. . . A THE FALLS CITY TRII3UNL r . . Jllly I , 1904 _ _ - - - - - - - . . _ - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - I' - , . . . . - 5.l ! ; , ! 1 ! 1 ! r , , . ) , . . . ARE YOU GOOD AT GUESSING . ? m t Jl'b . . , . j How many persons have ever noticed how long a watch t ; ' . ( will run without re = winding i ? Here is a chance to find out : ; and Wil a prize 4:1t : tile same titlle. Iii tile display window i' ; at Dan Sargents there is an Elgin movement gold watch m \I s on exhibition. . This watch will be wound at 8 o'clock on ' fiJC the morning of Saturday , August 6th , and placed in the \ ' ; . s window at noon on the same day. The question is i H WHEN WLL BT STOP ? . In fl. ' n The person who guesses the nearest the moment when the { : ! ' , ' watch will stop will get the watch. The conditions of the 1."j "j " contest are very simple : I . , H . ' For each Twentyufive cents paid in at this office on subscription , advertising i. . , , . The viII all be registered in ! , , s 'f1. or job work , one free guess viIi be given. guesses s ' ; a book kept for that purpose , and when the watch stops the person who has J < < < . guessed nearest the time indicated by the hands will get . fs " : . . TKe Watch Absolutely Free . , ; If a gentleman wins , a gentleman's watch will be given ; if , , . a lady wins the prize will be a lady's watch of equal quality : . ' { , " ) . , . , f and vallIe. . . , , 1 i J" _ , If . Do it N o"v ! Send in Your Guess ! ; I'r. I' ' = 4".c" flA ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ifjt " " " , .c > 1 ; "l ? P , - " " - 1l" - - - - - - " h , . . - - - - - J - - _ , \ . - 4 .J . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . , . " . . , . . . . .r . .t - - , I - , - - - - - . , : r , . Correspondence I I News of ; ; County as Told by , i Our Special Correspondents - ' - " . . . . . . - . . . . . . Stella. t " Fred. Gilbert awl wife spent . ' . Sunday in th country. . ! , Oscar Mason : and wife arc par- A r cuts of a boy born Saturday , June 25th. Glacc All mandc returned Sunday from a three days visit at Nebraska City. , , A. E. Timmcrman arrived I . Monday i11 his automobilc. Hc and Mrs. : ' 'l'immcrman will return to their home at Waterloo the last of thc wcck. Maude Montgomery returned Sunday from a fw days visit .4 ; _ with her uncle at Nebraska City. Irvin Curry was up from IIia- I r watha Sunday. r " 'f' . Ingram Cain and Clyde lIask- f ins Sundayed at Hiawatha. " ' built this ' A new sidewalk was 't ' " week in front of the Florc1cc , II' , , ' , : hotcl. r Stella Grays and Ncmaha played ball 'l'ucsday. The score I ' . . ( 'I : ' was S to 7 in favor of Nemaha. 1 . . . . . & : . ' : ) , , r York is progressing rapidly on the residence of James Paradise southwest of town. Marsh Norris is building a new barn on the Vaught eighty west of town which he purchased last ycar. Mrs. Carl Wilson and children returned Monday from a two weeks visit with her parents at Colorado Springs. C. H. Kindig uiid } wife arc visiting at thc home ofV. . n. H iggi ns. - ViII Raper of Omaha is visiting - ingnativcs : : here this wc k. 11 rs. C. H Thouas left Wednesday - IH'sday cvclllng for a wcek's visit in Omaha. New cement walks arc being . constructed along th e cast side of Main strect. Rainy weather has hindered the practice of the Basket Ball Tea ins which were nicely organ- ised. i 'rhc Stella ball team will play at Auburn July Fourth : l ev. I. V. Price and wife returned - turned from Lincoln Tuesday. Herbert Hays is visiting relatives - lativcs in Chicago. Verdon and Stella played ball Sunday , the game resulting in a dispute in the eighth inning. The Verdon boys objected to the Umpires decision and did thc baby act refusing to finish the g-ame. Barada. Dr. Rcncker of 'Falls City reports - ports thc arrival of a daughter at the home of Rudolf i'allcr. All parties are doing niccly. Judge Arnold and Mr. Viltse living northeast of town ; were looking after business interests at halls City 'Ycdncsday. The A. O. U. W. and W. O. , V. will celebrate the Fourth of July in grand style at Smith's Grove , one half mile west of Bar ada. The non. A. J. Weaver of Falls City will be thc orator and A. J. Sailors president of the day. Come and bring your friends. A large crowd gathered at the home of Fred Mer \ Saturday evening - ning . Music and lancing were enjoyed until a late hour , when all departed for their homes with good wishes for thc host , having been royally cntcrtaincd. - . Joseph \Vatton and wife of Shubert visited with the folks at home Sultday. Jacob Arltolcl's residence is nearing completion. Yhen com- plele , he will have one of thc fincst resided ces in the county. _ Henry Landolt of Shnbert drove over with his family Sunday and visited a short time with his friends in this vi cinity. A large crowd witnessed the game between our boys and . the prairie boys at Parcheils , place Sunday. - - - - - - Catalpa Grove. Grandma Snyder is slowly recovering - covering from her recent . severe attack of kidney trouble Sam Barber of Ohio is visiting his cousin , Chas. Stewart. It is amusing to hear him relate his experience in crossing the 'Ncma- ha bottoms between the Grove and Falls City. He thought he hal come to the drouth stricken west , \ tit began to think hc was near the Pacific coast. The annual school meeting occurred - currcd last Monday nigh and elected Henry Stitcr \ . dircctor . : Amos Mcndcnhal1 retired' . . , ---p .