The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 26, 1904, Image 9

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' Try One Package. ,
. It "Defiance Starch" docs not please
" . you return It to your dealer. It It
.p. . „ . 'Ii\ . does you cetone-thlrd more for the \
, same money. It will \ give you SUUM-
. . . faction , and will not stick to the Iron.
F ,
Oldest Tree.
a .
I The oldest tree In the world Is on
' the Island of Kos , lying off the const
of Asia Minor. The trunk Is thirty
, , feet in circumference. A wall of
. , " masonry surrounds ! it and supports
the two main branches. It Is believed
' . to be more than 2,000 years old.
' . . . Cheerfulness and Grumbling.
. . .
: . How many people In real life there
i I. are who are a perpetual drain on the
sympathies of their more cheerful
_ friends and neighbors ! They like to
1y" , . be comforted with strong , uplifting
. I . ' \ ' words ; they appreciate cheerfulness
" . . . , . ; -In others. It does not occur to
' : . tliem that It Is a cultivable quality ,
' y" Just as grumbling Is.
I "
, - , Corn Birds Will Not Bother.
' ' ' I' A well known farmer says he wets
' . , . . his ! : seed corn with coal aU before
r , ' , planting It , and as a result the birds '
and Insects do not bother It before It
comes up. The aU does not injure
the germ and keep It from sprouting.
4 . This has been proved by experience.
. .
as he has never had to replllnt.-FU-
more ( Mo. ) Lever.
( Training of Japanese Wrestlers.
, . . . . . . . .
In the place of training to remove
I superfluous flesh , as do the athletes
I ; of other lands , the wrestlers of Japan
_ eat to put It on. Great size and
. weight do not appear to Interfere
with their aglllq. Instead It Is one
of the principal means of overcoming '
Ing an 1dversary.
It Is easy to find something good to
Bay of success , but the struggler must
go a.begglng for encouragement.
- - -
Free From the Slugger Brought Out I
a Fact.
; . , "During the time I was a coffee
. . "
. r drinker , " says an Iowa woman , "I was
nervous , had spells with my heart
smothering spells , headache , stom-
ach trouble , liver and kidney trouble.
I did not know for years what made
- me have those slells. . I would frequently -
Quently sink away'as though my last
hour had come.
- "For 27 years I suffered thus and
. used bottles of medicine enough to set
up a drug store-capsules and pills
' and everything I heard of. Spent
: lots of money but 'I was sick nearly
, i , " all the time. Sometimes I was so
: , I" " " . ' nervous 1 could not hold a plate In
. my hands ! and other times I thought
I would surely die sitting at the table.
I "This went on until about two years
ago when one , day I did not use any
coffee and 1 noticed I was not so nerv-
l ous and told my husband about It.
. He had been telling me that It might
' ' ' ' be the coffee but I said 'No , I have
been drinking coffee all my life and
It cannot be. ' But after thl8' 'I thought
I would try and do without and drink
hot water. I did this for several days.
but got tired of the hot water and
. . went to drinking coffee and as soon
. . as I began coffee again I was nervous
" again. This proved that It was the
' , ' . coffee that caused my troubles.
" . " "We had tried Postum but had not
; : ; t " made it right and did not like It , but
; J : . : ' now I decided to give It another trial
. . , : ' . ' ; ' . ' ' so I read the directions on the pack-
' , : , ' : ' age carefully and made It after these
: U : ' .o- , directions and It was simply delicious ,
f' , 10 we Quit coffee for good and the re-
r. " > - suIts are woDilertul. Before , 1 could
rt , . ' . , . Dot sleep but now I go to bed and
. > . . ; : . . sleep sound , am not a bit nervous
: . , - ' . . . .I J i' now , but work hard and can walk
, ' . . miles. Nervous headaches are gone.
' ; . = c my heart does not bother me any
\ : ; 1f more lute It did and I don't have any
" t'iM ! : of the smothering spells and would
you believe It ? I am getting fat. Wo
. drink Postum now and nothing else
e' and even my husband's headaches
' . : . have disappeared ; we both sleep
1 flt. " " ; : : . sound and healthy now and that's a
. , . . . blessing. " Name given by : Postum
x . . . ; E Co. , Battle Creek , ? o lch.
; . . . : Look for the book , "Tho Road to
" ,
WellvUle" In each pkg. .
, (
. . . .
Condemns Flannels.
Dr. Leonard WIlliams , In an article
In the London Practitioner , declares
that flannel underclothing Is a fraud
"Dr ) ' flannel , " ho says , "Is practically
unabsorbent , whereas linen , cottQI1
and silk are , In different degrees , very
absorbent " He concludes that "wool-
en underclothing is . of all others , the
best calculated to Induce a relaxed
and unresponsive condition of two
skin. "
A woman has s1lnp1Y ! got to love
something , even If It Is only a man.
Plso's Cure Is the best medicine ever used
for nil affections ot the throat and lunltll.-WKo
O. END9L.Y , YnnlJUren , Ind. , Feb. 10 , 1000.
Do our Clothes Look. Yellow ?
Then use Defiance Starch , It will \ .
keep them whlle-16 oz. for 10 cents
The greatest merit of some men Is
their wlves.-Polncelot.
1\lr8. Wlnllow' Soothing . Syrup.
For children teethiugsoften s the fUN8 ! , reduces III-
aammatlun ! allays pulp , curo. wind collu. 25e a wtUo.
When you feel like telling your
troubles write them dowll-llwll burn
the Impel'
Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces
In U IJllelmge , 10 cent One-thln\
more starch for the same money.
Italian Joan of Arc. .
The italian sculptor Ettore Fer-
rarla has completed a relief portrait
of "the Italian Jeanne d'Arc , " Signora
Stamura , for Ancona , which she
helped to defend during the siege by
B'nrbarosBa. She inspired courage In
the citizens by her exhortations , and
during a sally applied the torches
with her own hands to the German
slete towers , according to tradition ,
She was a widow.
The Cause of Sleep. -
The man who Is kept awake b ,
pain , or who suffers In any other way
from lack of sleep , can usually obtain
It by the use of a drug. Such sleep ,
however , Is generally regarded as unnatural -
natural , and hypnotic drugs are
avoided when posslhle. But now comes
Mr. Raphael Dubois , a French physi-
elegist , who tells us that all sleep Is
the result of drugging , the
ducer being carbonlc.acld formed with.
In the system.
Irrigation In Ionsas.
Great state , Kansas ! There Is
lelther a mountain nor a marsh In all
her length and breadth of 82,000
square miles. One.thlrd of her area Is
almost a barren steppe , owing to lack
of rain. Irrigation will male the dry
prairies D veritable "garden of the
west , " raise the Kansas corn crop to
300,000,000 bushels and increase her
live stock valuation to 180000000.
New York Press.
England's Great Artist.
George Frederick Watts , the great
English artist , who died recently In
London , rarely worked from n living
subject , but modeled fragmentary
studies In wax and clay for partlcu.
mar parts of the figures of his pictures.
This : patriarch of painters said In ref-
'rence to his principal works that one
ot his great alms was to take the t.r.
1'01' away front death.
_ . , ,
Labouchere on Intoxicant .
"I myself never drink spirits or , in-
deed , either wine or beer when I can
get water , " said Henry Labouchere.
"I can understand the lilting for beer
or wine. The taste for spirits , how-
ever , Is Incomprehensible to me. I
tried all ot them. The experiment did
not succeed , but gin struck me as the
least nasty. "
F .
Weight of Dead Sea Water.
'A gallon of distilled water weighs
ton pounds , of sea water ten and thr e-
fourths pounds , ot Dead sea water
twelve pounds. There are elgltt and
one.halt pounds of salt In every 100
pounds of Dead . sea water to two and
four-fIfths hounds In ordinary sea
A widow Is usually more particular
about the choice of a second husband
than she was about the first.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
AI mort'ury w111xauroly : destroy the CII8C 01' smell
and complolely doran o the whole IY.lem'hl'lI
cnlcrlllK It throllllh the IIIIII'OUI 8urfalJCI. Hitch
IIrllclo& should never ho need except \ on 11f8crlp.
tlunl from reputable phyelctana , ns tile damnllo they
will do I. ten fold to the good ! you \ cnn po""llIly dc
rh'o from them. 111\11'8 Catarrh Cure ml\nufnclute,1
by } ' . J. Cheney S 00. , Toledo , 0. , COIlIIlII1& II' ) mercury .
cury , nod II taken internally . acting directly upon \
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system )1\
bllyllllC IInll'8 Catarrh Cure ho euro you pct the
Ieuulne. Jt II taken Intcrnnl1) cud mnl1e In Toledo ,
Ohio by } ' . .J. Cheney & : Co. Te8Ulllonlnl. free.
Hold by DrllgjtlAIA. ) l'rtco ; 5c. per \ hoWe.
take Jlnll'l 11 amlly 1'1118 for conallpllLJon.
The hope of the worlll Is that tp
which our heartH turn III sorrow.
The Dellllllce Starch Co will give
25 ladles a round.trp ticket to the st.
Louis exposition to five ladles In
each ot the following states : Illinois ,
Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri \ ,
1'1 who will send In the largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10-cont , 16.
ounce package of Defiance cold water
laundry stnrch. This means from your
own home , anywhere In the above I
named states. These trade marks must
be mailed to and received by the De
lIanco Starch Co. , Omaha , Neb , before
September 1st , HIO.1. October and No'
vomher will be the best months to
visit the exposition. ! Remember that
Defiance IH the only starch put up 16
oz. ( a full pound ) to the paclmge.
You get one.thlnl more starch for the
same money than of any other kind ,
and DefIance never sticks to the Iron.
The tickets to the exposition will be
sent by registered mail September 6th.
Starch lor sale by all dOlllers.
Lawsuits male the patties bare ,
the lawyers fat.-German.
Less Than Half to St. Louis and Re-
turn via Wabash R. R.
Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thurs-
1n's' In August : rate from Omaha
$8.50. Dally round.trlp rate $13.80.
Correspondingly low rates from your
The Wabash 18 the ONLY line land-
Ing all passengers . at Its own station
main entrance \Vorhl's Fair grounds ,
thus saving time , annoyance and extra
car fare. All World's Fair maps show
Wabash station , main entrance. For
all information address harry E.
1\Ioores , G. A. P. D Wab. R. n. , Omaha -
ha , Neb.
'When swimming with the current
look out for the Callti. "
Important to Mothers.
1\t'llno \ carefully every bottle of CASTOnrA ,
1\ safe and euro remedy for infants utlll children ,
and Leo that It
Denrs the
Signature at
In use ? or Over 30 Yeurs.
The Kind You Have Always llaugh !
It the play Is a frost the audience .
soon melts away.
permanently cured. No ate or nervcuancu atte
fiTS liMIt day u use of Dr. Kllnc' Un'at Nerve Itetorr
or. fiend for Jl'nR 2.00 trial bottle and tn'ntli !
Va. U. It. KL1JIII , Ltd. , 831 Arch street , l'l11IAdOllJh1al
A safe secret Is a cOlllldentlul let-
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch not alone
because they get one-third more for
the same money , but also because or
superior quallt
A little wine Is good for the stom-
ach's salte. The trouble begins when
a little is taken for Cdendshlp's salce.
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and set the best , 16 oz.
for 10 cents. Once used , always used ,
AGENTS WANTED : Fraroess ; :
Frames : , 12. . 160. too and up Portraits 30c. 600
and up. Catalogue and Samples Free.
IlEDBOlrlaTltAIT l'O. , 1256 : W. .d"'Qa bl. , Cblura , III.
HOMESTEADS on vcrlor -
Montana. fiend Me. for map and information LG
1. F. KELLEY , Heal Elute Agency , Billings , Mont.
L'UflE H H All ELSE fAllS ,
neat Cough Syrup. ' 1'betca ( loud. Use
In time. Hold by drutrglete.
, ' . "I" - . . t. ,
. . . . - - . , - - , _ . . . - = - . . . .w.7' - "
, . 7'i
. "From the cradle to the baby chaIr" . ; '
II 10 , you ought to' have I 1
1. ' ' ' oj )
, "
: " .
r 'I i
; ,
. . , j
k .
, . '
. . . . '
QUIt PHOENIX Walking Ohair ; J
holds the child seouroly , pro. ,
venting those painful falls and :1
bumps which are so frequent when J1
baby loarlts to wnlk. .1 ,
The chair is provided with Do ro- , .I . ' J
movable , sanitary cloth seat , whioh "
supports the weight of tine child .
and prevents bow-lega and spinal :1 '
troubles ; italso hM a table attach- .
mont which enables baby . to find 1
amusement in its toys , otc. , with. a
ant any nttention. , - ,
liAs indispensable ( as a cradlo. " ,
It is so constructed that it pro. ' ' a
vents soiled clothes , sickness from :
drafts and floor germs , and i8 '
recommended by physicians and ; '
endorsed by both mother and baby. -
Combines pleasure and utility. , J
No baby . should bo wIthout ono. j
Call at your furniture dealer iii
and ask to see ono. . . . . '
- .
Can only bo had of , your furniture d.allr. , : :
. .
, ' . . .
wee . : ,
. .
) :
, 1
" "OLLOW TMR "UQ. " ;
JA .
, A
Baggage . checked to World'
1"lIlr ar'oundll.
Stopovers ullowed. All Agents can
route ) 'OU1a. . the 'VADASII. For bs " 11-
tlCul 'orld's 1.'alr Colder and all Intor-
matlon address '
Gen. . Agt. Maas. Dept. . Omaha Nab.
THE UMSY FLY KILLER Lfo lncwiro1riL rarer )
Home-ln dlning room , sleeping room and places where
.gam ttlcs are trouble.
some , Clean , Heal
t S uud will nut .orlon
YK ' mitre aeything.
t L . Try twirl uucu and
you will u.tnr Iw
i wllhoutthem.ifnue
Y . kupthydealurs snal
,4 prepa d fur 20e.
IIAImLD 1i/11/L'ItB.
its 11Galb A , . . . , ,
I ilrvskl s , it , I ,
5lCigar better Quality than most 10t Cigars /
Your jobber or direct ( rum Factory . I'eortll , III
CURES catarrh of the stomach. . -
- , , - . - ' , . , . . , , : , . & . . . . ; , ; ; L _ , , " ; " .i1r.I'k. .