The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 10, 1904, Image 24

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    . . . . . _ _ . . - _ . - . -
I Correspondence
. ' . News of the County as Told by
- '
; : Our Special Correspondents
Ed. Huff of Burchard visited
Dawson friends Sunday
Vivian Hanna of Denver is vis-
iting Mrs. Ethel Barlow Heim.
Mrs. Cotton and Marie Emerson -
son are visiting relatives in Illi-
Minnie Albright of Falls City
is visiting relatives here this
F Nettie Shier went to Fremont
i Monday to attend the summer
} , school.
i Mrs. J. C. Guinn has returned
* from a visit to her old home ill
& .t Missouri.
Theresa Brick of St. Joe visited
1 Mamie and NeB Riley the first of
the week
Anna Nesladek of Falls City
visited her brother and sister here
over Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Harbaugh and son ,
Joe went to Kansas City Wednesday -
day morning.
Helen Martin of the Falls City
' Journal was the guest of Mrs.
Will T. Fenton over Sunday.
The Omaha Medicine Show
Company is at the opera house
this w ek. They are showing to
large audiences.
Chester Belden returned home
front Lincoln Saturday night ,
j having finished his year's work
at the University.
B. S. Scott left Monday for his
home in Cheyenne , Wyoming , after -
ter , an extended visit with his
, daughter , : Mrs. Maze.
Mrs. Leibhart and Ada Di1tow
went to Lincoln Thursday to be
present at the Evangelical Sun-
day School convention.
H. G. Iliff of Santa Maria , Cal-
ifornia , is visiting his sister , Mrs.
Chas. Allen. He lived in Daw-
son several rears ago.
E. J. Dur.rea returned home
Sunday from Oklahoma , where
he had been called eLi busines
connected with the Wells' estate.
Right Re\ Bishop Bonacum of
Lincoln was here Sunday and administered -
ministered the sacrament of confirmation -
firmation to a class of thirty
children. The choir rendered
Brown's mass in B flat to orchds-
tra accompaniment , and the bis-
hop preached an eloquent sermon.
Wm. Crouch and son Errett
were in Falls City Saturday.
Isham Hull hauled flour to
Shubert and Salem 'Vednesday.
Etta Curry and brother of Stel-
la are'isiting their sister , Mrs.
Chet Cl.ark. .
' .
} , -
The - ' base ' 1. , + ' ball game at Stella . ,
Wednesday was decided 7 to 1 in
favor of Verdon.
Mrs. F. C. Wiser came up from
Falls City on Sunday to visit B.
Ii' . Wiser and wife.
Mrs. Harding of Auburn is vis-
iting at the home of her daughter -
ter , Mrs. Roy Watkins.
Prof S.V. . Witman and wife
of Rule spent the fore part of the
week with L.A. Kinsey and fam-
M rs. DeWald of Falls City sold
her fine residence in Verdon to
Mrs. . Gibson. Possession
to be giventtJuly 1st.
Rev. Arthur went to Falls City
Monday to meet his wife and
daughter who were coming from
Illinois. After he left his home
the g'ood people of his church
picked the lock , gaining entrance
and leaving many things to re-
mind them that the members were
living in a land of plenty.
Rev. Maze of Dawson told the
story of his trip to Jerusalehl ,
Constantinople and other places
of Bible note to a large audience
on Sunday evening in the Evan-
gelical church. He was a dele-
gate to the World's Sunday school
convention , about eight hundred
from America enjoyed the trip.
Henry Gerdes was in Omaha
last week.
Jake Wissinger was shopping
in Barada Saturday.
Ch as. Shulenberg spent Sun-
day with his parents.
Alma Martin is assisting Mrs.
Butler with her house work.
Robt. Ross has returned from
a few months stay at Nebraska
W. H. Saylor marketed ten
hogs last week that averaged : 410
lbs each.
In a few days there will began
abundance of strawberries in this
Sam Spickler and son shelled
and delivered corn to Shubert
Ionday. .
Ed Spitznagle of Falls City was
transacting business here a few
days last week.
Anna Coleman left Sunday for
a few weeks stay at thp home of
Jacob Arnold.
Veda Hendricks and her sister-
in-law attended the funeral of
George Norris's little child at
Shubert last Thursday.
Robt. Hoback hauled a few
loads of merchandise from Shu-
bert for Morehead Bros and re-
ports the roads out there in very
bad condition.
Chas. Wise accompanied by his
brother-in-law Dr.Leeper Nims
City were in town Sunday. 'Ve
are pleased to learn that the doc-
tor is doing fine in his new loca-
. ,
: , , (
Whitaker Bros.
, A.i )
Make the Banner Real Estate r 4
Deal of Richardson County. - '
Whitaker Bros. reports the following sales for this
and last week :
The beautiful farm of 160 acres one mile north- . ,
west of Falls City , owned by Jacob ( Bauman , to Mr. '
Fred Scholl for S 110 per acre or 17600. : This is the
highest price ever paid for a I60-acre farm in the his-
tory of the county , but this is an ideal farm. NIl'
Bauman bought this farm in the year of 88. } , paying
$50 per acre for it and his neighbors told him he was
paying too much and would never get his money out of
it and the fact that land has advanced in price mater-
ially is not altogether responsible for the high price t
paid for this land as rvlr. Bauman being one of the best
farmers in the county , has materially enhanced the , - '
value of this farm i
The Elza Martin farm home of 80 acres to Dr. \V.
S. Fast , consideration $6,000.
The city home of John Carico to rvl r. George 1\I. :
Jenkins , recently of Atchison , Kan. , consideration , , , _
The Asa Veach city home 'to John R. Smith , consideration -
sideration $2 , 700.
A beautiful building site of 2 east front lots of Lo-
thaiI' Schoenheit on Crook & Towle's addition to NIl'
August Suess , consideration $450. And t4 section in
South Dakota.
\Ve also assisted Mr. Fred Scholl to sell his home
place near Arago to 1\11' ' John Gleason of Missouri ,
consideration $ 10 , 400.
If you will compare this list with that of all of the
other real estate dealers of the city , you will find that
that we have made more sales than all of the agents "
combined in the same length of time , in fact more than
all of the combined agents of the county. If you have
anything to sell you will make a mistake if you don't ,
list it with us as we list your place to sell and we hustle ,
until we find a buyer. vVe are preparing our list to
have printed , so jf you have anything you want to sell L.
call and see us right away so it will appear in our printed - .
ed list. We have for this week two special bargains
that we are going tp sell in the next ten days , viz. f
135 acres of good land adjoining the town site of t
Baradl. Some of this land is a little rolling , but not .
rough ; good large 2-story house in good repair , chicken -
en house , wood and cob house , a pretty good tarn 1
36x30 , corn crib , granaries , sheds and other outbuild-
ings : plenty of fruit of various kinds , plenty of water
which is pumped to a large reservoir and piped to
house , barn and feed yards , This is one of the best
farms in that part of the country and is well located ,
being only } iz mile to Barada , 6 miles from R. R. sta-
tion , } /z mile to school , 12 miles from Falls City , good l
abstract title for only $9,000 on , good easy terms if dc- : t
sired. This is a bargain and you will \ lose it if you don't
see us soon as we must sell this in the next 10 da \'s.
We have just listed a fine well improved 40 , e\rery N : :
foot good and smooth , 4i miles northwest uf lVlorri1l , .
Kan. , on Penn. Ave. , all buildings are practically new , -
good neighborhood , close to school and churches , for
only $3,200. You can't beat it in the county. Come
quick if you want this nice 40 acre farm home.
We will also run a special l excursion over the 1\1. . . . . ,
P. Ry. by the way of Omaha to the Rosebud opening. ! \l , )
Sleepers will be used and held to sleep in during your t
stay at Bonesteel. If yon contemplate going to this op- . '
cuing call and see us. Further particulars will be given
in the next issue of the papers. \Ve also have some
homesteads left that we can locate you on in S. L ) . near
the capital l cheap. If you want to buy , sell , rent or
trade for property of any kind it will pay Y01t" to call
and see us , or can us over Phones No. 168 or 2 16. .
. . I -
- " ' ' .1I.a ! g 'at-