The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 22, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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January 22 , 904 THE FALLS CITY TR I BUNE 5
: , Neighborhood News
. :
; : : < ' Shubert .
\ . - , : IY1rs..i. M. Evans was a Falls
' ? - ' - ' 1 , . , . ' 1 ' ; City visitor I ridin' . .
; . J. P. King visited relatives in
. the country Sunday. .
. ' : , " , , .Mrs. Frank Saal is entertaining
' . a sister from Nemaha.
' : . . ; . , . Ql1ite a number took in the
, ; . show at Stella Saturday nig-ht.
Chas. \\.Tilson and wife visited
. . . . . . ; . . ' relatives in the country Sunday.
' : . I" R. Reasoner and wife spent
. Sunday with Henry Leslie at this
. . . , place
- . " . " Joe Harper and wife entertain-
: cd a 'few of their friends Monday
I , " . e\'ening.
; C. H. Henderson made a busi-
_ . , ' , " , : : . Hess l trip in the country luring
the week.
' . . . , Vera Berg-sma was the guest of
Ross Kenton and wife , Thursday
of last week.
14 .
. , Peter Felt of Champion , Neb. ,
, : is visiting his brother , Charles
" . , ' < . : - : . - Felt at this place.
. '
. '
. . . ' . . ' , : - - J. M. : Evans , George Lewis
, . : : ' and E. C. Riggs were Stella visit-
, ,
' . " F
ors Tuesday evenmg.
't > ; ; ' : , "
' : ' , - ' : Mrs. Willard Shubert was the
Z - - , . - _ . : . guest } of her parents at Barada
. , . .
. - . . . - . ' . , .
! \c.- ; ; ; . : ; : , . ' ; . . ; ' ; , ' . ' . : during the past week
. .
\ . .
. . I . : i Guy Harper was the guest of
ti , . ' . his uncle and aunt , Lee Bolejack
'a. and wife of this place.
. . . ' Mrs . Joe Henderson who has
' - , '
E been quite sick for the past few
' - . weeks is impro.\ ' ng slowly.
" _ - . The little daughter of George
. : . Quig-gle and wife has been quite
t ' : : ' , . , sick for the past few days
' 1 \ Will Eagle and wife of Howe
p1i f - : T . " have been visiting with friends
> at this place the past few days.
: . , . , "
11Irs. Bertha Shubert and little
" - . . laughter spent Sunday with her
e . parents , Steve Poland and wifc.
" -
. , " _ The W. O. W. lodge are plan-
" ning' a pleasant time for its mem-
' their families in
" bel's and the
: ; ' near future.
; ' There will be a series of meet-
_ ings held at the Christian church
( luring the week by a gentleman ]
from Ottawa , Kan.
: ? 1IaeVed < l1e received a lovely
gold watch the 8th , it being her
: r 18th birthday The present was
given by her parents.
'Ve have often heard it said
' , that a green Christmas denoted a
S _ full graveyard and it seems as
- ? ' though : it is most always a true
1 saY1J1g'
3 Judge Brallnin received notice
- . last Monday that his pension had
t . been increased to 830 per month ,
. ' which is only a just recognition
} of his valiant services to our
j country in her hour of peril. Although -
f though coming late it will help
d to make his declining days com-
corn- ] I
. - - . - - . - - - - - - - - > - - - - . - - - - - . . - -
L. L. Jones , Guy Hutchins , E.
I. Riggs , Lee Bolcjack , Charles
Lord and W. W. James . made a
business trip to Falls City , 'l'ues-
day of thc past week.
J. L. . Dalby companied his
wife as far as Falls City , . Sunday
on her way to Albany , Mo. ,
where she will spend some time
with her daughter . , 1\1rs. J. 'l'ip-
What our little town needs is a
new opera house and one that is
larger than the present one , and
then we can expect some good
shows in our town as well as any
other place.
The young friends of : Mattie
Burch were very much surprised
by thc announcement of her mar-
riage. That is one on the young
folks at Shubert. Keep your eyes
open in the future.
Guy Harper of Seattle , Wash-
ing-ton came home Saturday for
a visit with his parents. Guy
left for the west about nine
months ago. He first went to
Eugene , Oregon where he stayed
until in August 1903 , f..toingthcn
to Seattle to visit his friend and
old school-mate , Ward Wheeler ,
where he accepted a clerkship in
one of the large department stores
of that city , remaining in the
highest esteem of his employ
to the present time.
- - - - -
E. J. Peck and wife visited at
J. W. Iaust's . Sunday . afternoon.
Ketter Bros. shelled corn for
John Peppenhagen Monday and
delivered to Eph Peck. -
W m. Huttner shelled corn Monday -
day afternoon.
Bessie Keller is visiting in
Falls City the guest of H. L.
Will , this week.
Anson and Lloyd Kl1isel.r and
their sister visited in this neighborhood -
borhood Sunday.
Oscar Burk shelled corn 'rues-
day and delhrered it to Strauss-
H. C. Peck gave a dinner Sun-
day to some of his young friends
in honor of his .birthday
M'rs. J.V. . lviaust is on the
sick list. We hope to hear of her
speedy recovery.
J. w. Dobbs visited at Oscar
Burk's Sunday afterncon.
Fred Roesch delivered his hogs
to Straussvi11e last week.
Rev. James A. Stouder went to
Weeping Water to hold a series
of meetings.
The farmers of this vicinity are
busy shelling and hauling . off
their corn.
Sunday School has been organ-
bed : at the Silver Creek church.
Born , to A'1r. and lvirs. Ed Al-
len on January 14 , 1904 , a boy.
Revival meetings are in pro-
gress at the Maple Grove church.
Cottage prayer meeting was
held at the home of Ii' 1'11. Shaf-
fer Thursday night.
. - - - - - .
. .
r -
I' '
vVe have ome good bargains in falls City property , in ;
fact nearly every piece of properly that is i offered for sale is i
all our list. , But this week will only give a description of
a few homes to show you how cheap they are.
No. - a brand new , lo-room 2-story house with rood :
furnace , hot and cold water , built out of good material , boxed I
with ship lap , papered , then sided with good lap siding , elegantly - ,
gantly finished inside , nicely and conveniently arranged.
Located on four lots in Evergreen 1- I ig-hts. ( This was just fin-
Ished last week. And as the owner want to locate elst'-
where will sell this at a sacrifice as this beautiful home cost
3,000 and for the above reason we will sell van . this for $ 2600 1
and give you time on 1,600 if you want it. ' 'vVe failed to
mentioned that there is also two nicely finishccl porches to
this , all nicely painted. You will miss a bargain if you want
a home and fail to get this. 0
No. - 8-1'00111 front
64-ls an elegant 2-story - dwelling ,
and back porches , good large barn , buggy house , wood and
coal house , nice hade and fruit trees , beautiful lawn l , good
large cellar , well and water in the house ; on four nice lots. 1l
Close in and in a g-ood part of town. We had this property
listed before the owner left the city at $2 , See and he want
the money to put in to his business , and now offers this ele-
gant home for only $ 2 , 000 and if you haven't all of the cash
we will make you a loan. Call and see 1\s \ as this is a bargain.
No. 65-ls a good 8-room dwelling , good barn , buggy
shed , wood and coal house , nice front and back porches , all
in good repairs. On 2 nice lots , close in , and well located
this we had listed at $1 1,500 before the owner moved away
and he has bought in the town where he resides and needs
the money to apply on his present home and now offers this
nice home for $ 1 , 100 : This is certainly } a barg-ain.
No. 66-1s a new two-story , 7-room dwelling , highly
finished inside and out , neat and nicely arranged , city water ,
sink connected with cesspool. Located on a nice tract of
land 70x140 feet deep ( but can add one or six lots more if
desired ) . This is nicely located in the northeast part of the
city , only 5 blocks from the post office , well built out of
first class material and built by Samuel Bucher , good reason
for selling. Now if you want a nice home we will sell you
this for $2,850.00 on terms to suit.
No. 50-Is a good well improved farm of 135 acre .
good two story 7 room house , large barn and other outbuilcls s
hugs , good orchard , plenty of g-ood water , close ) to school i
and church. Price $70 per acre and if you haven't all the .
money owner will leave $5,000.00 in this farm at 5 per cent
for 5 years This farm lies 0 mile south of Harada. Some i
of this land is a little rolling but not rough , Also 54 acre
in Section 16 , Town 3 , Range 17 ; fine 'rich soil , will grow as
much corn per acre as $100.00 land , but we will sell you-this
for $40 per acre.
FORSALE-A good $2 , 500.00 real l estate mortgage to
run for five years at 6 per cent annual interest. '
Printed at
The Tribune Office
. . '
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