The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 04, 1904, Page 3, Image 4

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l\Llrch ' 4 , 1904 TIlE FALLS CiTY ' 1'1Ui3UNE 3
- - -
. . Counterfeiters
IIumboldt , . Ncb. , \'Iarcli 3.-
'I ' I ( Special to 'l'he 'l'ribunc.Con ) -
; I- Ridcrable interest was awahenel
I in this section last week by thc
I report that thc government secret
\ ,
. service men had unearthed at thc
t" .
' homc of a farmer east of town
some plates which had ( been used
i in countcrfciting. Later reports
indicatc that this part of the state
I from Omaha down and on to St.
' ; f Joseph thc business men have
11 . often , come in contact with these
, ' billsand dcvclopmcnts are await-
. cd with intcrcst. No arrests
have been made , it being claimed
thc officers arc waiting in order
to find who were thc accomplices
of thc farmcr. Both ten and
twenty dollar bills were counterfeited -
fcitcd by thc gang although the
. plate found was for a twenty dol-
lar gold certificatc. J : qcrts re-
port it an excedingly clever coun-
tcrfeit and the average business
man could not detect it from thc
. , . original without a careful exam-
. _
I Boys Get in Trouble.
. Three : boys from Stella were
- brought to this city Friday by
. . ' t"
/ thc sheriff of Johnson county and
placed in jail on a charge of
I chicken stealing. They had run
way from home after the alleged
' ' ' . : crime was committed and were
I ' " , . " - , . captured at 'I'ccmnsch. One of
I . ; , ' " Y\1 thc boys had rcccntly been p t-
' I
1 ; > , " 1 / . ( " , role from thc reform ; school at
. } < j' Kearney and on learning of his
k : i > : ' < . misconduct , thc superintendent of
, L . - , thc school came to this city ycs-
! . ( ' tcrday and took him back. The
r . . ' . parents of the other boys fixed
. : ' . ; I : ' matters right and secured their
: .t ; , ; ' \ , : , . .
ji' + > : ' relcasc. Their arrest and 1111-
I : , _ prisollmCIt } may prove a lesson to
, , . .
r. 't ' .
them " . ' as they I - are young in years
rJ . { and not too old in crime to re-
t . ; "d. . . , { f orn1.
J ) . " ' , ,
, , . . " , .
: . Thomas ' Patterson Dead.
7 < ,
t , ( .
: , ; : . , - ' , . ' 'l'homa Pattcrson lied at thc
' : ' \ ' . : ; . : home of his son , J. ' \T. Patterson ,
" "
' "of
a .
: , tt ' . . ' . : . , south of Humbolclt rl'ucsday i
" I
. : ' ' nig'ht 1\11' ' . Patterson lacked but
; . : ' . ; ; a few weeks of being nil1ety-thrcc
. . . . , . J
, : " years of age and was one of thc
< ' " " J
r" : , ; -l : ' , ; pioneer residents of this county.
' . . . . . - For several years he had been
j- { : ' . . totally blind. I\'Ir. Patterson wa
" r f , ' " : : 7- ; ' " . ' , . ' - well known to the older residents
tj 1 ; , " ' . . .of this county and was highly rc-
: ; ; . J : ' specte(1. The remains were taken
? . ) , : . - . " to Kentucky . for intcrment.
' . .
4' ,
rII' ; : r , v .
: ' . A Small Blaze.
( i ' ' , A chimney on thc residcncc of
, { ; ) , . Jrt" . George Rci hers on North Harlan
{ ; > " ! street burned out '
, , , ' , . . . , , outVednesdaY
< ' . . night. . The fire ' ( lepartnhent rc-
, . sl > ended promptly to the alarm
but the lire burned itself out with
out doing any material damagc.
" . The wind was blowing gale at
tlic time and thc . blaze caused
considerable cxcitcment in that
ncig-h borhood.
' ! W tI I. 1
. .wwJ. : : ; . ; ; . = xr.w..O.,1
A "Citizens" caucus has been called simultaneously =
taneously by the two democratic papers , The
News and The Journal. Official call for repub =
lican city convention vIII be issued later.
Watch THE TRIBUNE for Date !
: lJ
, , . . .
= t .t. ' ' ' : : -I'J'll : ' ' ' ' 'i : : ! ' . . ( ; \'T.7fi. ! rf ; ; 'if
New Chief of Police
, v. P. Fcrgu has resigned as
chief of police . and Mayor Hca-
cock has named Frank Norris as
his successor. 'l"he promotion of
i4lr. Norris has causcd vacancy
and a patrolman to succeed him
wi 11 doubtless bc chosen at thc
ncxt meeting of thc council.
1\-11' . Fcrgus went to Humholdt
to remain for some time with his
cousin J. C. Fergus who is very
ill. On his return hc will dc\'otc
his time to farming haling obtained -
tained possession of thc farm he
rcccntly purchased west of the
ci ty . _ '
Old Sett ers.
Some of the lxichardson cowl ty
pioneers who live in J-Iumboldt
and vicinity have started a m movc-
men t to organize i an association
and hold sonic kind of a gather-
ing. during the coming summer.
l\Icmbcrshi in thc proposed organization -
Janization will be limited to those
who have lived in Richardson
county since 1854.
TI\ i'd'Vard Caucus.
A caucus of'thc voters of thc
Third Ward of Falls City to select -
lcct 13 delegates to the county
con\ ' ntion will bc held at thc
National hotel , March 15 , 11)04 ,
at 7:30 : p. 111. 1
Patronize Tribune u1\'ertisers. ,
: : : : :
. _ 4I ; SCENT I I I
Our Line
WatcheJ' . CloCks .
Edison Phonographs
And Records
EaJ'tman Ioda1J
and Supplies
lodal ( 'De-velop-
inli Machines
Musical Instruments
One Third Off
Repairing a .fpecialty
Eyes Tested Free. . . . .
Dan S&.rgent
The Great Orator as Seen by a Modern -
ern Humorist ,
lldmostheues , the famous Greek
politician , waB born ill all aw
wwn } eloquence leas at a I ) Cnhi .
um , and , realizing this , he decided ,
while BUll a stripling , to t become an
orator , says the Milwaukee Senti : ;
" 'jth this idea in mind , l1e pre.
yailed upon his ! faller ( (0 ( send him
to the Atlll'nia business ! : ; college ,
whcI'c he took t a course \ ill era tor\ \ '
and lJeI1mam.liv. ; } \fPI' ( ' a ; year of
hard study , he diHl'O\'l'red that , he
was able to write a lovely hand ,
but that his ol'ntory had not iris
proved ill 1)1'o1JOI't ' t 1011. He I'l '
( ( dived his diploma ) : , but though Ill'
made numerous applications for
HU oratorical position , and gilled
the local papers with want ads ,
he failed to l'Ollll'l't. :
IeltiostlieIies I ! \ , however , poi. } !
sessdd one of those persistent ) lW'
Lures that never balked at any
1 ling , and lie never lost sight of
his ambition to lWl'ome ' a great t
S'akl } ) I' . 'ro ' rid lli1lisdlf'o1' ape ,
culiar i1l11Wdimen ' in his speeeh ,
he began taking trips } to the sea
shore , where , wit'h his mouth full
of Jll'hhll's and howlders , he recited ,
cited "Curfew ShaH Not : Hiug ' . l' ( ) ,
night" and " \\'ha Are the 1Vild
\\'aycs Saying' ; ! " with the lisiie ' ?
and ) a sea sl'l'pen1 for an audience
'olls1an1 ( praeti'l' soon begun iC t }
tell , and inside of three iIIontliy t
emostheu's ) ' ' '
( procured a position }
barker for - circm
as a oneringcircm ;
that ( hud been inuring the one
night stands a1'ollnd Athens , and
so faithfu'l1) ' did Ill' discharge hip : :
duties that in 110 time at all tlH
' of the side show ' '
gate receipts ( wet ( (
doubled. 'l'lw [ slang that Ill' adde
to his vocabulary during this pC'
i'iod was very IIsl\ful to 'him il1
hI 1'1' years , notedly during hit > :
Aeries of speeches } against Philip.
wholll he culled a "Jobster , " "pik
m' , " "foul' flusher , " and "war1. , '
( See the Philippics : of Demos
helws. )
In polities 1)emosthenes'match
less eloquence male him a towel
of strength to Ilie party At 110
liticnl rallies he frequently ad
dressed audiences with such rCI' .
YOI' that t they wept 'OpiOUHY } and : ]
forgot thai the platform was decidedly
cidcdly wobbly. He served twc
terms in thc legislature aud wm
thrice 1 elected justice of the peace
in the Sixth ward of his natin :
ci t r-
lIe met 'Vaterloo when 11 ( ;
marrie au old schoolmate , wh
sncceede(1 ( 1u (1 ( ; ( ( ( 'Otl'SP ) of t11'f t
yciu's ' in talking him t(1 denth. Ile
was buried with great p'ln ( (
which , lay the 1 wn.r , was au exppu ) ( )
live ( u'lild ( ( iu those t ( lays , Bud hjfj
prdsenl address ! : : is n mailer oj
BlJel'llln t iou ,
Thought That Brings Satisfaction
When Mercury Is Low.
l'hl'rl' some Hn t isftl ( ' ( ion t hpBl' '
cold ( days (0 ( think ( of' the t flits Ihllt t t
buzzed Ow . ' ' hours
Ht11l11lH.'I' nwa.y ,
' t he II00(11 iver I lade '
says ( ( ) ( U ) . 11'e (
eunuot forget Uw little ( lOl'IIll'UtOl
that : IWI'sised ) ( iu plautiug' Iris
stick' Litt Id 1 feet on OUl' w.em'.r eye
lids whe1111'e had Dosed ! for a suui
mer da.r : nap , 01' ( 'I'U wh.'d ( in and salon t
on the t 1 ( drum 01' on \ i' PH I'0 buzz hit : :
1U00'uillg' ditty. t Rut while WP do
not : and l'aUBot forge I , v'e cau and
do fOl'g.i\'e-a why ! Bern use
his eyes are now closed in death ,
His gear ( lit t Ie heart haH ceased to
palpita His IHShps lip miotiom .
less on his pallid cheeks < ; , and hi
lit Ik' 1 hocl.r , lIaelly swollen but st' ,
rend and 1)'I'I''t ( ( ( ( 'oltllosed } , is i
] motioueH ] . His little son I f'
g'OlH'-alas , Wl' Iwow not whl'l' (
Let I1S trust that it is bet ( ( 1P1'1viil ( '
him no\\ I'han wp hope it is. " ' . .
can ( hardly hope that ( ( Ill' has "goul (
on IH'forl' . " I I' he ( has , wp ma.r btu
excused for desiring ; to remutin
right 11 < . 'I'p. \nd , by the wa.r , tvhy
is it' that t a fly , so ding ( ; } and cool
IIlonplal' ' ill life , iH so gorgeously
arrayed iu the ( 'old l'IIlbl'al' ( of
dl'tl1h''it'11 ! nlaliascl' ablouleu (
encircled by bands of I'PHpleml'ul (
hm' , hd kneels a frozen l'OI'pSt' , and
no \\'al'1II Chinook ran ( ever thaw
him one
By-bye , by-bye , dear little fly
H 11'1 HO sad that you must die
Alas ! a tC1I1' stands In our e 'c-
\Ve'll miss you ; tram both stew and ( ' ' ' -
By-bye , ta In ; alas ! br-byc.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
: \OR1'H
No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln
Iaxpress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:28 : a m
No 57 Omaha and Lincoln
passcnger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2.8 : . put
No 233 Local Freight , Au-
hurn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A :05 1 : put
No : ' 52 Kansas City ; and St.
Louis and Dcn\'cl' . . . . . , . . A 2 : 8 a rat
No. 58 Kansas City and St.
Louis a1\l Dcnvcr . . . . . , . A :46 1 : a m
No 232 Local Atchis'oa . . . 10:30 : a rat
No , 220 Stock Freight , Hi- _
t\\'atha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 8:30 : p m
A. Dail ) ' . B. Daily eXcept Sunda , ) ' .
J. B. VAR\JW , Agcnt.
. .
- = no.-
You will find a borate attorney I
especially serviceable by his assist-
ancc in promptly sect\1'iug' aOida-
vits. You must prepare the am-
( lavits yourself if you give your
claim to a 'Vashington attorney ,
'l hcrc arc over twenty atlidavits
necesHcsary in each claim. Have
had fifteen , years successful experience -
icnce and will guarantee quick re-
- . . ,
John L. Cleaver
Falls City , Nebraska
- -