The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 22, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    " l , L ,
10 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE January 22 1co.I _
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affieiai 1 News
. . ICIa. . ews
j' ' . . , . - - -
" The county hoard has made its
estimate of the amount of money
that win be needed for thc cur- .
rent crpcnscs of' the county dur-
I , tug the next year. The estimate
is i as follows :
1 ( ; : cn.fundinelnliugcare of poor $35,000
I County bridges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
i County Roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Labor Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Soldiers Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
'rotal. . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . $7 , OOO ( )
: , 'l'hc bids for publishing thc
i procccdings of [ _ the board were
opcncd. After much amcnding
n and reconsidering thc contract
was awarded to thc Humboldt
Standard and the Pans City News
at onc-third of thc legal rate ,
with thc provision that they se-
cure _ the publication of the proceedings -
ceedings in thc Falls City Journal
without additional cost.
I Bids of the various banks for
handling the county money were
considered and the First National
hank of Falls City , the First
National bank of Humboldt and
Vcrdon State bank were dl' igtHLt-
, cd as depositories , upon approval
of bonds.
1 J. A. Cook was rcappointe(1
Superintendent of the poor farm
I aqd ; G. II Ruegge was reappoint-
s , . . , , janitor of the court house.
The board reconsider cl its act-
ion in the matter of the appointment ( -
ment of deputy assessors and dc-
dded to appoint seventeen in-
tead of twelve deputies. Ac-
eordingly thc following names
were added to the list ; Jason
'fimmerman , A. I-I. Ernst , Aug.
Stein brink , August Porr , anti ' h.
C. W Gl1s. i
- - - - -
County Judge 'V ' 1hite has ' is-
sued the following marriage licenses -
censes : :
1 \ David Gri01ths , 1'erlou. . _ _ _ _ . . . : o
' I Edna , 'Villdlc , 'ulls } City _ _ _ _ _ --2d
3 \ Archie H'oagland , mnk1i1l prec-.23
i I Caroline Oberly , Humholdl prcc. . _ 22
. \ Rudolph ) Vocg'clc , Arago------ _ 22
' / Bertha Saal , l li'at'g'o. - . - . . _ _ _ _ - " . . - _ 11)
, 1 Kelly 7ames , Barucston---------
( I Gertrude Zook , Baruesloll. . - .18
Qn Welincsday County Judge
1Vilhite performed at his ofiice ,
the ceremony which united in
marriage Bertha Saul } of Fargo
; slut Rudolph V og'ele.of Arag-o.
Both arc well known Richardson
county young : people and have
many friends to congratulate
The tax rush at the treasurers
office still continues and thc force
is kept hard at work. At thc r -
quest of Treasurer Zook the state
examiner checked up thc office
this week and. ; found everything
in first class slmpc
rhe action of the bud in approving -
roving G. H. Rucggc's jani-
torialpolicy to-the extent of giving -
ing- him a reappointtnt , naturally I -
ural1r caused that gcntlcman's
' - 47 ! .rSr4tNWi.Ma 'Yrvaw Hf.-r.5. 4-.l.n-cwsst. . _ ' -.FS' : _ fat ,
. - - - - - - _ . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -
face to assume a smile that posi-
tively refuses to come off ,
ElmerStoug-hton has been duly
instal1ed as deputy in the office
of District Clerk Lorec.
_ .
Cwinteate Between Singing Birds Now
a Sport In Englau(1 .
III England ] , though singing bird
contests , especially in the north ,
are no new thing , the cult of the
roller canary is but recent , says .
the London Teegraph. ] In 1901
the British Roller Canary club
was founded to promote the
breeding and exhibition of these
birds , and since then this parti -
nlnr " ' " hus flourished
"funcJ' great-
ly. At first the best "rollers"
were made in Germany , and from
that country great numbers still
come hut before it is '
, long probable -
able that British-bred birds will
hold their own with the finest
from over seas. At the shaw.of
the British Roller club , held re"
Gently at the King's Arms , in Bish-
opsgate street 'Yithout , a wonderful
derful collection of DO songstel'li :
waR bl nched. Now , judging "ro1J"
: 'rs" is no joke. Nobody catch
what a "roller" look ] ' like. HI"
opts be yellow 01' brown 01' green
UI' piebald as u patchwork quill'
He mUJ' be little or big , fat 01' thin ,
flud nobody' , cures u button. He
may be able to hold ] on one not (
for the time it takes a suburbflll
h'ain t.o get 10 yards ; , and even
that is nothing to his crcdit. One
unmusical ] note spoils him. Qua
i1'y not quantity is the motto of
the "I'oller" critic ; a gentle , undu-
luting motion' up and down the
scale is what Ill' yearns for. The
judge's life , like a polieeman's
not a happy OIW. Mr A Retticll
ppnt nearly four hours in ' -
out the winner of a class of 3a.
'rllP 3-one would call them
prime tonne , but t hey are , of
( 'o11'si ( ? , of the Wl'onlspxin ont'
- -
room tuning up together , like an
orchestra of flutes , would seem to
make all placing impossible A8
well one might ask a musician to
pick out the best
violin from :1 :
score ! puying ] ; different tunes at'
[ mel' . But the anal ; } opera is not
( di8l'otlCerting to the expprt. Two
had notes come to his car ; the of- .
fender is removed , and so it goP
011 till the class iR whittled down
to ( two 01' three. Then ] conies the ] '
I rig of war It is much like asking , :
onlC nnhappJ' critic to decide 1w-
fween two famous tenors , save for
the happy diStimetion that with
' : llIlarieH there will be no subsp-
1ul'nt bloodshed. 'l'he choice ] vast
It t ; t length made , und the Winner
fOllIid'in a bird belonging to' Mr.
1. N. Dunn , who also ] took the SPt'-
nnd ( > prize. A class of lUueh import -
lanec t was that for the native IH'od-
IIct , in which lEr. Yo Ullmann took
the first prize and the ] silver cup
iyen to the best British bird
Heroic Style.
No true novelist allows his hereto
to patronize un l'levator if , -tht !
building is equipped ] with a fire ell-
cape.-Chicago Daily News.
. . ,
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- - . - - - - - - - . - - - . - - -
Of our Coal will do as utuih ' . . . \
( 'i toward heating your home is , .
two scuttles of any other coal.
That is because our coal is all
4 a i coal-it is not slate--it is not _
Il\ \ C > \I . ' 4 dirt-it is pure , clean coal of the ' 'l , !
\Q\ \ . .ti . ll . . / . verv best qualitv.
. \ . _ _ . . . _ . .q Prices here are no more . than . J
! m _ other places , but coal quality is
_ * . * l i ? '
. - < - - . . . . . 1ft . . . . , s - " " ' ; - hio'her 'A ,
1IJ 'Not Disappearing , But Is Rapidly
Silting Up.
One dispatch from Russia says
that the Spa of Azof is disappearing -
ing , and another that is drying up
This is startling news of a body
of water which is i the outlet for
millions , of bushels of Russian ex-
port wheat. Fortunately the re-
port iM not quite accurate.
The Sea of Azof is not drying up.
It is silting up , says the New York
Sun. , Its chief water receipts are
derived from that very dirty river ,
the DOll , which spreads millions
of tons of sediment a year over the
shallow floor of the sea. This : :
process has been going on for
man ' age and the alluvium from
the DOll has been l narrowing the
basin and raising the bed of the
The ruins of the town of Ta'nn ,
founded bv the Greeks at the very
mouth of the Don , are now six
miles inulH1. ] The results of the
fi1ling--in Iu'oc'P ) ( urp Uppl'pl'iahle
f'om ceutUlfY to ( 'l'ntut'but , , still
it is slow work Aristotle himself
I'Plllarwd ] , Mtl ) regard to the ex- :
tinetion of HI < ' sea that ( t : "A1l the
inhahituns will perhaps have difl-
appeared before Ow change is
omplpt l'd , "
A more Scimtific ( prediction is
rendered possible " hy modern stud-
ips. It is found that the mean
jppth of the whole sea iA a2 feet ;
hat the nmomlt of Sediment ! annually -
uuullJ' PlUptit'd into the sea is i _
bout 2aOOOOOOO ( 'U hi ( ' feet , and
unit at this rate of progress thE-
R'pa of Azof will bp filled up in
about fOOH ( ) , years , a pt'riocl mm-
'ieut1. I'cllwlc , to mit igate any
present \ nnxipt ' ,
The alarming ] report just circulated -
.In ted is due to a pht'lIonwfloll ) than 1
hits occurred ill - the ( long , mll ' row
until of the sea known as the Gulf
of 'l aganro . The wat-prR at TuJ.r-
anrog , the chief wheat t port , receded -
ceded so that for se\'PI'ul I days the
bottom of the gulf was visible for \
two 01' 1hree : milps. " \'esseIs are
] ' and ' " and the - '
lying high try greatest -
pst confusion prevails in the t hu-
bor. Rig-h winds " hurl clouds of
sand she Pwu'd. ; "
This is very uUl'omfOJ'tuhe ] for
all concerned , but is hy no IlH'an
nnl)1'e'cdpntpd iu the Gulf of ' ! 'a go.
anrog- The mpan ) dl'pth ) of the
gulf is only 10 to 12 feet , and it has
diminished by nearly ] two feet
cit ! , rn till filst..chur.ts ; tV1l I moils. !
, - - - 1 " . . . - - . . .
- t
ill the tithe of Peter the ireal' .
Under the influence of strong and '
persistent winds the level of the
water is sometimes raised OJ' low- ]
eyed as much as 1n 01' even In OJ' '
1.7 fept. 1VIten the level is lowered ] -
el''d the bottom of parts of the , .
gulf iH sometimes exposed to view
for several daJ's. This is not a fre-
quent ( plll'uomeuon , hut it oeClll'S .
now and tll < 'll. In spite of it TaA'-
anrog will 'ontin1ll' to 1w one of
HIP chief southern ports of the
emire ] for n long time to ollle. .
. .
- - - - - - - -
. - .
Senatorial Readers.r ' .
Senator 1:1 : oar is the only member -
bel' of pithpr br'anl'h of congress
who draws on the l'ong'l'pssiona i " . . ,
library i'xt PJlRivply for thc Greene :
and Latin puelS. HI' still ll'ln' in
the riches of the "Iliad" . . .
and the ( - - - _ _
- - - -
"OdY Sl'Y" and enjoys reading /
alll'w ; a(1 ' ehtuneS t which ( t'
\Ph'rj ( 80 ably told. 'I'lw glass- ] ; ( ,
ChUSottH Senator is an eager reader -
er of many other hooks in the big
'l bl'al'but , , Since IC1)rt'SCILta : ) live f
Elliott , . of iHlth ( 'HI'oHua ; , retired
From pu bl i ( ' lil'r : . II ( ' is about tIll'
only J't'aclp ) of hooks in foreign
iang'lIagps sapuattH' glkins , of .
1'1'est 1'it l'g-illia , who o ( ' ( ' LSiO1nII ' ; '
scuds fora volume in Hpanish. ; I
. . .
- - - - - - -
Will Never Return . . , " : " I
: : " .
" "lll'n- Claus ) ) Ckt'Is ( I.ft f the l ,
SUll wil'h ) island : : OIlW ! : tl'U'enl'
ago Iw said lie Should not return :
until ( lUPl'n Lilioukala.lIi ; had ' tvon '
_ . :
her thl'onphal'ljol't'ailing ' thai , _ ' " r.y " , . " I
until grass aloud lip growing , in
the streets \ of HOIIOlulu AH , _ "
there is i uo proSpPet ' of C'itJwl' of 1
these events happening , it isII'ob- ]
able that t t lit' Splendid $ 111'p'kpl- : ;
mausioll in Honolulu will remain
va'aut until the OWUPI' dim. lIall'
u dozen SPrvultS ; ( htve ; been in ,
c'hHl'gp of t11P Illac'p . ' rOJ' . tell yCa1' $ , .
. Civilization and liearmz , .
It i8 a curious fact that the '
. .
' the l''j ' 1
higher }
civilization of ; a l "Ut'l " !
the slower the action of 11 t b : ti
.senses. Actua I XIH'iI1lPIl Ira r. 7
shown that , whereas the ear or tte , :
white mal responds to II Hound ill - . :
147-thousandths of a second ! 1it t , J (
of a Negro responds ill 134 I Ij t Foil-
Stu(11hs : ( and that of U Wed ludiau J in
Htl I t
- hO11H1lldthM .
. _ _
Selfish j
Man. . \
Only a selfish man will aHo\\ his , ,
life insurance to lapse just before , ! I
passing in his checkli.-Chicao ,
grainy NCWM.
, -