. ( . . . . . . , . . , . , , - , \ - " , , , ' , , ' . . ' " - . - . . , - , , THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . ) July I , 1904 'S " - - . M M M ' CLEARANCE SALE ON July 5th we open our Annual Summer Clearance Sale. Fortunately for many of our Gusto = r VA mers the season has been backward and not being forced to purchase , they are now in posi = C , tion to take advantage of the bargains we offer. We include in the sweeping reductions all ' Summer Fabrics , Cotton , Wool and Silk Tailor Made and Dress Suits , Wool and Cotton Skirts. I I Ladies' Hosiery in the better grades , a large range of Muslin Underwear , Embroideries , Laces and many articles of an especially seasonable nature. It is in the line of our policy to clean up III c : ' .j such merchandise each season. . , jj , VA _ _ , ' 11' - - - Shirt Waist Suit Fabrics. I 20 pieces Shirt Waist Suitings , that are right in line this season , sold at 20C to 50c , in all the desirable shades and weaves , reduced to 15C , 20C , 30C and 35c. I The numbel' of yards in these pieces is small and only early comers will be able to share in these bargqins. Nothing but our determination to close out all Summer itA Stocks regardless of cost or profit would induce us to sacrifice these Suitings in the face of the present active : demand for them. Wash Fabrics. 4 ! The unusual spring weather has left on our hands hot weather stuff. Our selection of Lawns , Batistes , ; Dimities , Lace Stripes and other thin goods is' large ; they are superior in quality and at the prices at which we now offer them are money savers. If you will com- ; pare our 5C lawn in fifteen patterns you will find it finer J ( and wider than the average ' 8c grade. Our 7.4C Ba- tiste is fully equal to most of the fabrics of this weave ; sold at 15c and so on down the list.Ve bunch all , our Lawns , Batistes and Dimities in three lots at : 5e , 7 ta2e and tOe I' ' These lots include cloths sold at from 7c to 25c. Straw Hats at Half Price. I All our l'vlen's and Boys' Dress Straw Hats sold at 25C to $ I. 50 are now offered at one half price. _ a ; Muslin Underwear. To close out all odds and ends and all soiled gar- , meats in this department we have placed all such on ; our front table at very great reductions. \'Ve have an over stock of Children's Muslin Drawers which will be l included in this sale. I . Shirt Waists. " ! All our Silk , Crepe de Chine , Cotton Voile and tIJI Lawn Shirt Waists are reduced for this sale. In Jap J { Silk and Crepe de Chine we have the daintiest styles we have ever shown , but the sizes and quantities are ! j limited-if interested come at once. Our Lawn Waists I are not matched in Falls City. . . . . . . . . Ladies' High Grade Hosiery. F : Our Ladies' Lace , Embroidered and Silk Hose priced at 75C , 85c , 90c , $1 , $1.25 and $1.50 are now offered to close at 55c , 65c , 75c , $ 1 ai1d $ I. 15. Parties wishing something in elegant Hose at substantial reductions - j ' ductions will find this a rare opportqnity. _ I \ Embroideri ' ' , , . 10 close short lengths , odd pieces belonging to - sets , and soiled ends we put in this sale many of our if. finest Embroideries. Nearly every lady is now mak- i'4C ing Shirt Waists , Children's Dresses ' 01' Muslin Under - , wear and will find among these Embroideries money savers. , . L dS -t s. . l ' ' , 20 Ladies' Dress and Tailor Made Suits sold at from $ 14 to $25 now offered at one-fourth off. $14 \ Suits now $10.50$18 ; suits only $13.50 ; $20 suits only $15 ; $25 suits only $18.75. Ladies planning trips to ( if St. Louis will find these reductions go a long way towards - wards the expense of the trip. These suits are all new V . this season , made of fabrics and in styles that are up- " to-date and attractive. . 50 Dress Skirts = -a25 per cent off. I All summer weight Dress Skirts are offered dur- ing this Clearance Sale at one-fourth off. Every ar- tide in our stock is marked in plain figures at our reg- ' ular selling price. Every customer can \ verify our ! claims by referring to these marks : Mohairs , Voiles , Cheviots and Fancies are among these skirts and the i " desIgns are new. Shirt Waist Suit Silks. Never in the history of dry goods have Fancy Silks found so much favor in the world of Fashion. , Everybody is interested in Silk Suitings now and everybody erybody will be interested during the coming fall. These facts make low prices on Fancy Silks of interest I to many. We have 12 patterns left sold by us at from 50C to $ 1 per yard. These are now offered at twenty . . per cent off-that is 50C silks now 40c ; 70C silks now = 56c ; 75C silks now 60c ; $1 silks now 8oc. These will i . be sold in " patterns only. , . - 'V S Xf If. , I t . I _ V. _ _ _ . G. LYFORD _ _ _ _ m" , : ;