. + dJAK' i st9' y h'd 19 1ylTAb r l K .1 f. April I , I04 THE FALLS ' CITY TRIBUNE 5 . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : = _ - - J Closing Out . d At Cost eTo GIVE POSSESSION. . It being necessary for me to give pos , ession of the south room of the -f Goldner building which I have been using as a store room , I will sell at cost. . . . . . . . 1 Surry . 4 Sprint Wagons w , 1 Stief ( Seat Driving Wagon j 2 top Buggies I also want you to call and see my stock of HARNESS , Etc. Repairing a Specialty. . - B. VU. DIXOJV ? ! q' ! ! : : ! f South Side Court House Square Falla City. ) Nebraaa .t . . . ' 1" , , . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. , City market for good sat1 age. - Go to the City market for . . l bockwurst. ! James Nausler was in Stella ] on I ' \ business this week. If you have not raked your lawn , it is time you did so. . Chas. Hofer came up > 1'1 om Kan- J sas City and spent Sunday in this ci ty. ; . ' . The millinery of Falls City re- t .z r , port a. most gratifying spring I" ' trade. . . . . , , , Do not forget .Coupe & Thorn- " . . ; . , . ton when - YOU want good meat , " j' \ ' cheap. Mrs. Henry King returned the . first of the week from a visit in Omaha. - S. L. Knox has purchased NI. - Simon's interest in the City : Meat . market. It is very easy to ten which 1. streets have been . draggei and 11) j ) which have not. . . . . . . ' - : Remember that Coupe & / . . . . Thorntons corn fed beef and pork cannot be exce11ed. Mrs. Lou Beasley returned. l\fonday from a visit at Sracuse and Nebraska City. We are still making special low prices on lard and cured meats . of all nds.-Coupe & Thornton. vIrs. } Leah Stewart of Reserve , Ians. , visited her parents , Jas. DeVald and wife in this city dur- ing the week. The churches arc preparing for I . . I splendid caster services wInch . . . . promise to be the most impressive and beautiful that have ever been I held in the city. I Maude Maddox , who is a stu- I lent at Wesleyan university is - . spending the spring va-atron with her parents in this city. In the oratorical contest recently held at the university Miss Maddox - dox captured the second prize. L * Referendum. Editor of the 'I'ribune-I beg leave to state briefly why many of us favor adopting the teferen- dum law next Tuesday. First : Many citizens have many times expressed righteous indig- nation when our rulers have threatened to give our excellent city water to the rich , and to such corporations as railroads , at a nominal price , and then charge the average citizen two prices to make up the loss. I have heard of city councils that were well supplied with free rail- road passes and other bribes who threatened. to buy coal and other city necessities from said bribe givers , at a price much higher than the same goods could be bought elsewhere. The law , once adopted and in force here puts a power in the hands of the voters to veto and prevent an , such ordinances them- selves , whether the mayor and council like their doings or not. A few weeks ago I heard the largest taxpayer in Falls City speak as follows : "Let us adopt the referendum statute. If the vot- ers should never make any use of it , the simple } fact that we have a veto power in our hands , win serve as a mighty club over the heads of our officials , and they wjll } be much more likely to deal fairly with the tax-payers. " Any man who travels cast , can see that it will not be manY years , until this good country win be netted with trolley lines. A strong , corrupt effort , will of course be made , to monopolize our narrow busy main street , by these lines , without compensation to the publi . If the Aldermen , in disgraced 11linneapolis , St. Louis and many other suffering mun- icipalties , had been warned of a Referendum power , in the hands of the people , that might be used in calling them down , and hu- . , 1 - L miliating them , much of' the crookedness now so prevalent in cities , would never have come to pass. Let us prevent our officials in the future , from lisbning to evil influences , and forgetting the best interests or the pcople. It is only a question of time wheu Palls City will have a serious ty- phoid epidemic , caused by the condition of the alleys on each side of Stone st reet , We win then awake to the necessity of sewerage , but as usual will find the officials and leaders slow and consen'ative. The new Jaw in force just then , might prove a blessing in the hands of the peo- ple Some arc inquiring , how win this effect the saloon business ? I cannot see that it win effect them at all. Under the Slocum law at present , when a majority of the voters elect a no-license ticket , there will be no license is- sued. Under the Referendum , it is exactly the same. When a majority of the voters , under the Referendum law , sad- no license , then there will be no license iSfued. In either case , it is only a question - tion , who gets the majority of the voters converted to his side. Men from all parties arc work- ing to carry the law next Tues- day. The men who started this agitation a month ago and has done more than any of us to get sighers and make votes for the law is a democrat. . HENRY SUA w. Cemetery Auxiliary. The ladies auxiliary to Steele cemetery association win meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of 1\lrs. John W. Powell. It is desired that all llembers. be present as there is much business to be transacted and many plans to be discussed. r . GUM ON STREET CARS ' " : - Nay Be Dispensed by Penny-In-Slot Machines The pennyin . the . elbt machine designers and makers have long . realized that such a device on street cars would be a great source of profit , SHJS the Philadelphia Record , but they have not hereto fore been successful in meeting the conditions peculiar to street car sel'vice. These devices have always been of such size and pl'O' portions to make them unsuited for this service , for the fIrst re. quirements must be that they should be entirely out of the way of the passengers malting their way into and out of the l'Hr. These machines , which have fined the , ' far size is con - - ' requirements as as n- 'PI'ncd , have been of a design to frail for the purpose , hut the de- sired object has recently been ar- rived at in a slot machine ) ) on en- lirely new lines. 0- This consists of n tube less than three inches in diameter and about thirty inches high } ) , which is a shape that will permit of its be. ing tucked away conveniently and without any liability of its getting in the way of passengers. It is designed - signed to dispense candy of vari- ous kinds , gum , matches and choc- olate. To operate the device it is simply necessary to put a penny in the ever-gaping slot and push a button , which operation releases the desired article. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank mp friends for thc thoughtful consideration , for the beautiful tokens . and for the expression of sympathy which so g-cnerously bestowcd in my late I bereavement . . . - 'IINNI1 ; l\lcDoNAI.D. Arland Barker left Tuesday for Grainfield , Ians. , in the hope that a change of climate might benefit his health.- A NEW LINE OF II WALL PAPER ' . 'I HAS JUST ARRIVED ; For. newness of design as well as for excellence - cellence of.-quality this line cannot be ex- celled. Prices are equally attractive. . . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . JOHN W. MASURYS PAINTS _ _ A most superior article Jof guaranteed ex- cellence. Costs no more than inferior paint. Inspection solicited. , AGENT FOR CARBOLINEUM - ANQUWANNER OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE i I i