C , -Date of Census- lfIDO to
18t ) ( ) . 1000. 1900.
Number ot establishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 6G9 t7.0
Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UI4.U,8H $590 , : ' 30,484 42.0
Salaried officials , clerks , etc. , number . . . . . . . . . 4,325 9,217 113.1
. &Iarlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4G2.236 $11,741.788 51.7
Wage-.arners , average number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.181 222.007 30.0
= rota wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $89,2i3.1 . $120.836.338 a = i.4
Men , 16 renTS : and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGS.943 219.635 30.0
Wages , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88,840,642 $120,157,007 35.3
Women , 16 years and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 IOil 1,74G.6
Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,100 $266,888 1,400.2
. Children , under 16 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,180 1,001 t12.8
Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $416 , : ? S $412,443 to.9
elllaneous expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.2J4,94S $32,2 4.100 77.2
' COlt of materials used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32i,2i2.845 $522,431,701 59.6
Value ot products (2Z.4 ( ! pounds each ) . . . . . . . . . . $478GS7,1jJl ; 81H.Oa4,918 : GS.O
.Tone . ot products (2,224 ( pounds each ) . . . . . . . . . . . 16,264,478 29,507,860 81.4
Not reported separatcly. tDecrcnse.
sewer and prestige under the sponsor-
llhip ! or the Republican party was noth-
Ing : short of mar\"elous. '
The great victory for the gold stand-
ard cured the uneasy , panicky condition
that had prevailed in the money market.
atTIlS possilllo in 1SG for great hn-
i'rovemcllts ttl be llnu'cll by railroad
and other corpomtions. The investor
; callie out ot the woods where he bad
been during Democratic times and
ought bonds that represented cash to
e. expended in more rails , more bridges ,
. more cars , more machinery , more skyscrapers ,
scrapers and more other things that reQuired -
Quired enormous consumption or iron and
.teet But the increasing ability ot the
. countrT buy more iron and steel was
met bT Increasing necessity for larger
. consumption. The railroads suffered
I from car shortages because they could
mot bUT now cars fast enough to keep
vace with the increasing business that
/ came to them. In almost every line
' at Industry the calls in the iron and steel
: Indu.strT for material increased so rap-
: ddly that it was a difficult matter for
the iron and ! Steel manufacturers to hire I
- . .w men fast : enough for the additional
work to b. done . , and to otherwise keep
. .p with enormously increasing consump-
t tion. But thc 'Republican policy ot pro-
tection not only operated by its general
bUllnC effects , to stimulate the lucreas-
I fag consumption , but also to force the
. creasIng consumption to be met , not
. y larger foreign imports or Iron and
.t"1 , giving more work for the toreiJn-
en t. do , but by increasIng domestic
: .roducrtJen. giving more work for Amer-
. . kllUl lboringmeu } to do at continuously :
Iaeaelug "Wnges.
CoaaumpUllu and Production.
Here are the figures as to how both
clM1sumption and production or pig iron
almost trebled between the Democratic
par 1834 , through the McKinley and
, ; administrations , up1to the year
. ProductIon , Consumption ,
Tons. Tons.
-ISM 6,657,388 6,694,478
1898 11,773,934 12OOJG74
1899 13,620,703 13,7- 9,442
:1900 : 13,789,242 13,179,409
IDOl : 15S S,354 16.232,446
1002 17,821,301 IS,442S99 ! )
1903 lSOO,252 ! 18,039,90i
Conquest of Foreign Markcts ,
; WIth the vast increase in the domes-
tie production or iron and steel under
: epubUcan rule It became possible to
conduct the industry at a relatIvely tar
greater perfection and lesser cost than
"hen the work was done on only one-
Chlrd the 8cale. THIS CAUSED THE
, industries are protected. The commission -
sion itself reports unanimously that the
relative decline or the iron and steel industry -
dustry cannot be attributed to natural
disadvantages .or want ot skill and enterprise -
terlrise 011 the part of either of British
manufa'turers workmen . but is due
to the fact that their competitors in the
United States and Germany , having . secured -
cured control of their home markets by
means ot tariffs and the regulation or
their export trade , are in n position to
export their surplus products.
Increase in Wllirell.
The value to labor and to the indus-
trial and commercial interests ot the
United States or the development ot the
iron and steel industry under Republican
rule will be apparent when it is real-
izod that the wages and salaries paid
in iron and steel manufacture in the
United States have . increased from $89 ,
73OOG in 890 to $132,000,000 in 900.
The growth and importance to labor or
the iron and steel industry is illustrated
by the following table , the figures being
R part ot the official report ot the United
States Census or 1900 :
Iroft Ore RegIsaa Get Benefit. .
The extraordinarily good times which
came to the iron and steel industry ot
the United States brought exceptional
prosperity to our Iron ore regions , the
United States soon assuming a greatly
illcre.'lllng ! lead over its closest competitors -
tors , Great Britain and Germany.
From : the Democratic years , 895 to
1001 , the latest date where official data
is available , the production or the three
countries was-
Great Drltllln , Germany , U. 8. ,
Gross tODS. Metric tons. Gross tons.
IS9J. : . . .12.615.414 12.340,600 15,9:17,614 :
IS16. . . 13.700.i64 14,162.335 16.000,449
IS9i. . . .13,78i,878 13.4G:1.97D : 17,518,046
1898. . . .H,176,938 15.901.263 19,433i16
189'.14,46,30 17.lS9,03S : 24GS3,173
lQ ( ) ( ) . . . . 14.O'J,208 18.96-1,294 27.:13.161 : ;
1901. . . .12Zi5,198 16,570,258 28,85i,479
In 1901 the 28.887,479 tons of ore pro-
dared by the United States exceeded by
42,023 tons the combined output or Great
Britain and Germany , which amounted
only to 2SS4,456 tons. .
The high record or production In this
country was ached in 1902 , when the I
total was 35,554,135 , in a combined
world output of about 87,000,000 tons.
Germany reached its highest record in
1900 with 18,964.294 tons. and Great
Britain its maximum in 1SS9 , when. its
total was 14,54.G05 tons.
In 901 , the year when this country
for the first time produced more ore
than Great Britain and Germany com-
bined the total world output or ore was
79,981,935 tous leaving only 51,094,45t1
for the entire world outside the United
States , . whose production WAS 28SS1,4i9
For that year the omclal figures , wIth
I the exception or Russia , show produc-
'tion ' by countries as follows :
United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2S.SSi.4il
Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.JiO.iS ; ( : :
Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2i.HlS : ; -
Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7410..000
France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,701.000
Austrl:1-IIungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ; ; . ( ) oJ ( )
Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , ilO/O ! ;
Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z.i.O'JO !
All others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.roJ.OOO
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W,9S1D3 ;
Republican Policy Is In Line with
Territorial Precedenh.
Four years ago the Democratic par- .
ty denounced the acquisition or thc Philippine - I
ippine Islands by the United States as
11 dangerous form 'Or national expansion
and their retention as an application ot
militarism. The only logical conclusion
or this position was our immediate re-
tirMlent from the Islands , leaving them
to shift for In his letter accepting -
cepting the nomination for Vice Presi-
dent in moo Mr . Roosevelt commented
on this position as follows :
" . . .rhe\ \ simple truth is that there Is noth-
ing even remotely resembling 'imperial-
ism' or militarism involved in the present
development or that policy or expansion , ! .
which has been part ot the history or
America from the day when she became
n nation. The words mean absolutely
nothing as npplied to our present policy
in the Philippines , for this policy is only
imperialistic in the sense that Jefferson's
POliCY in Louisiana WitS imperialistic ;
only military in the sense that Jackson's
policy towards the Seminoles or Custer's
towards the Sioux embodied militarism ;
and there is no mare danger or its pro-
ducing evil results at home now than
there was or its interfering with free-
dom under Jefferson or Jackson , or in
the days or the Indian wars on the
"The only certain way or rendering
it necessary for our Republic to enter
on a career or 'militarism' would be to
abandon the Philippines to their own
tribes , and nt the shme time either to
guarantee a table government among
these tribes or to guarantee them against
outside intcr erence. A far larger army
would be required to carry out any such
policy than will be required to secure
order under tIle American flag ; while
the presence of this flag on the Islands
is really the only possible security against
outside aggression. Properly
speaking , the question Is now not whether - .
er we shall expand-for we have already
expanded-but whether we shall con-
tract. "
That was ' the issue four years ago.
Now the Democratic platform says :
" 'VI. believe with Jefferson and John
Adams , that no government has n right
to make one set ot laws for those at
home and another and a different Slt or , absolute in their character , for
those in the colonies.C C 'Ve insist
that we ought to do for the Filipinos
what we have already done for the
Cubans. "
There has never been n time since
the formation or the government that
Congress has not made one set of laws
for the States and another set for the
territories. The laws enacted by Con-
gress for the government ot the Philip-
pines are no more absolute than those
which have been enacted during the last
hundred years for our various territories.
The demand that tM United States
shall do for the Filipinos what it has
done for the dubans is unreasonable. 'Ve
never claimed to own Cuba , but we pos-
sess the Philippines by an undisputed
title. A. Republican administratlun. did
entire justice to Ouba as demanded by
the circumstances or the case , and the
Republican party can be depended upon
to do entire justice to the Philippin
A Campaign that III Worthy of
the Voter's Attention.
They are coming , the less fortunate ,
coming to this American continent to
secure a better life for themselves than
they have in their own land. They are
coming from the less prosperous parts ot
Italy , and from Bohemia nnd from Hun-
gary and from Poland , and throughout
all that wide northern Slavic region
wherein is oppression or the J \'Vs. In
other words , they are coming from everywhere -
where ! From Europe the most oppressed
and , in some cases , most unintelligent
classes are coIning < here to find better
conditions for themselves , and meanwhile
to necessarily infuse a new element ot
blood here as well as a new element ot
thought and religion and general drift
or being. We accept them and their
blood and the infusion of their genera-
tions for the future. 'Ve accept them , in
the broadest sense , with the idea that ,
by and by , tnere will become a homo-
genoity or the races which will take care
ot itselr. The Norse in III his varieties
is , or course , a part or us , but the assimilation -
lation or thc Latin in all his varieties is
another thing. \Va are trying to be big ,
. broad : Christians And make no distinc-
Certain laws have been enacted under
the regime or the Republican party , and
the manner in which they are being enforced -
forced illustrates , as well as could be ,
the earnestness ot the present adminis-
tration , in allowing the filtering into . this
country , in all generosity , or those who
seek a better harbor for what there Is in I
Ilfe. It is but fair to the Republican
party in this campaign that every voter
should think or nil that the party has
done in the enactment ot laws and the
enforcement or them , in all ldberality , ns
to perfecting the immediate business wel-
fare or the country and as to controlling
the amalgamation or its future blood.
This is one ot the side issues or the
campaign to which the attention or every
voter may well be directed.
"We waat no laws 11I.J9lred bY' , as-
sloa , nor do we waat them adminIs-
ter. . selfidlnes. . er iacap.c1t-
best laws , wieely a4in1.tcred , are
what we demoad , and tllley can belle-
cared If we but 40 our duty , a daty
conaa.ded by the .acrl.ce ef tkolle
who sleep on thle field , and by oar own
Illterelt. and the of thosc
who shall follow a8.-SenatJ1 : FaIrbanks
at Freehold , N. J. , June 21 , IPC3.
The country is indebted to the Republican -
lican party for the national ank S-S-
tem , the resumption of specie payments
and the establishment of the gold stand- .
ard. It cnn well afford to point with
pride to these and other achievements
opposed and denounced by the Democ-
The average weekly rate or wages in
the United States is 179 per cent and in
Great Britain ' 100 per cent. It marks
the difference between protection and
free trade.
LudlcroUII Attempt by a Self-En-
throncd Democratic Lender to ) lake
a Bare Man Appear as Dangerous to
the Country-Pulitzer'lI Letter.
( Ohicago Tribune. )
The New York World is probably the
most enthusiastic Parker paper in the
country. To un extent it is striking the
keynote ot the Parker chorus in the
east. Two or its editorials are to be
reprinted and circulated by the Demo-
cratic committee as campaign docu-
ments. These two editorials are in the
form or open letters addressed by Joseph
Pulitzer , editor ot the World , to Theo-
dore Hoosevelt. The first one occupied
a page-the second nearly two pages.
The third may take np three page
In the words orIr. : : \ . Pulitzer , "The
paramount issue of this campaign is not ,
l1S you would have it , free trade or free
silver , but YOU YOURSELE'-.rheo-
dore Ro08e'\"elt. This Issue is forced
upon the country by your unusual temperament -
perament and talent-your own strong ,
able , ambitious , resourceful ! , militant ,
passionate personality , your versatile and
surprising genius. "
This issue was framed by the World
in its first letter , July 30 , 19W. But as
that document did not seem to frighten
anybody to Parker , the hot blood or
strong desire denied mounted to the
brain of ) Ir. Pulitzer , and hig emotions
ravished his ' jud ment. His second let-
ter-the one two pages long , printed on
August 23-ls addressed to "Theodore
Roosevelt , Candidate for President or the
United States and the Western Hem-
isphere. " The headlines ask ir the Pres-
ident is a "military megalomaniac. " He
jg accused ot a "monomania" to be the
"grand lord protector" of the two Amer-
A Gibbet of FollY.
This letter is interestin -first , be.
cause the World is generally recognized
as the chief Parker spokesman ; second ,
ns an exhibition ot that gibbet or roily
to which partisan zeal , tempered by
common sense , can on occasions , elevate
a man ordinarily so level headed as Jo-
seph Pulitzer.
Roose\"elt's record , contends the World ,
clearly indicates that his return to pow-
ew would be vested with the ruin or
our free inst..itutions. It proceeds to
examine all his despotic procedures and
unconstitutional usurpations , seriatim.
But it unquestionably omits much that
would make Its case stronger. For instance -
stance , it docs not show how the Presi-
dent Qtas increased the standing army
so that it has become a menace to the
liberties of the citizens. ( For , in fact ,
during President Roosevelt's administrn-
tion the army has been diminished , not
increased. )
It does not prove how the ambitious ,
cos 'v and bloody wars conducted during
tbe.ftlresent < administration were begun ,
not as the constitution provides , by an
act or Congress , but at the imperial dictation -
tation or the ruler. ( . For , in fact . , there
has been no war ot any sort during
President Roosevelt's administration. )
_ Always for Pence.
oes not even show how the President -
dent has brought : the country to the
verge or a desperate war , which ' was
prevented only by the 'retreat or the
country which , he threatened it might
have proved against its favored Presi-
lent Cleveland. ( For , in tact , the Pres-
ident has at no time brought the country
near n war. His efforts and those ot his
Secretary or State have been consist-
ently directed toward the peace or the
world , and the circumscribing o the area
ot hostilities once wars have begun. )
It does not show how President Hoose-
volt had used either corruption or force
to influence elections in any State , so
abasing the principle or local self-go'\-
ernment. nor how , he has deposed a re-
calcitrar governor , ' or dissolved n hostile -
tile State assembly- after the fashion
or certain reconstruction .Presidents.
( For he bas done none.or these thiugs. )
It does not show how he influenced
judicial decisions reversed a decree or
court , or suspendell a judge who had
striven to limit tile presidential usurpa-
tion. This is always the first symptom I
of the issolution or constitutional gov-
ernment. ( But President Roosevelt has
not been guilty or it. )
It does not show how , when the legislature -
islature , maIntaining its independence ,
refused to divest itself or its authority
and humbly accept the "ad\"ice" or the
man on horseback , he filled the haIls or
the lawmakers ' mth bayonets , overawed
the .tribanes or the people , dissolved the
sitting , imprisoned the ringleaders. As
is well known , the terrorizihg ot the
legislature is the twin forerunner with
the control of the jUdiciary in the down-
mil or free institutions.
gnu Done None of Thl. .
It does not show how tho. President
annulled the right of tree speech and imposed -
posed a vexatious censorship upon the
press. The 'World's own articles are liv-
ing proof that he has done none or this.
It does not show how , like the great-
est at our rresi'dents , he bas , under the
'Ple ' or national duress , suspended ' the
writ or habeas corput--the very spirit
or eh-il liberty ( For President Roose-
' \ "elthas not "uspended the writ or habeas
corptU. )
Thus the record shows President
Roosevelt has , in no single way , even
mbryonlcally exceeded his constitutional
unctlons. Hit has not turned his face
in the direction or a single one or that
set of actions whereby the usurpers 'ot
history have established themselves in
power on the ruins or freedom. Nevertheless -
ertbeless , the World reiterates that by
hiR riortL it can Drove Theodore Roose-
ttb ; a man - dangerous : to the lib-
erties ot hie country. How can this
proof be wrought ?
In a simple way. By passing over
in silent contempt hIs record is a thor-
o\1ghly constitutional and patriotic Pres-
ident ; by picking out of their contexts
some of the things he has sald-tnkin
one paragraph from one speech , another
paragraph from a different speech ; by
takIng one sentence from a paragraph
here , another sentence from a paragraph
there ; Hen by taking a phrase from a
sentence here , another phrase from a
sentence there ; 'by then weaving these
different contextJess paragraphs sentences -
tences , and phrases into a single fabric
-which fabric , charges the 'World. is
truly indicative of the whole character
ot the man Roosevelt !
In pursuance or this plan the World
I has carefully picked ont or their set-
' tings the twenty-ix most bellicose ab- -
I' soIuti . imperialistic sayings or which
I President Rooscnlt has ever delivered
I I .Iumselt. These are thc quintessence or
I hi : bloodthirsty cxpressions. Nothing
that he has said has ever gone farther
on the road to military despotism than
the3e twenty-si things.
Ex Pane Argument
Or course , as every reasonable be-
ing knows , such ex porte argument is
I not fair. It were easy by cheesing out
nil ot .Tefferi'on's sayings on one side to
" rove him an ardent expansionist , or by
lieking out or all his writings : on the
other side to prove him a bigoted con-
tractionist. He could be shown up as
n protectionist , if all that he said in
favor ot that principle were collected together -
gether , while all that he said against it
were omitted. Or hy reversing the pro
cess it could readily ! be demonstrated
that he was an absolute and perpetual
free trader. It could he shown that
'he was . a . practical anarchist , advocating . !
.a a'evoluUon every twenty year , that
the tree or liberty might be kept well
watered with hlood. Or by omitting this
class or his writings and combining the
opposite class be could be represented
as constantly enjoining implicit , obedi-
ence to the law.
Jt is useless to multiply examples. By
such a narrow scheme or special plead-
lug the wise man could be shown a fool ,
because wise men sometimes are fool-
.ish. The most foolish man could be
shown n sage , because foolish men some-
times Ire l5ellsible. The gutter drunk-
and could he proved a teetotaler , for he
has occasional periods or complete sobriety -
briety Such n method is wholly false.
The World knows it end resorted to it
only because its case was weak.
It you would judge what kind or a
President Roosevelt would make the
fairest method is to consider what kind
or a President .be . has made. But it yon ,
for some reason which it is not easy
to conceive , retuse this test , and pre-
ter to judge him on what be has said.
do not read merely stray words and
sentences gathered and arranged by his
enemies. In nIl fairness read these
words in their proper contexts. Read as
much of Roosevelt'g writings as you have
time for. You will find them the expres-
Bions not .t Q bloody and despotic Intel-
lect but ot fl clean , strong , honest mind ,
instinct with patriotism.
A Dally Incrcft.e : or 63 2,304 for
Eight Year . .
During the last eight years or Republican -
can administration the increase in the
volume of our currency has amounted
to $352,304 per day , or more than $10-
000,000 per month-the total increase
being $1,014,716,561. This increase has
been chiefly and directly due to the policies -
cies or sound money and protection.
By the act passed Dec. 18 , 899 , by a
Republican Congress (142 ( Democrats Toting -
ing against it and only 11 voting for it
in the House ot Representatives and 23
voting for it and 2 against it in the Senate -
ate ) , and signed by President McKinley ,
the gold standard was sanctioned by law ,
and according to .AIton B. Parker was
then " anti ' " ' establish- I
"firmly : & irrevocably -
ed. " Just as free silver would have
driven gold from the country : according
to the famous Gresham law that "bad
money drives out good money , " so this
positive committal of the country to the
gold standard resulted in a large gain
of gold to our currency. The increas-
ingly large output of gold from Alaska ,
California , Colorado and other Western
States remained in the United States
instead of being driven out , as would
have been the case had free silver triumphed -
umphed in 1896 or 000. Not only this ,
but the United States gold standaru drew
to this country much ot the gold produc-
ed in South Africa and other parts of
the world.
The policy of protection also contributed -
ed to our ability to keep our own gold
and get more gold from other nations , for I
it made the balance ot trade fa'\"orable.
since it tended to increase our exports
over our imports. Instead ot sending
gold out of the country as in Demo-
cratic times , to pay for goods that Amer-
lean labor at home might just as well
have produced , the Republican policy has
been to cause gold to be distributed at
home for work done just as well at home.
Ot the present amount or money in
circulation about 48 per cent is gold-
which mostly represents money saved to
the people or the United States by the
Republican policies ot sound money and
Clolte Relation. of Wall Street and the
Democratic Party.
( New York Letter in Los Angeles Times. )
When New York State was being got
into liRe for Judge Parker , Havemeyer
put on guard for Parker one or his own
men , Cord Meyer : : by name. Cord Meyer
is the sugar trust's representative in
Democratic councils. The Republican
party is able to get along without having
a sugar trust representative in its coun-
cils , but if Democrats come into power ,
it will be Cord Ieyer's happy duty to
make sugar stock go up and down on the
New York Stock Exchange and to let
it be known to anxious statesmen when
it s going np and when It is going down.
Do the people out West know that i
New York , when the Democrats desire to
carry fln election , they go out and tell
the district leaders that a certain stock
on the New York Stock Exchange , Bay
Manhattan Elevated , will go up $15 per
share In rose of Democratic success ?
That is what they do , and it does go up ,
too , and that shows how close the Demo-
cr.ti party is to Wall street in New
York , where Parker and his cohorts come
trom. They buy elections with stock
tips , and Cord Meyer , Billy Sheehan and .
Belmont are extraordinarily good tip-
Latest Republican Oatrace.
On Aug . 29 a fall or mow. the first
or the season , occurred in Minnesota ,
and it cannot be denied that it occurred
under the Roosevelt administration.
Crops , flowers and garden produce were
damaged , and there was the dickens to
pay generalIy.
The Republican party cannot deny
that this thing has happened under a
Republican administration , but it can do
this : It can promise another sno\\-fall
on Xo\ 8. so vast that the memory of
nIl preceding snowstorms will be lost.
It is sometimes well to consider what
might have been. Where would our government -
ernment finances , our rennues. our domestic -
mestic industries and our foreign trade
be now if the Democracy had succeeded
In lS9G or 1000 ?
The Cassandra or American : Politics J
Utters Dl . mal Howl. anl DIreful
Pre. } Ictlons About Roosevelt and ;
Republican. .
On the evening or Sept. 7 , 1904. the
land was at peace , and no auguries ; of
dread possessed it. Vermont had said
its say , in no unmeaning manner , and
all was calm in city and country , while
in New York was gathering n band , just
a few faithful editors ot Democratic
antecedents to talk over the political sit-
uation , and incidentally devour that
square meal which , when eaten in public
and accompanied by speeches , is called a
banquet _
Among the chivalry which gathered
there was Henry 'Yatterson or Ken-
tucky. The moment he was seen ; , t the
festive board those editors and spectators -
tors who are accustomed to observe the
usual progress ot events knew that some-
thing was going to happen. They di- ,
\.ined that Henry had been "seein I
things. " It is a WilY he bu. And then
he says thin : s. }
Time rolled on. The rich New York !
viands , prepared for the unaccustomed j
palates ot the visiting editors , the fiery \
cocktails , the generous wines , the nips or !
strong waters , all those had met the i
fate prepared for them. And then came !
-atterson , ns chief speaker ot the e1"en- :
ing. :
'Watterson is at times an excitable . :
man. This was one or the times. He _
was not only excited , be was painfully ,
morbidly , scared. And or all things in 1 .
the world , this brave , chivalrous
American gentleman was afraid or an-
other brave , loyal chivalrous American
gentlemnn-the President of the United
States , Theodore Uoosevelt. lJ
There was rant about "raising the
black flag , " cuttling the ship of civil
service , " "and "cutting the throat of re-
ciprocity" which made \Yl1tterson's hear-
ers turn pale , though they knew no mora
than did the speaker to what these trucu-
lent words referred.
The trembling editors listened appaIl-
ed. 'Yatterson lowered his Toke and ,
muttered forth charges or ruth and ruin
againt ! Roosevelt past , Roosevelt present -
ent . Roosevelt future. Again he pawed .
the earth , shook his fists aloft and bel-
lowed his ' predictions or an everlasting :
candidate for tile presidency , and nn everlasting - . . :
erlasting President in the person or Theodore
odore Roosevelt , it the Republicans continue -
tinue in .power. 'Yatterson's auditors .
thought Carter H. Harrison I. and Carter -
ter H. Harrison II. , perennial and ever-
blooming Mayors or Chicago , but , ag
thesc examples ot political longevity be-
long to the Democratic party , it calmed .
the nerves or \nou/ht.up / banquet-
ers , and they were able to brace up and
listen to the impassion gentleman from
The flood of oratory went on and on ,
and when it was over the editors felt relieved -
lieved , because no seizure or 11 fatal
character bad made fitting climax : to the
utterances or the choleric speaker , whose
eloquence has been whetted for years ,
upon the obtrusive angles or his own
And then the tel r. phic wires bore ,
as upon the wings the wind , the .
words \Tatterson . to be printed ' in the'
morning papers that there could be read
by the toiling millions the fatal words
of objurgation , adjuration and divina-
The public rend the burning words
ot 'Watterson with that fatal apathy
.hlch greets the efforts ot those who , in
the first place , talk too much , and in the
second place , habitually : overshoot the
mark. There was a good-natured laugh ,
perhaps , as some stalwart America _
glanced over the "scare heads" ot the
morning papers , and one or another of
the great army ot freemen said to his
neighbors , as he looked I up from the
warnings ; , denunciations and prediction
or the hysterical orator ot Louisville
" " ' , " . .
"atterson's broke loose again !
And that was all. I
Ii i
Biblical Story that Fits the Democracy I
Today. - . . . (
( Portland Oregonian. )
The Democratic party is . like .a certain :
son which wandered off into a far country - .
try and filled his belly with the husks .
which the swine did eat. But when he V
came to hImself he said I will arise and I
go back to the home or sense and honesty .
'which I left and will ask to be taken . V
back as a hired .r\"ant on probation. I .i
will admit that 1 was wrong and have
now seen the light and I hope to be restored - .
stored through good behavior to my for- ,
mer place in the confidence or the folks
at home and decent people gencrally.
That is to say , the Democratic party
could be conscientious ! likened to the
prodigal son it it had acted on the lines
just laid dovn But the attitude it ac-
tually assumes is something entirely dif-
ferent. Without explaining ! or reprobat-
ing his actions ot 1800 and 900 when
J he voted for Bryan , Judge } Parker asks
- , the support and confidence or nIl gold-
standard nien because he somewhat pat-
roniz.ingly recognizes the gold standard
as "irre'\"ocably establish . " He does
not animadvert upon his own conduct in
leaving home or even upon the quality
of the nutriment which tho- far country
or populism afforded the Democratic
As near as we can make it out , the
Democratic idea is that the Elder Brother -
er should be thrown out on the world
and the Prodigal SoIl installed as man.
agel' or the estate.
Price Placed on Repentance
Gold Democrats who bolted the Bryan V
party will be permitted to join the HilI-
Belmont-Parker organization. provided
they pay n. big entrance tee. The Demo-
cratic State Committee or Indiana is
preparing to levy a heavy assessment on
gold Democrats who wish to vote for
Parker. In other words , the men who
have been reviled @o bitterly by ) Ir.
Bryan for supporting Palmer or \IcKin.
hey nt the last two elections must open
their pocketbooks : it they wish to sit
humbly in the Parker bandwagon.
President Roosevelt : said : in his speech
or acceptance : UA party is of worth
only in so tar as it promotes the national
interest- " Measured by this standard
what is the Democratic party worth ?
. . . - ,
. . - . . . . ; ; " . . , "