The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1904, Image 12

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G 1 . . . Obitulry.
Sarah B. ( Kcltlc ) icharl
. . ' was born in Ycrrion 'I'wp. , Sciota
\ Co. , Ohio , .May 7 1835 , and was
married to lIt F. icharl in 185fJ ,
to which union were born seven
: dlildrcn.
At thc time of her dcath she
was 69 years , 3 months and 3
; days old.
; IC , Sarah B. Richart grew to
j womanhood in thc locality in
which she was born ; and after
her marriage to H. Ii' ichart ,
- she with her family , moved to
thc state of Nebraska ! : in 1S71) ,
where they purchased a farm.
'l'hcy livcd on this farm until
IS')3 1 ' , when they mo\'cd to Ira11s
City , which is now thc home of
thc here ft husband and son.
: . Mrs. Richart became a member
of thc Baptist church in her girl-
hood , and lived a consistent
christian life until she dicd.
" The following children arc left
, ; to mourn their loss : Carrie
! . Hcadricks of Superior , Neb. ,
Kcmscy Jura 'l'our and Ralph
ichart l of Cain , Aggie L4yens , of
. \ . Hampton , 1\10. , and Ella Bentley
! of Grcely County.
; 'l'he funeral services were con-
r s ducted at thc home , Friday Aug'
i ; 12 at 1):30 : a. m. under thc supervision -
t , vision of l cv. Pougcon of thc
' " First Christian church , . after
: which thc body was taken to
, Dawson and consigned it's last
J , ; resting place
h The family has the heartfelt
. , .
} sympathies of a host of friend s
' , and relatives , both in Falls City
i1 ) , and Dawson , where the remains
i : : now l' Ie. '
- - - - -
5 I A
i Real Estate l Transfers.
\ -
Mary C. Zook and husband to
! 1 mcrson A. Hardcn \V D. lots
t . 1 and S block 1 ook's addition to
\'enlon'V. D , Considcration
. ' 8300.
: W. H Crook and wife ct. al to
" V' ' J. D. Shl'aug-cr . D. lots 15 and
( : : . H . block 14 , Crook & 'l'owlcs
I" \ c Second additiotl to Falls City ,
: ; Consideration $1S0
I' ; \\'ui. H. Miller and wife to S.
r : ' , Y I . N. Building- & Loan Assn. \V ,
: D , lots 5 and 6 in block 135 , Falls
I ' " . City. Consideration 850.
- A. Weaver and wife to Sam-
ucl V. Scars W. D. lots 1),10,11,12
" block 66 , Falls City Con. 8525.
' , Ethel Bell ( single ) to 1. 13 ,
I 'Vhitakcr . D. lot 16 block 70 ,
, Falls Ci ty. Consideration 83,00. .
J 1. B. \Vhitakcr and wife to
it Kittie L. ' ' owlc1' , D. lot H blk
\ \ 70 Falls Cit\ " . Con. 83,00
n \\111 Gal and rife to L. D.
n \\'m. Gatz W. D. S. } ! S.I.1 ! 6 -
i , -17. . Con. 8,010
It John Lewis and wife to Louis
trt Lewis wd ] N. W. 'i ! S\ j1 and ]
F 1 pt of S. , V .J. ! Scc. 2-3-15. Con
J " r : . $2200.
, ,
: ' Lida Snyder and husband to
' - - . -
'H '
: t
. .
, " , .J & .di. ' : "di o-/J. '
Eva 1. Davison wd lot 21 , S. 0
22 lJlk 37 Falls City. Con. S1100
\'m. ' 1" Ii'cnton and wife , to
'l'imothy P. Cumming-s q.cd1.0
N.E. J. 4 ! Sec. 24 , S.'V. J. ' ! c of S. m.
J. ! and S.0 of S. W. 1-4 Scc. 13 ,
all in ' 1' . 2 R. 13 , 200 acrcs.
Con. $4000.
'Vm. Lord and wife to Melissa
F. Corn qcd lot 1 , blk 86 Salcm.
Con. S50
U. S. of A. lo John J. Hart ,
patent N. \V. 1-4 Sec 21)-2-15
D S. of A to Oliver Durant ,
patent to S.g. 1-4 Scc. 20-2-15.
U. S. of A. to' Davie Wolf ,
patent \V. 0 NE 1-4 N.E. 1-4
of N. g. 1-4 SC . . 30-2-15.
U. S. A to David'olf patent
E. 0 S.L. 1-4 and I 1-4 N. l : .
1-4 Scc. 30-2-15
US.A to Joseph E Mare ,
S.E. Scc .
patent 1-4 32-2-15.
U.S.A. 'Vi11iam F 'Vindcler
patent , to S.\ 1-4 Sec 20215.
U. S. A. to Mary Carson pat-
cnt to N. g. 1.4 of N E. 1-4 Sce
'I'hos. Rclf and wife to p W.
Grinstead wd to N 0 S. B. 1-4
and lots 1 and 2 of N. E. 1-4 Scc.
1-1-15 J , Can. $6500.
A. A l\IcIninch and wife to
'l'hos. Reif wd to N. 76 S.E J. !
and sub di\ lots 1 , 2-3-4-5--7-S-
( Scc 11-1-15
-10-11-12-13-14 - -
Con S264.7
Business Change.
Last week a change was made
in thc firm of McLanc & Beck ci-
gar manufacturcrs. Mr. Beck
purchasing l\Ir McLanc's interest
in thc business and will hereafter
conduct it alonc The firm has
established a good business here
bi fair treatment and honest
goods and wc arc sure Mr. Beck
wilt maintain thc business at its
present hig-h standard.Vc have
not learned what 1\11' McLanc intends -
tends to do but hope hc will con-
cludc to remain in our city.
Tt \ . ken with Cramps
\Vmn. Kirmsc , a member of thc
bridge gang working near Lilt le-
port was taken suddenly ill
Thursday night with cramps and
a kind of cholera His case was
so severe that hc had to have thc
members of the crew wait upon
him and 1\11' GilTord was called
and consulted , Hc told them hc
had a mcdicanc in thc form of
Chamberlain Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy that hc
thought would help him out and
accordingly several doses were
administered with thc result
that thc fellow was able to bc
around next day The incident
speaks quite highly of- 1\1'
GilTon1's mcdicincs.- Elkadcr ,
Iowa , Argus
'l'his remedy never fails. Keel
it in your home , it may save lifc.
For sale by A. G. 'Vanncr.
iJ.E - * - -4
Fraternal Union
To be Held in o. I
Palls City , Nebraska
August 23 = 4 = 5
- - - - -
--T SDAV- :
9:30 : a. m. , Band concert , Stone street and parad " forms I :
10 a. m. , Parade to Evergreen Heights Park J
. . ' anthem C. V. Strickland 1 voices ,
10:20 : a. m. , Greeting ! , , 9 VOICes.
10:30 : a. n1. , Band concert and chorus I '
I I.30 I a. n1. , Rev. E \V. Cole , "The Way to Universal - -
sal I3rotherhoocl. "
12m" , Dinncr . ' . , . . .
I :30 : p. m . Band . concert and chorus. - , . . . - - I ) .
2 p. m" , Ladies quarte . _ . . ' , I +
II '
2I5 : I 1) , m" , Address , F. G Simmons Grand Dep ; A. , . .
O. U. V.r . ' I
. .
, Band and chorus V V "
3 p. m" , concert
LO-l\'liss Blanche Kerr. . . "
4 p. m. , Address , Mrs. E. \ \ ' , Cole. " . . I'I i
5 p. m. , supper. 'J , I
7:30 : p. m" , Band concert and chorus > .
8 p. m" , Quartette , eight voices mixe , . ' .
SI5 : p. m" , Address , \V E Sharp , President Royal < : . . :
Highlanders , Lincoln. , . ; . - .
\ 4
9 :30 : a. m" , Band concert and parade forms , I
loa , m. , Parade marches to grounds ,
I 1 a. m. , Chorus.
'I :20 : a. m" , Address , 1\'lrs E \ \ % Cole . 1 V
12 m , Chorus and dinner , . "
I :3U : P Ill , Band concert and chorus - . . '
2 P m , l\'lixed ' quartet of eight voices _ . ' " -
2I5 : I P m , Address , "Our Present Needs" , RcE I .
Burdette \Vido'er
3 P m , Band concert and chorus _ V ' :
SOLO , Miss Anna Dorrington - .
3 :30 : P m , Field sports and exercises at park . - . .
4:30 : P m , Base ball , Poteets park . V . ,
7:30 : P m , Band concert and chorus . ' ' _ . :
8 p m , SOLO , Miss Keller .
8:15 : P m , Address , "Modern Chivalrv" , Rev H Percy- . . . . .
Silver - . ' 1
: . ,
. (
9:30 : a m , Band concert and parade ' _ .
loa I m , Parade marches to rrrounds . . .
b t
II a m , Chorus " ' . f
Il:30 : a m , Address , John T Yates , Sov clerk , \V 0V' , : . " : . I
Omaha . . J' 1
12 m , Chorus and dinner . \ ' . .
1:30 : p m , Band concert and chorus . . .
2 P l m , Greeting anthem , nine voices .
2I5 : P m , Address , J L Phillips - - V ;
. ,
3:30 : P m , chorus
4-6 , p m , Drill . contests on Stone street between the ' . . . r.-
l'raternal drill teams Prizes awarded . . . . ,
7-10 P m , Band concert on Stone street , fireworks also
The music for this will be better
. , year than ever be-
fore In I addition to the special numbers there will b. ; ±
a chorus class in charrre of Dr C . 1-I. Rush. I This class '
should I '
have one hundred members
will be one p'f
the features of the reunion ' I
" . . . - - - _ . _ - _ . . . . - . . . , . . - , ,
" .
. I