. .4 ' . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE June 17 , 1904 - - - - - - - I Current Press Comments Seeln is Believing. . From observation taken along I. thc route on a rccclJt overland , trip to Falls City , , vc { arc thor : oughly convinced that sonic of thc most beautiful farms in thc United States tic in Richardson I counly.-Verdo11 Vedettc. tfi Equa.lizt\.tion. , Our Ricllarclson county dcmo- I cratic friends who arc kicking on I thc iniquitous revenue law , need , t l , ! ! not weep entirely without hope l If the republican assessor under ; thc republican law has done \ " thcm wrong" they stay easily take thc platter before thc dcm ; ' ' } ' ocralic board of equalization and I'll l 1 L1 all their gricfs may bc turned to i joy , even if they do lose some , 1 ammunition for thc coming cam- /1 / , I paign.-Humboldt Lcadcr. 1 Shadow Never Grows Less. li I After all the burly form of I Grover Cleveland casts a darl ( clan ! 1 R aspirants for the presideutia \ , 1 nomination. His shadow is always . i I ways in the back ground , huge } , I i I gloomy and ominous.- 0 l' 1 1 " , , . I , , 'l'imes. f' ' Exhibit Assured. . i Nebraska failed construct I t' ' elaborate s tat c building at ] thc \Vorld's fair , but Mr. Bryan ( has seen to it that thc state will i . have an exhibit in St. Louis early in July.-\Vashington Post. Odious Compa.rison. Colonel \Vattcrs has thc art of making comparisons that arc highly disagreeable to all con- ccrncd. Hc says there is very little difference between Roosevelt - vclt and Clcvcland.-Kansas City 1 ourna1. ovoca.tion. , I It is provoking that what a fellow - low is most interested in hc can't make ti living I at..Uastings : 'rri- Imnc : By Way of Excuse. i 1 Many a man has charged thc good Lord with being responsible - blc for some unfortunate condition - tion that was brought about by nothing in thc world but thc cus- scdncss or weakness of thc man himself People who blame thc Lord for their troubles usually do so as an excuse for thcmsclvcs.- . Beatrice Exprcss. . Triumphs of Modern Surgery. ' \ ond\rful \ things arc done for ! thc lumaii i body by surgery. \ ' taken out and \ : - Organs arc an scraped cd and polish and put back , or m they may bc removed entirely ; bones are spliced , pipes take thc place of diseased sections of veins , antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds , bruises , burns and l like injuries before inf1amation sets in , which causes thcm to hcal l without maturation and in one third thc time required by thc oh1 1 , ' - - - - ' - - - - . trealmcnt. Chamberlains Pain Balm acts on thc same principlc 'It is an antiseptic and when ap- plied to such injuricscauscs them to heal very quic1dy. It also al- lays the pain and sorcncss. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money , not to mention thc nconvcnicncc and suffering which such injuries cntai1. For sale by A. G. . \\Tanncr. . Annual Sorosis. During thc year there have been held one annual and seventeen - teen regular meetings of Sorosis of with an average attendance seventeen mcm hers. There were thirty-four subjects assigned to hc written upon to which there . Vc were h\'cnty-fi"c rcsponses. have had a loss of four members , three new ones were added mak- ing a present membership of thirty-two. Memorial Exercises. : The A. O. U.Va 1d Degree of l Honor will hold their annual . memorial services ( s in the Mctho- , list church on next Sunday , June 16 , at 10:45 : a. m. All members arc earnestly requested to meet \t the Workman hall at 10:15 : and march to thc church in a body. Rev. Alexander will have charge of thc services and everybody is invited to attcnd. Were Well Pleased. Speaking of thc rcccnt visit .of members of St. Thomas church to Hiawatha , thc World publish- cd at that place says : 'l'hc choir made quite a fav- orablc impression on Hiawatha people and mite a crowd was - - - - - - - - - - ' - . 1'----- present for the : service rather 1 Smith cf Falls City held a very successful mission in St. John's : church. The services on Sunday were grand and all who heard thc Reverend rather were grcat- ly I plcased. \Ve hope hc will again visit Hiawatha. In MCll\orian. Last Sunday morning thc Knights of Phythias observed their atuuual immemorial day and in thc morning a number of thc membcrs of thc order went to Steele cemetery where appropri- atc exercises were hcld , and thc graves of thc departed knights strewn with flowers. In thc afternoon the members of Ncmaha Valley No. 36 , 1. O. O. F. , hcld like exercises and thc graves of dcccascd Odd Fellows were beautified with floral offcr- ings. 'fhe A. O. U. ' \V. and D. ' of n. , will hold memorial exercises - cises next Sunday. New Bell Tower. During thc past year many of lour people had wondered why thc bell at 81. Ursula's academy was no longer rung. Its deep tones as they sounded both at . ' * . N-V " 'V " - .L - . ' . - . , . . . - ' " ' - . . . . I Reavis f Abbey . . ' \ ' ,1 - - . . ' A Quiet Flirtation - . . . . ! ' ! F I v- OBJECT-.lnnocent Amusement RE3ULTSonietinies matrimony and 1i " then cones furniture and this is where we get interested. . .ir . . - - - - - - . _ - . - - . . " - - ' - - - , "It is the way I of the \vise" to buy the best goods for the least money. We have the only complete line of furniture and 1 floor coverings i ! ever carried in the : county. Straw matting 12 to 60c ; an wool Ingrain carpet 50 . - - - " - " ' ' - - - - - - 'I ( to 75 cts sewed ; I Linoleum , 6 , 7 4 . . , and 12 feet wide . - - - .fl ' 50 to 65 cts , laid. . . . 1p I Some of our de .J , I signs will certain . I ' liy interest you I . ft I dll and the quality ? , l and prices are' . - ct. , I . . I right. . . _ 'if - .I ! : ! $ # . I : - I " . : - - _ -.c" " " " j ! . . . < ; -TReavis & Abbey ! I ' .IC'ORtt9fAlmRlaMSta , - - - - - 4WClAnI ' I . M. f.t , f ( r ! . matins and at vespers were missed ! - scd by very many , 'l'he reason for its ceasing lay in the fact that the bell was too heavy for the tower that supported it and thc , building was beLsg damaged by thc vibt'ation. Louis Plcgc has just finished erecting a forty-foot steel tower on hc academy \ ' cam- pus and in this tower the bell will bc uspcndcd. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City . , Neb. NORTH No 51 Omaha and Lincoln Exprcss . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a 111 No. Omaha and LincoJI1. . 8:35 : a m No. 57 Omaha and Lincoln passenger , . . . . . . . . . , , , . . A 2:48 : p 111 No. 233 Local Freight , Au- hurn ' . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .1.\ 1:10 : p 111 : SOUTH No 52 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 3.t7 : a 111 No. 58 Kansas City and 8t. Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 2:48 : p 111 No.50 'Vorlds Fait" speciaL _ 8:45 : p 111 No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a 111 No. 220 Stock Freight , Hi- a\\'atha. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . A 9:52 : p III A. Daily. B Daily except Sunday J. B. VAHNItH , Agcnt. ' \V C kill all our own meats therefore we can supply you with the best thc market affords.- Coupe 'l'hornton , The Mikado's Gigantic Guard. The Koreans are a big race , and - the upper class have European features and fair complexion. Min has a secretary who resembles - tiles in stature , fair hair anal straight features the late Em. 11Cl'or Fl'edt'rick. " ' The sit-foot k I . . ' ' of ' - , high servants of thc emperor ] Japan , who attend at state re . repUons in liveries horl'owed from thoH of the Emperor Napoleon : : domestics , are Kor'ans. If the - Japanese seenre what they are ' ' " will have Korean now after they \'e drunm - majors in their army and ( and maybe n Korean palace m eorps like the Cent Gardp at the 'fuil. cries. ! The Japanese must seem pigmies among Prince [ in's com . patriots.--London Truth. Doaton's 400. I I can remember when it was : jocosely ; said of some families of . ? Massachusetts that they claimed to have had , in the time of Nonh's m,4 i ; deluge , a boat to themselves ; and " - I can recall , on the other hand , _ when a. social aspirant in Boston ' ' . .J asked , 'Yho belong to thc reaBj' old families , grandmamma and - , ' , when that relative shook her I weary head and said , "Mostly no . - one , 1l1J' al'-Thomas Wentworth . ] worth lligginson , in Atlantic. , , / . . . - ' ) i 'J " ' > _ .