The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 12, 1904, Image 12

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Augusts 1904 liE JLL 1.,11Y ' 'lKIUUN
, . - \ .
, v. W ' Abbey has been on thc
sick Jist.
\V B. Schmuckcr is ill of ma-
laria fcvcr.
Grant Windle , wife and daughter -
tcr spent Sunday in Vcrdon.
Jessie Barry was viewing thc
Exposition at St. Louis last wcek.
Harry Burchard is visiting
with his parents in this city.
John Moran and daughter
Lillian returned Sunday from St.
Rcavis Gist attended thc Ep-
worth League assembly in Lin-
1\lrs. Joseph Varncr and ( laughter -
tcr Marion arc visiting relatives
in Kingston , : Mo.
John Sheely of Rule went to
Bonesteel Saturday afternoon to
file his claim.
Ingram Cain of Stella is enjoy-
ing a vacation on account of an
injured foot.
Frank 14ichty shipped three car
load of cattle to Kansas City the
first of last week.
A. Earnst , wife and daughter
of Seattle , Washington are visit-
ing C. \Viltse and family.
Andrew Cameron and family
arc spending a 111onth's vacation
at St. Anthony , Idaho.
Vernon and Wilbur Story arc
visiting with their sister Mrs.
Ida Green at Onaga , Kansas.
Misses Lillie and Al1na Dor-
rington arc spending two weeks
at thc St. Louis cxposition.
Ida Lingc returned Friday
from Colorado Spring where she
. .
. has been visiting with friends.
Carrie and George Inskeep and
Ruby Jones are visiting with
1I' 1 their grandmother , Mrs. Joy
near Resen'e.
Arrangements are being made
for thc building of an Episcopal
rectory. It will be located just
east of thc church.
\Yc have : enjoyed Colorado
weather all summcr. \\That's thc
use of going to . the expense and
trouble of a trip to thc mountains
when Nebraska is furnishing thc
right thing in cool breezes and rc-
frcshing ozonc.
The Richardson County Pio-
neer society will hold their an-
nual picnic at Vcr lon , Neb Aug.
17 and 18. Some of thc principal
attractions arc addresses b.y lIon.
G. \V. Bergc of Lincoln , Fred G.
Hawxby and Rcv. DitTcnbach of
Auburn. Music furnished each
day by Harnacks Military band.
A good ball game each day.
A Falls City young man was
confiding thc news of his rcccnt
engagement to his mother not
long ago "Rcmcmber my son , "
said thc mother , "th ( : rc arc three
requisites which a wife should
. - . . ,
possess. They are economy , pru-
dencc and health.Vc think
that is pretty sound doctrinc.
Joe McMahon , while working
at his home four miles southeast
of Falls City fell from a load of
hay onto a pitchfork Saturday
forcnoon. The prongs which were
slightly rusty ran in justt above
thc anklc. Hc was brought to
town where thc injured member
was dressed by Dr. Houston.
Owing to thc presence of Mrs.
Effie 1\1. Lambert in Falls City ;
Rcv. Pougeon did not conduct
services in thc Christian church
Sunday night. Mrs. Lambert is
a lecturer for thc W.C.T.U. , from
Seneca Castle , N. Y. , and on
Sunday evening she delivered an
address under thc auspice of the
local \V.C.'l'.D. , in thc Christian
church. Long before thc hour
for services the house was filled ,
and at thc appointed hour , Mrs.
Lambert , in her own peculiarly
attractive way addressed thc large
audience on thc following sub-
ject : " \Vhat Hath God Wrought ? "
Next Sunday cvcning-"Capital
and abor-'l'hc Path of Sorrow. "
Other services as usual.-Ferd.
Pougeon. Pastor.
'Re-tJ. Ferd
Poageo n
Pasfor _
of the ti °
Fall : Clly JVeh
The Christ Who Loves Us All.
There is a Christ who loves us all ,
And on whose loving breast ;
'Vc may recline our weary heads ,
For hc will give us rcst.
Hc helps us fight our battles
'Gainst thc falsities of men ,
Hc helps u 1 cross dcath's sullen stream
And gives us glory thcn.
lIc's not like men , so false , untrue ,
Hc hastily judges not ;
Hc is not cruel , base nor harsh ;
Our weakness nc'cr forgot.
For lIc's thc One who pities us ,
And from us nc'cr departs ;
Hc pours thc healing of His wings
Upon our wounded hcarts.
Hc wipes the falling tears away ,
When coursing down our cheek ;
Hc heals our hearts when nearly broke
Hc strengthens us when weak.
Hc cheers our hearts whcn dark thc sky '
Looms up before our gaze ;
Hc gives us sunshine after gloom ,
Hc guides us o'cr our ways.
Hc gives us grace for every trial ,
And shows us how to live ;
Hc sendeth far beyond request ,
For Hc knows how to give.
l-ie teaches us thc spotless way
The way of love and peace and joy ;
His own sweet way our pattern is .
When things of earth our souls annoy .
Hc is thc only one who helps ,
When wc lay loved ones in thc grave
( For lIe rose victor over all )
Hc came , from sin and death to save
Thou blessed Saviour , Friend of friend :
Preserve us from all sin and harm :
'fakc this poor dust thy mercy warms
And ! keep it 'ncath Thy might arm
-Pougeon ,
, - - - - - - - I
. - I
Our Noiseless Shoes for Teachers have preen \ ' - , '
en a great success. Their Quality , Style and . r
Fit are first class besides they have a comfort-
able heel and a soft flexible sole which is as
noiseless as rubber. Those who bought them : . :
last fall are buying them again. Our full ,
stock of Ladies' Shoes will be in before In- 4. . .
stitute. \Ve also have a line of Hosiery . that
is unequalled anywhere and want you t.o call ,
and examine what we have.
I. . . .
Begins : August 13. 1
The Auburn Chautauqua be-
gins on next Saturday , Aug. 13
and the program is full of interest -
cst cvcn' day. Dr. Ross lectures
on Saturday afternoon. Thc
Chicago Lady Entertainers with
thc Edison ProjectoRcopC , con-
ducted by D. \ V. Robertson , that
gave such universal satisfaction
wherever shown , will appear
Saturday , Sunday and Wednesday -
day evenings , Hiawatha being
shown on Saturday evening.
Rcv. ' Harvey 1-1. Hannon , thc
conductor preaches Sunday morn-
ing and Rcv. Eugene Mar , of
Washington in thc afternoon.
Monday evening Frank Robertson -
son gives his illustrated lecture
on Russia and on Japan on
Tuesday c\'cning.
Thursday thc political giants ,
Dollivcr and Stone , will discuss
politics from their respective
standpoints. Friday , Saturday
and Sunday Rcv. Gco. L. McNutt
thc "Dinncr Pail Man" will
lecture and preach as will also
Prof. Ash Davis , thc Cartoonist.
The children have an interesting -
ing program during thc wcck.
On Monday evening all thc
editors and their wives or sweethearts -
: hearts present will bc banquetted
at the Byers Hotel by thc Commercial -
, mercial Club of the city.
Tents and cots may bc secured
in advance by applying to W. B.
Barman , Secy. , Auburn , Nc-
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured
by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and
Perhaps a. life Saved.
, .
. "A short 1 time ago I was taken
with a violent attack of diarrhoea
, . and believe I would have died if
I had not gotten relief , " says
. John J. Patton , a leading citizen
of Patton , Ala , "A friend
recommended Chambcrlain's Col-
: ic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcm-
ed ) ' . I bought a twcnty-fivccent
. \
, . . ,
bottle and after taking three
loses [ of it was entirely cured.
I consider it thc best remedy in
thc world for bowel complaints.
For sale by A. \Vanner. .
. . - - .
" " ' " ' --A'III : ' GIVEN . . _ _ . . . . .
, .
John L. Cleaver .
\Ve carry a. . . .
Building Material
And all kinds of
Lumber rtl Coal Co.
' (
$7.75 To St. Louis And Return. 11 t
Thc Burlington offers thc ' .
above low rate for tickets good in
coaches and chair cars ( scats
free. ) On sale Tuesdays and
Thursdays during August and \ ,
See mc for full particulars. !
G. StC\Vlrt. \ , ' , 'f.
Ticket Agent.
_ It
- 1.