The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1904, Page Copy of 12, Image 13

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12 THE. FALLS CITY TRIBUNE February 26 , 1904
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I Roosevelt Club Meeting.
i The meeting of the Roosevelt
club on Monday evening was
quite well attended. The most
important business transacted was
the adoption of the by-l aws that
shall govern thc organization.
1 The by-laws as reported by the
committcc were read by the secretary -
tary and adopted after a few
slight changes had been made.
1 Considerable discussion arose
over thc limitation of mcmbcr-
ship. The by-laws provided that
r any republican living in Falls
City bc eligible to membcrship.
Some suggested that thc words
"and vicinity" bc addcd. ' . ] hose
opposing the change argued that
it was thc desire of thc state com-
mittcc that Roosevelt clubs be
organized in every precinct and
that thc admission of republicans
from outside precincts to thc Falls
City club would have a tendency
to discourage thc organization of
clubs in those precincts. The
majority took this view of the
matter and the amendmcnt was
defcatcd. Many ' were present
I who had not yet signed thc roll
I and they took advantage of this
I chance to do so. The club adjourned -
journcd to meet at thc court
i house at eight o'clock p. m , Ivlon-
day , March 7th.
Fire Narrowly Averted.
The building occupied by Beaus -
s liens news stand had a narrow
escape from destruction by lire
Saturday morning. I-Iarnack's
Military band uses one of the
rooms up stairs for rehcrsals and
I had provided several boxes tilled
with sawdust to bc used as cuspi-
dors. A rchcrsal was held Friday -
day evening and somebody evidently -
dcnt1y dropped a lighted cigar
stump into one of these boxes and
. .
came near causing a serious con-
conflagation. 1\11' ' . Avon who
also occupies a room up
stairs was awakened about three
o'clock Saturday morning by thc
smell of smokc. Hc investigated
, but was unable to locate thc firc.
He then went down stairs and
found Night Officer Camhl1n and
thc two made an inspection of
the building. They forced open
thc door of thc band room and a
volume of smoke issued forth.
Further investigation showed a
big hole burned in the Hoor. The
flames were easily extinguished
but in a few moments would have
developed into a very serious fire
and considering thc location of
s thc building it is hard to tell
where thc conflagation would
have cndcd. '
Central Committee.
The republican . central conunit -
tee met gat thc court house 'Ncd-
nesda afternoon for thc purposc
of fixing the date of the county
convention , and transacting othcr
busincss. Thc meeting was call-
ed to order by Chairman Crook
and thc call was rcad.
It was moved and sccondcd
that thc county convention bc
called to meet in thc court house
in Palls City on Thursday , /lar.
17th. Thc motion carricd. The
representation will bc based upon
thc vote cast for : Martin Zook for
treasurer in fJ03 and each precinct -
cinct will bc entitled to one delc-
gate for each ten votes or major
fraction thereof , cast for said
Martin Zook. The contention
will bc called for the purpose of
selecting delegates to thc county ,
congressional and senatorial conventions -
vcntions and also to nominate a
county tickct. The matter . of thc
time and place of holding prc- i
cinct cacuscs was left to thc discretion -
crction of the committeemen in
thc several prccin cts.
Damaged by Fire.
The semaphore tower in thz. !
west end bf thc Burlington yards
was badly damagcd by fire Satur-
day night. 'l'hc fire was disco\-
cred by Operator 'Yarrington and
thc alarm glvcn. The crew of a
freight train rushed to thc scene
and kept the fire in check until
thc dcpartmcnt arrivcd. When
the firemen gut there the roof
was ablaze but notwithstanding
troubles that arose from broken :
hose , the Manes were extinguished -
cd before great damage was done
to thc cquipment. Thc tipper
part of thc building was practi-
cany destroyed but thc levers and
other machinery connected with
thc semaphore system were not
injured to any great cxtent. The
ncccssary repairs will bc made on
the building at once. It is not
known whether thc fire originated -
ed from a stove in the building or
from . sparks . thrown from . , a pass-
lug locomotn'c.
Mary A. Arnold and Chas. H.
Stcinbrink , both of this city , were
married by County Judge Wilhite
on edncsday. The bride is a
daughter of Jacob Arnold and thc
groom is a son of August Stcin-
brink. Both arc well known and
popular young people and man
friends extend congra tul a tions.
_ _ u .
On Vcdncsday County Judge
\Vilhite pcrformcd thc ceremony
that unitcd in marriage Charles
I-I. House and Daisy Price , both
of Salcm.
Ada. Vaughn
1\1rs. ' Ada Vaughn died at thc
county farm Wednesday evening
after an illness dating from last
Christmas. The cause of her
death was const1tl1ption. She
was forty-two yearsof agc. The
funeral was held yesterday aftcr-
Our new line of Wall Paper will soon be } ;
ready for your inspection.
For the , next two weeks , , or until it is ' . . .r
ready , we are giving
r . '
H :
20 Per discount
Cent 1SCOun .
on all of last years patterns. ; - . , j II I
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MUCH . J' '
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BEAUTY . . 2'/i ' : :
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in many of the simple patterns anion g our t-
low priced Wall Papers. There's variey t
and beauty at all figures at 5 cents to 40
cents per roll. . . I
We give a Written Guarantee for Five o..r "
Years with Pattons Sun Proof Paints , the l'i
best made.
\ . . . . ) ' . . ' . . . . . . . . : . . "
Conditions in Zion.
John G. Speichcr , o\'crscer-n-
charge at Zion City during thc
absence of Dr. Dowic , devotes
considerable space in thc current
issue of Leaves of Hcaling , to denying -
nying' reports to thc effect that
sickness , want and dissatisfaction -
tion arc prevalent in Zion. Press
reports have announced that work
is scarce in Zion City , that wages
have been reduced , that many
families arc moving away and
that there are many cases of
whooping cough and pncumonia.
All these things : Mr. Spcichcr vehemently -
hcmcntly buys and challenges
investigation. It is evident from
his utterances that there had
been gross exaggeration of ad-
verse conditions , and acccpting
his statements as true thc health
and prosperity and contentment
of thc people of Zion must bc
above thc average in othcr parts
of thc country.
A Bold Thief.
. . .
o.n last Saturday a thief enter-
cd thc cloak department of J. S.
Johnston & Sons' store and when
discO\'crcd br Clydc Johnston ,
made a hasty departure taking
with him several garments from
thc stock. 1\'Ir. ' Johnston got a
good view of the thief but 'did
not rccogizc him as anybody he
kncw. No trace whatever has
been found of thc robbcr.
Charles Bryan ; .
Charles , son of Lou. Bryan anl
wife died at thc home of his par- o ,
cnts in this city on Monday. The J
cause of his death was lock-jaw.
Some time ago he suffered a
1' ,
slight cut on thc hand , thc injury . i'
failed to heal , blood poisoning set I
in and thc boy died in terrible : ;
' ' . R
a o'on _ \ ,
Tile little fellow was but fourteen - : :
teen years old. Th parents arc ' J
. , t : '
heart broken , and in , their very 0 \ t : ;
great sorrow they have thc sym- ' '
pathy of fricnds. The body was fJ
. taken to Ivlound City , Mo. , ' 1' tlCS- . , ,
day for burial. , / tr r
A Severe Fall '
J. C. Lange who is employed I'
at the Douglas mill fell from a .
third story window of thc building -
ing on Saturday. Hc sustained
a broken collar bone and also a ,
. .
number of severe brmscs. , '
. .
- - - -
. . !
Marriage Record. !
County Judge Vilhite has is- ,
sued thc following marriage licenses - ' ! IJ ( ; , . ' i
censes :
Otto rringhausel1 , Baracla- - - . .28 , . . . . . .
Emma h.uhlmal1 , - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . . , . . - 1
Arthur Surman , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - '
Goldie Ii' . Prine , Baracla _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .18
Allen , ! Combs , Salem _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ---0
LIllian Pearl Fouch , Verdun----.18 4
Chas. H. Steinbrink , Falls City-----27 ,
Mary A. Arnold , Falls : . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - \ . f
Charles H. House , Salem . . _ _ _ . . ----25 .
Daisy Price - , Salem . . - - - - . . - ! - - - - _ _ . . .
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