The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 08, 1904, Image 1

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    ' , . . . . "JJiII.II " . .
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' ' : . VOLUME 1 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIlA , JANUARY 8 , 19 - NUlVIIj.1 { ' i "
. - . - - -
. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . h _ _ . . ' . . . . . _ _ _ h . . . _ . _ . _ _ . . . . " _
' -
Plain Statement of . Republicans , Organize ' . ' : ;
w . ' . ' What We Intend to Do . Big _ Roosevelt Club .
' " '
. ' ' ' 1 " , : - ' . In presenting thc I + alls City
i' 'j " ' - . ; 'I'ribuite to the public , we wish
. . , . to state plainly and positively our
Jr" reasons for taping . up this enter-
, r : * : J.t , pnse and thc policy that wl11 gov-
+ 1 . . " . : , „ ern its future
'I !
lI , 'if. . The Tribune is presented in thc
' : , k s 'Il . . ' n10dern popular magazine Porn ,
" . ) ' . . ,
' - t\ which 1 is a great llnprovcmcnt
. ,
' * " . 1 , over the 1 larger 1 or 'blanket 1
' " 1'l
, 1 sheet" form , both to the reader
k ' 1 and to the advertiser. The read-
er has the convenience of thc
4 small page and the clearer print ,
" ' while the advertiser by virtue of
't' , . ' the smaller page is sure of a
, ' . . , .
h ' " . ; . . ,0 . . .yr011llncnt position for his ad.
The subscription price of The
Tribune will be ONE DOLLAR
.7 : PER YEAR Advertising rates
will be made known 011 applica
, , , tion.
The Tribune has been started
because the proprietors believe
6 : ; ' ' that from a business standpoint ,
: c' ' . ' y there. is a field for just j such a
.r paper in "Richardson county , and
wc wish to state right here , most
t , ' % ' emphatically , that no individual
' - faction or company or any men
men . aside from those ' whose
f.l names are subscribed to this announcement -
nouncement had anything what-
seever , to do with thc establish-
{ , ing' of this paper.Ve believe
: ' . that the field is good in this city
r for an enterprising local news-
paper , that will give all the news
at all times , written in a readable
4 and satisfactory style. \Ve take
this step because we believe that
, , we can give the public what it
c , , w wants , and benefit ourselves
Politically , The Tribune will
; f : . ; - 'be staunchly the same at all
f4 , , times. Its editors shall seek to
; . ' = snake it a worthy exponent of
: ' : . those principles that have proven
h to be the best for the welfare of
. the American people. This pol-
icy will be stamped so plainly
I . . . 'that its readers will know exactly
what the character of their paper
is ; deeply that no
political factional wind can alter
it. These principles are Hcpub-
\ lican-nothing more , nothing
c4 less.
In taking up thc work of a republican -
in Richardson
, publican newspaper -
son county wc are not unaware
of the load of responsibility that
accompanies the undertaking ,
: Mr. J. \V. Dodds of Ohio pre-
cinct has the honor of being the
1 first cash subscriber to Time 'I'ri-
' . . . , . . . . . _ , I
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
and we are wide awake to the
fact that there is much work to
be done , and we ask all republicans -
cans to co-operatc with us.Vc
promise anewspaper with a polit-
ical policy based upon True Blue
Republicanism trust this is
plain enough to satisfy any who
may have been led to question
The 'I'ribunc's politics.
Mechanically we shall endeavor -
or to make The Tribune one of
the neatest papers in Nebraska.
The type is easily read and will
be clearly printed. Every pound
of our material is new and we are
prepared to serve you with the
best in the way of job printing.
All classes of work is solicited
and will be neatly and promptly
executed. . .
An untiring effort will be made
to gather and print all the news
that will be of interest to anyone
in Richardson county. All news
of churches , lodges , clubs and
organizations of every nature will
be g-athered and printed. To
this end we invite our friends to
contribute news items and the
same will be thankfully received.
Our telephone number is 226 , so
call us up and tell us all the news
you know. Market reports and
official news will receive closest
attention. Personal and local
items will be briefly , but
thoroughly covered. All matter
that will tend to the upbui1ding
and betterment of Falls City and
our- county will be energetically
and practically supported.
Believing that this is enough
to satisfy the most inquisitive as
to the policy that will be pur-
sued by The Tribune , we submit
our publication to the people to
be judged. But before rendering
this udgemen j please remember
that in getting out the first issue
of a newspaper , there is an im-
mense amount of work involved
and that this paper is hardly a
fair sample of what The Tribune
will be when in the office
order has been brought out of
chaos and things are running
smoothly. If our policy and our
pledges meet with your approval ,
kindly give us your business in
our line and co-operate with us
Tery'respectfully ,
Orra H. Ross , Ross & Ray ,
Walter C. Ray Publishers
hiss Ella Miller : returned to
Omaha 1\Ionday after having
spent the holidays at 11 : .1" hume ! in
this city. , ' -
t _ . _ . . . . .
l'hc republicans of f l alls City
assembled in mass meeting at the
court house on last 11'riday evening -
ing , and brought into existence
the first Roosevelt ' Republican
Club that has l ) e'en organized in
Nebraska. Although a blizzard
was raging , the district court
room was barely large enough to
hold the large numbcr of enthus-
iastic republicans who responded
to the call. 'l'he meeting was
called to order by G. J. Crook ,
chairman of the county central
committee , and by the usual mode
of procedure in such meetings , a
temporary organization was per-
fected W. E. Dorrington was
chosen chairman and ' 1 ' ltos. Whit-
aker secretary of the meeting.
After the temporary organization
had been made permanent , the
meeting proceeded to business under -
del' the call. This business was
the organization of a Roosevelt
republican club , the same to be
the instrumentality through
which the republicans of this city
will work during the approaching-
presidential campaign. A mo-
tion pr viiiled to the effect that
the club proceed to organize by'
the election of a president , vice-
president , secretary and treas-
urer. Nominations for president
having been called for , 1\1r. J. E.
Leyda presented the name of
P. S. Heacock and 1\11' G. J.
Crook named VV' . g. Dorring.ton.
After some little argument as to'
the manner in which the vote
James Ayres of Dawson was iil
town : onc1ay.
1\1. F. < Look of Verdon spent
Sunday in this city.
Anna Ryan of Kansas City is
in town visiting friends.
Jerry Plato was a Lincoln vis-
itor the first 1 of the week.
E . 1\-1. \Vheatley of Verdon was I
a Falls City visitor : Monday.
Charles Damon was is Lincoln
on business the first of the week.
. G. L. Cooper of IIumboldt was
in the city on business the first of
thc week
Dr. J. \V. Bourne of Verdon
was in the city on professional
1'1. II. ' 1'a'lor of Shubert was
looking after business matters in
this city 1\londay.
I. E. Smith , the Humboldt attorney -
torncy , was in thc city on legal
business 'I'uesday.
was to be taken , a standing vote s '
was decided upon and thc adhcr-
cuts of the various candidatcs
arose to their feet as they were
called upon to do' so. The result , 1
showed lVIr. Dorrington to be the
choice by a tote of f 42 to 76 " ' °
and hc was therefore declared to '
be the president of the Roosevelt ,
epub1ican Club On motion of
W. S. Leyda , the election of Mr. :
Dorrington was made unanimous
by acclamation V. G. Lyford
w = l.s made vice ' president , Thos
Whitaker , secretary and G. VV'
IIolland , treasurer , the choice in
each case being made by acclama-
tion. On motion a committee
composed J. E Leyda , Dr. , J. . ° fi
C. Yutzy , and Allan D. May , was
named to draft by-laws for 'the :
club , with instructions to rcliod ; : '
at thc next meeting. The club c
then adjourned to meet on call of t
its prcsiden
This early action on the part _ " " : \
of the republicans of 1ialls r , l'fy" 'Y" J f ,
indicates the pr.scncc' of the 1n- " " ) . , ' s
tense Roosevelt sentiment and
the presence of a united and cn- ' ;
thusiastic republicnnistU that will fJ
-make itself more and more apparent ' -
ent for the good of the party as ,
the campaign progresses. The .
action of thc party in this expressing - .
pressing itself i is very importan
and ' ' p
very significant. 1'hrough' "
this organization thc republicans
of halls City will bc able to work
both systematically and harmoniously -
niously and to accomplish the
greatest possible degree of good. a
- Jt
' Over Niagara ] alls" wa the } U
attraction . at the Gchling Monday - < <
. .
day 1 evening and 1 It was witnessed t. 1 t II
by a large audience. The somewhat - i
what thrilling play was portrayed - I
ed by a capable cast , but the chief . . : l
attraction was the scenery which . , I
was very realistic , especially the . 1
mechanical representation of Ni- J
agra Falls.'j ,
The holiday vacation is i over ' a
and the city schools are once
more in session. The much need-
ed rest and the visit of Sar . t . :
Claus has given both teachers
and pupils new zeal and much '
good work will be done bct veen
now and the closing . of school. . I :
The Crystal Lake Ice Co. , has I I
, i
had a large force of men at work I
this week harvesting thc first of
the seasons crop. The ice is of
very good quality.
J. \Vileman of Barada , man-
ager of thc Foresf .Hill Fruit - '
Farm was in the city 'Vedncsday.
, I