The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 08, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 8 , 1904-
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i w News of the County as Told by
m Our Special Correspondents
Eph Peck shelled corn I1onlay.
% ' : Mrs. Dodds . is 011 the sick Hst.
Mary Dodds visited with Sadie
Peck Sunday.
"j l " Chas. Santo , returned from va-
lwta last week.
a Born , to Frank Lichty and wife
t April 1st , a girl. '
{ John Pourty built a large cat-
tie barn last week.
P. S. Lichty and "Vm. Hunter
shipped a car load of hogs last
11 ' T lie youngest child of W111.
Neighmires died of measles l'1on- '
II day and was buried at the Ger-
man church in Arago precinct.
: Ohio Precinct.
Wm. Bartletts spent Sunday in
Daisy Peck visited . at G.V. .
Pecks Sunday.
Jas. Stoudcr visited at Eph
Pecks Sunday.
Emma 1v1cCann visited with 0-
. .
A. Burk Sunday. ' "
Samuel 1vlcCumbcr visited at
O. A. Burls Sundar.
1\1rs. Wes Ncdrow visited at F.
S. Lichh"s 'ruesc1ay.
A. J4. Kniscly and sister visited
I with G. W. Pecks Sunday.
Michael Lichty and wife \ ' sit-
1 cd at J. W. Dodds Sunday.
14' H. Rawlinson of Johnstown
Pa. , preached at Silver Creek
A. E. Kniscly closed his school
in Dist. 81 Friday and is now
working for E. ' 1' . Pcck.
A lumber thc young people
of this vicinity attended church
in Fall City Sunday night.
1\1rs. J. J-I. 'fimmcrman is eli
thc sick list.
1\1-r8' : ' . 'Pattic Harlin has been ill
since Sunday.
Jim and Willie Pearson are reported -
ported quite sick.
- _ lv11's. A. J. Wheeler went to
HUl11boldtVcdnesday. .
Clarence Baldwin was down
froIll Lincoln Saturday.
\V. \V. Wertz and wife returned -
' ed from St. Joe V \ cdnesday.
Chester I-Iarbaugh , Steve Milcs
Bcss Graham and Jessie Page
drove down from Dawson Sun-
K. & 14' of S. gave a supper to
their families last Saturday evening -
ing and a short program was rcn-
. dcred.
The Ninth Hour club held a
very pleasant meeting at the
hone of Virginia 1vfead 'l'lmrs-
- - . . - - . . . . . . . . .r' < 'W- . . ' " , - - . . , . , ' " - , -
* 4 : : ' " _ . . . . , $ , . - It ri'tisR , , . . . d't ' ' , . .SdnRto ; ' 3f'h1' ' , , - . . -
day evening. At roll call each
member responded with a piece
of poetry composed by themselves -
selves and thc club organized in-
to a literary socicty. They also
started a chtb magazine of which
each member is the editor of
some subjcct. H frcshl11ents
were served and thc meeting ad-
Oeo. Porter came home from
his school duties at Parkvil1c.
lY1o. Friday to remain a couple of
Benson Jones and Prank
Hantsma returned to Lincoln
Monday after spending the caster
vacation at homc. -
Our village election passed off
very quietly and avery small vote
was pollcd. Four new members
were elected on thc village board.
On arriving his place of business -
incss Wednesday morning Fred
Boyd noticcd that a board had
been pried off of his chouse
and some meat stolcn.
The N. If. club held their
meeing on Thursday evening of
last week at the ] home of Orrie
French , when a literary program
was rcndcrcd. The members
wcre 'all present and enjoyed an
. .
interesting c s say on " 'TI 1e
Strength of Pure omanhood"
read by 1v1rs. \V. L. Portcr. : Mrs.
Wheeler gave a talk along thc
line of literary work and some
helpful suggestions for thc advancement -
vanccmcnt of thc club , Dainty
refreshments were served by thc
. .
- - - - - - - - -
Born , to \Vm. Dragoo and wife
Friday a nine pound boy.
Ira Presser of Corning , was
looking after business here this
A number from here trans-
acted business _ at Falls City Sat-
The little child of Herbert
Stokes and wife was very sick
this wcck. .
Veterinary Surgeon Scott of
Falls City was hereon professional -
al business 'l'uesday.
Tom Mann of Oxford after an
absence of twenty-t vc years is
visiting old friends herc.
J. H. : Morchcld , wife and
mother of Falls City were pleasant -
ant visitors here Sunday.
'r11Oma blooding and l\'linnic
Stokes left last week for an extended -
tended stay at Palls City.
A number of young people from
this vicinity attended a ball at
Shubcrt Friday cvcning.
The I\Iisses : Smitli and 1'omp-
son were guests at the home of
thc Misses Dragoo , Sunday.
1\'lr. Drag-oo and wife of 'l'ar-
kio , Mo. : , visited a few clays last
week with their son \Vil1iam.
. '
, . . . . ' " r. . . . - . " " _ " "n . , , , . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
- . . - 10-- . . . . - . ' n , . , - . . " ' . - ; ' _ ' - _ . < : : . , : . . . . : : : - .
- -
- - - - - - - -
No matter where you have been buying , -
come to us this tilne and let us l7L'llr f ( : , on
the job. Let us show you our latest designs ;
and newest combinations. e will gladly
be of service to you in the selection of your
. \Vall Paper'if you desire. \ \ ' e can furnish
yOU the Plate Chair or Photo Rail Room J '
l\Ioulding and Beading to match our Papers
\ \Te also carry a full line of Mixed .l Paints : , I' '
Lead and Oils , Glass , Varnishes and %
Brushes. ;
White's Wall - Paper t.St ; . ; I.
Falls City , Nebraska . ' I I
fJ $ l tt4 ;
Warren Stokes of Ncmaha City
visited with his old friend Robt.
1-Ioback Sunday.
vII's. Ncttic IIoback of Falls
Cit ) . visited the past week with
1\1r5. Gco. Fra cr.
Emma Schulcnbcrg visited this
week with her sister Mrs. Joseph
\Vatton near Shubert.
Dr. Lecpcr and John Bridgman
will open up a drug store at Nim
CitVc ) wish them succcss.
Election pasRcd off very qme t-
Iy. l obt. I-Ioback , \\'ooding '
and John Mark were elected
members of the town board.
Patronize rrribune al\.ertisers.
H. R. 1vlcNulty of Stella was
in thc city 1vIonday.
Mrs. 11ary Rowlcy went to
HumDoldt Tuesday aftcrnoon.
-v. H. Morrow of Shubert , republican -
publican candidatc for . , county
attorney , was in the city \Ved-
- -
Fancy and Staple
nror - . . .i . _ c : .
Fruit in Season.
Satisfaction Guai"-
Free City Delivery
Phone 40.
- - -
Storage for Household
and Other Goods.
' - ' . . . , - . . . . . . - - - - . - - - .
Used as Remedy for Many Complaints i
by Chinese PhysicIans. ? '
Everything in China , of any rar-
ity is quite certain to be dragged
into the pharmacopoeia of the :
Chinese . Jade is
phJsician. one ex : I
'ption to the rule , says Pr < ? f. Herbert .
bert A. Giles , in the Nineteenth '
Oentury. It may be swallowed asa
a powder , or in little pieces thp
size of hemp seed , for various
stomaehic complaints ; even pock-
marks and scars may be obliter-
ated by being daily rubbed with a '
piece of pure jade. It is also considered -
sidered to be of a very moist na- . '
tllre , and we read of an imperial 1 '
favorite of the eighth century who ;
was cured of excessive thirst by
holding a fish shaped jade in het'
mouth. And so when the tomb of
the great commander , Ts'ao Ts'ao ,
third century , A. I ) . , was opened
200 rears : after his death , among
the usual objects found in such circumstances -
cumstances was a large silver
bowl full of water. That the wa-
ter had not dried up was accounted -
ed for by the presence in the bowl
of a jade boy three feet in heig'ht.
Jade is chiefly brought from the
K'un.lun ' between
, 01' Koulgun , range , -
tween the Desert of Gobi and Thi-
bet ; from Khoten 01' Ilchi in Yar-
. . t
knnd , and from IJfin-t'ien on the }
Belurtagh mountains , still fur-
ther to the west. This Lan-t'ien
has been confused by the Chinese
writers with another I.Jan.t'ien , in
the Province of Shen-Se , near time .
city Qf Rsi-an , whither the Chinese
court fled in August , 1900 , upon
the relief of Peldng. In the tenth
century A. D. , the latter was ac
tually known as the Jade Rillp
district , though it does not apJeal'I )
that any jade bas ever been found ] . , , '
there. , , (
Counting the ChIckens.
People sometimes count their .
chickens before the eggs are laid :
-ChicJo Daily N eW8. -
The Tribune-onlr $ I a , .car
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