The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE February 26190 . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ed May spent Sunday in Nebraska -
braska City.
J. R. Cain jr , of Stclla was in
' "
town Wcdncsday ;
t Joe Culp has just finishcd an-
other big ice housc.
D. W. Nicll of Humboldt was
in town WChusday
Irvin Shirley of Humboldt was
in town Wcdncsday. -
C. P. Rcavis drove to Barada
on business Tuesday
Emma Kcllcr has returned from
a visit in Nebraska City.
, I ' , Miss'Ncll Snyder leaves today
] I for a visit in Red Oak , Iowa
11 Dr. Houston was called to Hum-
f1 boldt profession 'l'ucsday.
:1 William Wilson is reported as
lli ' being among thc seriously ill.
Robt. Hoback of Barada was
R' in town on business cdncsday.
{ . O. L. Bantz of IIumboldt was
a Falls City visitor Wednesday .
f Joe Culp went to Hiawatha
! yesterday . for a visit with rcla-
, tives .
Dr. G. H. Neal is very ill. The
doctor is suffering from typhoid
1 Otto Porr and F. 1\1. Boss of
1fumboldt were in thc city Wcd-
f nest1ay.
Mr. and : Mrs. C. E. Stolt of
Dawson were halls City visitors
q . W cdncsdar. .
1. ' . C. Cunningham of Vcrdon
transacted business in this city
Mrs. George Jennings is very
ill. Her condition is regarded as
somewhat scrious.
A.complctc line of fresh , salt-
. cd and stroked fish luring lcnt.--
Coupe & 1."hornton.
Gco. Smith of Spciscr precinct
was shaking hands with his
friends in Falls City Tucsday. . . .
Miss Martha .Krossa is very ill
at thc home of V. G. Lyfol'C1.
Miss Krossa is suffering from typhoid -
phoid fcvcr.
Fulton Ganttreturned from thc
Pacific ' coast Monday for a visit
at thc home of his father , A , E.
Gantt of this city.
1t has now been definitely dc-
cidcd that thc German hall will
be rebuilt and the work to begin
as soon as the weather will permit -
Street Commissioner Starhe1
and a force of men dragged Stone
street Wednesday and smoothed
down a good many of thc rough
Just before his death John
Burkart sold his meat market to
, D. cPhce who came to this city
from Oxford , Ncb 1\11' 1\lcPhee
has had long experience in this
line of business and will doubtless
meet with success
, '
Peter Kaiser has gone to Nebraska -
braska City to take charge of one
of thc retail establishments of
John Mattcs If 1\1r. Kaiser likes
thc change hc may decide to remove -
move permanently to that city ,
although hc has not dhposcd of
any of his interests hgre , having
placed thc sole control of thc bus-
incss in thc hands of his partner ,
Wm. Harnack George Thomas ,
an cxpcricnccd man at this busi-
ness , has been employed to take
Mr Iaiscr's place during his ab-
scncc. The many friends of 1\11'
Kaiser trust that hc will decide
not to move away permanently
from Falls , City.
When Guy Grccnwald was
called from Lincoln to this city
by thc d leatli of his mother he
was accompanied by Roscoe Dav-
idson , Murray 'l"ownscnd , Edward
Quillcn and Cliff Crooks , all meni-
bcrs of Signa Alpha Epsilon fra-
One of thc finest window dis-
plays in town is that of Hargra\'c
& Harg-ra It took lots of work
and no little skill to arrange this
window but it is worth it all and
all who have seen it express their
adt)1 i ra tion.
1\11'5. Kate Steele was called to
Chicago Wednesday by thc announcement -
nounccmcn of thc very serious
illness of Mrs Josephine Stccle.
Thc la test reports show thc con-
dition of 1\'lrs. Steele to hc very
Petitions were circulated this
week asking thc city council to
call a special election to vote
bonds for the purpose of buying
thc Schock homestead for a city
park. Ben Potcct also wants thc
l\Ionday was Vashing-lon's
birthday and thc occasion was fittingly -
tingly observcd. trIte postoffiicc
and thc banks were closed and exercises -
ercises were held ill the vat ious
grades of thc public schools.
The wild ducks arc g'oing north
and whether or not this is a sign
of spring , it is a sure sign that
the sportsmen arc having a good
time. A number of local hinters -
ers report good shooting.
Among the IIumboldt people
who attcndcd the funeral lVl1's.
Grccnwald in this pity Tuesday
were , Mrs E. A , Tucker , H. E.
Boyd , J. F. Walsh and wife and
Ray Huston ,
Mrs. Will Crook is , very ill.
Her condition for several days
has been so serious as to cause
thc gravest fears on thc part of
her fricnds.
Dr l\1cConnc11 , who has been
very sick is some bcttcr. IIc has
been in thc custody of the sheriff ,
his mind having became affcctcd.
Oliver Emmcrt and wife of Sa-
lcm were in thc city on business
Tucsday. -
" ' "
If you try to get along ,
this winter without j
, . the proper kind of ' . . .r4 r ;
E coal. , Always bear in \ .
T = mind that the best is -
the cheapest in the' , \ . -
end , and that this is
particularly true
when the best costs no more than other kinds. We
sell the best coal that money can buy , but we charge
no more for it than you will have to pay for an ins
ferior article.
E. A. MAUST & . ser Sa
Ephraim Withee of Stella spent
Sunday in this dity.
Nellie Weaver of Vcrdon was
shopping in this city eucsday.
Red uccd prices on lard antI all
kinds .01' cured , meats at Coupe &
, M rs. John Hossack is visiting
her daughter , l\'lrs. ' , V. C. Sloan
in crdon.
Remember that our line of corn
fed meats cannot bc cxccl1cd-
Coupe & Thornton.
Rcv. E. g. Haskins and Dr.
l\'lathcrs have given up their visit
to Waterloo , Iowa on account of
an epidemic of typhoid fever in
that city. The church for which
they were to conduct meetings
having postponed them.
100 Bushels Sweet Corn at
Hcck's Feed Store. Will pay B1.00
per bushcl.
- .
Pounced Down on Meadow Mouse At.
tached to Inflated Bla.dder
Hawks , writes the author of
"Tra vels ill a 'rl'e ( top ; ' have aD
unusual amount of l'uriosit.r. They
are trapped , he says , almost as
often through their curiosity as
through their feal' Sometimes ,
in winter , when there is little to at ,
tract their attention , au uubaited
trap , if of a new shape 01' variety ,
is quit as likely to laud u victim
as if it held a moist appetizing
Once a trick was plared upon a
splendid blat'k hawk that had been
mousing over the fields for half }
the winter. It often perched upon
a straw stack , illstf'nd ; of iu the
lone hickory tree that s100d sea
tinp.1iIw } in the center of Clue plr1. f
Early one morning a plump meadow .
ow mouse , with fin inflaaed hhu )
del' attached 10 it bY , n string . ryas
placed on the top of the RhH'k.
The bladder and 'ol'd ' '
< 'I' ( were ( 'OU'
sealed hy the straw Theliawk 1 was
apparently little suspicious when
lIP first noticed the momH. UP
was not used to seeing a mouse
remain perfectly still in that way ,
especially when he Began 10 rirrle
about with his great black wings ;
dose down to the stu'k. : Present-
lyhe l alighted ( } inn wary way on - one
end l of flw stack : hl t l hpVa 11(1
nearer , eyed the those shul'pl
and pecked at it At lasth ( >
seized it with his talons amid : mside ,
off for the hie1wl'Y Halfway
there , however , hp noticed tllf'
adder attH'lwd : , and gave tl1f'
mOU8P a violent jerk to free it
from the strange apppndaA'p.
This only served to snake 1 ilw hind ,
del' bob np and dowu 11100'P furi-
)11s1" , and with a fU'l'pam of tPl'l'01'i -
Ole ilHwk clropppd the riionse . and l r-
all and fled to the woo < lR. It' was
oml' Iiliu 1 l ) ( > f01' ( , hp was again
. . . .
' .
seen in the neighborhood ; of flIP , -
straw starl\ :
- - - - - - - - -
19 More a Stronghold : for Valuables
Thttn n Loan Bank.
Pawnhl'okiug' i'J ! a great iIlSt'itll'
nOIl in the "tlon'ery lanel. " The -
Chinesepawuhi'oker''s ) , however , iH
quite a different kind of estab \
liHhlllPI fl'olll ours of the city of ,
London , says the Golden Ppnny
The pawnshop of China is more a
stronghold , a plan of quiet and
safe repose for ntlllahlp jPwpll'Y
and the miscellaneous and costly
wardrobes of time ppollp ) It t- also ) .
in many iustarres performs the
equally important hilt somewhat
costly function of lending 10 the
needy , and , HH in the collections of
similar establishments of our OWl ! '
laud , one may see nIP 1lIIH'h-pl'izecl
and trinkets of '
jewels happier
times , which ( 'n nsp theirpoor own ;
cars iuan\ , ' a bitter pang to pan .
with , heartaches that wee ( > per
heightened with the '
hnpR hoi
that one day , they , would be able to '
( 'edeem them , , Tolistentotheman .
selling these 1I1lI'pdpcmtd : pledges
if' one of the 'hoif'f ( ( ntpl'1'ain-
meats I of the Peking streets UP
iR selected by the pawnbroker for
his fluency of speech and ready
wit to which IIp gives full play in
his humorous descriptions of the
quality and history of the furs and
richly embroidered dresses which
are piled lip 011 tIle platform of his
tpnt He at timeR runs off his
speech in rhyme making clever
and sarcastic allusions to the requirements - ! '
fJuil'ements of his audience , presR' ' ' ' ' ' '
tng a satin robe on the attention . "
of some naked beggar. ,
Everything has its drawbacks
Even apples have to be pared
Wnshi1l ten ( Ia ) DcmocJ'at.