The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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) PAGES 2 ttJ ! ; rt nut. PAGES - ; :
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The Republican
State C01vention
Vice President.----- L Wcbster.
United States cnatm'Elmcr : Burkett
Delegates at Largc-
John A. Piper , Burt
H. C. Brome , Douglas
, . ' E. 1\1. LeHang , Dawson
C. B. Dcmpstcr ; ; Gage
Altcmatcs at Llrgc-
' < . . . . L. M. Raymond , Lancaster
Shelby Hastings , Butler
C. E. Adams , Nuclwlls
E. K. Valentine , Cumin g
I National Conlmitteeman-
f Chas. H. : Merrill , Lancaster
Presidential Electors- .
F. A. Barton , Pawn
A. C. Smith , Douglas
' , t' " A. C. Abbott , Dodge
/ t' , , , r. 14. Norval , Seward
. "r. P. Hall , Phelps
M. A. Drown , Buffalo
H. H. \\Tilson , Lancaster
J. C. Robinson , Douglas
. . . S Governor--------------- , J. H. Mickcy
Lieutenant Governor _ _ E. G. ivI'Gilton
Secretary of State --.A.
Auditor--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ E. M. Searlc , Jr.
' ! 'rcasurer _ _ _ u _ u u _ Peter : Mortensen
Superintendent------- J. L. 1\1' Brien
Attorney General --.Norris Brown
. Land Commissioncr _ _ _ _ uH. M. Eaton
S " '
" The republican tate convention -
tion held at Lincoln Wednesday
resulted in the endorsement of
1-Ion. E. : J. Burkctt for United
States senator , lIon. John L.
Webster for vice president and
the nomination of the state ticket
named above.
The convention was without
incident to mar the tranquility of
the proceedings. The big gath-
ering of enthusiastic republicans
was called to order by Chairman
Lindsay who introduced Howard
I -J Baldridge as temporary chairman.
, .
- \ l\Ir. Baldridge made a forcible
i , .
address , after wInch the permanent -
ncnt organizating ( was effected by
' \ the election of W. M. Robertson
chairman ; Chas. McDonald secretary -
retary ; \ . . B. Allen assistant secretary -
retary ; ; Ind L. P. Ludden reading
clerk. 'l'he first action was the
endorsement of Hon. E. J. Bur-
kett for United States scnator.
, , This was done unanimously by
acclamation. : Mr. Burkett thanked -
ed the convention in a brief ad-
dress. The nomination of the
state ticket proved an easy mat-
ter. There was practically 110
, 'j .JJ'J' ! .
" v D. d .
Stella , the infant laughter of
Mr. : and Mrs. 1-1. R. Jones died
last Friday night from the effects
of measles. The bereaved par-
ents have the sympathy of all itt
the loss of their little one.
I j
, "
, .
. . .
I . - . . , . . . .
. .
contests and thc deliberations of
the convention could hardly have
been more friendly or harmonious.
One very especially gratifying
thing that the convention did
was to select C. B. Dempster of
Beatrice tv be one of thc dcle-
gatcs-at-large to the national
convcntion. Republicans in this
part of the state are more or less
familiar with the nature of the
fight that was made on 1\11'
Dcmpster , and a great majority
of the republicans will rejoice
over his vindication.
There has probably never been
a state convention at which Rich-
ardson county exerted a greater
influence than at thc one held
Dodge , Gage and Richardson
counties were the originators of
the combination which selected
all four of the delegates to the
national convention , as well as
all of the state officers , with am-
ple provisions being made for , Mr.
Mill cr.
There is not a candidate who
has not expressed his gratitude
to the Richardson county delegation -
tion , and there never was a ticket
which commends itself to the vo-
ters more than the one which was
nominated , this week.
The orld-H.erald in speaking
oi the convention says :
"The Burlington machine lead-
ers , prominent among whom were
Collector Stephenson , J. 1-1. Agel'
and Supt. Bigncll went down in
hopeless defeat , being mercilessly
trounced by a combination in
which Congressman Burkett and
Postmaster Sizcr , his political
manager played an inconspicuous
but none the less important part.
The victors were lead by Ross
Hammonc1 of Paige , C. B. Demp-
ster and Samuel Rinaker of Gage
and C. F. Reavis of Richardson. "
A. R. Keim and Frank Martin
were present doing all in their
power to defeat the wishes of the
republicans of this county and to
deprive A'Ir. Miller of the object
of his ambitions.
Marriage Record.
Thc following marriage licenses
have been issued :
Harry Thomas , Netawaka , Kas.30
Lillie May Spurgin , Daws0I127
John Wiltsc , FaIL City-------------8
Elsie 1\1' Peck 1 ' alls City-------------4
At the' regular meeting of
Friends in Council hell on last
Friday evening , l\HRS' Sallie
Schoenheit was hostess. .I'hc
evening was devoted chiefly to
the study of conditions in 'l'hibct
and l\'lanchuria and their relation
to the war in the oricnt. Miss
Schoenhci played thc national
anthem of both Japan and ussia.
: Mrs. Stanb'rogave a reading from
"l\luch Ado About Nothing , "
and A'Iiss Helen Iartin , who was
the west of honor , rendered sev-
cral vocal selcctions. Following
thc program , refreshmcn'ts were
Miss Ncttie Cleveland entertained -
taincd the 1-1. S. Nt club in a
very pleasant manner last Satur-
day evening. .
1\1rs. 1\1. Swccley entertained
the 1\larriecl Ladies Kensington
club in a charming manner yesterday -
terday aftcrnoon.
The Young Ladies Kensington
club was entertained Wednesday
afternoon by Miss Helen Martin.
, Mrs. J. 1-1. Miles has returned
from Los Angeles , Cal.
. Married.
lalsie Peck and John VnltRc
were married at thc home of thc
bride's father , Geo. h' Peck at
noon last Sunday. The cere-
mon } ' was performcd by Rcv.
Stoudcr in thc presence of a num- .
her of friends and rclati ves.
The bride has been a teacher r
in the county schools and is a
lady of much , intelligence and rc- "
linemoitt J and cxcecdingly popu- ' \
lar with , a wide circle of friends t'
and ) .cquail1tanccs. 'l'he , groom r
is a son of Jerome \\TiItsc and is a ( ( ' 1
young attdrney with a promising
future before him. 'l'he popularity -
ity of these young people was
attested by the numerous hand-
some gifts. The newly married
couple will make their home. in
this city.
A Surprise Party. \ .
Airs Hose O'Rourke was very
pleasantly surprised by about
twenty-fi\'e friends on Vvedncsday
evcnIng' . The party took place
at the home of her father , James
AVIcFarland and besides being a
complete surprise , was a . great
success socially. The dainty refreshments -
freshmcnts added much to the
pleasure of the evcning'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ i
A Young Man . ji i j
Committed , Suicide
Ernest Broady committed sui-
cide Wednesday by hanging him-
self in a barn on thc farm of
Joseph Ray , four miles northwest
of Humboldt. Broady was em-
' ' ' ' ' " '
ploycd by r.'lr. : Ray and after dinner -
ner went out in the field to work
with a disc cultivator. He saw
that the bolt that held the double
tree was too short and told a son
of 1'11' Ray , who was working
with him that he 'was going to
thc barn to get a longer bolt.
That was the last seen of him
until 1\11' ' Ray found the body
hanging the barn when he returned -
turned from town in the evening.
Coroner Rencker was notificd and
held an inquest , the evidence
showing that Broady climbed on-
to the platform that had been
erected to stand upon in oiling a
hay-fork. lIe threw one end of a
rope over a rafter and tied the
other around his ncck. 1-Ie then
fasten his fee t together
with binding twine and then
jumpcd off , falling seven fcet.
Upon thc evidence , the jury re-
turned the following verdict :
State of Nebraska l
} ss
Richardson county
At an inquisition holden at
Joseph Ray's , four miles north- j
cast of Humroldt , Neb. , Porter
township , in Richardson county
on the 19th day of ay A. D.
1904 , before mc , Dr. George W.
Renekcr , coroner of said county , {
upon thc body of Ernest Broad } ' ,
lying dead , the jurors whose
names are hereto subscribed , the
said jurors on their oath do say
that he came to his death by the
act of his own hand add not due
to violcnce. A. S. Smith ,
F. A. Hummel ,
w. E. Dungan ,
F. 'V. Gutzm ,
F. NI. Boss.
1\T.1\1. ' Sterns.
In testimony whereof the said
jurors have hereunto set their
hands the day and year aforesaid.
Attest : Dr.Gco.W.Rcneker ,
Broady'was about twenty-two
years of age and leaves one brother -
er who lives near where the trag-
edv occurred. Those who knew
him can give no reason why he
should have taken his own lifc.
, . ' . ' ' . . . ,