' " . . i . . ' NEWS NEBRASKA _ II , I M THE STATE IN BRIEF. f , . , A great deal oC improvement Is going - I r' Ing on at Edgar. ( I l\ Mrs. Patrick of Lincoln wants dl- , r , , , . vorco from her husband because ho f " tried to Itlll her. I' t ' , Edgar has decided to celebrate the , Fourth of July in the old-Cashloncd I I , ' way. way.Thoro There arc now no vacancies on the ' teaching force oC the Tecumseh schools aH proposed for next year ' , . Mousel brothers , thoroughbred 1 1 l' stock breeders oC Cambridge , have , purchased Tip Top , the weU known , ' ,1 . Hackney show horse. ' , . " Mrs. Louisa Gleason , wife of Rev C. A. lea80n , pastor of the Congroga- } tlonal church oC West Point , aged 67 t It years died very suddenly last weele. " 11 i ' . : t J , r According to the Construction News . . Omaha ranks third among t.v'enty- 1 three leading title : ; oC the country In the gain In building operations for 1 ° . April over the same month a year : ago f + 11 ; F At the last meeting of the library { j 1 i r hoard oC Falls City a committee was ' ' ; appointed to confer with the city cOlin- I ( ; : , ell to support the library hy direct ! .i " . tax , thereby malting It a free library. r ? On complaint of F' ' . C. ggert , a farm- i i ; ; , ' er living east of West Point , Frank r : , : Howe , his hired man , was charged l ; I : with fl statutory offense In default . \ of bail the del'ondnnt remains In jail. 1 , I Davis & Mayno , wino operate the ; ' large stone quarries near Blue J ; i. Springs , have about completed arts - ' , ts f ( i' rnngolllents whereby they will erect a { . large stone crushing plant or ,000 r . ' tons' dally capacity \ During the next week two members Ir f II 4 " ' , , or the executive committee or the 'J s' : " State Toachers' association will inter- t t : yew the business men of Lincoln and + ; : Omaha. They will then decide where ! , ' . the next meeting or the organization i , . will he held. ' ' 'I ( ' s The deputy sheriff of 0\00 \ county j fJ. ' found about. thirty pairs of shoes near , , the railroad track south of Nebraska ] i 1' City. It is supposed ) that a car of J , freight had been robbed and that . I ' these goods were not wanted and , were thrown out along the track i r The grocers or Nebraska City have . f formed an association and will issue 1 { ' a weekly credit slip to its members. : They have all been doing a big credit . : : business in the past and find that they ) ' have many hundred dollars on their , t . books that can never bo collocted. I ij Dick Kortum , a man who makes it a business of storing and putting up r' . / awnings , had a fall at Grand Island " which proved fatal. He was putting ; i.\ii' \ , . up an awning In front of the H. H. i , 3 ' > > t , ; . Glover company store. His ladder r' slipped and ho fell to the cement ! . . . . . .e. walk. I I j Photographers or Nebraska In scs- I j ; $1 $ elan at Lincoln elected officers as follows - I . I : _ . . Iowa : President , A. Townsend , I ln- , ' . . i ° - . coIn , re.elected ; John F . Wlhon ; , Pawnee - ; ' nee City , first vice president ; D. W ' Wright , Nelson , second vice president ; : : " ' , C. J. Fennell , Schuyler , secretary ; W. . , . " t * ' , ' , . P. Fritz , Fremont , treasurer. : . : . : : PerHalS living along ditch routes in : : : ' ; ' any part oC Dodge county may sow : ti i the embankments in grass. The board i t ; ; or .ullly supervisors passed a resolu- I , ; , tlon making the practice allowable. \ . \ There is a restrictive clause , however , I : : ' providing that the banles must not ho r , lc.wered and that no other than grass ! .F seed can be sown. i I. , 1 Mrs. Pauline Garber was awarded , , . . judgment In the county court or .Tef- [ i t ferson county for $437 against Frank , . _ Sheridan and the Metropolitan 1\1u- " , : . turil Bond and Surety company. Sherl- ! : i dan was a saloon keeper at Gilead , in 'M y Thayer count , and sold 1\1rs. Garber's \ 'a- ' husband whisky that caused him to ; fight and get badly injured. t ) ' I [ f . The mOlt Intcl'cstlns book hi a bank I \ . book . . it t i 'I I FRANK DARKER [ MUST HANG. Declared Guilty of Murder of Brother and Wife , RED CLOUD.-'l'he jury on the Barker murder case returned a vel' diet fInding Frank , Barker guilty 0 : murder in the fIrst degree and fixing the penalty at death. Barker was convicted oC the murder or his broth. er and his brother's wife on January U : last. 'J'ho jury went out at.1 o'clock Friday J afternoon and reacheG a verdict about fI o'clock . Barker wa at once brought into the court room ; and the verdict read to him. During tIle trial he displayed considerablE nerve , laughing and smiling as if he was not on trial for his I1fe. Tonlgh. when he was brought into the court room he was confronted by a large crowd of his neighbors and he ap peared more crestfallen and nervous He walked steadily , however , an2 tried not to appear moved , even after he had heard the verdict read Later-Franle Barker , who was found gulll by the jury and sentenced tc death for the murder or his brothCl and wife on the night ! or January 31 was brought into court and received his sentence. JUdge Adams in web chosen words reviewed the case and in closing set the tiny of execution for September 2. The prisoner ) gave no visible signs of tremor when h6 rose to receive the sentence , although It was plainly evident that he was laboring under a terrible strain. After his removal to the jail he < : confessed his crime to Court ReJOI.tet ) F'nrso. He told him that he shot Dan Barker twice when he went to lei him In that fatal night Alice BarkO ! ! . hearing the shots covered herself ana rolled to the fioor. Frank tore the covering from her and shot hm through the hea(1. He claims to have done the work in twenty minutes. - THE WEALTH OF NEBRASKA. What It Is Shown to Be By Careful Investigation. Pror. A. E. Davidson of the Univer. city oC Nebraska has made a careful investigation or the value of all the. property in Nebraska , except that at railroads , and the results of this investigation . vestlgation will be published soon. The aggregates are as follows : Value of farms . . . . . . . . . . $ 86 ,478,421 Value of city and town real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326,005,004 Money on ( deposlt . . . . . . . . l1.471,7W ! : Stocks and nterchanltse . . 77,4i3,729 Live stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,139,476,667 Prohable value of live stock sold In 1903. . . . . . :0,000,000 : : Value of farm products . last year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,692,289 Probable value of ( fairy find ' ' In poultry products 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 30,000,000 Value of all other property except that or railroads. 21fi,422,125 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ Total property or the state except that of railroads . . . . . . . . . . . $1,987,019,964 - Cockle Burrs Kill Cattle. State Veterinarian Thomas was called to Smartv111e , in Johnson coun- ty , to look at the bodies oC seven head of cattle that had died evident- 1)- from eating young cockle burrs. The cattle were sick from one to two ( lays , their condition during this time being almost normal , except that each showed much nervousness , though they apparently suffered no pain. Last week thirty.ono head or cattle died near Hebron. Dr Thomas believes . lIeyes their death occurred from eat- ing cockle burrs. , I , Big Chunks of Coal. LINCOLN.-Two largo lumps or coal weighing 30,000 pounds were hauled In over the Burlington from the west and sent on to the St. Louis exposition One of the lumps is 5xG feet and the other 4x3 feet Blessings are hidden in the blows ot pain I THE MAN BEHIND THE - GUN. . IH our immune for the patent Separating Grate and Check Plate in the famous RED RIVER SPECIAL THRESHER. It has the DIg Cylinder , with lots oC concave and open grate surface. It has the Man Behind the Oun , that does most of the separating right at the c 'linder. Besides these , it hit ! ' ; all the separating - ing capacity of other machines. The average old-style small cylinder thresher wastes enough grain and time to pay your thresh hill. Why not save the grain ordinarily put into the straw : stack ! Wh.y not save the time which the ordinary threshing outfit wastes for yon ? This can bo lone by employing the RED RIVE SPECIAL. It run right along , saving your grain and . . saving : tIme , regardless of con- ( I. 1 tlOns. NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO. , I Builders of ! Threshers and Engines. Battle Creek , Mioh. I 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS. BRANCH HOUSES AND AGENTS EVERYWHERE. " He Must Sign In English. . Some amusing "correspondence between - : tween the lord chancellor of Ireland . . and Thomas McDonagh l\Iahony , J. P. , since September 3 : J , 1f103 , " has been is- sued as a British parliamentary paper 1\11' Mahony Insisted upon signing his name to warrants and other docu- ments "in characters which are alleged - ed to be those of the Irish language , " and persists in the practice , although he has been authoritatively informed that it is illegal. Time justice of Can- erclvcen insists that his signature is his usual one and disputes the lord chancellor's law and there the matter rests , except that he is enjoined from silting on the magisterial bench until he gives assurance that he will "sign magisterial documents in English. " ' Stanley's Visit to America. Stanley revisited America several times in the course of his eventful life. lIe came over shortly after the Liv- ingstone expedition ) had been completed . 1)leted ; again for a lecture tour after he had founded the Congo Free State through the support or the Brussels African International association of which LeoOld ) , king of the Belgians , was and is the heael. This trip was cut short by the summons to relieve Emln Pasha ( Dr. Eduard Schnitzer ) . He responded immediately. The last time he visited this country was in 1895 , when he was seen in Boston and New York for a short time , and then traveled through Canada. The Immensity of Russia. Russia embraces one-Hlxth oC the land surface of the world. It is more than fifty times larger than Japan and has a total area of 8,650,000 square miles. Hal of Europe and the whole i or northern Asia are included within its boundaries. It has a greater con- tinuous area than any other nation In the world. When a man is just swearing mad and the wife says nothing but smiles knowingly he will either kill her or rush out. into Ow cold world and slam the door. Even the most angelic of women can't help wondering at times if she would look really swell with wings. Lots of people would rather send a dollar to the heathen than give the poor at home a pleasant loole. No matter how silly a woman may be she can always find a man who will let. her make a fool of him It remalneth to be seen whether the real : bachelor will succumb to the leap-'ear bachelor maid. A woman can never understand why 1\1rs. Noah permitted her husband to bring mice into the ark. The distinction between the wily and the wicked Is too fine for the wise. Virtue may be Us own reward , but it is I not ! t6 oar advertising Agent , As the modern seU-binder is ahead of I the old reaper of forty years ago , so is ' the Big Cylinder ) and Mon Behind the Gun ahead of the small cylinder old- style thrcsher. The old-stylo thresher with its small cylinder and limited separating capac- ity , has stood for years without much all impro\'emcnt. ' The RED RIVER SPECIAL is the crowning ; improvement in threshing mllchiner ' , Jt is built for modern , up-to-dato work ; to thresh well ; to thresh fast ; to save time and grain and money for the thrcsherman and farmer. It does it. There are reasons wh r. Send for our new book on threshing , it gives them and it is free. The RED RIVER SPECIAL is the only machine that has the Man ' Behind the Bun , and it will save enough extra grain and time to pay your : thresh bill. E fREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of In- structlops absolutely Free and Post- paid , enough to prove the value of ! PaxfineToilet Antiseptic I Paxtlne Is In powder form to dissolve In . . . . , . water non-poisonous , and far superior to Ilqukl antiseptics containing I alcohol which Irritates . r Inflamed surfaces , and have no cleansing - ; Csl 6l , ertles. The contents ( , , of every box makes I . . more Antiseptic 501u- ' tlon -lasts lonlter- I goes further-hM more uses In the family and I doesmoregoodthanany I antiseptic preparation 1 you can buy I The formula of a noted Boston physician , ! and used with great success as a Vaginal I Wash , forlcucorrh a , Pelvic Catarrh , Nasal 1 Catarrh , Sore Throat , Sore Eyes , Cuts I and all soreness of mucus mcmbrane. 'I In local treatment of female ms Paxtlne Is , J , i invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash WD I challenge the worM to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is 11. revelation in cleansing , and healing power ; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All 1oalllngdrlllglsts keep Putlne : : ; prieo,60o. I n box ; if yonrsdoes not , send to us for It. Don't take n 811DStitlltO- there Is nothing like Paxtille. Write for the Free Box of Pnxtlne to-dny. 8. PAXTON CO" , 5. Pope Bldg . Boston , May. : Lawn Fence Iron 01' wire. many styles . forrcshlenec , c It urch .Bcbool , cemetery ; poultry and hOI : fence ; farm gates. Send for talogue. ChampIon Iron and Wire Works OMAHA : [ a D. \'UllecepcgRsfrcsh foro. \ KEEP SAI 8 l8fN ' year attucost of One Cent , Ii dozen. At all drug and EGGS rocery storcs. Sample pkl { . for 10 doz. eggs . 5c. . prepaid. Information free. FRESH Quincy Egg Preservative Co. , Quincy , III. Diamonds a Good Inve ! > tment. About a year ago a young broker who had the shining light of a horrible - ble example before him , his father having lost two fortunes in Wall street , fell heir to about $30,000 from the estate or an aunt. He made np his mind that this money would be safely invested , and , hearing that dia- mends were constantly going up , he put the entire sum into the stones. He bought them at a trifle below mar- leet value from pawn brolcors' sales shops , retaining the ser"i es or an expert. He sold the entire lot the other clay at ti profit or $9,000 , over 25 per cent on his investment. Dia- mends are going up constantly , and . . . ; . ' the main supply , the Kimberley and i the DeBeers mines of South Africa , is constantly lessenIng. After a fellows being married a few years he begins to long for a little monotony to relieve the excitement. Getting into society is like raiding a beehive. You may find a little honey , but you risk the sUngs. When a man marries ho should re- j sign himself to the inevitable and defy fito to do its wont ,