The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 13, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Titantic Disaster
Pastime Theatre
McCook Nebraska
Tuesday and Wednesdaj
May 14th and 15th
Matinee on Wednesday
Afternoon at 3 oclock
Admission 5c and 10c
Painful Foot Injury
Merlyn -Cox perambulates with the
assistance of two crutches tempor
arily While at the high school pic
nic Saturday at Red Willow creek
he was standing on the ibank of the
creek and feeling the overhanging
earth giving away under him he
jumped His right foot came in
contact with a tree limb and it is
feared some of the small bones of
the foot were fractured
Death of Mrs Kummer
Mrs Elizabeth Rummer who haa
been ill fcr seme time at the home
of her daughter Mrs L P Davis- on
3rd street east parsed away about
one oclock Saturday afternccn Ser
vices will be held at St Patricks
church at 730 tomorrow morning af
ter which the body will be taken
up to Hayes county for burial in the
cemetery cf Sacred Heart parish
After the Dandelions
The campaign in McCook against
the dandelion pest as progressing en
couragingly Let every patriotic cit
izen join the ranks- Exterminate
the dandelions
For Rent
Six rccm flat over White House
Grocery 1500 per month
Pretty near the freezing
last night and today
Better get that residence property
in apple pie order before the inspect
ors drive by
Do ycju want gifts for the gradu
ates If so come see our new line
of presents
Signet rings waist sets hat pins
brooches cuff links scarf pins En
graved with monogram or initial
We sell Sunshine in cans Its
the best varnish stain on the mar
ket made in all natural wood col
ors Just the thing to make old fur
niture or wood work look new
Eggs for Hatching
Fduest stock in this part of
state Barred Plymouth Rock
Bradlev and Ringlet strains 4c
each -250 per 100 Phone ash
1351 Rural No 3 and 4
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
Get our ratss on farm loans
Call at D Magners store and
get a can of Armours Prepared
Wedding Breakfast Wte Rock
and pure maple syrup at Mag
ners Phone 14
H P Waite Co will furnish
yon a garbage can at a reason
able price 22 tf
Classified Advertisements
FOR- RENT Cottage
blast 109 - -
TVXNTED Pupils on the- pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie He
Bride Phone black 464
Thursday night or Friday morning
near Perry station a man was run
over by the cars and his body cut
to pieces and scattered along the
track between the rails and on the
right of way Section men gathered
the remains and brought theni to
McCook Friday morning they being
at once taken to Pades undertaking
rooms on West B street From let
ters on his person It was ascertain
ed that his heme was Chicago and
the authorities and railrcad officials
got in communication with his rela
tives in that city
A brother and brother-in-law ar
rived from Chicago Saturday night
and on Sunday morning identified the
remains which were shipped to Chi
cago on train No 10 night
for burial
It will doubtless never be known
just bow the young man came to hi
death but presumably he attempted
to board a moving train or fell
from a moving train on which he wa
burning his way A number of trains
possibly passed over his body be
fore the remains were discovered-
and they were physically unrecogniz
Will Be Held Tuesday Evneing by
Commercial Club
Tomorrow evening will occur the
regular annual election cf officers for
the McCook Commercial club This
is an important meeting and ahoulJ
bring out a large attendance of the
members who are unterestcd sn the
matter ce the clubs board of direct
ors who select the officers Take
time from your business and other af
fairs Tuesday evening to be at
tliis session
If not already a member citizen
jcJn the club
High School Picnic
About a ihundred members of the
high school participated in a picnic
on Red Willow creek Saturday Some
used a hay rack as a transportation
facility others the steam cars of
the Burlington All had a great time
in the usual way A picnic dinner
games athletic stunts and etceteras
galore Supt Davis and some mem
bers of the teacher corps accompan
ied the jolly bunch
Real Estate Filings
Frank Purvis to Guy Butler wd
to lets and 6 block 30 325 00
Buy drugs at Woodwcrths
Heavy rains both east and west
of us closing days of last week
Wall paper and paint
Work has been begun on the oew
er extension for the water work
Both hot azd cold drinks are still
being cered at our soda foirata n
There will be a meeting of the Mc
Cook High School alumni in the high
school building tomorrow evening
Handsome and inexpensive
books for graduating presents
The Rev J S MeGanin of McCook
will hold Oathclic services at the
home of Br and Mrs J C Anderrcn
on Tuesday May 21st Hayes Cen
ter Republican
You will be better satisfied any
how of you see The Drew Furniture
atid Carpet Co first And you will
save money bs aidss A large and
well selected stock of general house
furnishings to select from West B
We sell wall papar lots of it ev
ery day Before you buy let us show
you some -of the latest styles in wall
decorations such as cut out borders
panels crowns lincrusta etc
Sheep dip hos and cattle dip lace
killers stock food liniments salves
etc for the farm are always car
ried to stock by us andj ready for
your requirements
Monday Evening Edition
A Young Chicago Bohemian Meets a
Terrible Death
Russian Symphony Orchestra
McCook and Southwestern Nebras
ka enjoyed greatest musical oppor
tunity in our history last night in
the temple theatre when famous
Russian Symphony Orchestra gave its
superb classical program This or
chestra numbers over fifty members
and has been organized for about
ten years to give emphasis to the
compositions of that great Russian
Tschaikowsky whom they feature
Under direction of Modest Altschuler
they have reached a high position
among the orchestras of New York
Mile Lopoukowas dancing was
quite charming Madamoiselle is as
dainty as a butterfly and as graceful
as a fairy Her dancing was poetry
in motion and captivated without the
suggestion of offense She was on
program for three brief appearances
and no enthusiasm of encore could
secure a return
Miss Vera Curtis sang an aria
from Verdis Aida to orchestral
accompaniment to the delight of the
Her honors were quite equally
scared with Miss Eva Myiott eontral
tq in Saint Saens Samson and De
While Henri La Bonte tenor in
Puccinis Girl from the Golden West
was warmly applauded
The only other solo number of the
program was Gregor Skolniks violin
offering the meditation fromTnais
by Massenet A delightful solo
Such delicate and effective shad
ings from the heaviest fortissimo to
the filmiest musical tracery were
the marvel and enrapturing of the
audience while the barbaric splen
dor of the Russian was resplendent
in- other more national movements
The program concluded with a med
ley of our national hymns and airs
which brought the large audience
to feet
Overture Mignon Thomas
Two Caucasian Sketches Ippolitow Ivanow
I In the Aul mountain village
II March Sardar
Aria Aida Verdi
Vera Curtis
Samson and Delilah Saint Saens
Eva Myiott
Two Movements from Symphony No 1 Tschaikowsky
I Scherzo Pizzicato Ostinato
II Finale
Anitas Dance Grieg
Mile Lopoukowa
The Girl from the Golden West Aria Puccini
Henri LaBonte
Mile Lopoukowa
Meditation Thais Massenet
Violin Solo Gregor Skolnik
Russian Dance Deliebes
MlleV Lopoukowa
j Overture 1S12 Tschaikowsky
Commemorating Napoleons retreat from Moscow
l Commencement Week 3
The Baccalaureate Sermon
The class of 1912 lieard thciir bac
claureate sermon from lips cf Rev
D L McBride of the Baptist church
Sunday evening delivered in the
Methodist church before an overflow
ing audience Rev McBride chose
his sermon subject from the 90t
Psalm So teach us to number our
days that we may apply cur hearts
unto wisdom In practical thought
ful ways he urged upon the members
of the class the seeking and exor
cise of wisdom and concluded with
the highest thought that no prudent
person approached any great under
taking in life without a preparatj
cnvolving God in the account The
speaker suggested the addition of
purpose to prudence and to purpose
preparedness and climaxed all w
The church quartette offering -an
appropriate anthem
It was an inspiring occasion in a
religlcua atmosphere apropos to
commencement week and its func
We Will Assist You Mrs A C Ebert and Karl came in
without any extra charge to select j from LaJunta Colorado Friday even
your wall paper and give you the ad
vantage of our numerous - for
decorative ideas Wo have many new
ideas for decorating your walls and will
be glad of the opportunity to assist you
McConnell Druggist
C A Leach who has been spending
several weeks in the western country
arrived home end of week and is hust
ling as of yore for the gas company His
trip covered parts of the coast country
from Canada to Mexico
L W Stayner left on No 10 Wed
nesday evening on a real estate deal in
the eastern part of the state He will
also visit the parents at Edgar before
returning home
Miss Dolezal was ill end of week and
other members of the teacher corps sub
stituted in her w rk
CWTJilVl jlj
ing and will be here for a while on bus
iness matters They are guests of Mr
and Mrs Leon Hieman
W II Ferguson spent several days in
the city and vicinity close of last week
looking after his extensive land irriga
tion and agricultural interests in this
section of the county
C J Ryan departed Friday morning
for Grafton his former home on a visit
of a few days He will go on to Omaha
and w ill be one of McCook lodges dele
gates in the big K of C meeting there
Tuesday of this week
E M Coldren editor of the Herald
Perry Brodly Dan Roach city marshal
and Earl O Toole composed an auto
load from Oberlin Kansas Saturday
to witness the ball game between their
liih and the MoPok highs
Virrt -
For a Graduating Present
Select something that will
be lasting ornamental and
useful you will find all these good qualities combineil in our
For the girl graduate you
can select nothing that will
be more appreciated than
A Locket and Pendant
or Festoon Necklace
Braclet Ring Brooch
Belt Pin Watch
venir Spoon etc
For the boy
A Watch and Chain
For Signet Ring and
Scarf Pin Cuff Links
Tie Clasp etc w
Let us help you m your selection we will appreci
ate your call - I
Little John Euans arrived at his
third birthday occasion Friday last
and on the afternoon of that day
a company of little neighborhood
friends were invited in to celebrate
with him A lunch was served the
little ones and an illuminated birth
day cake added to their pleasure
Clare Elbert Virginia Stansberry Ed
na Phillippi and Robert Finn were
the- young guests
Mrs W F Jones was hostess at
two well appointed and enjoyable
bridge whist parties last week On
the evenings of Wednesday and Fri
day Seven oclock dinners were
served at both functions Miss Mar
tha Abel assisted
Mrs Barney Hofer entertained the
Friday Bridge Whist club last week
serving a two course luncheon during
the afternoon in addition to the play
ing of that popular game
Mrs C D Ritchie went down to
Lincoln end of week to be the guest
of iher parents Mr and Mrs R M
LeGore for a week
Mrs J E Kelley entertained the
ladies of the Episcopal guild and
friends last Thursday afternoon at
her apartments
Notice to Railroad Men
It is requested by the Location Com
mittee of the Fourth Annual Railroad
Picnic association that each and ev
ery railroad man and wife thereofex
press his or her opinion as to Mc
Cook and July 4th as suggested by
the committee being the place and
date that the event be held for 1912
To do so ballot boxes will be
placed in the stores of C L DeGroff
and H C Clapp Depot Roundhouse
Office and Office of C E Emerson
These boxes will be open for the de
positing of ballots Friday May 10th
at 8 a m and close Friday May 17
at C p m
Let every one concerned make it
an object to cast a vote showing
place and date as to your wishes
signing name in full
Remember this applies only to
railroad employes and families
Inspection Day
At 3 p m sharp Tuesday May
21st the ladies will make an inspec
tion of the city Mr Livingston will
have charge of the automobile ar
rangements and Mrs Earnett will ar
range with the ladies for the trip
The ladies are reqested to take pen
cil and paper with them and criticize
where necessary giving street and
house number Better have every
thing in good condition before they
Mothers Day Services
Mothers Day services were held on
Sunday morning in sevaral of the
city churches different organizatCor3
attending the services in the rcc
tiv3 churches Appropriate sermons
and music for the day and floral dec
orations White and pink carnations
were numerously worn in honor or
memory of Gods greatest Massing
mankind mother
For Sale
Three beds complete sectional
book case dining table and Singer
sewing machine
Phone black 345
For Sale
Household furniture Fahrenbruc
bailcVcg adjcnlng PaLnyj theatre
All the latest styles in pearl neck
lacos festoons and pendant for sum
mer These are the newcat orna
Bracelets stone set engraved and
plain ail widths and sizes 3 to 10
McConnell for drugs
Buy your wall paper now of McCon
The early buyer gets first choice Vis
it McConnells wall paper room today
The new style postage stamps are
coming into the market
The Bon Tons third annual spring
opening Saturday was well patron
ized and withal a success
Miss Anna Dulaney was a passen
ger on 13 Saturday for Denver on a
Mrs J O Hammond went down to
Lincoln Sunday morning
Mrs W H Dungan of Denver
came down to the city Friday even
Mrs Harlow W Keyes and sonr
of Indianola were McCook shoppers
Miss Nina Tomlinson went down to
Lincoln Saturday night on 10 on a
brief visit
Miss Elsie Campbell went up te
Wray Colorado Saturday on 13 on
a brief visit
O P Shallonberger the Imperial
banker and stockman was in the
city Saturday
Miiss Elizabeth Daugherty complet
ed a nine month term of school at
Perry last Friday
Mrs Welch mother of Mrs John
Hunt left for Wray Colorado Sat
urday morning on a visit
Mrs Carl Bates and son Albert
went to Superior Saturday morning
to be absent about a month
Frank was toastmaster at
the banquet following the K of C in
itiation in Hastings Sunday
The company and city police
drove out quite a gang of bums Sat
urday from the local Burlington yard
F L Wolff arrived at home Sat
urday morning from attending dis
trict court at Elwood Gosper County
J W Murphy was down from Ben
kelman on Sunday and enjoyed the
great orchestrass concert in the eve
Tom OCcnnell and Arthur Colfer
attended the K cf C initiation in
Hastings Sunday goimg down on 10
Saturday night
Mro iK W Davidson of Lamar
Chase county last week joined her
husband here where he is new em
Clyde Oviatt of Omaha moved his
family here end cf week and Ls liv
ing on third street east He is em
ployed by Wm Bcdeman
Miss Margaret Thompson cf univer
sity class cf 1912 has been elected
teacher cf English v in the public
schools of Lyons Nebraska for next
Frank Real attended the K of C
initiation iin Hastings Sunday going
down from there to Omaha to attend
the state meeting being cne of
the delegates from McCcck lodge
Miss Estella Faus arrived Satur
day morning from Bes Moinets la
and is a guest cf thsr sister Mrs W
N Rosebush and 5s greeting many
McCcck admirers for a few days
Mrr B A Cram and little daugh
ter cf Orleans are guests of Mrs
Crams parents Rev and Mrs Lewis
Rev Cram was here end cf week bul
returned to occupy his pulpit Sun
Miss CIafro McKenna returned to
Lincoln Sunday night Her piano
teacher Mr Silber will be en progran
at the Russian Symphony Orchestra
conoert in Lincoln Tuesday evening
in a complimentary capacity
Secretary Fuller of the governors
office spent Friday in the city re
turning to Wauneta Saturday night
where he and his wife have beec
visiting relatives and friends the
past week
Mrs R F Hutchescn came in from
Aohland on Nc 1 today end will be
guest of McCook relatives until this
evening she will go to Indian
ola cm a vieit to her parents Mr and
Mrs W H Smith
Mrs W J MeKittfp Jr cf St
Ann went down tc McCook Tuesday
to see her mother Mrs- Elizabeth
Kummer iwho is quite Guck at the
home cf her daughter Mrs L P Dav
is of MoCcok Hayes Center Re
Company M held its regular danc
Saturday evening in the armor
We Have It
When it is wall papr there isnt
much we do not have and if there 13
anything you want in this line we can
make it to your interest to see us be
fore buying
McConnell Druggist
Automobilists can protect their skin
from the burnc sun and winds if they
will apply McConnelFs Fragrant Lotion
before and after the ride Price 25 cents
House paint paint for all purposes
suah as bairns wagons bridges bug
gies floors walls etc etc Our
prices are right Come get our fig