8 TI"IE FA.LLS CITY TRIBUNE March 4 , 1904- \ - ! 1 r Correspondence I Ncws of the County as Told by o , i Our Special - Correspondents i Humboldt I ) , : Rudolph Vertiska , visited in t' i ' , Omaha last week. 1.1 i O. Andrews of 1 + alls City was \ 1 in town Saturday. \1 \ 1VIrs. Edward Early was a pas ) It t seng-er to S1. Joseph 'ruesday , 'J ' he Bohemians gave an enter- tainment at their halt on I""lonelay I nig-hL Ib HV oods of Pawnee City was the guest of 1) vV Neill and d wife Sundar. I I II' C. Schmelzel and family leave this week for Upland t\l I , make : their h0111e. 11 Will S. Jay , representing the I State Journal , was in the city the s 1 latter part of last week. ; I ! Howe Bros last week made a 1 deal for the Upland farm f adjoin- 'I i , ing i thc city on the north. 11 i Henry 11eckncr'was ' over from . ' Auburn a part of the week look- 1 I' ing" after business interests. \ Physicians reiort an unusual amount of sickness in this sec- . tion , most of it of the grippe va- riety. Guy"\Vil1iamson left the latter . part of last week with a company j of friends from Omaha for'ash - I ington. _ Hill Boss and family left this . week for Eustis , in the western part of the slate , where they will make their homc. I I Alf Renter , who has peen laid up with rhemnatis111 at the livery I barn of A. D. Snow for some I time was removed t.o Sycamore j , prt'1g-s. ' I I "Col. " John lines : , who has been spe1Hlin : ; " the winter in Kansas - : sas , returned this week to this I section , where he will work this I summer. . : Rey. Cal\'ert preached an interesting - teresting ! sermon at the Presbyterian - I terian church 01t > r Sunday evening , I the occasion being a union gos- pcl temperance meeting , which was well attendee\ \ .f j I Z. O. Dean. who has been farm- jug in this section for the pat : year. has disposal of his stock . and belong-in preparatory 'to leaving , it is claimed , for thc Philippines as teacher. Will Richards sold his live stock . . and farm i111plemen and left this week for North Platte , where he will enter the employ of the Union Pacific being" assigned to work in the shops. The work of organing : a local building and loan association was ; I taken up Saturday evening at the I : i\Iasonic hall and the following I board of directors chosen : J. F. \Vozab , A. A. 'l'anner , F. H. But- tcrfield , J. F. \Vabh , g. A. tl'uck- er , H. E. Boyd , Ib IIowelt : , \V. Slmlak and H. P. : Marble. ' rhe task of selecting committees , electing officers and adopting by-laws , etc , was postponed un- til the latter part of the week. Something over three hundl'ed shares of stock has been sub- scribed and it is the intention to make the concern purely local in its character , the promoters believing - lie\'ing- it will prove a good thing for the city in the way of stimu- lating" home building- Harm Alberts was defendant in a suit tried Saturday in the court by Justice Smith , wher.in Cooper - er & Linn sued to recover a certain - tain amount lost by the failure of the defendant to deliver some grain according to con tract. The grain linn was successful in its cOI ent.ion. Owing t.o all accident to the mill engine the electric light plant was shut down two or three days this week and the city was in darkness. \-anag-er C. K. Cooper visited St. Joseph for the purpose of getting the necessary repairs for the machinery. Charles E. Beery left 'l'uesday for Seattle , \Vasl1 . where he has been for a couple of years in the employ of a power company in the capacity of civil engineer. He has been spending the past . two months with his parents and friends in this \'icinity. : llrs . II. P. : Marble went up to Lincoln Saturday to see an aunt who is critically ill. She was accompanied - companied as far its 'l'ecumseh by her daughter , Zora , .who vis- ited with her ; grandparents until the following day. Jacob . \ ' " sustained .l\'IcDoug"al a second stroke of paralysis last week which has left him in a very weakened condition but the but the physician hopes he may be able to get around : twain before Ion go. The : J. Feasle went to Super- ior' the middle of the week to re- sume search for his brother who has been missing from his farm since early in November. It is believed he was 1l1urclered for his property. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. - - - - - 1)r. G. H. Neal remains in a critical condition. ll'red Chesley of Atchison is visiting in this city. " \V. II. Hog-refe of Stella was in the city " \Vednesday. Frank Uossett went to Pawnee City Yednesday afternoon. 1ke Lyon , jr. , left Vednesday for a trip to Lincoln and Omaha. One man has a pet cat and his neighbor has a pet dog.tl ' hc two neighbors maintain diplomatic - matic relations accor < 1ingly. _ _ ' , . . ' . . . , _ ' _ , " . /JeOpening < ff Spring . ( In Wool f 8 Cotton Dress Goods J. S. JOHNSTON fA SONS The early buyer can get the first choice ; the early display best indicates the style to be ; the first showing should be appreciated all the more. The names of the weaves are familiar but - the little shuttle tricks are new. The new ; Voiles for Spring are as light as thistle down I . weighted only by nubs scattered irregularly through its open weave. The Mohairs through which some one has scattered little diamond : shaped figures , seem to be the greatest in fa = vor from Boston to Francisco-so reports say. We want you to come and see our new selection of these goods , for seeing is believing , and we have them in all thefoHowing weaves : Button Voiles , Voile Nappe ? Crepe Eoliennes , Boutonne Canvas , Mohair Ta.nise , and Satin Soliels. In our New Wash Fabrics \ve have tried to fill a long felt want by buying them in short lengths so that you may feel assured of . . having an exclusive design when you buy a pattern oJ us. Our new Waist Goods in Jacquard = guard Vestings , Robina Satin Stripes , and Eolienne MercerIzed goods far surpass any = thing we have ever sho'Nn. Ladiesg Tailor Made 'J ( Suits , Skirts tn Silk Jackets . Spring Garments especially designed for the Stylish Economical Woman d : . We have just received our new Tailor = Made Suits , Skirts and Silk Jackets and \ve feel that \ve are doing it only justice when we t. ; . claim to have the newest most are up-to = date stock to be found in the city and in buying our Suits in only one of a kind it not only gives you a far larger assortment to make your se = lection from but at the same time makes you _ a possessor of a style all your own , which relieves : lieves . you of the worry and disappointment -/l : : / : o.f ol-tiering special order sujts , which are seldom - " , dom a success. There is a tempting combination = ation of style and quality about these Suits . ; ' that make a purchase natural consequence ' of an inspection. , " . , -.j , . J. S. Johnston & Sons : . . . , . . . . , . : " to.l& : : . , * J Bert Coleman arrived this week from Forsythe , l\Iont. , for a visit at the home of Major : Keeling. G. C. Kaiser and Henry Daes- chner of- Preston were in town Tuesday on their way home from southern > klahoma. " They took a g-oodlook at . the country down I there and were content to come back to old Richardson. In the section which they visited , land values have risen very rapidly. Jim l\cDowell came down from . Tecumseh and spent Sunday in this city. Gee Moore of Arago was in the city Tuesday looking after business - . ness matters. . . , . " Did you ever notice how great , confidence some people place in their favorite daily paper ? After they have taken it for a certain nmllber of years they believe any- thing it says. " . , , : 11111