, rti. . . .L. . . . . . . . , , „ . . . . . . . . . . . , - + . . . , .w..a..4 . . . . - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . , . . , . I . , , / : atht j alts otitl . . ! atrihltnt. ' . - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - . . f + . , VOLUME I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY u _ _ _ _ _ _ , JULY 8 , 190 + - NUMBER 27 - - - - - . LOCAL AND IPERSONAL. I I\Irs.Iiattie Melt spent thc Fourth in Salcm. Mrs. Cameron and son John " , " arc visiting in Vcrdon. , ' Jessie Page of Dawson is visit- I ing" friends in this city. ' . ' . , Jennie \Vattcycnc carne up from Rule last Tuesday. - I Orville Sclmoe elicit \yent to South Dakota \Vcdncsdy. Harry Shepherds of Rube went - , to South Dakota thc first of thc . wcck. . . Charlie Dockhorn canine up r . . . . from St. Joseph thc first of thc - wcck. . - \ If there is a tic in thc watch , , . " contest , the lucky ones will draw cuts. Gertrude Lyda is i vsitingwith " , relatives at Weeping \ \ atcr add Omaha. \V. 1\1. Maddox is remodeling and enlarging his residence on - : : Lane strcct. . . . . Mrs. Sage and son returned to . " . . " \.llincc , Nebraska on \Vcdncs- , : day aft'rnoon. Ada Fisher of St. Joseph is visiting with relatives and " , friends in this city . , , - .Mrs. Martin Mclhorn of Denver - ' L of 1\lrs. Ernst , : \'cr is thc guest . ' .J Bode and other relativcs. Elizabeth : and Elsie Culp of St. _ Joseph spent thc Fourth with their parents in this city. . Merrill of Los Vegas ; . . . \Irs. ! Mexico : is visiting at thc home of her brother , C. : 'II.Vilson. . . . Ncllc 1\'lcMahan was called to Preston on Wednesday afternoon , , owing to thc illness of her sistcr. 1\1rs. George Conner and children - ren now of Lincoln , arc spending , I a few days with Irs. George , Hoy' . . Thomas and Charlie Clark of . ; . Chicago are visiting with Mcs- ' ' " McKievcr and " 'l"homas 0 ! lames Delia Sanford. . . 1\lrs. Carpenter , who has been visiting with Mrs. \Vm. Moritz . . I , . . . . returned to Kansas City . thc first ' - . ot the week. J. 1\1. Ray and wife , who have r their daugh- , 't been. visiting with . tel' , lIrs.Vm. . Moritz returned to { . their home in Eagle , Nebraska , Tuesday afternom _ Mrs. R. C. Mathers , who has h the guest of'Irs. . C. W . Brcithaupt for the past two I . weeks returned to her home in I Kansas City last \Vcdncsla\ . ( 'I _ ' , , ! . . . i' . . . . . A - , - - - - Anna SchmidJi is visiting with her parents in St. Joscph. . Thc firm 0 f Powell & Falstcad has dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Falstcad retires anCl 1\1r. Powell will continue business at . thc old stand. J. E. Bergsma , who has been in Eugene , Oregon for the past two years , arrived in the city Tuesday evening on his way to . his home in Shubert. lrs.V . Watkins returned from Shubcrt Wednesday morn- ing. She was accompanied by her daughter lvIrs. \Veddle who rccovering from a serious . ill- ncss. ncss.Dr. Dr. l\-Ic1\lillan arrived in thc city from Fullerton Saturday and took charge of thc Clegg & Coupe drug stock which he recently - cently purchased. Hc will move his family here in the near fut- u re. Pearl and cnnic Prater entertained - taincd about twenty young people at a lawn party in honor of their cousins , Gertrude Linn and Milli- gan Prater SLJoeat their home Wednesday cve111ng' Elegant refreshments were served and all report a fine time. At the 1'1. E. church nest Sun- day morning thc presiding Elder Dr. Dean will preach and conduct , thc communion scrvice. In thc afternoon commencing at 2 o'clock. 'Dr. A. P. George will hold a sunday school Institute which will continue throughout thc e\-ening. All sunday school workers in the city arc invited to attend. Dr. George will give a chalk talk to thc children at four ' ' ' Con- o'clock. The 4th Quarterly - fcrcncc will bc held Saturday eve111ng. Toni Coleman of Omaha stop- ped in this city cnroutc to Daw- 50m1 long e nou rh to shakc hands - - - - - - - - n -p - . n with old friends. This has been his first visit here for ten ycars. Maud Graham entertained Tuesday - day afternoon at a kensington in honor of Ethel Galley of Colml1- bus , about twcnty-fh'c guests were prescnt. They were cnt r- tained by . vocal selections by Misses Galley and Dorrington and piano : selections by d5SCS Schocn- heit and Graham. Refreshments were sen'cd. Marriage Record. 'L'hc following licenses to mar- ry have been issued : 1 Samuel II. Jolly , Rule . . . . . _ _ . _ _ 42 I ; Joncs , Rule _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .18 j Hay B. Wailer , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Cora )1. Wheeler , SalcmuuulS . . Progressive Flinch. l\rs. T. J. Gist cntel'taincd twenty ladies at a progressive ' ' after- flinch party on 'L'ueslay - noon. Her spacious home was tastefully dccormcl with ! Hags and bunting and the color scheme was carried through thc score cards , thc refreshments and thc prilcs-two : dainty silk nag-so Though flinch is conceded to be less scientific than whist and kindred games , it is certainly a more sociable onc. This was demonstrated by thc ladies on this occasion who enjoyed an exceedingly - cccc1ingly ' pleasant afternoon. Mesdames. Eugene Sage and J. C. Martin captured the prilcs. : On Tuesday evening T. J. Gist and wife invited ten gentlemen and their wives to a friendly contest at flinch. It proved to be interesting - esting as well as entertaining for it was only when thc city clcc- trician stopped thc fun at mid- night thc company dispersed for their homcs. Miss Gallic of Col- umbus , who possesses a beautiful mezzo : soprana voice , favored thc guests with several vocal selec- tions which were : greatly cnjoy- cd. l\fr. Gist and wife were voted to bc royal tcrtainers. Sorosis. Thc Tribune has printed thc Sorosis year book this wcek. Time ladies certainly have an inter- cs'ting program prepared this year. The principal topic is 'rhc Victorian Era , " interspersed - ed with the various subjects un- ler this head are current events , book and magazine reviews and musical numbers. There will bc two guest days during thc year in which the members will entertain - tain their friends outside of thc club. The following is a list of members : Mcsdames. \V. B. Alexander , J. R. Cain , Jennie Ewalt , W. S. Fast , M. Giannini P. J. Gist , J. Gilligan , Charles Hargrave , A E. Hm , 'I' .Him- melrcich , George Holland , \V.\V. Jenne , Geo.Jcnnings , Clyde John- 'ston , P. H.JussenV. . S. Korner , V. G. Lyford , 14. C. Manger , H. R. Miner , J. J. Morris , Isham Rcavis , D. D. Rcavis , C. Ii' Reav- is , H. D. Smith , Edwin Steele , Gco. Schock E. S. Towle A G. \Vanncr , A. J. Weaver , \V. 1'1. Wilson , Chas. Wilson and J. C. Yutr.y. How it Happened. You can talk about dizziness : and it won't half tell what should happen to Hiawatha umpires G ustavius worked wi th vim while Tommy and the mil held onto them but the lliawatha [ r \ uI- pirc didn't risk his eye sight ' of the " watching the good playing CoIls. 'l'wo-basc hits were madl' , ' ' Foster heck and hy Foci linger , , Parks , but it all elided thc samt' Scars nailed a fine one sent over to thc left field and cut short their scores. Cornell made a .g'ood hit in thc eighth inning . 'fhe feature of the game and what saved thc Colt's reputation was the home run knocked by . Tommy Potcct , which made two scores , Foster being : on second when it iiappetmed The game . . . by Int11ngs : Falls City-- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-2-- y-0-O-4-0-0-0-0-0-0- C ! iris. Hershey Inssuf ed . Chris. Hcrshey was very badly injured Monday night by being thrown from a bug-gy. He and Roy King were driving to Vcr- don and when nearing thc bridge south of thc village the tongue of the buggy dropped , frightcn- ing thc team so that thc ran away. 1Ir. Hershcy remained in the buggy trying to stop the team until hc was thrown out. His injuries consist of four ribs broken ; - en and a , bally bruised body. He was brought to town and is now improving nicely under thc care of Dr. l\Iiner. His many friends hope that he will soon recover from thc effects of thc accidcnt. Memorial Services. Last Sunday being M.V. . A. memorial day , the members of the lodge and their wives met at their hall at10 o'clock and pro- ceeded to Steele cemetery where they proceeded to dccaratc thc graves of the deceased mcmbcrs. Appropriate services were con- ducted at the grave of cach. In r Z thc evening the lodge mcmbcrs marched ill a body to the Epis- copal church where Rcv. Smith preached an appropriate and powerful SCrInon. Married. At the home uf the bride's par- cnts in Salem Wednesday night , Cora \Vhceler } and Roy \Valler were united in marnag'c in the presence of a large number of relatives and fricnds. The newly married couple will con- tinue to reside in Salem where thc groom . is employed in the store of F. \V. Cleveland. Their many friends extend cong ratula- t ons. , - . , 1- , l " , { L t r \1 , . . ,