_ i I lj THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE July I , 1904 . \ : 1 . . Correspondence , News of the County 8S Told by Our Special Correspondents Da\vsol1. : Laura Lydick of i\l 1 j. : ; ( ) Uri is ,1 , y the guest of Lora McCool this 1 wcel\ . , 1. L. Mcad 1 of Salem visited his pioneer friend , 11. B. H'iln , over Sunday. hazel Graham ig \ isitillg" her sister i , 1\lrs. lichen Cooper , in Salem this wcck. ' 1\1. B. Ryan and H. F. Miles ' f : were busintess passenger : ! to the I county seat 'l'ucsdil\ . , Harry McConnell , one of H U111- 1)01(1 t's business turn , was In town between train I\londa\ ' . l'lrs. Maud Morris of Hum- holdt is i in the city visiting her brothers ) , Henry and Ed Vance. t Bird Severn of Omaha is gpcnd- lag her vacation with her sister , Mrs. G. A. Allcxilndcr , in this city. 1\lrs. N. n. Judd spent a few day during thc week with her daughter , 1\1rs. Crocker , at Falls City. Misses Carrie and Maud : Har- baug"h went to Kansas City the last of the week to spend a few weeks with rclat \'cs. Tom P. . Riley returned home Friday of last week from St , Mar\\ , Kansas , where he spent the past year in college. Dr. and 1\lrs. Burgher arc rejoicing - joicing' over the arrival of a baby boy at their homc. The little one made its appearance on .Monday. George Adams left Sunday evening to resume his duties on the road after having spent a week with his family in this city. Prof. and Mrs. \V. B. Johns left Tuesday for York , Nebr. , where they will spend the remainder - maindcr of their summer vacation with rclati\'es. 1' . P. Cummings left Tuesday of this week for Burchard , from which place hc went to Colby , Kansas , to spend week . looking d fter property interests. The Dawson and Nines City ball teams Indulged 111 a Sunday game on thc lattcrgroutHt , and the game resulted in a victory for the Nuns City boys by one score. Palmer and Ella Fisher were in Lincoln the last of the week and while in thc city Miss Fisher - er purchased a tine piano , which she had shipped to her home south of Dawon. 'W in. Robinson sustained a severe gash in his head last Fri- day by being thrown upon thc plowshare when the team jump- cd across a small ditch in the Falls City , Thursday , July 21 ' > . I' " . . ' \ " Z , , ' : . IJ WORLI1S iRE TEST : : , : ' ; ) ! : IN LINCi \ tIi \.I ' SHOW . , I . ' ) . , j _ . B. 1t : ; ; I ONLV . ' THE GREAT PAIR ' ( ( . , 1 \ - ' . ' 1 ELDREDS G : ' : : J' i GIRAffES tIN t ' EUROPEAN NOVELTY j . IN . ' . T PITY. i' : . ' RIDERS , " -.INN. . _ . . _ _ - TlVITY. . : AND THE CRUSADES . ITO ' THE BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH JERUS if.EIVI laoo CHAIIACTIIIS , . . : IN THII : , CAST , 300 DANCING " ' 1 I . , . GIRL . 50 MU&ICIAN& ZOO . CHORUS . . , . TO WHICH 18 NOW . ADDeo WITHOUT ANY ADo . . , [ RL6e50 PIPII : ORGAN. aooo COs.TUMIES. DmON IN PNIC4. THe 8UDUMO apUOTACL.O . , ' . , . I'/ ' " OPYAr.IIT , nom D TIlt COURltl CO. OV fAION.'V . I'1 ' i II t ? ' . . . . . . ' ' ' , , r 9c . , . - : . . > > INAtlIUR L SCENE SDECTACLE JEl'U 5 ALEM. rh ! ; 11 ' ABSOLUTELY AN ADDITIONAL - DOUBLE OARS DITIONAL ARE TRAIN REQUIRED OP 85 LENGTH RAILROAD CARS TO CARRY THE SCIiN- CRY. WARDROBES. AR . MORS. MENTS. ACCESSORIES WAR tMPLE- . 128 0 PEOPLE AND PEOPLE 0. THE NEWLY ADDED AND SPEOTACLE ENORMOUSLY 0. GRAND 650 HORSES JERUSALEM CRUSADES $3.700.000 CAPITAL i . , . - . . , - - . - tDH.tw1.Hl Tit W.1u.r.r , " t ' 45 ; I I . . . , . " I , t. : . ' . LLE'I'S CT'ACLE ' SCENE JERUSALEM. . . , TTTA o N EAR7i' i Ea 7q. . A f 5 PERFO T - . J a LONG MILES I , ' ; ' ; _ SUCtt AS THE , - , : ' ; ' ' WORLD HA'S.NEVER r . or NEW ' - - - = - ONLY RHINOCFa O f AND COSTLY ZTROUpESACTING SE 1L5 ACROBATS IN CAPTIVITY s SEEN BEFORE ' . PARADE CLORIES FREE UPON THE STREETS EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK : } AT 1 AND T P. M. - OPEN . . TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. DOORS ONE 60-CENT TICKET ADMITSTO EVERYTHING. CHILDREN UNDER 12HALF PRICE Admission Tickets and Numbered Reserv d Seats will be on sale Show Day at Tile King Pharmacy at exactly the same price charged at ruler tic'et ' wagons on the Show Grounds. - - ficld. Dr. \Vag'g'ener closed thc wound with several stitches and Mr. Robinson will soon reco\'cr. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Sufferinf "I wish to say a few words in praise of Chambcrlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy , " says Mrs. Mattie Burg , of l\lar- tinsville , Va.III suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that . time tried vari- ous medicines without obtaining any permanent r lief. Last sum- mer one of my children was taken . - with cholera morbus , and I l > ro- cured a bottle of this remed Only two dogee w rc required to give her entire relicf. I then de- cidcd to try the medicine myself , and did not use all of one bottle before I was well and I have nc\- 1 er since been troubled with that complaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful " ' is for m ( > dicinc. This remedy sale by A. G. Wanncr. Coupe & Thornton handle noth- ing but the best of mcats. , J 40 L NT E ELEPHANTS " ' . . ' : r 108 : MAl. ; . CAGES . , . 40 FUNCD ! LO V\f' : t.1f i N S . ' . ' 1NG . ' . ! f - - fj1 GTU ! . U.\ilY : f liujo HUE ! : - E ' _ _ X. : . - - - Lewis TtlcPherson Wells , Windmills , Stock Food , Dipping Tanks . and Fluid -1 . , Cream Separators tl Lightning Rods . Pump and Windmill Repairing n 1 . Spcclatt.y. All Work is . i Guaranteed ! 'Falls ! City . J J _ . . . - . - . _ . . . .r . I ' ' . ; . J King's for Drug's. . , ' . 1 i tI . . , . J ! f f - - " "w t