The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 08, 1904, Image 12

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Pu1lishcd'cry Friday at
B r
1' : nlel'e,1 as coJl(1-c1ass matter " J a nil-
u' ' " 12 , l')04allhe post ol1ice at1 < 'ags
City , Nell. , IItH1el' the Act of Congress
of March 3 , 1879.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
N.m nOr/LA 1 PER Yl AH
Telephone No. 226) .
Where should thc wo1'1l's fair
be hcld ? Don't bite ; the answer
is around the waist. .
Cicero : Hc who sees dishonesty
where others concede honesty , is
himself thc dishonest man.
Speaking of dead ones ; what
. has become of Mulcahy , the non
com pus , formerly with the
Journal ?
l ev. Alexander Dowie was fol-
lowed ( out of London br' thous-
ands. Alec was speedy however :
and they didn't catch him.
Whet you come to thc circus
fctch' a dollar along to subscribe
for the Tribune and try for the
watch. By the way , have you
read our watch proposition ?
Look the paper over for it , you
may find it of some interest to
WC are not g'h'cn to paying
compliments either personally or
editorially but wc arise to say ,
that thc Fremont Tribune and
thc Beatrice IDxpress l are , with
the exception of thc Atchison
Globe , thc best dailys edited in
any small town in thc west.
1-1. 1\ [ . Burgess of Lincoln has
been elected by thc state com-
mittec to snccccd H. Lchr as
chairman of thc republican state
coinviittec. This is a good
choice and it is hoped that work
will immcliatcly bc . instituted towards -
wards pcrfccti thc organization -
tion for thc coming call ' 1paign.
Eon. E. J. Burkctt has carried
this ; county by large majorities
every time hc has been a cancli-
date. The canidates on the
legislative ticket are instructed
for Burkett , and a vote for them
IS in every sense a vote for Burk-
ett. Would you vote for Burk-
ctt ? Then put your cross opposite -
positc thc names of Grinstcad ,
IIogrefe Smith and 'uckcr. .
\\T. H. Hogrcfc has had legislative : -
lath'c cxpcrience. His record is
such that it requires neither explanation -
planation nor apology. There is
nothing to bc urged against him ,
while there is much to say in his
bchalf. Hc has made a succcss
of his own affairs. Hc is capable
honest and courageous. Hc mcr-
its the support of every republican -
can in thc county , and is entitled
to re-election.
Every American who loves his
country and believes in its miss-
r , -
, , ' . - . . .
I - _
ion , should read thc convention
speech of lIon glihu Hoot of
New York. It is not of thc old
spell binding variety , but , savors
more of a new cult in politics in
its sanity , its conservatism and
hopcfulness. Any man , who
claims to be an American , what-
socver his politics may be , who
can read such a speech without a
thrill of pride , is lit only for
treason and spoils.
Richardson County will in thc
very near future , bc brought again -
gain within thc purview of thc
criminal laws ot thc state
Crime will meet its punishments
and criminal conduct its just
deserts when the .Morrow"
President Roose\'clt's race sui-
chIc idea has been productive of
considerable cheap humor. The
President has never uttered a
sentiment more potential than
his plea for childrcn. 'l'hc'or d
was created for a purpose , otherwise -
wise , cn.'ation is a gigantic mis-
take of thc ages. The difference
between thc world as it was in
thc morning of time , and as it is
today , is thc result of man's
work. Nothing else has contri-
butcd to the dcyelopmcl1t. The
world will endure until its pur-
pose is onllislied , and thc
burden of this accomplis1nncnt
lies 011 the shoulders of man.
'l'hc world ot tomorrow , lies to-
day in the cradle. \ \ c have about -
bout as much use for a wife
who is childless from choice , as
wc have for the man of ability
who chooses to bc a loafcr.
Charles Wagner uttered a
beautiful and _ veritable truth
when hc said : "cvery curly head
is a promise , and about it is the
fluttering of wings" .
- - -
The republicans of this county
must bc up and (1oing. This is
going to be a strenuous year in
politics and it behovcs every rc-
publican to assist in carrying thc
county. There is such a thing
as over confidence and if we arc
not careful we may be thc victims -
timsof this condition. The bolt-
ing element of the party is again
at its infamous work. The mouth
piccc of this dwindling clan has
lately approached several promi-
ncnt democrats to induce them to
' . ) e candidates for several of thc
county officcs. Of course this
fellow docs not amount to much ,
and hc tells too much to be taken
seriously but hc is proTbably voicing -
ing thc intention of his master.
Dent be deceived , this is not a
newspaper story. We know what
wc arc speaking of , and wc arc
speaking of simon pure trcach-
cry. Richardson county is a republican -
publican county , in il republican
state and in a republican year.
It must bc kept so. Do your
share and thc party has nothing
to fear from its opponents , ncith-
. , .
® -
It'ttf7fl I'll ROUTE - . . I
yy : - = r 1 TliE EAST. !
Ik. - = ' . ,
rr . , ' -
Fast Trains Elegant Service :
. _ . . . . , v . _ _
Rates to the St. Louis Worlds Fair as Follows
Season Ticke . . . . . . . . . - . . $ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sixty day limit ticket---------------------------- 13.55. !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fifteen day limit ticketuu---------------------- I2.2p '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O
. , , _ , . _ _ . _ _ _
- - - - - - ---.s I
Leave on No. 50 vVORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL : . :
at 5:45 : p. m. and arrive in St. Louis for breakfast : No" I
change of cars. Through Pullman service.
Leave on No. 52 at , 3:47 : a. m. and arrive in St. :
Louis in the afternoon.
Leave on INo. 59 at 2 :48 : p. m. and arrive in St' . ' - -
LOJis at 7:00 : a. m. .
top-overs of 10 days maybe had on all ticket s , i
reading through St. Louis. . 1 '
For further information see local agent.
l J. B. VARNER , = GENT .
cr will it have cause to fear its
cn cm ies.
'l'hc Russians should eschew
beef and beer and try ricc.
. Roosevelt and Fairbanks each
hold a four card flush : Four
Swallow is the . prohibition
nominee for Pre.idcnt. Carrel is
thc chaser.
- -
Did you ever hear a Swallow
Carrel ? Read the prohibition
national ticket and listcn.
- -
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten
Years of Suffering.
"I wish to say a few words in
praise of Chamberlain's colic ,
cholera and diarrhoea remedy , "
says Mrs. Mattie Burge , of Mar-
tinsvil1c , Va. "I suffered from
chronic diarrhoea for ten years
and during that time tried vari-
ous medicines withou t obtaining
an ) ; permanent r ; licf. Last summer -
mer one of my children was taken
with cholera morbus , and I pre-
cured a bottle of this remcdy.
Only two closes ! were required to
give her entire rclicf. I then decided -
cided to try the medicine myself ,
and did not use all of one bottle
before I was well and I have nc\-
cr since been troubled with that
complaint. One cannot say too
much in favor of that wonderful
mlicin " This remedy is for
sale by' A. G. 'anner.
'VANTED.-300 bushels nice ,
clean , white oats. Will pay 2 to
3 cents per bushel above market
pricc. O. P. Beef
r . ' . i- . _ . " " . ' . . . " . , _ '
. . . . . , . , , ' - . :
_ ,
1 Falls City. Neb ,
. . j
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points cast and
south. .
11elcna . . 1
Butte .
Salt Lake City. . i
San Francisco I
and all points
west. ' II' ,
No. 42. Portland St. Louis , ' . ' f
: h.
. Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City ; St.
, Louis and all points ! ' . ,
east and south. . . . . 7:27 11 1\1'
No. 13. Vestibuled express , ' . . ' ,
daily , Denver and . ' .
all points west and I
northwest . . . . . . . . . . 1:33.a 1\1 I
No. 14. Vestibule express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
s.s City , St. Louis
grid all points east '
. . . . . ' . : ii' . .
. _ and sou tl I. . . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : a ti ) . ! , . . . . .
No. b. Local express , dally 7' :
Lincoln and points < # .11 ,
eastwestnorthwcst 1:48 : p 111 .
No. 21. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and l
all points west and .
northwest . . . . . . . . 1:35 : p 11 ! .
No. 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kansas -
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points .
east and s uth. . . . . 4:30 : p m
No. 22. Local express , daily ' "
Atchison and points
south and west. . . . 4:44 : II m
No. 41. -it. : I..ouis-Portlalld
lelia , Tacoma and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . . lOOi : 11 111
No. 115. Local accomllloda- '
HOII , daily Monday - . . -S .
day Wedllsday and .
Friday , Salem , Ne- . .
maha and Nebraska
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 pin.
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair ,
cars ( scats free ) 011 through traills. .
'l'ickets sold and baggage checked to
allY point ill the States or Callada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call 011 or write to G. Stewart ;
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis
G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha. - - . '
. ,
. "
.h t
. . - .
) : ( , .
. ; < :
' .
[ - - -