The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE January 291 1904
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J " ' ' ' . . _ _ _ ' _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
_ _ _ _ _ _
Rev.4 and Mrs. ColeI
. , I Given Public Reception
tl'he members of the Christian
church tendered Hev. and Irs.
Elmer ward Cole a farewell reception -
ception at the Knights of Pythias
hall on last Friday evening. Although -
though the reception was planned
by the members of his own church
a general invitation was extended -
edlo the public and the crowd
that was present represented all
denominations , the people having
come together of one accord . to
hid farewell to Hev. Cole and his he hall waS crowed \ ,
every available chair being occupied -
cupied when the rendition of the
program was begun.
trIte program opened with a
selection by Harnack's : Military
band. During his stay in this
city , l ev. Cole has been a warm
friend of the band , and while regretting -
gTetting his departure , the boys
were glad to be able to partici-
pate in this farewell tribute.
The address of welcome was
by J. . . E. Leyda ; who stated the
object of the gathering and for-
mally extended welcome to all on
behalf of those who had planned
the reception. l\r. ' .Leyda's ad-
dress was followed by a cornet
solo played by Tad M. : May.
J. \ \Vherrylate superintendent -
ent of the Christian Sunday school
was to have delivered an address \
1Jut illness ] rrcycnted ; his being
presC'nt. A paper prepared by him
was read by J. E. Leyda. The
paper reviewed the history of the
Christian church , referring at
length to the part played by Hev.
and l\:1rs. Cole in the upbuilding
and strengthening of the denomination -
ination in this city. A vocal solo
by Dr. C. H. Hush was well sung
and well recei Ye\ .
lrs. C. H. Hush paid the
guests of honor a beautiful tri-
bute on behalf of the ladies of
the church. Her address , which
was an eloquent effort was de-
Ih'ered in such a graceful man-
Ryan Shelly of Preston was in
the city Sunday
Flour , Feed , Coal
and wood
Loot over this and see what von
want and what you have to sell. have
for sale Flour , Feed , Baled Hay and
Straw , Grain , Ground Feed , Bran and
Shorts , Coal , Wood , Rock Salt , Pure
Cider Vinegar , Walnuts , Rye and
'Vhcat for chickens ] , Ground Oil Cake ,
Poultry and Stock l'ood. Cash paid
for Butter , Iaggs and Poultry , Hidcs
RubbcrCoppcl' , Brass , 'Bite , Old Iron ,
Corn and Oats. Flour exchanged for
Wheat , Meal for Com. Yours for
Business ,
Phone 101 Sib Street
ncr as to elicit much applame. ;
This address w : s responded to by
l'tln Elmer ward Cole. lrs.
Cole , has a reputation as a public -
lic speaker which is not confined
to Falls City and her remarks on
this occasion were in her best
vein. The speaker was frequently -
ly interrupted by laughter and
applause. Prof. \Vm. IIarnack
played a fine flute solo , the appreciation -
preciation of which was well expressed -
pressed in the applause that fol-
lowed the closing notes.
Hev. W. 13. Alexander spoke on
behalf of the ministers of Falls
City , He referred to the cordial
relations that had existed between -
tween Hev. Cole and his co-labor-
ers in the vineyard. He spoke of
the broad mindedness that had
characterized the work of Hev.
Cole in this city and expressed
the great regret occasioned by
his removal to other fields.
He\ Cole himself responded to
this address Ve have all heard
Rev. Cole and been 11lo\'ed by his
eloquence ; we can in a measure
appreciate the subtle power of
his humor and can to some extent
feel the depth of his ! pathos.
On , this occasion both these funds
of eloquence were drawn upon.
lIe referred in humorous , man-
ner to his personal relation with
various itulivicltutls He stated
clearly and logically the under-
lying principles of his theology ,
and showed how he had endeav-
ored to apply them to his daily
work in this city. He thanked
his friends for this expression of
Dr. Rush rendered another beau-
tiful solo and . after . selections by
the band , the meeting resolved
into a social gathering' Coffee
and cake were served and the
evening was one that will not
soon be forgotten by those who
had the pleasure of being there.
- -
1\1. Bauer , chief of the Nebras-
ba City fire department has been
elected president of thc Nebraska
liremens association.
Three Sydney business houses
were destroyed by fire Friday
morning' 'fhc loss 820,000 and
the insurance less than $10,000.
R. E. Vilsolf of Blue Springs
was seriously injured by falling
on an icy street. The fall pro-
duced a slight . , concussion of the
J d ward R. GolT an employe of
the Union Pacific shops at Grand
Island vac seriously injured by
bccotning wedged between a moving -
ing car and a shop door.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To The _ Public ' 11
: O
I have opened up a stock of Groceries , 1
Flour and Feed in the Sol c. Stump
building , one block west of the First ' .
National Bank , where I will keep on
hand at all times a complete and up-to =
date stock of everything in my line , at . . .
prices that are as low as is consistent
with first class goods. Call and get our
prices. .
E . J . Shields . .
PHONE 22 :
. - -t : . ' 1 . _ - - . . - - " ' .b ; , " " , . . . --I7't- 1riPI. , . . . . . . . f t
- - -
- - - - - - - -
Harry Simon was up from Rub
Sunday. " I
The natural ice crop is assured ,
that is if cold weather is neccs-
san' to produce one.
J. M. : Shaw and Ben Jones
came over from Hiawatha.on bus-
itless the last of the weak.
\Vc have added a Preston correspondent -
respondent to onr list this week
Still there's more to follow.
Hear the Tyroleans at the Jenne
opera house on the evening of
February 8th. Under the aus-
pices or Sorosis.
\Vanted-Two boarders at pri-
vate place. Good location one
block from l'vlain street inquire at
: Tribune office. ltf
C. P. Hummel of lImllboJdt
was attending to some business
matters in this city the latter
part of the week.
The new computing scales just
installed in Coupe & horntons
meat market are marvels of mechanical -
chanical ingenuity.--- ,
Can you imagine anything
more mournful than the sound of
the wind blowing through the
branches of trees that are coated
with ice . - ?
daughter has been born to
1\1r. and J\1rs. Robert Norton of
Colorado Springs. 1\1rs. Norton.
was formerly Miss ' : Margaret \ Cus =
tcr of this city.
Falls City has been very lucky
in ' the matter of accidents directly -
ly traceable to the sleet storm.
Our people seem able to maintain
their equilibrium under any old
Joe Geiger , who recently underwent -
derwent a surgical operation was
able to be up town Saturday. He
is now engaged : in moving his re-
pair shop , fiddle factory and conservatory -
servatory of music into the room
adjoining The Tribune officc.
r i'
People felt very grateful when . . i i
they awoke on Tuesday morning
and discovered that the wind was > . . J
blowing from the south and that f
at least some relief from the long ,
cold spell was at hand. Although ;
the smoke from the chimneys . ,
plainly indicated a southern wind , "
the big weather vane on the court
house refused to beconnced and
continued to point due northcas
It had been frozen in that position - . 1 '
tion and it took . . '
some time for the ' , , -
bearings to thaw out and allow it
to properly indicate . the direction
of the wind.
The plumbers got in their work , ,
IV1onday. i About the usual nuns- f I
her of people forg-ot. turn off , '
the water.trhe plumbers are _
roasted a good deal for charging
fancy prices but when we see one
hustling around and monkeying : .
with frozen waterpipes where the
thermometer is ten below zero ,
we don't blame thcm very much.
Dr. S. A. Van Osdel of Barada . . -
. . . . .
, "
was in the city on professional ' --y" . '
business Tuesd ay.
McN II's l I
- .
Fancy and Staple
Fruit in Season.
Satisfaction Guar-
I anteed. ' '
Free City Delivery
Phone .40.
- - -
.s ,
Storage for Household J
and Other Goods. :