How's This ? This for IIlIl can ot Catarrh thAt cannot bu cured by hails Catarrh Cur. F. J. CIIRNEY d CO. , Toledo , O. WO , the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for Ins last 15 ) 'unand believe bins perfectly bon : arable In all business transactions and tlnanclally able to carry out any obligations made by his tlrm. WALUINO , KINNAN & MA1IVIN , wholesale DrUIKllt. , Toledo O. 111011' . Catarrh Cure \I \ taken internally , acting directly upon tit" blood nod mucous surfaces ot the system . Testimonials tree. l'rlco 7:1 : cents ' per O\t\e. \ Sold by all . , e r-r-Take IIAII' / . Family , Pllle for conlUpaUon. The JOYs of today and the griefs or today will be hand III handy at . the setting of the sun. This Will Interest Mothers . Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil- dren , used by Mother Gray , n nurse In Cblldren's Homo , New York , Cure Fever- bbncslI , Dnd Stomach , Teething Disorders , move and regulate the bowels and destroy Worm. Sold by all Druggists , 250. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted , LoRoyN.Y. What a good many churchgoers need Is a praying machine that winds Itselt. I . , Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound A Woman's Remedy For Woman's Ills - I W. .w 1d.chj ia J . who bD1' , \t.OD \ . ai > inbeEOb1 ) , 18Wch II en eztrlwt1o . Hof wheat wed to I leD olothes .t . "he9 ( law.eeI : I. ( stejrrhes in t3mO t\WW \ ' " rot } t -.r h ei' geode they 'f' ' used tel I .tiff \.titr \ t'a1 , " , ) Ddanoe ItarcI > t I 'lbIo1atell pur. . It gives . i sw lilt to . linen. It gives satin . tieD or money back. It . .u. ! I' ODDCN for l' cents e ; 'at aU lJ'OCtzi1 : 'It LiIl i h tltly bwt1 ' : euwutttsce s7j De D ffWICf STAROI < 0. . ' Olltlflrl , NERo t " 11 II . . . w.gftle-Stlak LAUNDRY BLUE Wont spill . break , freeze nor spot clothes. Co.tlIOc. and equals 200. worth of any other bluing PORTRAIT AGENTS Deal.'lirect Manufaot B.vs Money. u r alts s r sand Our goods ! the bue. Prices the loweat. l'rompt.hlp . .ellt. . Delivery ot all portraits Kuaranteed. Scud fur catalogue and agents price lIat. Address ADAM J. DOLL : II : 00. . Iftw Era Bldg. , OhicaCO . : II'I . qes . , w. ' Thompson's Eye water i , . . t W N , U" , Omaha. No 27-1904 - - - - - - - - falls City Tribune . BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO FALLS CITY - - NEBRASKA . - - - - - ' " - - The queen of IIolll\l1d 'Is said to be -I enthusiastic Cal'l11er. Lucidly she bait afford It. ' . , The goat Is a wonderful animal. Think ot the things It eats and the dch milk It gives. - - It would be something .oC a calamity if one oC those floating mines shoulll Strike the sea serpent. - . A New Jersey bridegroom fainted nt the altar the other day , but It Is nol recorded that he "got away. " Mien a wumun Is ntitd clear through sometimes you can tell Il by the extra sweetness In her s111ile. When you see :1. portrait of Mrs. Elias , that octoroon adventuress or NOw York City , you wonder still 11101'0. , It space Is scarce they can desig- note just as well uy printing the names ot the two opposing generals , PaLleln and KI. Another trouble about educating the girls Is that they get too wise to put up with man's rule ! : for the regulation of Sea serpents come In striped effects this ! : summer. Proprietors of resorts w1l1 have to repaint their old serpents or lose trade. Georgia farmer cured of rheumatism uy a stroke of lightning. Physicians are now trying to cure him of the stroke of lightning. r If King Edward does attend the Ox' , ford . Cambridge . Harvard-Yale games ; the Yankee college boys will wIn m snap a tendon tr 'll1g. Never mind If it Is an old jol.e. When anybody asks you : : "Do you think It Is going to clear up ? " reply languidly : "It always has. " A western man committed suicide because he coulll not guide his auto mobile. Most men guiding nulomo , hues prefer to commit homlci e. Troubles never come slngl On the contrary , they come In packages , and the bigger the paclmge a man trio to carry the more trouble he has. Did It require an appalling catastrophe ' trophe to Leach inspectors that u few pounds of rotten cork tied. 111) In rotten canvas do not make a "life preserv' er" ? The emperor of Korea still has his crown on reasonably straight , but his fears intensify that the rough.houSE proceedings all al'Ound him will jar , It loouc. " The Boston Globe reminds us that "Damm t" Is Swedish for dust. It may relieve your feelings some 01 these windy , dusty' days Lo speak ; Swedish. - - - - - - - - - - . The suggestion that families ought to leeep goats should be entiiuslastic ally received. With a goat in the house every man coulll be his own se cret society. Tlie decision of the treasury depart. ment that pigeons are birds and not poultry seems to be In line with a decision . cl810n promulgated some time ago by the late Noah WebstOl' " 'rhe next time 11. member oC the Gee , let family gets married It might be well to avoid the mob by having the ceremony In a submarine boat or oil a coral reef somewhere. ' . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - WHY HOT WEATHER MAKES WOMEN NERVOUS. c3 i I \t i . - - - ' ; . Blanc e Grey. A 'Veil Known Canadian Lady Sends Letter of Endorsement to Pe-ru-na. Miss : Mary Burns , 28 Spring Garden Road , Halifax , N. 1'3. , writes : "HILViJlg' \Ised Peruna for i11(1igestion and stomach trouble and to huild UpL broken down "ystem with the very best results , I airs pleased to state my experience : with this cxccllent mcdicine. 1 had been trouble with stomach trouble and Poor diJes- Lion for some years : , and although I tried many remedies and dieting , lIoth- Ing SCenC(1 to restore my heal th until I hsed Peruna. In three months I had entirely rccO\'crcl1 my health and 8trcngth. " -\lury : Uurlls. hl „ " - , , . . . "FOLLOW THE P130. TAKE THE WABASH . TO SAINT LOUIS , THE ONLY LINE TO Suggestions by Dr. Hartman.-How to Combat the Nervous Depression Incident to Warm Weather. Nervousness Iii very common among 1Votlen. .rhis condition if duo ] to alllomiu nerve centers. 'J'ho nerve cell' 1I'rf are the reservoir for nerve vitality. These CeUters become bloodless for thll want oC in'oper nutrition ' 'J'hh cOlldltlon Is especially noticeable " during the warm Rcason. Eve1'y tnun. met' un army or invlIlhls arc produced ur 11. dlrcct result of wcnlc nervous HYHloll1l1. This could easily ho overcome by the use or PcrU1IPel'uun , fitrllton tit the root or the trouble hy correcting the dlJl stlon. Perfect lllJcstion furnlllhc illerclIHc nutrition for the lwrvo seer te1y. } 'crfcctlydlgcstcll food gives these reservoirs of life a vitality which CI'O' nil'R strong , steady ! narvCN , and in this ! mlLll11l'l' fortifies and nonrisites life. Miss JHancho Urev , a lironiinentyoung society woman of lcmphis , ' 'cnu. , in n recent letter from 17,1 Ala amu. street , writes : 11I1'0 a society woman whose IIcr..ous force if often taxed to the utmost from lade oC rest IUlll irregular mealH , I know af nothing which is of.o much benefit 88 I'erunll I took it Ii low monthli ago when felt my Ht1'onglh JivinJf WILY , rand It soon made itself manifest In giving me new strength and heal " -hllss Blanche Ore ) ' . Pc-ru-TIII Contains No Narcotics. Ono reason why 1'ortll1lhas found pCr1llllncnt'Uso in so Niftily h011lCIi ili that It Conta.i1)s : no narcotic or any leiud. Po- 1'tll1IL is perfectly hll1'11IlcSH. It can bl used any lcngth timewitluutaciuir- ing IL dr\lg' habit. Perlllm ducs not pra- duet tempor11ry results. It is l Jcrmllr nent in its cffcct. It hus 110 bad CITCCL u)1on ) the system , and gradually eliminates catarrh hy removing - moving the cause of cILtar1'1l. There il1'U a multitude of hOll1cs where I'C1'\11111 has been used ofr ' and on for twenty yca1's. Such a tiling could not be possible - siblc if .01'UIHL contained any drugs of a narcotic 1laturc. At this scason of the year we are peculiarly liable to inflamll1ations of till Htoll1llch and owcls. J t ili the part of wisl10m to learn how to cut them short taut in thc eusist and Cl\1ic1tcst II1IL1ll1Cr PcrunL docs this IJY its pcc\111ar power over all forms of catarrhul troubles. HANDY BLUEING BOOK Auk For Laundry Use , Grocet Send tOo for paokago to THE HANDY BLUEING BOOK CO. , 87 E , Lake St" , Chicago Or Druggist 131 LD ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES w CURE ; DRUGGISTS. Sample Freo. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO. , Crab , Neb. SLEEP " J THE WORLDS FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. lngguge ChN'kcll tu \01'111' Fair grouud" Stopovers ! nllowcll. All .J\IHmtH can route you v'ia thc WAT3ASfr For IIcatl- Uflll \Vorlc1'H Fair folder nnd illl lnfor- I motion address lIAllRY 1 : . l\10011. S , Oen. Agt. Pass. Dcpt. , Omaha , Neb. CURES 1' NEH All EttiE FAIES. nest Cough yrup. Tante Ooui. IIFo In time. Sold by druggist. . _ o r t , t NEW HOMES IN THE WEST AlmoJt'\ : halt million acres of the ferUle and wcll.wator'J.11I1nds or the HosolJlul Indhlll Hell- crmUou , In South Dakota , will be thrown olon to scttlmncut by thc (1ovcrDllIcnt in .lun ) . 'I'heso : , lands are best reached by the Chlculto & North Western Hallway's direct through lines front ChlCl\o ( to llonesteel , S. D. All agents toll ticket via this liu3 , Special low ratcs. HOW TO GET A HOME fond fora copy of pamphlet giving rull fnforma. tlon M .0 dates oi ollonlnl anll how to secure lCO cost with full doscrlv' acres : of land at nominal , tint of the coil , climate UIII\Jor and mlnoral resources , towns , schools and churches , oppor , tuultlcs for business openings , railway ratoe , ctc. , free 011 aJJJlI ) aUon. W. B. KNISKERN , Passenger ' 'rame Manager . . , , It.I. . It7 . oa CIIICAGO.lbk BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER . CURES catarrh the stoma b. "