The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 08, 1904, Image 5

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January 8 , 1901. ' TI-II' : FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , .
He never made a million Hlld hc never
' } ; : :4 : oWllcd a share
i , III a railway 01' an oil well 01' a mine ;
I-Ic never held auollicc amI he didtl't
s'ecm to care
. _ " As a star-inI3onor's galaxy to shille.
\ j But he plitcidcd ( 011 his journey itl a
' 0 _ -humblc sort of way
/ And hc grccted everybody with a
. a / / smile-
/ All the village tOlew amid loved him ,
' amI his neighbors used to say ,
'l'hat they , never knew a heart so
free from guilc.
Hc had never lead an army Otl thc
fields of battlc's strife
Atilt returned to wear thc hero's
laurel crown ;
Hc had very little knowledge of thc
strenuous side of life .
Amid his name was barely known beyond -
yond the town ,
But thc love of friend atld neighbor
that so freely was bestowed
'He regarded as the richest earthly
prize ;
AIII he earned it hy the lifting of a
, fallen brothers load
AIII iH helping that same brother to
TIc was just a common fcllow , with a
' ? - ,0 commoll fellows brain
I , And a great big heart that beat for
1 human kind ; .
\Vho could feel atlothcl's sorrow-who
could share .tllothcrs pain
- . And who knew thc utmost strength ,
I of tics that bill ( ! . '
Chi thc nations roll of honor , Otl the
. - blazoned scroll of famine ;
1 ,
Hc must ever bc UIl111ClltiOtlcd mid
' , the grcat .
' ( hI ) thc finished page of history they
r : -1 ¶ have written not his lIamc
And he never was a pillar of a statc.
.iF But thc ones who knew amid loved .hint
bore him out one
' a ' .10 , the pretty .little churchyard 011
k , the hill ,
And they left him there to slumber
till the 11Iists shall roll away
' And Jehovah bids the wheels of 'l'i11lC
3 be gtill
. .Atld his epitaph is simple and a nobler
one I know
, 'l'hcl1 is carved 011 mall ) ' a stately
granite shaft. .
hot ; it says of him who sleepeth 'tlcath
the humblc 11I0utld so low ,
, "Here lies a IIHtII who never had a
; I '
graft "
, - . . .
You don't know anythitg' ] about
the strenuous life until you have
helped t.o start a . new papcr.
- - - - - - - - -
More than one song has cs-
. j
' caped oblivion merely because thc
music was suited to dancing- .
- - - - -
'Vc arc very glad that wc have
' no rich kin'c would hate
awfully to be referred to by any-
: body as "a poor rclation. "
When a man has spent ten dol-
lars it is seldom that hc can tell
what it went for. A womal1
{ could account for every ccn t.
, . . .
. . . I ' . , .1. r our vermiform appendix is
\ affected , " stated thc doct < 5r. "Oh
p t cut . that out" , , cxclaimed the p t-
ticnt and thc doctor is stilt won-
L . , Bering what he mcant.
. _
- - -
III the game of life with its chances
Amid the stakes that we.stdvc to get ,
( Hcre's to the man with a winning hand
\Vho hasn't the nerve to bet
. ? \ Iodcrn.mcnta . ] healing thc
stuff. It will relieve thc mind of
all forms of error except thc belief -
licf that mental healing is the
st uiT. . ' 1'ry it and scc.
An effort will be 1t1iLClc to increase i -
crease thc pay ; of rural mail ca 1'-
riel's. Sure thing , since there is
no evidence that postal ] frauds
have extended to that branch of
thc service.
Whcn a certain boy has gone
skating and failed to break
through thc ice and get drown ,
his mother has been known to
refrain from scolding ] him for
fifteen minutcs.
'Vith thc greatest consteruutio.n
I review thc situation
Where Japan and Russia parry , each
with diplomatic skill ;
In my drcams I hear the rattle o.
Of the utusketry in battle
And I see the war axe whetted and thc
saber bared to Idll.
I can hear thc bomb shells hissing ;
Read the list ! of dead and titissing-
F1'ightful Russian names compounded
out of x's and of 1.'s :
With sonic names scarce less \ ilS-
toutHling ,
And yet not so all confounding
In the lists that tell the losses of the
valiant Japal1ese.
l'rom ; my dreamt in terror waking
And uny soul and body quaking
I seek solace from my vision of the
fighting men who fall. .
In the fact tomorrow's daily
Ia'y give utterance blithe and gayly
1'0 the ever welcome tidings , there will
be no war at all. . '
Lost Relatives in Fire.
J. W. Jamcson of Stella has received -
ceh"cd the sad news that hc had
two nieces ldl1cd in the Iroquois
disaste The young ladies were
resilents of Hutchison , Kansas ,
and were attending school in
Ghicago at the time of the dis-
aster. ' They were among the list
of unidentified dcad and the news
of their demise came through a
press dispatch from Hutchison tea
a Kansas City paper.
Will Pay Small Divide d.
Hcccivcr , V. A. Campbell of
thc defunct Chamberlain bank-
ing : house of 'l'cc1.t1t1seh , announces -
nounccs that he is prepared to
makc a 7 per cent dividend to the
depositors of thc' failed institu-
tion. ' Hc is now drawing his
Myrtle flay , infant laughter
of J. H. Martin and wife died at
her home on last Sunday. The
little one was hut six months ol(1.
'rhe bereaved parents have the
sympathy of many friends in the
hour of bcrea\'ement.
'Vanted.-1'wo boarders at pri-
vatc place. Good location ] one
block from Main street inquire at
1'ribunc officc. 1 tf
Rev. 1V A. lorrison of Vcr-
don visited Rev. Cole , ' 1'h ursday.
- . . . .
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The Business College
On last 14londly ; work was rc-
sumed at the 1 "alls City Business
Cocg'e. ] ] after a holid = y vacation
of two wecn ; . Both teachers and
st.udcnts retttl'ned to their work
fired with new zeal and thc out-
look for a succcssful . . term is very
n ] a tteri ng' .
It was nearly eleven years ago
that Prof. Barrctt came to this
city and ; founded the institution.
In that time hc hag demonstrated
thc fact that hc can give any
young man or young woman a
first class business training and
at a rate of tuition form $20 to
530 cheaper than is charged at
at any other good business col-
lcgc. The growth of the school
affords abundant evidence of this
fact. At present thc attendance
is larger than ever before , and
the accommodations afforded by
thc building arc taxed to thc
A school must be known to bc
a good one before people will
send their sons and slaughters
there to secure the education
that is to meat : so much to them
in after years. That the Fal1s
City business college ] ] has such a
reputation cannot bc doubted because -
cause from a humble beginning
its growth has been steady and
well ] ] marked from year to , ycar.
In our opinion the succcss of the
business college ] ] is due largely to
the fact that all thc pupils arc
treated alike and one receives as
much benefit as anothcr. Prof.
Barrett accomplished this end by
a system 01 Private instruction ,
enabling thc backward students
to il\'oid the cmbarras mcnt which
naturally ] ] arises from an inability
to keep up with classcs. A know-
ledge of thc feeling that exists
between principal and student
shows another reason for thc pop-
ularity of the school. \Vhilc
Prof. Barrett demands at all times
thc best work the pupil is capable
of doing , he is at all times one of
them , has their best interest at
heart , works with but one aim
and that is to scnd out young
men and young wom' n prepared
to enter thc avenue of the world's
activity and to fight the battle
and win it.
'l"his year thc enthnsias111 is
even more marked than ever , and
where such enthusiasm prevails -
vails in a school , good work
must result. The Falls City Bus-
incss College has long Passed the
experimental stag'c. It has de-
velopcd into a sound cducatonal
institution , with graduates successfully -
cessfully holding responsible pos-
itions all over thc count.ry. Its
sphere of usefulness ] is gradually
widcning' It is a credit not only
to Prof Barrctt , whose untiring
efforts has dcveloped it , but to the
city and the community generally ] ]
as wcll.
. . . . . . , .
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' -
Mrs Heckler De . =
' \
o Mrs. Mary ' J. lIccklcr - ,
her home in Waukomis , O. h. : .
and ; her remains were brought to
this city , the funeral services be-
ing' held from thc Christian ' ,
church on 'Vcdnesda\ The news .
of .Mrs. Hec1dcrs death brought
sorrow to time hearts of many
friends who Inlcw her during r ' '
, ! 'f ' .
. : t , . . .
' rcs1Clcncc . . " , 'Ai. .
long ( on the home farm ' " " _
northwest of the city. They remembered -
mcmbered her as a Christian u
lady of high character and one
who was greatly belovcd.
'The dcccascd was a native of '
Canada , and was born in August
1843. Whi1 she was yet a child t .
her parents moved to Illinois ,
where she lived until she reached
womanhood. In 18)4 she was
married to lVIr. HcnlY Hecldcr
and ; soon afterward they came to
this county locating on a farm a
few miles northwest or 1 alls
City. Here she lived until a few I
. years ago when the family mo\-
cd to Oklahoma.
Beside her husband , 1\11'8.
I-Iccklcr leaves ] : five children , Ida ,
Clarence and Charles of Oklahoma -
ma ; and Airs. Ed1il Groom and
1\1rs. Ella Burdick who reside in f
Colorado. She also , leaves ] two
brothers , Jbhn Hershey of El Reno -
no , Kan. , and Christ Hershey of
this city and one sister : Mrs Joe - -
Culp'of this city.
'he funeral ] was held ] from the
Christian church of which the dc- .
ceased had been a member for
man ) ' years and the services were
' ' ' attendcd.
very h. . . .
- - - - - - -
State Bank Election.
At a meeting held on 'l'ucsday
evening the following officers or
the Falls City State bank were
chosen for thc ensuing year , M'
Ja. Dorring-ton , president ; T. J.
Gist , vice president ; , V. A.Grcen-
wahl , cashier ; S. P. Gist , Ray .
Gist , W. A. Grccnwald , ' 1' . J.
Gist and \V. B. Dorring'ton , dir-
ectors n
Telephone Officers.
The halls City Telephone Co. . .
held its annual election on'etl -
ncsdar evening and rime following
board of directors was chosen : J.
1-1. Miles , J. 1-1. \forehcad , W. S.
KUl'nc1' , J. J. Morris , A. J.
Weaver , A. E. Gantt and W. E.
'rhe Rube Telephone Co. , held
its annual meeting on ' cdncs-
day evening and elected thc following -
lowing l ofiiccrs : President Geo. N.
Ocamh ; vice president , Gcor ge
Carpenter ; secretary , A. J. Hinkle -
lc ; treasurer , N. J. Cunningham ;
directors , , V. J. Carpenter , 1V E.
Dorring'ton , Geo. Ocamb , J. 'V :
l\Iooncy , A. Hinklc and J. H.
hiss Sallie Schoenheit Vent to
Lincoln this week where she will
enter a conservatory of music.