The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1904, Page 8, Image 10

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8 1 i 1L FALLS Cll Y 1lZIBU\E : larch 251 1904
_ . . . . _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I ; Educcdiona Conducted by County ! Supcr'fnicndcnt Depariinen Crocker t
Nellie Dunn began teaching in
No. SO lionday : morning'
The high schools of the county
are beginning to plan for thc
next field day mcct.
Prof. Gco. E. Martin , principal
of thc Nebraska City high school
has been called to Falls City several -
cral times during thc past two
weeks on account of thc Sickness
of his mothcr.
- -
The following pupils of Dist.
No. 83 were awarded common
school diplomas this week , Gco.
6 Brecht , Carl Brcch , Elmo l\c- '
Cann , Chester \cCanl1 , lvIaude
lVIcCann and Lester Pratcr.
Dist. No. 100-Georg-ia Gandy ,
teachcr.-\Vc will have one pupil
to take the Sth grade examina-
tion. Our school is small now as
lVIr. Sclimeh \ , el's have moved away
and taken live . of our pupils.
- - - -
' The Baracla schools have been
closed the past two weeks on account -
count of thc crious ; illness of the
teacher , Eva D. Scott. She is
t improving nicely and it is hoped
that she will soon bc able to rc-
some her work.
Z. O. Dean , whom most of our
teachers know , hm accepted a
position in the United States
service as teacher and will go to
the Phillipinc Islands to tcach.
He expects to take the steamer
about the 23rd of this month.
t The following school men have
1 a.nnounccd themselves as candi-
elates for nomination for state
1 superintendent , Deputy State
Supt. J. L. McBricn : , Supt.\V. H.
t Gardner of Auburn , Supt..J ames
E. Dclzcll , Lexington and Supt.
A. L. Caviness Fairbury.
! " \ \ edncsday , lfarcli 1th , Katie
Cunnil1gham , who rcccntly re-
signal her school in No. SO where
she has taught successfully for
several years , became , Mrs. James
Davies. The teachers of Hich-
i ardson county join in extcnding
congra t u lations.
Dist. No. lS-I\Iinnie : Hudson ,
. tcacher.-\Vc arc delighted to
know that we won attendance
prizes in December and January.
This encourages us to make our
- attendance bcttcr.V c hope to
have our pupils take the eighth
grade examination this spring' .
- - - - -
Our battalion of thc University
' cadets has signified its desire to
hold its regular encampment at
Falls City this year. The cadets
spend a week each spring usually
-in l\'lay , in camping near sonic
town in the statc. It is thought
that Falls City business men will
take this up at once and secure
. the cncampment.
Dist. No 1S- Ivliss Ora Draper
taught our school during the first
two months of the years term
and gave splendid satisfaction.
But she resigned and is now IvIrs.
Lee R. Swiscgood. Camma Hall
succccdcd ( her and closed a suc-
cessful term last Friday. Miss
Hall will attend thc State Nor-
mal during the rcmainder of the
school ycar.
Sunny Valley School-Dist.
No. 50-H. L. Klocpfel , tcachcr.
School is progressing niccly. We
now have 51. enrolled but some of
thc larger boys will quit soon. 'Vc
have quite a number beginners
there are fifteen in thc first'hree of our pupils ex-
pcct to take thc county examination -
tion next wcck. They have fin-
ishcd arithmetic and arc doing
good work in alg'cbra.
The pupils in Dist. No. ( JO intend i -
tend to give thc public an entertainment -
tainmcnt in thc near future. 'l'he
funds thus raised will bc used for
the purpose of installing library
and buying pictures for the
school 1'00111.V c learn from thc
teacher , NIissViol \ 't J-IausC'll , that
this is a very interesting Sd1001.
and that thc program for this
event and the date will soon uc
made pub1ic.- tcrprise.
- - - - - - - -
The tenth grade is . working the
review problems of book three in
The ninth glade algebra class
is working linear equations of
two unknown q uan ti tics.
Quite a number of pupils en-
tcrcl1 thc primary room last .wcck.
The sixth grade is reviewing
in United States history.
Quarterly examinations were
held in all thc grades below thc
ninth last \vcck.
. The percentage of attendance
'in thc different rooms for thc
month just closed arc : high school
90j ; g-ra111tl1ar. 93j ; intermediate 78
and primary 71. .
Preston was not on the winning
side at thc debate but wc arc
proud of our representative and
also of thc delegation that represented -
scntcd Prcston.
It was with very much regret
on our part that Mary ' 'Vattcync
had to resign her position as pri-
mary teacher on account of ill
health. lissVattcyne was very
popular with her pupils and also
with thc cntire school. '
Laura Pribbcno is teaching
thc primary room until Julia Cro-
nin can come and relieve hcr.
On Friday nigh , 1\Iarch 25th.
thc Preston Litcral'Y. Club will dc-
f . .
bate thc question , "N.csolvcd that
America is growing worse , " The
will .
following affir111.-Kenneth ;
Hcacock , Elmer Pribbcno , Howard -
ard Pribbcno and June l\'lcMillcnj ;
those on the side of the negative
arc Alma Dacschncr , Laura Prcu-
bcno , Ida Priubcno and Sadie
Ve are glad to report that the
interest is growing in our school
and that a marked iutprovinciit is
noticeable in every class
'l'hc following pupils have been
promoted to the Principal's room-
Harry l\'Ieyers , IIm'hcrt Boeiler
\Vinic Pribbcno , Leo Morris ,
"Vilber Secbring- , "Villard Sin-
clair , Willie l\'IcCt1111bcr and Cecil
McCumbcr. These arc bright
little boys and they arc good pup-
ils. .
Our school board have all been
greatly interested in building up
a good school in Preston and
while true economy has been their
good motto , they have been very
in furnishing all things ncccssary
for thc pupil : : ; use and in keeping -
ing the school grounds il1 excellent -
lent condition
'I'bc eleventh annual meeting
of the Southeastern Nebraska
Educational association will beheld
held in Beatrice l\iarch 30 , 31 and
April 1st.
Thc executive committee ! have
cndeavorcd to prepare for this
sleeting a prog'l'i1m whicl1 , in its
entertaining features , its breadth
helpfulness and inspiration , shall
meet thc cxpectation of those who
are anticipating an education ]
rcat. t Every number on the pro-
gram is , in reality , a special fea-
ture. 'l'herc is promise of a large
attcndance' It is hoped that
Richardson county will be well
r prcscntcd.
Exhibitof SchoolYork'l'his
exhibit will consist of specimens
of work in drawint ' , manual tra tJ-
ingo , sewing and basketry from
the Beatrice schools.
Miss 1\1innic Davis , supervisor
of drawiit'in thc Beatrice school
will give free lessons in watercolor
color to members of the associa-
tion. This is a rare opportunity
for thc tcachers.
hotel Pates - 'l'hc Paddock ,
steam heat , European plan , 50
cents and up per day' . Where two
occupy thc Same room thc rate
will be onc-half the price stated
tl'he Beatricc-Stcam heat , 81
to 81.50 per day.
The Randall-SO cents per day
ar.d up.
Railroad Rates-Onc and onc-
third rate on thc certificate plan ,
100 having certificates will bc
granted by all railroads in the
territory of S. g. N. E. A. tl'hosc
attcnditig win pay full fare one
way and take a certificate for
ticket purchased over each road
.u LL1a. . - - . .
proddcd they cannot get a l {
through ticket. The certificate ' . , I
when properly signed and stamp- ' „ :
cd , will entitle thc holder to a rc- . . , 1
turn rate of one-thi fare. . . . ( J j
tl'hc following is only . , a synopsis - ,
sis of thc program : , !
WIW HSDAJWHNl G , nTAatai 30. , - ' . I 1
Ar1drcss-Statc Supt , W.V. . Stetson . . .
. . r
; :
of Mainc. i
TITURSIAV , IAHCH 31,8:45 : A. 1\1.
Addrcss-Statc Supt. Stetson of Maine
Addrcss-wrwcnticth Century Farm
Life , " Deputy State Supt. J. II , Mc-
Addrcss-wl'llC Value of Fads , " State
Inspector of High Schools J. W. I '
Addt'css-"Singlc Teachers of Twcnty
vs. Married Tcachcrs of Forty , "
State Supt. \Y. L , li'owlcr.
A'1' 1:30 : 1' . 111.
Normal .Work in the High School-pro
H. K. Wolfc Pd11 , Lincoln High. -
- .
Pupil Self Govcrnmcnt ; fro What Ex-
tent is thc Plan Advisable ; Dangers
ill Laying Aside the Rod-Supt. H ;
Jennings , 'Viibcr.
Present Tendencies iu Mathematical -
fl'caching-Supt.R.L.Hoff : Humboldt
Co-operation of City and Rural 1'cach- . . . .
crs it ) Institute and Association
\Vork-J. C. Waddell , Pawnee City
Nl' see : 1' . 11. i
Mandolin amI Guitar Duct-David and . r--
Ida DeHa\'cn.
Vocal Solo--Joh11 Applcg-ct. .
Symposium , Topic "Sa\'c thc Boys ; '
How Call \Ve Keep Thcm in School"
General Discussion.
Quartct-F. E. Lcnhart , 1V. ] ! i. Lcn =
hart , W. K. Goblc , J. ' 1' . Hardcn.
Address , Closing . thc Symposium---Dr. ,
Fletcher Wharton , Lincoln.
1IlUDA , A1'lur. 1 , A. , r. i
The Splice Between thc Grades and the . r
. High School ; should there be a splice . . . . . , . . . }
(11' a , complete "Change of Cat's- c7
\V , L. Stephens , Lincoln. .
Sonic Aids from thc Masters ( Picture ,
Study-Gco.E.MlrtinNebraska )
Discussion : Sarah : E. Webster , Lin-
col11 ; Cora Betts , Falls City , Lou g.
Hosmcr , Peru.
Value of the Classic Myth in Elcmcn-
tars' Gradcs-Grace Mincr.l' alls City
'l'en minutes for busincss.
The Mutual Relations of the Superintendent -
tendcnt , Principal and 'l cachcl' --A. t
L. Caviness , Fairbury.
A 1'l'IWNOO- : . j
Some Suggestions for Creating' Intcr- .
cst.-E. 140 Weaver , Blue Sprillgs. :
Busy Work for Primary Pupils in the't
Country Schools-Am Armstrong \
Bcatricc. .
aturc Study ( Agriculture ) , to what
extent should it be introduced ] into
grades ; some suggested IIlctho s.- '
C. A. ltuhncl' . , Bcatricc.
What the school board has a right to
exjxct of the teacher , and what the
teacher has a right to expect of the
school board.-A. H. Kidd . Beatrice.
Thursday evening the intcr- I
high school dcbatc. Question : I
"Hcsoh'cd , That thc United
States is Justified in its Action
Toward thc Panama , Rcpublic. " : "
Affirmative-Beatricc , Paw 11 c e
City , Falls City and IIumbolclt.
NegativeVymoreTilber , Nebraska - ;
braska City and Fairbury. 'tti \
Practice in all courts. Col-
lections a specialty. .
Falls City - - Nebraska
, .