( I I , ( ' . t ! r t May ' 201 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE u _ _ _ _ _ _ f. . J. TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . PubliHhcd Every Friday at , VALIS l CITY , NEI3RASKA. By TRIBUNE PU33LISHING CO. mJltcrc 1 as sccoJl < 1-class mattcl' , .TaJlu- : ( ry 12 , 1IJO , at thc post ollice at l + alls City , Nch. , 1crtheActof Congress of March 3 , 1879. - - - - - - - - - - - - ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR ' rccphonc ] No. 22 ( . REPUBLICAN TICKET. ,1 d For Congress : 1 laranm ( J. BUlm.lt'tT , I.4illcolll. 101' ! State Senator : ' , I 1 ; . A. : l\UCKHH , ] Humholdt. 1 t 101' ! Members of the r..cgislaturc. ) J R. 1 , . GIHNS'l'HAD , Salcm , ' ' { GHOIWH 81\1I'1'H , Dawson W. H. HOGHIWH i , Stella - - - For County Attorncy. ' v. II. MOltHow , Sh\lhcl.t WISE MEN. It has bccn said that a wise . man changes his mind , but that a fool never docs. 'rlH' truth of this statement is apparcnt. 'l'hc wise man of tell years ago might easily bc thc fool of today , if he had Clever changed his mind dur- ing' thc passing of thc dccadc. The wise man of yesterday may become thc fool of today because hc has stubbornly refused to al- low his opinions to correspond with thc environment of circum- stancc. So rapidly do conditions gauge and ( new circumstanccs materialize ; and new issues present - sent themselves , that the mind of man , in keeping abreast of , public opinion , Must bc in an alt lOst constant state of changc. For a man to resist this change and set his own judgmcnt 11P against thc very process of evolution is to brand himself as a fool. On thc other hand , it is thc man who seeks to keep in thc vanguard of all evolutionary movcments and is ready to change his mind as often ? as is necessary in order to maintain this position , who may rightltill : ) bc called a wis man. In 189 the free silver theory was ; vanccd and circumstances as they existed at that time soon . gave to this theory much popu- larity. To many it sccmed to point the way to a new epoch in thc evolution of monetary Rcicnce. \Vith an honest desire 3 to better conditions , they embraced - cd the doctrine and gave it thc hearty and courageous support that is born of honest conviction. i fJ' itiie has proven that the theory was UnS011lH1 and the great majority - jority of its adherents have : done as wise men should do-chang'cd their minds. 'f lee time has pas- t Rcd when a man is a democrat or I a republican because such was thc political faith of his father. If a roan were to say , "I am a republican - publican ( or a democrat ) and believe - lieve as my father forty years ' ago , " his political judgmcnt would carry with it but slight wcight. Time man whose judg- ment is rccog'nizcd as conservative - tive , is thc man who forms opin- ions for himself , changes his mind as often as is ncccssary and is not ashamed to declare that hc has lone so. It tales courage sonic times to admit that you have been in thc wrong. Such mcn as may not bc able to iLpprc- ciatc your motives will probably ridicule you , forgetting that a wise . man changes his mind , but that a fool never docs. Politics constantly afford instances of mcn changing their minds from hon- est conviction and in every case these men represent thc most powerful and aggrcsi t in the movement with which they have become allied and arc con- stantly proving thc statement that a wise man sometimes changes hi : , mind , but a fool never - ' cr docs. - - - - - - If ctcrna1 fitness counts for anything . thc Ncmaha bottom land ought to bc a great place to raise water mclons. - - - - - - - The labor question will bc sim- plified considerably when the unions get thc walking delegate on thc run. - - - - Time only objection wc can see to college fraternities is that thc navies thereof generally sound like those of Russian battle ships. - . . . . . . - - . . . It is not surprising that a lot of mcn who have been dodging taxes for years should try to dodge a law against dodging. 'l'hosc who were at the St. Louis exposition this week got to see more for their money than those who will goo la tcr. The Nebraska editors were thcre. . , . . . - " - = - - - - - 'l ' lte path of thc man who secures - cures a tract of Rosebud land and seeks to carve a fortune out of it , will not bc strewn wiih roses , notwithstanding thc flowery name of thc rescrvation. - - - - Time Illinois convcntion has endorsed - dorscd Congressman I-litt as thc vice presidential candidate. 'l'his night bc well cnough if it were ncccssary for thc republican party to make a Hitt just now. . . - . . . . . . . . . - The dictionary lilies folk-lorc . . as " popu 1 ar supersttttons , talcs 1 , traditions , legends " This definition - nition docs not apply to thc "Folk-lore" that has rcccntly been disseminated in I\'Iissouri by 111' 1 olk. - - . . . . . . 'rowns as wcll as individuals can ill afford to neglect opportu- nitics. If the brick plant prop- osition proves to bc all right Falls City shou1 l have it. The brick plant will help to advertise thc town , and thc more thc town is advertised thc store opportu- nitics it will have to secure other terpriscs. . . . ANEW LINE OF WALL PAPER - I-I AS JUST ARRIVED For newness of design as well as for excellence - cellence of quality this line cannot be ex- celled. Prices arc equally attractive. - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . JOHN W. MASURYsS PAINTS A most superior : article of uaranteecl ex- cellence. Costs no more than inferior ! e paint. Inspection solicited. ; a I ® AGENT FOR WANNER CARBOLINEUM II 1 OPPOSITE 11. 1 COURT HOUSE . . . . s . . - ! - - - - - - - _ . , . . -.m. . , - . - . . - : , l . . vV c hope that the nominees of thc democratic county convention will all make specchcs. \'de want to have a look at thcm. Thc sight of three or four really brave men is always inspiring' . . . -r _ 1fayor Barton did thc right thing when he decided to make no change in thc force at thc water works. \Vhcn good mcn arc secured for such places , it is always good policy to keep them thcrc. ' " - ' - - - - - The Russians seem to believe in the motto to the effect that hc who fights and runs away will live to fight 'anothcr day. Time trouble with them however , is that they never succccd in run- ning fast enough nor far enough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : u.p. . One thing is ccrtain-thc - mon- ey question will not bc dragged into thc < approaching presidential campaign. 't he money that used to bc hid away in old socks , is now on dcposit in thc banks and there is at present , no occasion for a restoration of con fidcncc. . . . . . - - . - We notice that Harry Swallow has assumed complete control of thc Sterling ccord. We met lvIr. Swallow several years ago when hc was principal of hc schools at Harvard , Neb. , and from thc impressions gained at that time , we are con vinccd that the Record has passed into good hands. ' - In President Roosevc1 book , " ' ' . ' lie Strenuous Life , " this scn- tence occurs : "Not only ] every politician , high or low , but every citizen interested in politics , and especially every man who , in il newspaper or 011 thc stump , advocates - vocates or condemns any public policy or any public man , should remember always that thc two _ .r cardinal points in his doctrine 1- ought to bc , Thou shalt not ' steal , ' and " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh- , bor. ' Hc should also , of course , . remember that the multitude of mcn who break the moral law expressed - pressed in these two command- ments arc not to be justified because - cause they keep out of thc clutches - es of the human law , " Commit 1 , this quotation to memory and : make it a part of your political creed , and you will hc doing your part toward thc purification of ( poli tics. . . . . . . - - - - - - Whooping Couh. ; 1 In thc spring 1901 my child- * - ren had whooping cough , " says l\'lrs. D. \1. Capps of Capps , Ala "I used Chambcrlains _ Cough Remedy with the most satisfa'ct- ; ory results. I think this b the " Lest rcn1Pdy I have ever used for whooping cough. " 'l"his remedy keeps the cough loose , lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by A. G. \Vanncr. . g FLOUR FEED AND : lou- - O -I s ® l have just received a car of salt which I can furnish you . in . 3 : lump rock , cl'ushcd fine rock salt 100 lb. in sack , No.1 rock salt for I 1 ice cream , No. Michigan barrel salt , No. 1 Michigan sack salt 70 I"\ . lb. in sack the for . ' just house thing © usc. " ya ; j 1..1Z Also received a car of Illinois washed nut coal , just the thing 0 a y A' . . . forsook stove or range , $6.00 a ton delivered , satisfaction gnar- 1 . . . . gnarJJ antccd. I can deliver , you flour , feed , grain , hay and straw , wood . -I for heating and cook stove , on short notice. I pay cash for butter - m eggs and poultry , rubber , copper , brass , zinc and old iron. ct : ( i ) . g O. P. HECK I . } ! : - - . - - .