. . . v. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.w.w + .w.ww..wr . . .wNU..urr + w .a.w..ww + w + .rTwglN. . ' . . wWa..YUY.N NCifa.LY r.1.aYa4W.RIV IFt + M. olwlkWU..uwN..wQri 4/id A9LWYwY 4 March 25 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 5 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) / j ; \ Correspondence , ' , f I I News of the County as Told by * Our Special Correspondents . Barada. . . Dr. Elder is kept busy attend- . ing to the sick. Louis , Georges is suffering from a felon on his hand. 1'Irs. Rob1. Hobac1 is impr wing - ing after a wcek's illness. I\'Irs. Loui Georges is very ill at her home north of town. John Marks transacted busi- , ness in Falls City Thursday. John lVIorehead of Falls City . transacted business here Saturda , . , Frank : Butler and family visit- ed at the home o'f Jake Arnold Sunday. . Fred Sailors and wife now oc- cupy their new home southwest of town. . John lVIichels and wife of Fargo . attcncled the Spitz'nag-Ie sale . , . 'l'hursday. . , ,1 John Randall ] left the first of . the week for a few days hunting on the river. Louis Rodes and family were visitors at the home of Carl \:1an- : gold Sunday. Carl Mangold's children arc on the sick list. vr. Williamson is in attendance. . 1\rs. Wm. Rains , living east of . . . ' ' town , is improving after a siege , of the grippe. \ Jesse Ankrom left for Lincoln Tuesday to attend the \ congres- sional con ven tion. I Let Hoback & Ebbs do your I papering 1 and painting. 'l'heir work is warrantcd. - . A. D. . Spit7.nagle and John Bridg-man transacted business at halls City Saturday. Miss Eva Scott is sufficiently \ , recovered from her il1nes to begin : school , ilonnay morning. . J ' y M George Vogle and wife drove . , over from Verdon 'fhursday to . attend the Spitznagle salc. i H. \Voodring has purchased : the Schnute blacksmith shop and I intends to conduct both shops. , Robt. Ross left for Nebraska City Saturday , having been called there by the illness of his brother. Chas. Steinbrink and wife and J. C. Shulenberg and wife were business visitors here Saturday. The A. D. Spitznagle sale Thursday drew a large crowd : . . and everything sold at a fair , , V price. . B. C. Duerfel , a prosperous farmer of \Villianuwille , was shaking hands with old friends here 1londay. . A number of young folks were invited to the home of Leslie Ramsey Saturday evening. 1\1u- ' - , - . . s sic and dancing were the order of the evcning. At a late hour all departed for their homes , having had a royal . time. - - - - - - - - Ohio Precinct. 1\lrs. James Stouder iH on the sick list. Born to H. H. Branum and wife on March 17 , fJ04 a boy. Chas. P. Stump closed his school in Dist. 83 Ionday. 1. 14. Peck and wife of Reserve spent Sunday with Geo. Peck. E. ' 1' . Peck and wife spen t Sun- day visiting Falls City friends. Herbert Burk and Clay Peck were dragging the roads Friday 11ugh Prichard and family vis- ited with Vies Nedrows Sunday. J110. Lichty and Elma King were in this neighborhood Sun- day. Fred Chesley and wife visited at the home of O. A. Burk Sun- day. . Nettie Bartlett entertained a number of her friends Saturday night. Lorena Rcischick has had quite a siege of the malaria fever bitt is improving now. Ida Bauers and Minnie Karsten are learning the dress making trade at Falls City. Cal 11aust has finished his school at St. Joe. He will prac- tice with Dr. Fast this summer. Williamsville. Edward Shutz has a new team. 1. A. Dunn went to Verdon 'l'uesclay. G. W. Duerfeldt had some corn , shelled Saturday. Edward ShutI' made two trips to Falls City last week. A large crowd was entertained at the Stater-Buck wedding. Henry Simmering made 'a busi- ness trip to Falls City Saturday. Grandpa nand \ [ rs. R. J. Dunn were Falls City visitors Saturday. 1\11' Simpson and family spent Monday afternoon with 1. A. Dunn and famih' Cord Wood. Good hard wood , oak and hickory for sale. C. F. Heavis. Flour ; Feed , Coal and Wood. Look over this and sec what you want and what you have to sell. I have for sale Flour ; , Feed , Baled Hay and Straw , Grain , Ground Feed ! , nt'ut and Shorts , Coal , Wood , Rock Salt , Pure Cider Vinegar , Walnuts , Rye and Wheat for chickens , Ground Oil Cake , Poultry and Stock Food. Cash paid for Butter , Eggs and Poultry , Hides , RubberCoppcr , Brass , Zinc , Old Iron , Corn and Oats. Flour exchanged for Wheat , Meal for Coru. Yours for Business , O. P. HECK Phone 101 5th Street BARNETT'S MILLINERY . H- OPENING ! . - - . . - - . . . . - - - Ladies you are cordially invited to attend our op- j ening of - - - Early Spring Millinery FRIDAY rtl SATURDAY MARCH 25 and 26 ' l . * Opposite Court House . . . : I ' . 1 , . Ohio. Wm. Bartlet gave a dinner Sunday. Wm. Lit.e's : children have the measles. . , Miss Fritz is very sick with lung fever. vIrs. AllicFirebaugh visited at Noah Pecks Sunday. Fred Whitrock is going to build a barn this spring. lV1rs. Shaffer of 1'lorrill visited relatives here this week. One of Irs. O' lara's little sons stepped on a nail Friday. Agnes Leecy visited at the home pf Chas. Santo Sunday. J. W. Dodds went to Lincoln Tuesday as a delegate to the state con vention. The German Baptist church win organize a Sunday school next Sunday and all arc invited to take part. Fort Hazel. Chris Kern shelled corn this week. Grorge Schmidt shelled corn this week. H. L. Kloepfcl was Falls City visitor Saturday , H. W. Schmidt was over from Kansas one day last week. Ersten Jones is just recovering from a severe attack of grip. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Dan Zimmerman 'rhurs- day night. The Zimmerman saw mill will begin operations toward the end of the week. Quite a number of our people attended services at the 1\1. E. church in Rule Sunday. A number of our farmers arc having their wood sawed this week. Henry Fischer and 'V m. 'Vissmann are doing the work. Catalpa Grove. Ed : Morrison and family were visiting in Merrill the first of the week. Corbet Wisdom moved to Ver- don 'rhursday. He will make that his home for the present. . t. / _ _ . . . _ _ 0 - - - _ _ Oliver vVindle of S1. Joe was in the Grove Saturday on business \\Till and Elmer Grush have been sawing wood the past week. l\lcll Snyder and wife were vis- iting at E. E. l\lendanhall's Sun- day. The fall wheat crop in this vicinity looks very promising at presen t. . Dan Davis , who went to Illi- nois to be' operated on for cancer iH reported in a serious condition. . C. H. McDowell attended the assessors meeting at Falls City 'l'uesday. Chas. will be around to let you know what he learned _ ' about property and its value in the future. , . Chas. Ralph and Ed Shaffer have been sawing wood with their new saw and the last few days tHey report a rushing busi- ness. J Can Oet You a Widows' Pension Quicker than anyone else I secured a pension for MRS. ANNA BAnIS of Falls City. Allowed February 17 , 1904. Mr. Babb died October 29 , 1903. . Also pension for MRS. JENNIE WENTWORTH of Falls City. Allowed - ed March 15 , 190. Mr. Wentworth died November 28 , 1903. John L , . Cleaver ' - INSURANCE AOENT Falls City , Nebraska Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NORTH No 51 Omaha and Lincoln Express . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:28 : a 111 No. 57 Omaha and Lincoln passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:48 : p m No. 233 Local Freight , Au- burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:05 : p n1 SOUTH No. 52 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 2:28 : a m No. 58 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 1:46 : a 111 No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a 111 No. 220 Stock , Freight , Hi- a'vatha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 8:30 : p 111 A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday. J. B. VARNER , Agent. .